        // US compiler will convert *for()* statements to *while* statements (we don't want that)
        // This version simply calls necessary methods to ensure semantic information (aka Entities in boo/us)
        // for expression inside the for() body will be calculated correctly, but does not convert
        // for -> while
        public override void OnForStatement(ForStatement node)
            var method = node.GetAncestor <Method>();
            var localsBeforeVisiting = (LocalCollection)method.Locals.Clone();

            ProcessIterator(node.Iterator, node.Declarations);

            // Mark any *local* injected by the above code as *synthetic* in order to
            // avoid problems with some for() statemets being duplicated in the converted code
            foreach (var current in method.Locals)
                if (!localsBeforeVisiting.Any(candidate => candidate.Matches(current)))
                    current.IsSynthetic = true;