public FoodLogViewModel(SQLiteAsyncConnection sqlite) { this.sqlite = sqlite; SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; FindIt = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(FindItImpl); FindIt.Subscribe(async foodId => { if (foodId == 0) { return; } var newFoodLog = new FoodLog { // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException Date = SelectedDate.Value, Food = foodId }; await sqlite.InsertAsync(newFoodLog); // todo instead of resetting the text to empty, it would be nice to give the // user some other type of feedback, like maybe a subtle created indicator that fades or something. Food = string.Empty; }); var canLogIt = this.WhenAny( x => x.Food, food => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(food.Value)); LogIt = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(canLogIt, _ => LogItImpl()); }
public void Can_Deserialize_Food() { string content = File.ReadAllText(SampleData.PathFor("Food.txt")); var deserializer = new RestSharp.Deserializers.XmlDeserializer(); Food result = deserializer.Deserialize <Food>(new RestResponse() { Content = content }); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsNotNull(result.Foods); Assert.IsNotNull(result.Goals); Assert.IsNotNull(result.Summary); Assert.IsTrue(result.Foods.Count == 1); FoodLog food = result.Foods[0]; Assert.IsTrue(food.IsFavorite); Assert.AreEqual(food.LogDate, new DateTime(2011, 06, 29)); Assert.AreEqual(food.LogId, 1924); Assert.IsNotNull(food.LoggedFood); LoggedFood logged = food.LoggedFood; Assert.AreEqual(logged.AccessLevel, "PUBLIC"); Assert.AreEqual(logged.Amount, 132.57f); Assert.IsNull(logged.Brand); Assert.AreEqual(logged.Calories, 752); Assert.AreEqual(logged.FoodId, 18828); Assert.AreEqual(logged.MealTypeId, 4); Assert.AreEqual(logged.Locale, "en_US"); Assert.AreEqual(logged.Name, "Chocolate, Milk"); Assert.IsNotNull(food.NutritionalValues); NutritionalValues values = food.NutritionalValues; Assert.AreEqual(values.Calories, 752); Assert.AreEqual(values.Carbs, 66.5); Assert.AreEqual(values.Fat, 49); Assert.AreEqual(values.Fiber, .5); Assert.AreEqual(values.Protein, 12.5); Assert.AreEqual(values.Sodium, 186); FoodSummary summary = result.Summary; Assert.AreEqual(summary.Calories, 752); Assert.AreEqual(summary.Carbs, 66.5); Assert.AreEqual(summary.Fat, 49); Assert.AreEqual(summary.Fiber, .5); Assert.AreEqual(summary.Protein, 12.5); Assert.AreEqual(summary.Sodium, 186); Assert.AreEqual(summary.Water, 0); FoodGoals goals = result.Goals; Assert.AreEqual(goals.Calories, 2286); }
public void Retrieve_Food_Yesterday() { Food food = client.GetFood(DateTime.Today); Assert.IsNotNull(food); Assert.IsNotNull(food.Foods); Assert.IsNotNull(food.Goals); Assert.IsNotNull(food.Summary); Assert.IsTrue(food.Foods.Count > 0); FoodLog foodLog = food.Foods[0]; Assert.AreEqual(foodLog.LogDate, DateTime.Today.Date); Assert.IsNotNull(foodLog.LoggedFood); Assert.IsNotNull(foodLog.NutritionalValues); }
public async Task Add([FromBody] FoodLogUpdateBindingModel model) { var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); var food = _dbContext.Foods.Find(model.FoodId); var foodLog = new FoodLog() { FoodId = model.FoodId, Calories = food.CaloriesPer100Gr * model.Quantity / 100, Grams = model.Quantity, LoggedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, UserId = user.Id, FoodType = model.Type }; _dbContext.FoodLogs.Add(foodLog); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public static void CopyFoodlog(INutrionalModel context, FoodLog foodLog, byte mealId, DateTime consumedDate) { context.FoodLogs.Add(new FoodLog { ConsumedCarbohydrates = foodLog.ConsumedCarbohydrates, Amount = foodLog.Amount, ConsumedEnergy = foodLog.ConsumedEnergy, ConsumedFats = foodLog.ConsumedFats, ConsumedMonoUnsaturatedFats = foodLog.ConsumedMonoUnsaturatedFats, ConsumedPolyUnsaturatedFats = foodLog.ConsumedPolyUnsaturatedFats, ConsumedProteins = foodLog.ConsumedProteins, ConsumedSalt = foodLog.ConsumedSalt, ConsumedSaturatedFats = foodLog.ConsumedSaturatedFats, ConsumedSugar = foodLog.ConsumedSugar, ProductId = foodLog.ProductId, Date = consumedDate, UnitId = foodLog.UnitId, MealId = mealId }); }
private void ValidateFoodData(Food food) { Assert.IsNotNull(food); Assert.IsNotNull(food.Foods); Assert.IsNotNull(food.Summary); Assert.IsNotNull(food.Goals); // goals Assert.AreEqual(2286, food.Goals.Calories); // summary Assert.AreEqual(752, food.Summary.Calories); Assert.AreEqual(66.5, food.Summary.Carbs); Assert.AreEqual(49, food.Summary.Fat); Assert.AreEqual(0.5, food.Summary.Fiber); Assert.AreEqual(12.5, food.Summary.Protein); Assert.AreEqual(186, food.Summary.Sodium); Assert.AreEqual(0, food.Summary.Water); // foods Assert.AreEqual(1, food.Foods.Count); FoodLog f = food.Foods.First(); Assert.IsTrue(f.IsFavorite); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2011, 6, 29), f.LogDate); Assert.AreEqual(1820, f.LogId); Assert.IsNotNull(f.LoggedFood); Assert.IsNotNull(f.NutritionalValues); // todo: further parsing of child objects Assert.IsNotNull(f.LoggedFood.Unit); Assert.AreEqual(147, f.LoggedFood.Unit.Id); Assert.AreEqual("gram", f.LoggedFood.Unit.Name); Assert.AreEqual("grams", f.LoggedFood.Unit.Plural); }
public ActionResult LogFood(int?routeId) //find a way to break this up { List <string> editedAllergens = new List <string>(); string mealName = ""; //goes this route if logging a beer if (routeId > 0) { BeerClass1[] beers = TempData["BeerIngredients"] as BeerClass1[]; BeerClass1 selectedBeer = beers.Where(a => == routeId).FirstOrDefault(); string ingredients = ""; if (selectedBeer.ingredients.hops != null) { ingredients += "hops, "; } if (selectedBeer.ingredients.malt != null) { ingredients += "malt, "; } if (selectedBeer.ingredients.yeast != null) { ingredients += "yeast, "; } editedAllergens = FindAllergens(ingredients, true); } //goes this route if logging a non-restaurant item else if (routeId == 0 || routeId == null) { List <string> allergensToLog = TempData["foundAllergies"] as List <string>; editedAllergens = allergensToLog.Distinct().ToList(); mealName = TempData["MealName"] as string; } //goes this way if logging a restaurant meal or LogByAllergen else { editedAllergens = TempData["foundAllergens"] as List <string>; //goes this way if coming from LogByAllergen if (routeId == -2) { mealName = TempData["MealName"] as string; } } var customer = GetCustomer(); FoodLog logger = new FoodLog(); AllergenTotal logAllergen = new AllergenTotal(); if (editedAllergens == null) { TempData["foods"] = null; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < editedAllergens.Count; i += 2, j += 2) { logger.Allergens += editedAllergens[i] + ","; int tempId = int.Parse(editedAllergens[j]); var temp = db.AllergenTotals.Where(a => a.CustomerId == && a.AllergenId == tempId).FirstOrDefault(); if (temp == null) { logAllergen.CustomerId =; logAllergen.AllergenId = tempId; logAllergen.Total = 1; db.AllergenTotals.Add(logAllergen); db.SaveChanges(); } else { temp.Total += 1; } } logger.Reactions = null; logger.CustomerId =; logger.MealName = mealName; logger.MealId = db.FoodLogs.Where(f => f.CustomerId == => m.MealId); if (logger.MealId == null) { logger.MealId = 1; } else { logger.MealId++; } db.FoodLogs.Add(logger); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["foods"] = null; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }