public static FontFile Load(string filename) { IFontLoader fontLoader = GetFontLoader(filename); FontFile fontFile = fontLoader.ReadFile(filename); return(fontFile); }
static (bool success, Typeface typeface) TryGetFromAssets(this string fontName) { //First check Alias var(hasFontAlias, fontPostScriptName) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(fontName); if (hasFontAlias) { return(true, Typeface.CreateFromFile(fontPostScriptName)); } var isAssetFont = IsAssetFontFamily(fontName); if (isAssetFont) { return(LoadTypefaceFromAsset(fontName)); } var folders = new[] { "", "Fonts/", "fonts/", }; //copied text var fontFile = FontFile.FromString(fontName); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fontFile.Extension)) { var(hasFont, fontPath) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(fontFile.FileNameWithExtension()); if (hasFont) { return(true, Typeface.CreateFromFile(fontPath)); } } else { foreach (var ext in FontFile.Extensions) { var formated = fontFile.FileNameWithExtension(ext); var(hasFont, fontPath) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(formated); if (hasFont) { return(true, Typeface.CreateFromFile(fontPath)); } foreach (var folder in folders) { formated = $"{folder}{fontFile.FileNameWithExtension()}#{fontFile.PostScriptName}"; var result = LoadTypefaceFromAsset(formated); if (result.success) { return(result); } } } } return(false, null); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="fntFilePath"></param> /// <param name="fontTexturePath"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static BitmapFontRenderer AddBMFont(string fntFilePath, string fontTexturePath, string name) { if (!fontRenderers.ContainsKey(name)) { string _fntFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(SceneManager.GameProject.ProjectPath, fntFilePath); string _textureFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(SceneManager.GameProject.ProjectPath, fontTexturePath); #if WINDOWS if (File.Exists(_fntFilePath) && File.Exists(_textureFilePath)) #elif WINRT if (MetroHelper.AppDataFileExists(_fntFilePath) && MetroHelper.AppDataFileExists(_textureFilePath)) #endif { FontFile fontFile = FontLoader.Load(_fntFilePath); Texture2D fontTexture = TextureLoader.FromFile(_textureFilePath); BitmapFontRenderer fr = new BitmapFontRenderer(fontFile, fontTexture); fontRenderers[name] = fr; return(fr); } } return(null); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var v = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; version = new Version(v.Major, v.Minor, v.Build); Project.currentYafcVersion = version; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(typeof(SDL).Assembly, DllResolver); NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(typeof(Ui).Assembly, DllResolver); NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver(typeof(LuaContext).Assembly, DllResolver); } Ui.Start(); Font.header = new Font(new FontFile("Data/Roboto-Light.ttf"), 2f); var regular = new FontFile("Data/Roboto-Regular.ttf"); Font.subheader = new Font(regular, 1.5f); Font.text = new Font(regular, 1f); var window = new WelcomeScreen(); Analysis.RegisterAnalysis(Milestones.Instance); Analysis.RegisterAnalysis(AutomationAnalysis.Instance); Analysis.RegisterAnalysis(CostAnalysis.Instance); Ui.MainLoop(); }
public void InitializeFont() { if (fontConfig != null && fontMaterials.Length > 0) { _fontFile = FontLoader.LoadFromString(fontConfig.text); if (_fontFile.Pages.Count != fontMaterials.Length) { Debug.LogError("Materials count don't match!"); return; } _indexLists = new List <List <int> >(); for (int i = 0; i < _fontFile.Pages.Count; ++i) { _indexLists.Add(new List <int>()); } _textureSize = new Vector2(_fontFile.Common.ScaleW, _fontFile.Common.ScaleH); _charMap = new Dictionary <int, SpriteChar>(); for (int i = 0; i < _fontFile.Chars.Count; ++i) { SpriteChar sc = new SpriteChar(); Rect rect = new Rect(_fontFile.Chars[i].X, _fontFile.Chars[i].Y, _fontFile.Chars[i].Width, _fontFile.Chars[i].Height); sc.fontChar = _fontFile.Chars[i]; sc.rect = rect; _charMap.Add(_fontFile.Chars[i].ID, sc); } Debug.Log("Font Initialized"); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { return(((FontFile != null ? FontFile.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ (Name != null ? Name.GetHashCode() : 0)); } }
private static string CleanseFontName(string fontName) { //First check Alias (bool hasFontAlias, string fontPostScriptName) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(fontName); if (hasFontAlias) { return(fontPostScriptName); } FontFile fontFile = FontFile.FromString(fontName); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fontFile.Extension)) { (bool hasFont, string filePath) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(fontFile.FileNameWithExtension()); if (hasFont) { return(filePath ?? fontFile.PostScriptName); } } else { foreach (string ext in FontFile.Extensions) { string formated = fontFile.FileNameWithExtension(ext); (bool hasFont, string filePath) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(formated); if (hasFont) { return(filePath); } } } return(fontFile.PostScriptName); }
static string CleanseFontName(string fontName) { var fontFile = FontFile.FromString(fontName); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fontFile.Extension)) { var(hasFont, _) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(fontFile.FileNameWithExtension()); if (hasFont) { return(fontFile.PostScriptName); } } else { foreach (var ext in FontFile.Extensions) { var formated = fontFile.FileNameWithExtension(ext); var(hasFont, filePath) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(formated); if (hasFont) { return(fontFile.PostScriptName); } } } return(fontFile.PostScriptName); }
private List <byte> GetBitmapFromGrid(FontFile fontFile, Glyph glyph) { List <byte> returnValue = new List <byte>(); if (glyph != null) { (int baseline, int topRow, int bottomRow) = this.GetGlyphParameters(fontFile, glyph); for (int row = topRow; row <= bottomRow; row++) { byte b = 0; for (int column = 0; column < glyph.Width; column++) { Border border = this.GetBorderObject(row, column); byte bit = ((BorderTag)border.Tag).IsOn ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; b = (byte)((b << 1) + bit); } returnValue.Add(b); } } return(returnValue); }
public void LoadContent(ContentManager cm) { //Start by loading all textures //playerTexture = cm.Load<Texture2D>("player.png"); // fontTexture = cm.Load<Texture2D>("basicFont.png"); thirstTexture = cm.Load <Texture2D>("waterBottle.png"); hungerTexture = cm.Load <Texture2D>("apple.png"); string fontFilePath = Path.Combine(cm.RootDirectory, "Fonts/font.fnt"); fontFile = FontLoader.Load(fontFilePath); fontTexture = cm.Load <Texture2D>("Fonts/font_0.png"); fontRenderer = new FontRenderer(fontFile, fontTexture); sizingRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 211, 40); displays = new List <Display>(); //addDisplay(0, 0, //testing //displays.Add(new Display(0, 0, "12S red")); //Then assign textures to NPCs depending on their tag // thePlayer.sprite = playerTexture; }
public static void Save(Stream stream, FontFile file) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FontFile)); StreamWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(stream); serializer.Serialize(textWriter, file); textWriter.Close(); }
public static FontFile LoadFromString(string text) { XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FontFile)); TextReader textReader = new StringReader(text); FontFile file = (FontFile)deserializer.Deserialize(textReader); //textReader.Close(); return(file); }
public static FontFile Load(Stream stream) { XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FontFile)); TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream); FontFile file = (FontFile)deserializer.Deserialize(textReader); textReader.Close(); return(file); }
public static string SaveToString(FontFile file) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FontFile)); var sb = new StringBuilder(); TextWriter textWriter = new StringWriter(sb); serializer.Serialize(textWriter, file); return(sb.ToString()); //textWriter.Close(); }
public bool MoveNext() { if (CurrentFontFile == null) { CurrentFontFile = _fontFile; return true; } CurrentFontFile = null; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns HashCode</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { return(String.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}", BackgroundFile?.GetHashCode() ?? 0, ColorFile?.GetHashCode() ?? 0, FontFile?.GetHashCode() ?? 0, Name?.GetHashCode() ?? 0, this.Version.GetHashCode() ).GetHashCode()); }
private static void OnLanguageChange(LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode code) { if (_characterMap != null) { _characterMap.Clear(); } else { _characterMap = new Dictionary <char, FontChar>(); } if (fontPages != null) { fontPages.Clear(); } else { fontPages = new List <Texture2D>(); } switch (code) { case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja: FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Japanese"); fontPixelZoom = 1.75f; break; case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh: FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Chinese"); fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; case FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Russian"); fontPixelZoom = 3f; break; case FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Thai"); fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko: FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Korean"); fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; } foreach (FontChar fontCharacter in FontFile.Chars) { char c = (char)fontCharacter.ID; _characterMap.Add(c, fontCharacter); } foreach (FontPage fontPage in FontFile.Pages) { fontPages.Add(Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("Fonts\\" + fontPage.File)); } }
private static void OnLanguageChange(LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode code) { if (SpriteTextHelper._characterMap != null) { SpriteTextHelper._characterMap.Clear(); } else { SpriteTextHelper._characterMap = new Dictionary <char, FontChar>(); } if (SpriteTextHelper.fontPages != null) { SpriteTextHelper.fontPages.Clear(); } else { SpriteTextHelper.fontPages = new List <Texture2D>(); } switch (code) { case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja: SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Japanese"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 1.75f; break; case SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Russian"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 3f; break; case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh: SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Chinese"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; case SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Thai"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko: SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Korean"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; } foreach (FontChar fontChar in SpriteTextHelper.FontFile.Chars) { char id = (char)fontChar.ID; SpriteTextHelper._characterMap.Add(id, fontChar); } foreach (FontPage page in SpriteTextHelper.FontFile.Pages) { SpriteTextHelper.fontPages.Add(Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("Fonts\\" + page.File)); } }
private static void SetUpCharacterMap() { if (!LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageLatin && SpriteTextHelper._characterMap == null) { SpriteTextHelper._characterMap = new Dictionary <char, FontChar>(); SpriteTextHelper.fontPages = new List <Texture2D>(); switch (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode) { case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja: SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Japanese"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 1.75f; break; case SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Russian"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 3f; break; case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh: SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Chinese"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; case SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Thai"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko: SpriteTextHelper.FontFile = SpriteTextHelper.LoadFont("Fonts\\Korean"); SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; } foreach (FontChar fontChar in SpriteTextHelper.FontFile.Chars) { char id = (char)fontChar.ID; SpriteTextHelper._characterMap.Add(id, fontChar); } foreach (FontPage page in SpriteTextHelper.FontFile.Pages) { SpriteTextHelper.fontPages.Add(Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("Fonts\\" + page.File)); } LocalizedContentManager.OnLanguageChange += new LocalizedContentManager.LanguageChangedHandler(SpriteTextHelper.OnLanguageChange); } else { if (!LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageLatin || (double)SpriteText.fontPixelZoom >= 3.0) { return; } SpriteText.fontPixelZoom = 3f; } }
public FontRenderer (FontFile fontFile, Texture2D fontTexture) { _fontFile = fontFile; _texture = fontTexture; _characterMap = new Dictionary<char, FontChar>(); foreach(var fontCharacter in _fontFile.Chars) { char c = (char)fontCharacter.ID; _characterMap.Add(c, fontCharacter); } }
public void LoadFile(string path) { if (path == null) { return; } // Check if its a PCK if (path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(".pck")) { LoadFontPCK(path); return; } // Check if file is valid and make sure FilePath is the .code if (path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("_data.tex") || path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(".code")) { FilePath = path.Replace("_data.tex", ".code"); } else { MessageBox.Show($"Unknown file type\n{path}", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } // Recreate Objects FontImageTexFile = new TEXFile(); FontCodeFile = new FontFile(); FontCodeFile.MonospaceOnly = MonospaceOnly; try { // Load Font TEX FontImageTexFile.Load(FilePath.Replace(".code", "_data.tex")); UI_FontImage.Source = ImageTools.ConvertToSource(FontImageTexFile.CreateBitmap()); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to load Texture!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } LastIndex = -1; HoverIndex = -1; // Load FontCode FontCodeFile.Load(FilePath); // Reload ReloadUI(); UI_SaveButton.IsEnabled = true; }
private void Load(string filename) { XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FontFile)); TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(filename); FontFile file = (FontFile)deserializer.Deserialize(textReader); textReader.Close(); foreach (var fontCharacter in file.Chars) { char c = (char)fontCharacter.ID; _characterMap.Add(c, new BmpFontChar(fontCharacter)); } }
public override FontFile Handle(string line, FontFile fontFile) { Dictionary <string, string> dict = CreateDictionary(line, "page"); var fontPage = new FontPage { ID = Convert.ToInt32(dict["id"]), File = dict["file"] }; fontFile.Pages.Add(fontPage); return(fontFile); }
static IEnumerable <string> GetAllFontPossibilities(string fontFamily) { const string path = "Assets/Fonts/"; string[] extensions = new[] { ".ttf", ".otf", }; var fontFile = FontFile.FromString(fontFamily); //If the extension is provided, they know what they want! var hasExtension = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fontFile.Extension); if (hasExtension) { var(hasFont, filePath) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(fontFile.FileNameWithExtension()); if (hasFont) { var formated = $"{filePath}#{fontFile.GetPostScriptNameWithSpaces()}"; yield return(formated); yield break; } else { yield return($"{path}{fontFile.FileNameWithExtension()}"); } } foreach (var ext in extensions) { var(hasFont, filePath) = FontRegistrar.HasFont(fontFile.FileNameWithExtension(ext)); if (hasFont) { var formatted = $"{filePath}#{fontFile.GetPostScriptNameWithSpaces()}"; yield return(formatted); yield break; } } //Always send the base back yield return(fontFamily); foreach (var ext in extensions) { var formatted = $"{path}{fontFile.FileNameWithExtension(ext)}#{fontFile.GetPostScriptNameWithSpaces()}"; yield return(formatted); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { YafcLib.Init(); YafcLib.RegisterDefaultAnalysis(); Ui.Start(); Font.header = new Font(new FontFile("Data/Roboto-Light.ttf"), 2f); var regular = new FontFile("Data/Roboto-Regular.ttf"); Font.subheader = new Font(regular, 1.5f); Font.text = new Font(regular, 1f); var window = new WelcomeScreen(); Ui.MainLoop(); }
private static void setUpCharacterMap() { if (!LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageLatin && _characterMap == null) { _characterMap = new Dictionary <char, FontChar>(); fontPages = new List <Texture2D>(); switch (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode) { case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ja: FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Japanese"); fontPixelZoom = 1.75f; break; case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.zh: FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Chinese"); fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; case FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Russian"); fontPixelZoom = 3f; break; case FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Thai"); fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; case LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko: FontFile = loadFont("Fonts\\Korean"); fontPixelZoom = 1.5f; break; } foreach (FontChar fontCharacter in FontFile.Chars) { char c = (char)fontCharacter.ID; _characterMap.Add(c, fontCharacter); } foreach (FontPage fontPage in FontFile.Pages) { fontPages.Add(Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("Fonts\\" + fontPage.File)); } LocalizedContentManager.OnLanguageChange += OnLanguageChange; } else if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageLatin && fontPixelZoom < 3f) { fontPixelZoom = 3f; } }
protected void DrawGlyph(FontFile fontFile, Glyph glyph) { this.ClearGrid(); if (glyph != null) { // *** // *** Simulate the GFS drawing of this glyph. The cursor would // *** be positioned in the bottom left corner of where the // *** character would be drawn. // *** (int baseline, int topRow, int bottomRow) = this.GetGlyphParameters(fontFile, glyph); for (int i = 0; i < fontFile.FontHeight; i++) { if (i >= topRow && i <= bottomRow) { int byteIndex = i - (fontFile.FontHeight + glyph.yOffset - 1); if (byteIndex >= 0 && byteIndex < glyph.FontBitmap.Count()) { byte b = glyph.FontBitmap[byteIndex]; int x = glyph.xOffset; // *** // *** Check each bit. // *** for (int bi = glyph.Width - 1; bi >= 0; bi--) { byte mask = (byte)(1 << bi); bool isOn = (byte)(b & mask) != 0; this.SetPixel(i, x, isOn, isOn ? Colors.Red : Colors.White); x++; } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < glyph.Width; j++) { this.SetPixel(i, j, false, Colors.LightGray, true); } } } this.SetPixel(baseline, glyph.xOffset + glyph.xAdvance, false, Color.FromArgb(32, 0, 0, 255), true); } }
public static WixEntity[] GetFontFiles() { var consolaFont = new FontFile(@"..\Computator.NET.Core\Static\fonts\consola.ttf") { NeverOverwrite = false, TrueType = true, }; var cambriaFont = new FontFile(@"..\Computator.NET.Core\Static\fonts\cambria.ttc") { NeverOverwrite = false, TrueType = true, }; return(new WixEntity[] { consolaFont, cambriaFont }); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="contentManager"></param> private void LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager) { var definitionPath = string.Format("{0}_{1}.fnt", Name, Style); using (var contents = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(contentManager.RootDirectory, definitionPath))) _definition = FontLoader.Load(contents); // We need to support multiple texture pages for more than plain ASCII text. _textures = new Texture2D[_definition.Pages.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < _definition.Pages.Count; i++) { var texturePath = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.png", Name, Style, i); _textures[i] = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>(texturePath); } }
protected (int, int, int) GetGlyphParameters(FontFile fontFile, Glyph glyph) { (int baseline, int topRow, int bottomRow) = (0, 0, 0); // *** // *** Simulate the GFS drawing of this glyph. The cursor would // *** be positioned in the bottom left corner of where the // *** character would be drawn. // *** baseline = fontFile.FontHeight - 1; topRow = baseline + glyph.yOffset; bottomRow = topRow + glyph.Height - 1; return(baseline, topRow, bottomRow); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="contentManager"></param> private void LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager) { var definitionPath = string.Format("{0}_{1}.fnt", Name, Style); using (var contents = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(contentManager.RootDirectory, definitionPath))) _definition = FontLoader.Load(contents); if (_textures != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _textures.Length; i++) { _textures[i].Dispose(); } } // We need to support multiple texture pages for more than plain ASCII text. _textures = new Texture2D[_definition.Pages.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < _definition.Pages.Count; i++) { var texturePath = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.png", Name, Style, i); _textures[i] = contentManager.Load<Texture2D>(texturePath); } }
public static string SaveToString ( FontFile file ) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( FontFile ) ); var sb = new StringBuilder(); TextWriter textWriter = new StringWriter( sb ); serializer.Serialize( textWriter, file ); return sb.ToString(); //textWriter.Close(); }
public static void Save( Stream stream, FontFile file ) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( FontFile ) ); StreamWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter( stream ); serializer.Serialize( textWriter, file ); textWriter.Close(); }