Exemplo n.º 1
        public PdfType0Font(PdfDocument document, XFont font, bool vertical)
            : base(document)
            Elements.SetName(Keys.Type, "/Font");
            Elements.SetName(Keys.Subtype, "/Type0");
            Elements.SetName(Keys.Encoding, vertical ? "/Identity-V" : "/Identity-H");

            OpenTypeDescriptor ttDescriptor = (OpenTypeDescriptor)FontDescriptorCache.GetOrCreateDescriptorFor(font);

            FontDescriptor = new PdfFontDescriptor(document, ttDescriptor);
            _fontOptions   = font.PdfOptions;
            Debug.Assert(_fontOptions != null);

            _cmapInfo                = new CMapInfo(ttDescriptor);
            _descendantFont          = new PdfCIDFont(document, FontDescriptor, font);
            _descendantFont.CMapInfo = _cmapInfo;

            // Create ToUnicode map
            _toUnicode = new PdfToUnicodeMap(document, _cmapInfo);
            Elements.Add(Keys.ToUnicode, _toUnicode);

            BaseFont = font.GlyphTypeface.GetBaseName();
            // CID fonts are always embedded
            BaseFont = PdfFont.CreateEmbeddedFontSubsetName(BaseFont);

            FontDescriptor.FontName  = BaseFont;
            _descendantFont.BaseFont = BaseFont;

            PdfArray descendantFonts = new PdfArray(document);

            Elements[Keys.DescendantFonts] = descendantFonts;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Code separated from Metric getter to make code easier to debug.
        /// (Setup properties in their getters caused side effects during debugging because Visual Studio calls a getter
        /// to early to show its value in a debugger window.)
        /// </summary>
        void CreateDescriptorAndInitializeFontMetrics()  // TODO: refactor
            Debug.Assert(_fontMetrics == null, "InitializeFontMetrics() was already called.");
            _descriptor  = (OpenTypeDescriptor)FontDescriptorCache.GetOrCreateDescriptorFor(this); //_familyName, _style, _glyphTypeface.Fontface);
            _fontMetrics = new XFontMetrics(_descriptor.FontName, _descriptor.UnitsPerEm, _descriptor.Ascender, _descriptor.Descender,
                                            _descriptor.Leading, _descriptor.LineSpacing, _descriptor.CapHeight, _descriptor.XHeight, _descriptor.StemV, 0, 0, 0,
                                            _descriptor.UnderlinePosition, _descriptor.UnderlineThickness, _descriptor.StrikeoutPosition, _descriptor.StrikeoutSize);

            XFontMetrics fm = Metrics;

            // Already done in CreateDescriptorAndInitializeFontMetrics.
            //if (_descriptor == null)
            //    _descriptor = (OpenTypeDescriptor)FontDescriptorStock.Global.CreateDescriptor(this);  //(Name, (XGdiFontStyle)Font.Style);

            UnitsPerEm  = _descriptor.UnitsPerEm;
            CellAscent  = _descriptor.Ascender;
            CellDescent = _descriptor.Descender;
            CellSpace   = _descriptor.LineSpacing;

#if DEBUG_ && GDI
            int gdiValueUnitsPerEm = Font.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(Font.Style);
            Debug.Assert(gdiValueUnitsPerEm == UnitsPerEm);
            int gdiValueAscent = Font.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(Font.Style);
            Debug.Assert(gdiValueAscent == CellAscent);
            int gdiValueDescent = Font.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(Font.Style);
            Debug.Assert(gdiValueDescent == CellDescent);
            int gdiValueLineSpacing = Font.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(Font.Style);
            Debug.Assert(gdiValueLineSpacing == CellSpace);
            int wpfValueLineSpacing = (int)Math.Round(Family.LineSpacing * _descriptor.UnitsPerEm);
            Debug.Assert(wpfValueLineSpacing == CellSpace);
            Debug.Assert(fm.UnitsPerEm == _descriptor.UnitsPerEm);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Measure string directly from font data.
        /// </summary>
        public static XSize MeasureString(string text, XFont font, XStringFormat stringFormat_notyetused)
            XSize size = new XSize();

            OpenTypeDescriptor descriptor = FontDescriptorCache.GetOrCreateDescriptorFor(font) as OpenTypeDescriptor;

            if (descriptor != null)
                // Height is the sum of ascender and descender.
                size.Height = (descriptor.Ascender + descriptor.Descender) * font.Size / font.UnitsPerEm;
                Debug.Assert(descriptor.Ascender > 0);

                bool symbol = descriptor.FontFace.cmap.symbol;
                int  length = text.Length;
                int  width  = 0;
                for (int idx = 0; idx < length; idx++)
                    char ch = text[idx];
                    // HACK: Unclear what to do here.
                    if (ch < 32)

                    if (char.IsLowSurrogate(ch))
                        continue; // Don't process high surrorgate. Low will process this char
                    if (symbol)
                        // Remap ch for symbol fonts.
                        ch = (char)(ch | (descriptor.FontFace.os2.usFirstCharIndex & 0xFF00));  // @@@ refactor
                        // Used | instead of + because of: http://pdfsharp.codeplex.com/workitem/15954
                    uint glyphIndex;
                    if (char.IsHighSurrogate(ch))
                        glyphIndex = descriptor.CharCodeToGlyphIndex(ch, text[idx + 1]);
                        glyphIndex = descriptor.CharCodeToGlyphIndex(ch);

                    width += descriptor.GlyphIndexToWidth(glyphIndex);
                // What? size.Width = width * font.Size * (font.Italic ? 1 : 1) / descriptor.UnitsPerEm;
                size.Width = width * font.Size / descriptor.UnitsPerEm;

                // Adjust bold simulation.
                if ((font.GlyphTypeface.StyleSimulations & XStyleSimulations.BoldSimulation) == XStyleSimulations.BoldSimulation)
                    // Add 2% of the em-size for each character.
                    // Unsure how to deal with white space. Currently count as regular character.
                    size.Width += length * font.Size * Const.BoldEmphasis;
            Debug.Assert(descriptor != null, "No OpenTypeDescriptor.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of PdfTrueTypeFont from an XFont.
        /// </summary>
        public PdfTrueTypeFont(PdfDocument document, XFont font)
            : base(document)
            Elements.SetName(Keys.Type, "/Font");
            Elements.SetName(Keys.Subtype, "/TrueType");

            // TrueType with WinAnsiEncoding only.
            OpenTypeDescriptor ttDescriptor = (OpenTypeDescriptor)FontDescriptorCache.GetOrCreateDescriptorFor(font);

            FontDescriptor = new PdfFontDescriptor(document, ttDescriptor);
            _fontOptions   = font.PdfOptions;
            Debug.Assert(_fontOptions != null);

            //cmapInfo = new CMapInfo(null/*ttDescriptor*/);
            _cmapInfo = new CMapInfo(ttDescriptor);

            BaseFont = font.GlyphTypeface.GetBaseName();

            if (_fontOptions.FontEmbedding == PdfFontEmbedding.Always)
                BaseFont = PdfFont.CreateEmbeddedFontSubsetName(BaseFont);
            FontDescriptor.FontName = BaseFont;

            Debug.Assert(_fontOptions.FontEncoding == PdfFontEncoding.WinAnsi);
            if (!IsSymbolFont)
                Encoding = "/WinAnsiEncoding";

            Elements[Keys.FontDescriptor] = FontDescriptor.Reference;

            FontEncoding = font.PdfOptions.FontEncoding;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private PdfFont GetFontFromResources(XFont xFont)
            //TODO: Check that bold an italic are found through just their font names
            var defaultFormResources = Owner.AcroForm.Elements.GetDictionary(PdfAcroForm.Keys.DR);

            if (defaultFormResources != null && defaultFormResources.Elements.ContainsKey(PdfResources.Keys.Font))
                var fontList = defaultFormResources.Elements.GetDictionary(PdfResources.Keys.Font);

                var font = GetFontResourceItem(xFont.FamilyName, defaultFormResources);

                PdfItem value = font.Value;

                if (value is PdfReference)
                    value = ((PdfReference)value).Value;

                PdfFont systemFont = new PdfFont(value as PdfDictionary);
                if (systemFont.FontEncoding == PdfFontEncoding.Unicode)
                    OpenTypeDescriptor ttDescriptor = (OpenTypeDescriptor)FontDescriptorCache.GetOrCreateDescriptorFor(xFont);
                    systemFont.FontDescriptor = new PdfFontDescriptor(Owner, ttDescriptor);


Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Code separated from Metric getter to make code easier to debug.
        /// (Setup properties in their getters caused side effects during debugging because Visual Studio calls a getter
        /// to early to show its value in a debugger window.)
        /// </summary>
        void CreateDescriptorAndInitializeFontMetrics()  // TODO: refactor
            Debug.Assert(_fontMetrics == null, "InitializeFontMetrics() was already called.");
            _descriptor  = (OpenTypeDescriptor)FontDescriptorCache.GetOrCreateDescriptorFor(this); //_familyName, _style, _glyphTypeface.Fontface);
            _fontMetrics = new XFontMetrics(_descriptor.FontName, _descriptor.UnitsPerEm, _descriptor.Ascender, _descriptor.Descender,
                                            _descriptor.Leading, _descriptor.LineSpacing, _descriptor.CapHeight, _descriptor.XHeight, _descriptor.StemV, 0, 0, 0,
                                            _descriptor.UnderlinePosition, _descriptor.UnderlineThickness, _descriptor.StrikeoutPosition, _descriptor.StrikeoutSize);

            XFontMetrics fm = Metrics;

            // Already done in CreateDescriptorAndInitializeFontMetrics.
            //if (_descriptor == null)
            //    _descriptor = (OpenTypeDescriptor)FontDescriptorStock.Global.CreateDescriptor(this);  //(Name, (XGdiFontStyle)Font.Style);

            UnitsPerEm  = _descriptor.UnitsPerEm;
            CellAscent  = _descriptor.Ascender;
            CellDescent = _descriptor.Descender;
            CellSpace   = _descriptor.LineSpacing;
            Debug.Assert(fm.UnitsPerEm == _descriptor.UnitsPerEm);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Measure string directly from font data.
        /// </summary>
        public static XSize MeasureString(string text, XFont font, XStringFormat stringFormat)
            XSize size = new XSize();

            OpenTypeDescriptor descriptor = FontDescriptorCache.GetOrCreateDescriptorFor(font) as OpenTypeDescriptor;

            if (descriptor != null)
                // Height is the sum of ascender and descender.
                var singleLineHeight = (descriptor.Ascender + descriptor.Descender) * font.Size / font.UnitsPerEm;
                var lineGapHeight    = (descriptor.LineSpacing - descriptor.Ascender - descriptor.Descender) * font.Size / font.UnitsPerEm;

                Debug.Assert(descriptor.Ascender > 0);

                bool symbol         = descriptor.FontFace.cmap.symbol;
                int  length         = text.Length;
                int  adjustedLength = length;
                var  height         = singleLineHeight;
                int  maxWidth       = 0;
                int  width          = 0;
                for (int idx = 0; idx < length; idx++)
                    char ch = text[idx];

                    // Handle line feed ( \n)
                    if (ch == 10)
                        if (idx < (length - 1))
                            maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, width);
                            width    = 0;
                            height  += lineGapHeight + singleLineHeight;


                    // HACK: Handle tabulator sign as space (\t)
                    if (ch == 9)
                        ch = ' ';

                    // HACK: Unclear what to do here.
                    if (ch < 32)


                    if (symbol)
                        // Remap ch for symbol fonts.
                        ch = (char)(ch | (descriptor.FontFace.os2.usFirstCharIndex & 0xFF00));  // @@@ refactor
                        // Used | instead of + because of: http://PdfSharpCore.codeplex.com/workitem/15954
                    int glyphIndex = descriptor.CharCodeToGlyphIndex(ch);
                    width += descriptor.GlyphIndexToWidth(glyphIndex);
                maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, width);

                // What? size.Width = maxWidth * font.Size * (font.Italic ? 1 : 1) / descriptor.UnitsPerEm;
                size.Width  = maxWidth * font.Size / descriptor.UnitsPerEm;
                size.Height = height;

                // Adjust bold simulation.
                if ((font.GlyphTypeface.StyleSimulations & XStyleSimulations.BoldSimulation) == XStyleSimulations.BoldSimulation)
                    // Add 2% of the em-size for each character.
                    // Unsure how to deal with white space. Currently count as regular character.
                    size.Width += adjustedLength * font.Size * Const.BoldEmphasis;
            Debug.Assert(descriptor != null, "No OpenTypeDescriptor.");
