Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Postfix(FlyingScoreEffect __instance, ref Color ____color, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo)
            float score = RageSaber.RageScore.calculateFromSpeed(noteCutInfo.saberSpeed);

            RageSaber.RageScore.instance.curScore += score;

            void judge(SaberSwingRatingCounter counter)
                TextMeshPro text = __instance.getPrivateField <TextMeshPro>("_text");

                // enable rich text
                text.richText = true;
                // disable word wrap, make sure full text displays
                text.enableWordWrapping = false;
                text.overflowMode       = TextOverflowModes.Overflow;
                text.text = score.ToString("n0");

                // If the counter is finished, remove our event from it
                counter.didFinishEvent -= judge;

            // Apply judgments a total of twice - once when the effect is created, once when it finishes.
            noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent += judge;
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Postfix(FlyingScoreEffect __instance, ref Color ____color, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo)
            void earlyJudge(SaberSwingRatingCounter counter)
                ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(noteCutInfo, out int before, out int after, out int accuracy);
                int total = before + 30 + accuracy;

                Config.judge(__instance, noteCutInfo, counter, total, before, 30, accuracy);

                // If the counter is finished, remove our event from it
                counter.didFinishEvent -= judge;

            void judge(SaberSwingRatingCounter counter)
                ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(noteCutInfo, out int before, out int after, out int accuracy);
                int total = before + after + accuracy;

                Config.judge(__instance, noteCutInfo, counter, total, before, after, accuracy);

                // If the counter is finished, remove our event from it
                counter.didFinishEvent -= judge;

            // Apply judgments a total of twice - once when the effect is created, once when it finishes.
            noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent += judge;
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
        internal static void Prefix(FlyingScoreEffect __instance, ref Vector3 targetPos)
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
            if (ConfigProvider.CurrentConfig?.UseFixedPos ?? false)
                var transform = __instance.transform;

                // Set current and target position to the desired fixed position
                transform.position = ConfigProvider.CurrentConfig.FixedPos;
                targetPos          = transform.position;

                // If there's an existing judgment effect, clear that first
                if (_currentEffect != null)
                    // Remove it gracefully by setting its duration to 0
                    _currentEffect.SetField("_duration", 0f);

                    // We don't need to clear currentEffect when it disappears, because we'll be setting it to the new effect anyway
                    _currentEffect.didFinishEvent -= HandleEffectDidFinish;

                // Save the existing effect to clear if a new one spawns
                _currentEffect = __instance;

                // In case it despawns before the next note is hit, don't try to clear it
                _currentEffect.didFinishEvent += HandleEffectDidFinish;
 private static void HandleEffectDidFinish(FlyingObjectEffect effect)
     effect.didFinishEvent -= HandleEffectDidFinish;
     if (_currentEffect == effect)
         _currentEffect = null !;
Exemplo n.º 5
 static void handleEffectDidFinish(FlyingObjectEffect effect)
     effect.didFinishEvent -= handleEffectDidFinish;
     if (currentEffect == effect)
         currentEffect = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
 static bool Prefix(SaberSwingRatingCounter saberSwingRatingCounter, FlyingScoreEffect __instance, NoteCutInfo ____noteCutInfo)
     if (Config.instance.doIntermediateUpdates)
         ScoreModel.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(____noteCutInfo, out int before, out int after, out int accuracy);
         int total = before + after + accuracy;
         Config.judge(__instance, ____noteCutInfo, saberSwingRatingCounter, total, before, after, accuracy);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static bool Prefix(FlyingScoreSpawner __instance, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo, int noteLineIndex, int multiplier, Vector3 pos, Color color, ref float[,] ___lineSlotSpawnTimes, ref FlyingScoreEffect.Pool ____flyingScoreEffectPool)
            if (!Plugin.active)

            if (noteLineIndex >= ___lineSlotSpawnTimes.GetLength(0))
                float[,] array = new float[noteLineIndex, 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < ___lineSlotSpawnTimes.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
                        array[i, j] = ___lineSlotSpawnTimes[i, j];
                ___lineSlotSpawnTimes = array;

            int num = 0;

            while (num < 0 && ___lineSlotSpawnTimes[noteLineIndex, num] + 0.4f >= Time.timeSinceLevelLoad)

            ___lineSlotSpawnTimes[noteLineIndex, num] = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
            FlyingScoreEffect flyingScoreEffect = ____flyingScoreEffectPool.Spawn();

            flyingScoreEffect.didFinishEvent += __instance.HandleFlyingScoreEffectDidFinish;
            Vector3 targetPos = Vector3.zero;

            if (lastNoteRotationSet)
                flyingScoreEffect.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(lastNoteRotation * pos, lastNoteRotation);
                pos.z     = 0f;
                pos.y     = -0.24f;
                targetPos = lastNoteRotation * (pos + new Vector3(0f, -0.23f * num, 7.55f));
                flyingScoreEffect.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(pos, Quaternion.identity);
                pos.z     = 0f;
                pos.y     = -0.24f;
                targetPos = pos + new Vector3(0f, -0.23f * num, 7.55f);

            flyingScoreEffect.InitAndPresent(noteCutInfo, multiplier, 0.7f, targetPos, color);

Exemplo n.º 8
        private static bool Prefix(FlyingScoreSpawner __instance, FlyingScoreEffect.Pool ____flyingScoreEffectPool, Vector3 pos, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo, Quaternion rotation, Quaternion inverseRotation)
            IEnumerator g__SpawnFlyingScoreEffectCoroutine(int index, Vector3 position)
                yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(FlyingObjectEffectParameters.timeShift * index));

                FlyingScoreEffect flyingScoreEffect = ____flyingScoreEffectPool.Spawn();

                flyingScoreEffect.didFinishEvent         += __instance.HandleFlyingScoreEffectDidFinish;
                flyingScoreEffect.transform.localPosition = position;
                position   = inverseRotation * position;
                position.z = 0f;
                if (PluginConfig.Instance.forward)
                    float offsetY = (PluginConfig.Instance.scale - 0.5f) * FlyingObjectEffectParameters.scaleOffsetCoefY;
                    position = new Vector3(position.x, PluginConfig.Instance.forwardTargetY + offsetY, pos.z + PluginConfig.Instance.forwardTargetZ);
                    position = rotation * position;
                flyingScoreEffect.InitAndPresent(noteCutInfo, index * -1, -0.7f, position, rotation, Color.white);

            bool noScoreText = PluginConfig.Instance.noScoreText;
            bool result;

            if (noScoreText)
                result = false;
                bool flag = !PluginConfig.Instance.pro;
                if (flag)
                    float offsetX = FlyingObjectEffectParameters.scoreNumberOffsetX * PluginConfig.Instance.scale;
                    bool  forward = PluginConfig.Instance.forward;
                    if (forward)
                        offsetX *= FlyingObjectEffectParameters.forwardScale;
                    Vector3 offset = new Vector3(offsetX, 0f, 0f);
                    Vector3 pos2   = rotation * (Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * pos - offset);
                    Vector3 pos3   = rotation * (Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * pos + offset);
                    PersistentSingleton <SharedCoroutineStarter> .instance.StartCoroutine(g__SpawnFlyingScoreEffectCoroutine(1, pos2));

                    PersistentSingleton <SharedCoroutineStarter> .instance.StartCoroutine(g__SpawnFlyingScoreEffectCoroutine(2, pos));

                    PersistentSingleton <SharedCoroutineStarter> .instance.StartCoroutine(g__SpawnFlyingScoreEffectCoroutine(3, pos3));
                result = true;
        public static void Judge(FlyingScoreEffect scoreEffect, int score, int before, int after, int accuracy)
            var instance = ConfigProvider.CurrentConfig;

            if (instance == null)

            // as of 0.13, the TextMeshPro is private; use reflection to grab it out of a private field
            var text = FlyingScoreEffectText(ref scoreEffect);

            // enable rich text
            text.richText = true;
            // disable word wrap, make sure full text displays
            text.enableWordWrapping = false;
            text.overflowMode       = TextOverflowModes.Overflow;

            // save in case we need to fade
            var index    = instance.Judgments !.FindIndex(j => j.Threshold <= score);
            var judgment = index >= 0 ? instance.Judgments[index] : Judgment.Default;

            Color color;

            if (judgment.Fade)
                var fadeJudgment = instance.Judgments[index - 1];
                var baseColor    = judgment.Color.ToColor();
                var fadeColor    = fadeJudgment.Color.ToColor();
                var lerpDistance = Mathf.InverseLerp(judgment.Threshold, fadeJudgment.Threshold, score);
                color = Color.Lerp(baseColor, fadeColor, lerpDistance);
                color = judgment.Color.ToColor();

            FieldAccessor <FlyingScoreEffect, Color> .Set(scoreEffect, "_color", color);

            scoreEffect.SetField("_color", color);

            text.text = instance.DisplayMode switch
                "format" => DisplayModeFormat(score, before, after, accuracy, judgment, instance),
                "textOnly" => judgment.Text,
                "numeric" => score.ToString(),
                "scoreOnTop" => $"{score}\n{judgment.Text}\n",
                _ => $"{judgment.Text}\n{score}\n"
Exemplo n.º 10
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
        internal static bool Prefix(FlyingScoreEffect __instance, NoteCutInfo ____noteCutInfo)
// ReSharper enable InconsistentNaming
            if (ConfigProvider.CurrentConfig == null)

            if (ConfigProvider.CurrentConfig.DoIntermediateUpdates)
                ScoreModel.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(____noteCutInfo, out var before, out var after, out var accuracy);
                var total = before + after + accuracy;
                JudgmentService.Judge(__instance, total, before, after, accuracy);

Exemplo n.º 11
 static void Prefix(ref Vector3 targetPos, FlyingScoreEffect __instance)
     if (Config.instance.useFixedPos)
         // Set current and target position to the desired fixed position
         __instance.transform.position = new Vector3(Config.instance.fixedPosX, Config.instance.fixedPosY, Config.instance.fixedPosZ);
         targetPos = __instance.transform.position;
         // If there's an existing judgment effect, clear that first
         if (currentEffect != null)
             // Remove it gracefully by setting its duration to 0
             currentEffect.setPrivateFieldBase("_duration", 0f);
             // We don't need to clear currentEffect when it disappears, because we'll be setting it to the new effect anyway
             currentEffect.didFinishEvent -= handleEffectDidFinish;
         // Save the existing effect to clear if a new one spawns
         currentEffect = __instance;
         // In case it despawns before the next note is hit, don't try to clear it
         currentEffect.didFinishEvent += handleEffectDidFinish;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void Postfix(FlyingScoreEffect __instance, NoteCutInfo ____noteCutInfo, TextMeshPro ____text, SpriteRenderer ____maxCutDistanceScoreIndicator, ref float ____colorAMultiplier, int multiplier)
            c__DisplayClass2_0 scoreUtils = new c__DisplayClass2_0();

            scoreUtils.noteCutInfo   = ____noteCutInfo;
            scoreUtils.text          = ____text;
            scoreUtils.instance      = __instance;
            scoreUtils.text.richText = PluginConfig.Instance.pro;

            if (PluginConfig.Instance.italic)
                scoreUtils.text.fontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
                scoreUtils.text.fontStyle = FontStyles.Normal;

            if (Plugin.uiFontEnabled)
                scoreUtils.text.font = Plugin.uiFont;

            ____colorAMultiplier = (float)multiplier;
            ____maxCutDistanceScoreIndicator.enabled = false;

            bool flag = !scoreUtils.noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didFinish;

            if (flag)
                scoreUtils.noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didChangeEvent -= scoreUtils.g__HandleSaberSwingRatingCounterDidChange;
                scoreUtils.noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didChangeEvent += scoreUtils.g__HandleSaberSwingRatingCounterDidChange;
                scoreUtils.noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent -= scoreUtils.g__HandleSaberSwingRatingCounterDidFinish;
                scoreUtils.noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent += scoreUtils.g__HandleSaberSwingRatingCounterDidFinish;
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
        internal static void Postfix(FlyingScoreEffect __instance, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo)
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
            if (ConfigProvider.CurrentConfig == null)

            void Judge(SaberSwingRatingCounter counter)
                ScoreModel.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(noteCutInfo, out var before, out var after, out var accuracy);
                var total = before + after + accuracy;

                JudgmentService.Judge(__instance, total, before, after, accuracy);

                // If the counter is finished, remove our event from it
                counter.didFinishEvent -= Judge;

            // Apply judgments a total of twice - once when the effect is created, once when it finishes.
            noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent += Judge;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void judge(FlyingScoreEffect scoreEffect, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo, SaberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter saberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter, int score, int before, int after, int accuracy)
            // as of 0.13, the TextMeshPro is private; use reflection to grab it out of a private field
            TextMeshPro text = scoreEffect.getPrivateField <TextMeshPro>("_text");

            // enable rich text
            text.richText = true;
            // disable word wrap, make sure full text displays
            text.enableWordWrapping = false;
            text.overflowMode       = TextOverflowModes.Overflow;

            Judgment judgment = DEFAULT_JUDGMENT;
            int      index; // save in case we need to fade

            for (index = 0; index < instance.judgments.Length; index++)
                Judgment j = instance.judgments[index];
                if (score >= j.threshold)
                    judgment = j;

            Color color;

            if (judgment.fade)
                Judgment fadeJudgment = instance.judgments[index - 1];
                Color    baseColor    = toColor(judgment.color);
                Color    fadeColor    = toColor(fadeJudgment.color);
                float    lerpDistance = Mathf.InverseLerp(judgment.threshold, fadeJudgment.threshold, score);
                color = Color.Lerp(baseColor, fadeColor, lerpDistance);
                color = toColor(judgment.color);
            scoreEffect.setPrivateField("_color", color);

            if (instance.displayMode == "format")
                StringBuilder formattedBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                string        formatString     = judgment.text;
                int           nextPercentIndex = formatString.IndexOf('%');
                while (nextPercentIndex != -1)
                    formattedBuilder.Append(formatString.Substring(0, nextPercentIndex));
                    if (formatString.Length == nextPercentIndex + 1)
                        formatString += " ";
                    char specifier = formatString[nextPercentIndex + 1];

                    switch (specifier)
                    case 'b':

                    case 'c':

                    case 'a':

                    case 'B':
                        formattedBuilder.Append(judgeSegment(before, instance.beforeCutAngleJudgments));

                    case 'C':
                        formattedBuilder.Append(judgeSegment(accuracy, instance.accuracyJudgments));

                    case 'A':
                        formattedBuilder.Append(judgeSegment(after, instance.afterCutAngleJudgments));

                    case 's':

                    case 'p':
                        formattedBuilder.Append(string.Format("{0:0}", score / 115d * 100));

                    case '%':

                    case 'n':

                        formattedBuilder.Append("%" + specifier);

                    formatString     = formatString.Remove(0, nextPercentIndex + 2);
                    nextPercentIndex = formatString.IndexOf('%');

                text.text = formattedBuilder.ToString();

            if (instance.displayMode == "textOnly")
                text.text = judgment.text;
            if (instance.displayMode == "numeric")
                text.text = score.ToString();
            if (instance.displayMode == "scoreOnTop")
                text.text = score + "\n" + judgment.text + "\n";
            text.text = judgment.text + "\n" + score + "\n";
 static bool Prefix(SaberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter saberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter, FlyingScoreEffect __instance, NoteCutInfo ____noteCutInfo)
     if (Config.instance.doIntermediateUpdates)
         ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(____noteCutInfo, saberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter, out int before_plus_acc, out int after, out int accuracy);
         int total = before_plus_acc + after;
         Config.judge(__instance, ____noteCutInfo, saberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter, total, before_plus_acc - accuracy, after, accuracy);
        static void Postfix(SaberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter saberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter, FlyingScoreEffect __instance, ref Color ____color, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo)
            void judge(SaberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter counter)
                ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(noteCutInfo, counter, out int before_plus_acc, out int after, out int accuracy);
                int total = before_plus_acc + after;

                Config.judge(__instance, noteCutInfo, counter, total, before_plus_acc - accuracy, after, accuracy);

                // If the counter is finished, remove our event from it
                counter.didFinishEvent -= judge;

            // Apply judgments a total of twice - once when the effect is created, once when it finishes.
            saberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent += judge;
Exemplo n.º 17
 static void Prefix(ref Vector3 targetPos, FlyingScoreEffect __instance)