private static string GetThemeLocalizationPath(Path siteRoot, string themeName)
                "Themes", themeName, "App_Data",
                "Localization", "{0}",
 public static byte[] Zip(Path zipPaths, Func <Path, byte[]> zipPathToContent)
     using (var result = new MemoryStream()) {
         ZipToStream(zipPaths, zipPathToContent, result);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static VirtualFile FromStream(Stream contentStream)
            int    counter  = 1;
            string baseName = "_temp_";
            FPath  basePath = new FPath(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
            FPath  uniquePath;

                uniquePath = basePath.Combine(baseName + counter + ".btw");
                if (!uniquePath.Exists)
                if (counter > 100)
                    throw new TooManyVirtualFilesException();
            } while (true);

            using var fs = new FileStream(uniquePath.ToString(), FileMode.CreateNew);

            return(new VirtualFile(uniquePath.ToString()));
 private static Path GetThemeLocalizationPath(Path siteRoot, string themeName)
                "Themes", themeName, "App_Data",
                "Localization", "en-US",
 private static string GetModuleLocalizationPath(Path siteRoot, string moduleName)
                "Modules", moduleName, "App_Data",
                "Localization", "{0}",
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Load Scriban templates and build HTML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layout">Header, footer and other layout fragments.</param>
        public HtmlBuilder Build(IDictionary <String, Document?> layout)
            _logger.LogInformation($"Building {{h}} in {_project.PathTo(".").FullPathString()}/{{path}}...", "HTML",

            var start           = DateTime.Now;
            var inFile          = _inPath.Combine("page.scriban-html").FullPath;
            var templateContext = new TemplateContext {
                TemplateLoader = new ScribanTemplateLoader(_inPath),
                MemberRenamer  = _ => _.Name

            var json = new ScriptObject();

            json.Import(typeof(Json), null, member => member.Name);

            var model = new ScriptObject {
                { "Project", this._project },
//        { "HtmlConfigJson", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config) },
                { "Scripts", _jsBuilder.ScriptPaths },
                { "Timestamp", DateTime.Now.Ticks },
                { "Json", json },
                { "MainMenu", layout["main_menu"] },
                { "Footer", layout["footer"] },

            var template = Template.Parse(File.ReadAllText(inFile));

            var docs = this._project.Pages.Append(
                new Document {
                ProjectFilePath = "components/"

            foreach (Document doc in docs)
                var  outFile = doc.ProjectFilePath.TrimSuffix(".md") + ".html";
                Path outPath = _outPath.Combine(outFile);
                this._logger.LogDebug("Rendering {page}...", outFile);

                model["ComponentName"] = doc.ProjectFilePath.StartsWith("components/")
          ? outFile.TrimPrefix("components/").TrimSuffix(".html")
          : "";
                model["Document"]   = doc;
                model["PathToRoot"] = "../".Repeat(doc.Depth).TrimSuffix("/");
                var html = template.Render(templateContext);
                File.WriteAllText(outPath.ToString(), html);

            var elapsed = (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds;

                "{pages} HTML page(s), including layout files, built in {s:0.00} seconds.",
                this._project.Pages.Count + layout.Count, elapsed

Exemplo n.º 7
        private static void SaveResults(MemoryStore store, Path file)
            using (var writer = new RdfXmlWriter(file.FullPath))

            Console.WriteLine("Wrote {0} statements.", store.StatementCount);
 private static Path GetModuleLocalizationPath(Path siteRoot, string moduleName)
                "Modules", moduleName, "App_Data",
                "Localization", "en-US",
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <inheritdoc cref="JsBuilder"/>
 public JsBuilder(BuildArguments args, ILogger <JsBuilder> logger)
     _args    = args;
     _logger  = logger;
     _inPath  = Program.InPath.Combine("js");
     _outPath = _args.ProjectRoot.Combine(Program.OutFolder);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans the site for *.po files and imports them into database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="culture"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ImportCurrentPos(bool?overwrite)
            if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(
                    Permissions.ImportExport, T("You are not allowed to upload translations.")))
                return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult());

            List <StringEntry> strings = new List <StringEntry>();
            var files = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~"), "*.po", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            foreach (var file in files)
                var match = cultureRegex.Match(file);
                if (!match.Success || match.Groups.Count < 2)
                    Logger.Error("Importing current PO's; cannot find culture in path " + file);
                    string culture = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    string path    = new Fluent.IO.Path(file).MakeRelativeTo(new Fluent.IO.Path(Server.MapPath("~"))).ToString().Replace('\\', '/');

                    strings.AddRange(_localizationService.TranslateFile(path, System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file, Encoding.UTF8), culture));

            _localizationService.SaveStringsToDatabase(strings, overwrite ?? false);
            Services.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, T("Imported {0} translations from {1} *.po files", strings.Count, files.Count()));
 public void SyncTranslation(string sitePath, string cultureCode)
     .Files("orchard.*.po", true)
     .Where(p => p.Parent().FileName.Equals("en-US", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
     .ForEach(baselinePath =>
         var path         = baselinePath.Parent().Parent().Combine(cultureCode, baselinePath.FileName);
         var translations = new List <StringEntry>();
         if (path.Exists)
             path.Open(inStream => ReadTranslations(inStream, translations), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
         path.Open(outStream =>
             var englishTranslations = new List <StringEntry>();
             baselinePath.Open(baselineStream => ReadTranslations(baselineStream, englishTranslations), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
             using (var writer = new StreamWriter(outStream))
                 foreach (var englishTranslation in englishTranslations)
                     var entry       = englishTranslation;
                     var translation = translations.Where(
                         t => t.Context == entry.Context &&
                         t.Key == entry.Key).FirstOrDefault();
                     if (translation == default(StringEntry) ||
                         translation.Translation == null ||
                         translation.Translation.Equals(@"msgstr """""))
                         writer.WriteLine("# Untranslated string");
                     if (translation != null)
                         translation.Used = true;
                         writer.WriteLine("msgstr \"\"");
                 foreach (var translation in translations.Where(t => !t.Used))
                     writer.WriteLine("# Obsolete translation");
         }, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
        private static IEnumerable <StringEntry> DispatchResourceString(
            string corePoPath,
            string rootPoPath,
            Path sitePath,
            Path path,
            Path currentInputPath,
            string contents,
            string str)
            var current = "~/" + path.MakeRelativeTo(currentInputPath).ToString().Replace('\\', '/');

            // exclude items from the /obj/ directories, this is where packages reside
            if (!path.FullPath.Contains("\\obj\\"))
                var context = current;
                if (path.Extension == ".cs")
                    var ns   = NamespaceExpression.Match(contents).Groups[1].ToString();
                    var type = ClassExpression.Match(contents).Groups[1].ToString();
                    context = ns + "." + type;
                string targetPath;

                if (current.StartsWith("~/core/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    targetPath = corePoPath;
                else if (current.StartsWith("~/themes/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    targetPath = GetThemeLocalizationPath(sitePath, current.Substring(9, current.IndexOf('/', 9) - 9)).ToString();
                else if (current.StartsWith("~/modules/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    targetPath = GetModuleLocalizationPath(sitePath, current.Substring(10, current.IndexOf('/', 10) - 10)).ToString();
                else if (current.StartsWith("~/obj/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    targetPath = null;
                    targetPath = rootPoPath;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath))
                    yield return(new StringEntry
                        Culture = null,
                        Context = context,
                        Key = str,
                        English = str,
                        Translation = str,
                        Path = targetPath.Replace('\\', '/')
Exemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var assemblyPath      = typeof(Program).Assembly.Location;
            var assemblyDirectory = Path.Get(assemblyPath);

            _testPath  = assemblyDirectory.Parent().Parent().Parent().Parent().Combine("Jint.Tests.Ecma");
            _suitePath = _testPath;
            if (!_suitePath.Exists)

            _classTemplate  = File.ReadAllText("ClassTemplate.txt");
            _methodTemplate = File.ReadAllText("MethodTemplate.txt");

            foreach (var url in suites)
                var     content    = new WebClient().DownloadString(url);
                dynamic suite      = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content);
                var     collection = suite.testsCollection;
                var     tests      = collection.tests;


                foreach (var test in tests)
                    byte[] data          = Convert.FromBase64String((string)test.code);
                    string decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

                        test.negative != null

            foreach (var category in categorizedTests.Keys)
                var file = _testPath.Combine("Ecma").Combine(category + ".cs");

                var methods = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var test in categorizedTests[category])

                var fileContent = _classTemplate;
                fileContent = fileContent.Replace("$$Methods$$", methods.ToString());
                fileContent = fileContent.Replace("$$ClassName$$", GetClassName(category));

                File.WriteAllText(file.FullPath, fileContent);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <inheritdoc cref="HtmlBuilder"/>
        public HtmlBuilder(Project project, ILogger <HtmlBuilder> logger, JsBuilder jsBuilder)
            _project   = project;
            _logger    = logger;
            _jsBuilder = jsBuilder;

            _inPath  = Program.InPath.Combine("scriban");
            _outPath = _project.PathTo(Program.OutFolder);
Exemplo n.º 15
        static void Main(string[] args)

            var assemblyPath = typeof(Program).Assembly.Location;
            var assemblyDirectory = Path.Get(assemblyPath);
            _testPath = assemblyDirectory.Parent().Parent().Parent().Parent().Combine("Jint.Tests.Ecma");
            _suitePath = _testPath;
            if (!_suitePath.Exists)

            _classTemplate = File.ReadAllText("ClassTemplate.txt");
            _methodTemplate = File.ReadAllText("MethodTemplate.txt");

            foreach(var url in suites) {
                var content = new WebClient().DownloadString(url);
                dynamic suite = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content);
                var collection = suite.testsCollection;
                var tests = collection.tests;


                foreach (var test in tests)
                    byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String((string)test.code);
                    string decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

                        test.negative != null

            foreach (var category in categorizedTests.Keys)
                var file = _testPath.Combine("Ecma").Combine(category + ".cs");

                var methods = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var test in categorizedTests[category])

                var fileContent = _classTemplate;
                fileContent = fileContent.Replace("$$Methods$$", methods.ToString());
                fileContent = fileContent.Replace("$$ClassName$$", GetClassName(category));

                File.WriteAllText(file.FullPath, fileContent);
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Zips all files in the path to the target.
        ///     <remarks>
        ///     When a directory is being pointed to as a source, all contents are recursively added.
        ///     Individual files are added at the root, and directories are added at the root under their name.
        ///     To have more control over the path of the files in the zip, use the overload.
        ///     </remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The files to compress.</param>
        /// <param name="target">
        /// The path of the target zip file.
        /// If target has more than one file, only the first one is used.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The zipped path.</returns>
        public static Path Zip(this Path path, Path target)
            var files = path.AllFiles()
                p => p.MakeRelativeTo(path),
                p => p);

            Zip(target, new Path(files.Keys), p => files[p].ReadBytes());
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Zips all files in the path to the target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The files to compress.</param>
        /// <param name="target">
        /// The path of the target zip file.
        /// If target has more than one file, only the first one is used.</param>
        /// <param name="fileSystemToZip">
        /// A function that maps the paths of the files and directories to zip into relative paths inside the zip.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The zipped path.</returns>
        public static Path Zip(this Path path, Path target, Func <Path, Path> fileSystemToZip)
            var files = path.AllFiles()
                p => p);

            Zip(target, new Path(files.Keys), p => files[p].ReadBytes());
Exemplo n.º 18
        public byte[] ExtractDefaultTranslation(string sitePath)
            var site       = Path.Get(sitePath);
            var corePoPath = site.Combine(
                "Core", "App_Data",
                "Localization", "en-US",
            var rootPoPath = site.Combine(
                "App_Data", "Localization", "en-US",
            var zipFiles = new Dictionary <Path, StringBuilder>();

            // Extract resources for module manifests
            site.Files("module.txt", true)
            .Read((content, path) => {
                var moduleName = path.Parent().FileName;
                var poPath     =
                    path.MakeRelativeTo(sitePath).Tokens[0].Equals("core", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ?
                    corePoPath : GetModuleLocalizationPath(site, moduleName);
                ExtractPoFromManifest(zipFiles, poPath, content, path, site);
            // Extract resources for theme manifests
            site.Files("theme.txt", true)
            .Read((content, path) => {
                var themeName = path.Parent().FileName;
                var poPath    = GetThemeLocalizationPath(site, themeName);
                ExtractPoFromManifest(zipFiles, poPath, content, path, site);
            // Extract resources from views and cs files, for the web site
            // as well as for the framework and Azure projects.
            .ForEach(p =>
                     p.Files("*", true)
                     .WhereExtensionIs(".cshtml", ".aspx", ".ascx", ".cs")
                         (path, match, contents) => {
                var str = match.Groups[1].ToString();
                DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, corePoPath, rootPoPath, site, path, p, contents, str);
                         (path, match, contents) => {
                var str = match.Groups[1].ToString();
                DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, corePoPath, rootPoPath, site, path, p, contents, str);
                str = match.Groups[6].ToString();
                DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, corePoPath, rootPoPath, site, path, p, contents, str);
                       new Path(zipFiles.Keys.Select(p => p.MakeRelativeTo(site))),
                       p => Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(zipFiles[site.Combine(p)].ToString())));
 private void ExtractResourcesFromCode(string contents, Path corePoPath, Path rootPoPath, Path site, Path path, Dictionary <Path, StringEntryBuilder> zipFiles)
     foreach (var str in FindLocalizedStrings(contents))
         DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, corePoPath, rootPoPath, site, path, site, contents, '"' + str + '"');
     foreach (var str in FindLocalizedStrings(contents, "T.Plural(", true))
         DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, corePoPath, rootPoPath, site, path, site, contents, '"' + str + '"');
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static MemoryStore LoadResults(Path file)
            var store = new MemoryStore();

            using (var reader = new RdfXmlReader(file.FullPath))

            Console.WriteLine("Loaded {0} statements.", store.StatementCount);

Exemplo n.º 21
 public static void ZipToStream(Path zipPaths, Func <Path, byte[]> zipPathToContent, Stream output)
     using var zipArchive = new ZipArchive(output, ZipArchiveMode.Create);
     foreach (Path path in zipPaths)
         ZipArchiveEntry entry  = zipArchive.CreateEntry(path.First().ToString(), CompressionLevel.Optimal);
         Stream          writer = entry.Open();
Exemplo n.º 22
        private static async void Resize(Path jpegImagePath, Path createDirectory, int size, string filename, MemoryStream original)
            var result = Resizer.LowJpeg(original, size, size).ToArray();

            using (var sourceStream = File.Open(createDirectory.Combine(filename).FullPath, FileMode.Create))
                sourceStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                await sourceStream.WriteAsync(result, 0, result.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Resized {0}: {1}", size, jpegImagePath.FileName);
Exemplo n.º 23
        private static Path GetResourceCache(Statement statement, Path cache)
            var name      = Path.Get(statement.Subject.Uri).FileName.ToLower();
            var extension = Path.Get(statement.Object.Uri).Extension.ToLower();

            if (extension == "" || extension.StartsWith("._"))
                extension = ".html";

            return(cache.Combine(name + extension));
Exemplo n.º 24
        private static async void Resize(Path jpegImagePath, Path createDirectory, int size, string filename, MemoryStream original)
            var result = Resizer.LowJpeg(original, size, size).ToArray();

            using (var sourceStream = File.Open(createDirectory.Combine(filename).FullPath, FileMode.Create))
                sourceStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                await sourceStream.WriteAsync(result, 0, result.Length);

            Console.WriteLine("Resized {0}: {1}", size, jpegImagePath.FileName);
        public byte[] PackageTranslations(string cultureCode, string sitePath)
            var site             = Path.Get(sitePath);
            var translationFiles = site
                                   .Files("orchard.*.po", true)
                                   .Where(p => p.Parent().FileName.Equals(cultureCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                       p => site.Combine(p).ReadBytes()));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public byte[] ExtractDefaultTranslation(string sitePath, IEnumerable <string> extensionNames)
            if (extensionNames == null || extensionNames.Count() == 0)
            var site     = Path.Get(sitePath);
            var zipFiles = new Dictionary <Path, StringBuilder>();

            // Extract resources for module manifests
            site.Files("module.txt", true)
            .Where(p => extensionNames.Contains(p.Parent().FileName))
            .Read((content, path) => {
                var moduleName = path.Parent().FileName;
                var poPath     = GetModuleLocalizationPath(site, moduleName);
                ExtractPoFromManifest(zipFiles, poPath, content, path, site);
            // Extract resources for theme manifests
            site.Files("theme.txt", true)
            .Where(p => extensionNames.Contains(p.Parent().FileName))
            .Read((content, path) => {
                var themeName = path.Parent().FileName;
                var poPath    = GetThemeLocalizationPath(site, themeName);
                ExtractPoFromManifest(zipFiles, poPath, content, path, site);
            // Extract resources from views and cs files
            site.Files("*", true)
            .WhereExtensionIs(".cshtml", ".aspx", ".ascx", ".cs")
            .Where(p => {
                var tokens = p.MakeRelativeTo(site).Tokens;
                return(new[] { "themes", "modules" }.Contains(tokens[0]) &&
                (path, match, contents) => {
                var str = match.Groups[1].ToString();
                DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, null, null, site, path, site, contents, str);
                (path, match, contents) => {
                var str = match.Groups[1].ToString();
                DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, null, null, site, path, site, contents, str);
                str = match.Groups[6].ToString();
                DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, null, null, site, path, site, contents, str);
                       new Path(zipFiles.Keys.Select(p => p.MakeRelativeTo(site))),
                       p => Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(zipFiles[site.Combine(p)].ToString())));
Exemplo n.º 27
        private bool ShouldIgnore(string actualPath, Path drivePath, USNChangeRange range, NtfsUsnJournal journal)
            if (actualPath == "Unavailable")

            string relativePath;

                Uri drivePathUri  = new Uri(drivePath.FullPath, UriKind.Absolute);
                Uri actualPathUri = new Uri(actualPath, UriKind.Absolute);

                relativePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(drivePathUri.MakeRelativeUri(actualPathUri).ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                relativePath = "#ERROR#";

            if (relativePath == "#ERROR#" || relativePath.StartsWith("System Volume Information") || relativePath.StartsWith("$RECYCLE.BIN"))

            string renameFromRelativePath = "";

            if (range.RenameFrom != null)
                string renameFromPath = GetActualPath(journal, range.RenameFrom);

                    Uri drivePathUri  = new Uri(drivePath.FullPath, UriKind.Absolute);
                    Uri actualPathUri = new Uri(renameFromPath, UriKind.Absolute);

                    renameFromRelativePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(drivePathUri.MakeRelativeUri(actualPathUri).ToString());
                catch (Exception e)
                    renameFromRelativePath = "";

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(renameFromRelativePath) && renameFromRelativePath.StartsWith(".proximaTemp"))

Exemplo n.º 28
        public byte[] PackageTranslations(string cultureCode, string sitePath, IEnumerable <string> extensionNames)
            var site             = Path.Get(sitePath);
            var translationFiles = site
                                   .Files("orchard.*.po", true)
                                   .Where(p =>
                                          p.Parent().FileName.Equals(cultureCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                          (extensionNames.Contains(p.MakeRelativeTo(site.Combine("Modules")).Tokens[0]) ||

                       p => site.Combine(p).ReadBytes()));
Exemplo n.º 29
        private static string GetEntityName(MemoryStore store, Uri uri)
            var name = store.Select(new Statement(uri.AbsoluteUri, foaf + "name", null))
                       .Select(statement => statement.Object)
                       .Cast <Literal>()
                       .Select(literal => literal.Value)

            if (name == null)
                name = Path.Get(uri.AbsolutePath).FileName;

 public static void ZipToStream(Path zipPaths, Func <Path, byte[]> zipPathToContent, Stream output)
     using (var zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(output)) {
         zipStream.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.BestCompression;
         foreach (var path in zipPaths)
             var buffer = zipPathToContent(path);
             var entry  = zipStream.PutNextEntry(path.ToString());
             entry.CreationTime = DateTime.Now;
             zipStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Exemplo n.º 31
        private static void ParseFiles(MemoryStore store, Path cache)
            Console.WriteLine("Searching cross-references...");

            foreach (var statement in store.Select(new Statement(null, foaf + "page", null)).OrderBy(statement => statement.Subject.Uri))
                var file = GetResourceCache(statement, cache);

                if (file.Exists)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", GetEntityName(store, new Uri(statement.Subject.Uri)));

                    var document = new HtmlDocument();

                    foreach (var node in document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='bodyContent']/p//a[@href]"))
                        var uri = new Uri(new Uri(statement.Object.Uri), node.Attributes["href"].Value);
                        var tag = GetBeforeWords(node, 4).Concat(new[] { node.InnerText }).Concat(GetAfterWords(node, 4));

                        var predicate = StripNonAscii(string.Join("-", tag));
                        foreach (var stop in new[] { "&", "#", ";", ":", ",", ".", " ", "(", ")", "[", "]", "\"", "'", "$" })
                            predicate = predicate.Replace(stop, "");

                        predicate = myd + predicate;

                        var entity = store.SelectSingle(new Statement(null, foaf + "page", new Entity(uri.AbsoluteUri)));

                        if (entity.HasValue)
                            if (entity.Value.Subject != statement.Subject)
                                Console.WriteLine("\t\t[{0}] {1} = {2}", predicate, node.InnerText, uri.AbsoluteUri);
                                store.Add(new Statement(statement.Subject, new Entity(predicate), entity.Value.Subject));
                            //Console.WriteLine("\t\t[{0}] {1} = {2}", predicate, node.InnerText, uri.AbsoluteUri);
                            //store.Add(new Statement(statement.Subject, new Entity(predicate), new Entity(uri.AbsoluteUri)));
Exemplo n.º 32
        private static void DownloadResource(WebClient client, Statement statement, Path path)
            var file = GetResourceCache(statement, path);

            if (!file.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine("Downloading {0}...", statement.Object.Uri);
                    client.DownloadFile(statement.Object.Uri, file.FullPath);
                catch (Exception exception)
Exemplo n.º 33
        private static void CreateThumbnails(Path jpegImagePath, Path eaDir)
            using (var original = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(jpegImagePath.FullPath)))
                Console.WriteLine("Resizing 120: {0}", jpegImagePath.FileName);
                Resize(jpegImagePath, eaDir.Combine(jpegImagePath.FileName).CreateDirectory(), 120, "SYNOPHOTO-THUMB_S.jpg", original);
                original.Position = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Resizing 320: {0}", jpegImagePath.FileName);
                Resize(jpegImagePath, eaDir.Combine(jpegImagePath.FileName).CreateDirectory(), 320, "SYNOPHOTO-THUMB_M.jpg", original);
                original.Position = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Resizing 640: {0}", jpegImagePath.FileName);
                Resize(jpegImagePath, eaDir.Combine(jpegImagePath.FileName).CreateDirectory(), 640, "SYNOPHOTO-THUMB_B.jpg", original);
                original.Position = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Resizing 800: {0}", jpegImagePath.FileName);
                Resize(jpegImagePath, eaDir.Combine(jpegImagePath.FileName).CreateDirectory(), 800, "SYNOPHOTO-THUMB_L.jpg", original);
Exemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Zips all files in the path to the target.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">The files to compress.</param>
 /// <param name="target">
 /// The path of the target zip file.
 /// If target has more than one file, only the first one is used.</param>
 /// <param name="fileSystemToZip">
 /// A function that maps the paths of the files and directories to zip into relative paths inside the zip.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The zipped path.</returns>
 public static Path Zip(this Path path, Path target, Func<Path, Path> fileSystemToZip)
     var files = path.AllFiles()
            p => p);
     Zip(target, new Path(files.Keys), p => files[p].ReadBytes());
     return target;
Exemplo n.º 35
 public static byte[] Zip(Path zipPaths, Func<Path, byte[]> zipPathToContent)
     using (var result = new MemoryStream()) {
         ZipToStream(zipPaths, zipPathToContent, result);
         return result.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Zips dynamically created contents.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">
 /// The path of the target zip file.
 /// If target has more than one file, only the first one is used.</param>
 /// <param name="zipPaths">The zipped paths of the files to zip.</param>
 /// <param name="zipPathToContent">
 /// A function that maps the zipped paths to the binary content of the file to zip.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The zipped path.</returns>
 public static Path Zip(this Path target, Path zipPaths, Func<Path, byte[]> zipPathToContent)
     target.Open(s => ZipToStream(zipPaths, p => p.ReadBytes(), s),
         FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
     return target;
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans the site for *.po files and imports them into database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="culture"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ImportCurrentPos(bool? overwrite)
            if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(
              Permissions.ImportExport, T("You are not allowed to upload translations.")))
            return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();

              List<StringEntry> strings = new List<StringEntry>();
              var files = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~"), "*.po", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
              foreach (var file in files)
            var match = cultureRegex.Match(file);
            if (!match.Success || match.Groups.Count < 2)
              Logger.Error("Importing current PO's; cannot find culture in path " + file);
              string culture = match.Groups[1].Value;
              string path = new Fluent.IO.Path(file).MakeRelativeTo(new Fluent.IO.Path(Server.MapPath("~"))).ToString().Replace('\\', '/');

              strings.AddRange(_localizationService.TranslateFile(path, System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file, Encoding.UTF8), culture));

              _localizationService.SaveStringsToDatabase(strings, overwrite ?? false);
              Services.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Information, T("Imported {0} translations from {1} *.po files", strings.Count, files.Count()));
              return RedirectToAction("Import");
 private static Path GetThemeLocalizationPath(Path siteRoot, string themeName) {
     return siteRoot.Combine(
         "Themes", themeName, "App_Data",
         "Localization", "en-US",
 private static Path GetModuleLocalizationPath(Path siteRoot, string moduleName) {
     return siteRoot.Combine(
         "Modules", moduleName, "App_Data",
         "Localization", "en-US",
        private static void DispatchResourceString(
            IDictionary<Path, StringBuilder> fileCatalog,
            Path corePoPath,
            Path rootPoPath,
            Path sitePath,
            Path path,
            Path currentInputPath,
            string contents, string str) {

            var current = "~/" + path.MakeRelativeTo(currentInputPath).ToString().Replace('\\', '/');
            var context = current;
            if (path.Extension == ".cs") {
                var ns = NamespaceExpression.Match(contents).Groups[1].ToString();
                var type = ClassExpression.Match(contents).Groups[1].ToString();
                context = ns + "." + type;
            Path targetPath;
            if (current.StartsWith("~/core/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                targetPath = corePoPath;
            else if (current.StartsWith("~/themes/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                targetPath = GetThemeLocalizationPath(sitePath, current.Substring(9, current.IndexOf('/', 9) - 9));
            else if (current.StartsWith("~/modules/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                targetPath = GetModuleLocalizationPath(sitePath, current.Substring(10, current.IndexOf('/', 10) - 10));
            else {
                targetPath = rootPoPath;
            WriteResourceString(GetBuilder(fileCatalog, targetPath), context, str);
Exemplo n.º 41
    private IEnumerable<StringEntry> DispatchResourceString(
        string corePoPath,
        string rootPoPath,
        Path sitePath,
        Path path,
        Path currentInputPath,
        string contents, 
        string str)
      var current = "~/" + path.MakeRelativeTo(currentInputPath).ToString().Replace('\\', '/');
      // exclude items from the /obj/ directories, this is where packages reside
      if (!path.FullPath.Contains("\\obj\\"))
        var context = current;
        if (path.Extension == ".cs")
          var ns = NamespaceExpression.Match(contents).Groups[1].ToString();
          var type = ClassExpression.Match(contents).Groups[1].ToString();
          context = ns + "." + type;
        string targetPath = null;
        if (current.StartsWith("~/core/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
          targetPath = corePoPath;
        else if (current.StartsWith("~/themes/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            targetPath = GetThemeLocalizationPath(sitePath, current.Substring(9, current.IndexOf('/', 9) - 9)).ToString();
          catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
            Logger.Error(ex, "Error substinging {0}, skipping string {1}!", current, str);
        else if (current.StartsWith("~/modules/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            targetPath = GetModuleLocalizationPath(sitePath, current.Substring(10, current.IndexOf('/', 10) - 10)).ToString();
          catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
            Logger.Error(ex, "Error substinging {0}, skipping string {1}!", current, str);
        else if (current.StartsWith("~/obj/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
          targetPath = null;
          targetPath = rootPoPath;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath))
          yield return new StringEntry
            Culture = null,
            Context = context,
            Key = str,
            English = str,
            Translation = str,
            Path = targetPath.Replace('\\', '/')
 private void ExtractResourcesFromCode(string contents, Path corePoPath, Path rootPoPath, Path site, Path path, Dictionary<Path, StringBuilder> zipFiles) {
     foreach (var str in FindLocalizedStrings(contents)) {
         DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, corePoPath, rootPoPath, site, path, site, contents, '"' + str + '"');
     foreach (var str in FindLocalizedStrings(contents, "T.Plural(", true)) {
         DispatchResourceString(zipFiles, corePoPath, rootPoPath, site, path, site, contents, '"' + str + '"');
 private static StringBuilder GetBuilder(IDictionary<Path, StringBuilder> fileCatalog, Path path) {
     StringBuilder entry;
     if (!fileCatalog.ContainsKey(path)) {
         entry = new StringBuilder();
         fileCatalog.Add(path, entry);
     else {
         entry = fileCatalog[path];
     return entry;
Exemplo n.º 44
 /// <summary>
 /// Unzips all files in the path.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">The zip files.</param>
 /// <param name="target">The directory where the files must be unzipped.</param>
 /// <returns>The uncompressed files and folders.</returns>
 public static Path Unzip(this Path path, Path target)
     Unzip(path, (p, ba) => target.Combine(p).Write(ba));
     return target;
Exemplo n.º 45
 private static string GetThemeLocalizationPath(Path siteRoot, string themeName)
   return System.IO.Path.Combine(
       "Themes", themeName, "App_Data",
       "Localization", "{0}",
Exemplo n.º 46
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="poPath">PO file that the translation would be in traditional po setup</param>
 /// <param name="manifest">content of the manifest file</param>
 /// <param name="manifestPath">path to the manifest file</param>
 /// <param name="rootPath">path to the root of the site</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static IEnumerable<StringEntry> ExtractPoFromManifest(
     string poPath,
     string manifest,
     Path manifestPath,
     Path rootPath)
   if (!manifestPath.FullPath.Contains("\\obj\\"))
     var context = "~/" + manifestPath.MakeRelativeTo(rootPath).ToString()
                              .Replace('\\', '/');
     var reader = new StringReader(manifest);
     string line;
     while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
       var split = line.Split(new[] { ':' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
           .Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
       if (split.Length == 2)
         var key = split[0];
         if (new[] { "Name", "Description", "Author", "Website", "Tags" }.Contains(key))
           var value = split[1];
           yield return new StringEntry
             Culture = null,
             Context = context,
             Key = key,
             English = value,
             Translation = value,
             Path = poPath.Replace('\\', '/')
       if (line.StartsWith("Features:"))
         var feature = "";
         while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
           var match = FeatureNameExpression.Match(line);
           if (match.Success)
             feature = match.Groups[1].Value;
           split = line.Split(new[] { ':' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
               .Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
           if (split.Length != 2) continue;
           var key = split[0];
           if (new[] { "Name", "Description", "Category" }.Contains(key))
             var value = split[1];
             yield return new StringEntry
               Culture = null,
               Context = context,
               Key = feature + "." + key,
               English = value,
               Translation = value,
               Path = poPath.Replace('\\', '/')
Exemplo n.º 47
 public static void ZipToStream(Path zipPaths, Func<Path, byte[]> zipPathToContent, Stream output)
     using (var zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(output)) {
         zipStream.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.BestCompression;
         foreach (var path in zipPaths) {
             var buffer = zipPathToContent(path);
             var entry = zipStream.PutNextEntry(path.ToString());
             entry.CreationTime = DateTime.Now;
             zipStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        private static void ExtractPoFromManifest(
            IDictionary<Path, StringBuilder> fileCatalog,
            Path poPath,
            string manifest,
            Path manifestPath,
            Path rootPath) {

            var context = "~/" + manifestPath.MakeRelativeTo(rootPath).ToString()
                                     .Replace('\\', '/');
            var reader = new StringReader(manifest);
            var builder = GetBuilder(fileCatalog, poPath);
            string line;
            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {
                var split = line.Split(new[] {':'}, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                    .Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
                if (split.Length == 2) {
                    var key = split[0];
                    if (new[] {"Name", "Description", "Author", "Website", "Tags"}.Contains(key)) {
                        var value = split[1];
                            '"' + key + '"',
                            '"' + value + '"');
                if (line.StartsWith("Features:")) {
                    var feature = "";
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {
                        var match = FeatureNameExpression.Match(line);
                        if (match.Success) {
                            feature = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        split = line.Split(new[] { ':' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                            .Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
                        if (split.Length != 2) continue;
                        var key = split[0];
                        if (new[] { "Name", "Description", "Category" }.Contains(key)) {
                            var value = split[1];
                                '"' + feature + '.' + key + "\"",
                                '"' + value + '"');
Exemplo n.º 49
 private static string GetModuleLocalizationPath(Path siteRoot, string moduleName)
   return System.IO.Path.Combine(
       "Modules", moduleName, "App_Data",
       "Localization", "{0}",
Exemplo n.º 50
 /// <summary>
 /// Zips all files in the path to the target.
 ///     <remarks>
 ///     When a directory is being pointed to as a source, all contents are recursively added.
 ///     Individual files are added at the root, and directories are added at the root under their name.
 ///     To have more control over the path of the files in the zip, use the overload.
 ///     </remarks>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">The files to compress.</param>
 /// <param name="target">
 /// The path of the target zip file.
 /// If target has more than one file, only the first one is used.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The zipped path.</returns>
 public static Path Zip(this Path path, Path target)
     var files = path.AllFiles()
             p => p.MakeRelativeTo(path),
             p => p);
     Zip(target, new Path(files.Keys), p => files[p].ReadBytes());
     return target;