Exemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Describes how the transformer handles one input-output column pair.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="input">Name of the input column.</param>
            /// <param name="output">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="input"/>. Null means <paramref name="input"/> is replaced.</param>
            /// <param name="colors">What colors to extract.</param>
            /// <param name="interleave"></param>
            /// <param name="scale">Scale color pixel value by this amount.</param>
            /// <param name="offset">Offset color pixel value by this amount.</param>
            /// <param name="asFloat">Output array as float array. If false, output as byte array.</param>

            public ColumnInfo(string input, string output = null,
                              ColorBits colors            = Defaults.Colors,
                              bool interleave             = Defaults.Interleave,
                              float scale  = Defaults.Scale,
                              float offset = Defaults.Offset,
                              bool asFloat = Defaults.Convert)
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(input, nameof(input));

                Input  = input;
                Output = output ?? input;
                Colors = colors;

                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Alpha) == ColorBits.Alpha)
                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Red) == ColorBits.Red)
                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Green) == ColorBits.Green)
                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Blue) == ColorBits.Blue)
                Contracts.CheckParam(Planes > 0, nameof(colors), "Need to use at least one color plane");

                Interleave = interleave;

                AsFloat = asFloat;
                if (!AsFloat)
                    Offset = Defaults.Offset;
                    Scale  = Defaults.Scale;
                    Offset = offset;
                    Scale  = scale;
                Contracts.CheckParam(FloatUtils.IsFinite(Offset), nameof(offset));
                Contracts.CheckParam(FloatUtils.IsFiniteNonZero(Scale), nameof(scale));
Exemplo n.º 2
            public ColInfoEx(Column item, Arguments args)
                if (item.ContainsAlpha ?? args.ContainsAlpha) { Colors |= ColorBits.Alpha; Planes++; }
                if (item.ContainsRed ?? args.ContainsRed) { Colors |= ColorBits.Red; Planes++; }
                if (item.ContainsGreen ?? args.ContainsGreen) { Colors |= ColorBits.Green; Planes++; }
                if (item.ContainsBlue ?? args.ContainsBlue) { Colors |= ColorBits.Blue; Planes++; }
                Contracts.CheckUserArg(Planes > 0, nameof(item.ContainsRed), "Need to use at least one color plane");

                Interleave = item.InterleaveArgb ?? args.InterleaveArgb;

                Width = item.ImageWidth ?? args.ImageWidth;
                Height = item.ImageHeight ?? args.ImageHeight;
                Offset = item.Offset ?? args.Offset ?? 0;
                Scale = item.Scale ?? args.Scale ?? 1;
                Contracts.CheckUserArg(FloatUtils.IsFinite(Offset), nameof(item.Offset));
                Contracts.CheckUserArg(FloatUtils.IsFiniteNonZero(Scale), nameof(item.Scale));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public override bool Accept()
     if (!base.Accept())
     if (_get != null)
         _get(ref Features);
         if (!_keepBad && !FloatUtils.IsFinite(Features.Values, Features.Count))
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// print the linear model as code
        /// </summary>
        public static void SaveAsCode(TextWriter writer, ref VBuffer <Float> weights, Float bias,
                                      RoleMappedSchema schema, string codeVariable = "output")
            Contracts.CheckValue(writer, nameof(writer));

            var featureNames = default(VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> >);

            MetadataUtils.GetSlotNames(schema, RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole.Feature, weights.Length, ref featureNames);

            int numNonZeroWeights = 0;

            writer.Write(" = ");
            VBufferUtils.ForEachDefined(ref weights,
                                        (idx, value) =>
                if (Math.Abs(value - 0) >= Epsilon)
                    if (numNonZeroWeights > 0)
                        writer.Write(" + ");

                    if (featureNames.Count > 0)
                        writer.Write(FeatureNameAsCode(featureNames.GetItemOrDefault(idx).ToString(), idx));
                        writer.Write("f_" + idx);


            if (numNonZeroWeights > 0)
                writer.Write(" + ");
Exemplo n.º 5
        private float getEffectiveWeightFromBody(Rigidbody body3D, Rigidbody2D body2D)
            if (!body2D && !body3D)
            Vector3 velocity          = body2D ? (Vector3)body2D.velocity : body3D.velocity;
            float   mass              = body2D ? body2D.mass : body3D.mass;
            bool    colliderIsNull    = body2D ? !body2D.GetComponent <Collider2D>() : !body3D.GetComponent <Collider>();
            bool    colliderIsTrigger = !colliderIsNull && (body2D ? body2D.GetComponent <Collider2D>().isTrigger : body3D.GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger);

            if (FloatUtils.IsFirstFloatPreciselySmallerOrEqualToSecond(Mathf.Abs(velocity.y), 0.1f) && !colliderIsNull && !colliderIsTrigger)
Exemplo n.º 6
        private GaussianFourierSampler(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
            _host = env.Register(LoadName);

            // *** Binary format ***
            // int: sizeof(Float)
            // Float: gamma

            int cbFloat = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();

            _host.CheckDecode(cbFloat == sizeof(float));

            _gamma = ctx.Reader.ReadFloat();
Exemplo n.º 7
    void FixedUpdate()
        moveDirection.Set(0, 0);

        if (eat.dead || eat.eating)

        if (!FloatUtils.CloseEnough(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0f))
            moveDirection.Set(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * speed, 0);

        if (!FloatUtils.CloseEnough(Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), 0f))
            moveDirection.Set(moveDirection.x, Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * speed);

        if (transform.position.y < minYPosition.position.y)
            moveDirection.Set(moveDirection.x, Mathf.Max(0, moveDirection.y));

        rb.MovePosition(rb.position + moveDirection * Time.fixedDeltaTime);

        if (moveDirection.x < 0)
            direction = Direction.W;
        else if (moveDirection.x > 0)
            direction = Direction.E;
        else if (FloatUtils.CloseEnough(moveDirection.x, 0, 0.01f))
            direction = Direction.S;

        if (direction != lastDirection)
            lastDirection = direction;
            anim.SetInteger("Direction", (int)direction);
Exemplo n.º 8
        // This is absolute error near zero and relative error away from zero.
        private static double Diff(double d1, double d2)
            if (d1 == d2)

            if (FloatUtils.IsFinite(d1) && FloatUtils.IsFinite(d2))
                return(Math.Abs(d1 - d2) / Math.Max(1, Math.Max(Math.Abs(d1), Math.Abs(d2))));

            if (double.IsNaN(d1) && double.IsNaN(d2))
Exemplo n.º 9
        private PcaPredictor(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
            : base(env, RegistrationName, ctx)
            // *** Binary format ***
            // int: dimension (aka. number of features)
            // int: rank
            // bool: center
            // If (center)
            //  Float[]: mean vector
            // Float[][]: eigenvectors
            _dimension = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();

            _rank = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();

            bool center = ctx.Reader.ReadBoolByte();

            if (center)
                var meanArray = ctx.Reader.ReadFloatArray(_dimension);
                _mean      = new VBuffer <Float>(_dimension, meanArray);
                _norm2Mean = VectorUtils.NormSquared(_mean);
                _mean      = VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <Float>(_dimension);
                _norm2Mean = 0;

            _eigenVectors  = new VBuffer <Float> [_rank];
            _meanProjected = new Float[_rank];
            for (int i = 0; i < _rank; ++i)
                var vi = ctx.Reader.ReadFloatArray(_dimension);
                _eigenVectors[i]  = new VBuffer <Float>(_dimension, vi);
                _meanProjected[i] = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref _eigenVectors[i], ref _mean);
            WarnOnOldNormalizer(ctx, GetType(), Host);

            _inputType = new VectorType(NumberType.Float, _dimension);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private static double CalculateAvgLoss(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, bool norm, float[] linearWeights, AlignedArray latentWeightsAligned,
     int latentDimAligned, AlignedArray latentSum, int[] featureFieldBuffer, int[] featureIndexBuffer, float[] featureValueBuffer, VBuffer<float> buffer, ref long badExampleCount)
     var featureColumns = data.Schema.GetColumns(RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole.Feature);
     Func<int, bool> pred = c => featureColumns.Select(ci => ci.Index).Contains(c) || c == data.Schema.Label.Index || (data.Schema.Weight != null && c == data.Schema.Weight.Index);
     var getters = new ValueGetter<VBuffer<float>>[featureColumns.Count];
     float label = 0;
     float weight = 1;
     double loss = 0;
     float modelResponse = 0;
     long exampleCount = 0;
     badExampleCount = 0;
     int count = 0;
     using (var cursor = data.Data.GetRowCursor(pred))
         var labelGetter = cursor.GetGetter<float>(data.Schema.Label.Index);
         var weightGetter = data.Schema.Weight == null ? null : cursor.GetGetter<float>(data.Schema.Weight.Index);
         for (int f = 0; f < featureColumns.Count; f++)
             getters[f] = cursor.GetGetter<VBuffer<float>>(featureColumns[f].Index);
         while (cursor.MoveNext())
             labelGetter(ref label);
             weightGetter?.Invoke(ref weight);
             float annihilation = label - label + weight - weight;
             if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(annihilation))
             if (!FieldAwareFactorizationMachineUtils.LoadOneExampleIntoBuffer(getters, buffer, norm, ref count,
                 featureFieldBuffer, featureIndexBuffer, featureValueBuffer))
             FieldAwareFactorizationMachineInterface.CalculateIntermediateVariables(featureColumns.Count, latentDimAligned, count,
                 featureFieldBuffer, featureIndexBuffer, featureValueBuffer, linearWeights, latentWeightsAligned, latentSum, ref modelResponse);
             loss += weight * CalculateLoss(label, modelResponse);
     return loss / exampleCount;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public IEnumerator ZoomOverTime(float damping, float targetZoom)
            var currentZoom         = _camera.orthographicSize;
            var currentZoomVelocity = 0.0f;

            while (true)
                if (FloatUtils.IsApproximately(currentZoom, targetZoom, _zoomThreshold))
                    _camera.orthographicSize = targetZoom;
                    yield break;

                currentZoom = Mathf.SmoothDamp(currentZoom, targetZoom, ref currentZoomVelocity, damping);
                _camera.orthographicSize = currentZoom;

                yield return(null);
Exemplo n.º 12
            private ColumnInfo(string input, string output, ColorBits colors, bool interleave, bool convert, float scale, float offset)
                Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(input, nameof(input));
                Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(output, nameof(output));

                Input  = input;
                Output = output;
                Colors = colors;

                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Alpha) == ColorBits.Alpha)
                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Red) == ColorBits.Red)
                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Green) == ColorBits.Green)
                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Blue) == ColorBits.Blue)
                Contracts.CheckParam(Planes > 0, nameof(colors), "Need to use at least one color plane");

                Interleave = interleave;

                Convert = convert;
                if (!Convert)
                    Offset = 0;
                    Scale  = 1;
                    Offset = offset;
                    Scale  = scale;
                    Contracts.CheckParam(FloatUtils.IsFinite(Offset), nameof(offset));
                    Contracts.CheckParam(FloatUtils.IsFiniteNonZero(Scale), nameof(scale));
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new linear predictor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="env">The host environment.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Component name.</param>
        /// <param name="weights">The weights for the linear predictor. Note that this
        /// will take ownership of the <see cref="VBuffer{T}"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="bias">The bias added to every output score.</param>
        internal LinearPredictor(IHostEnvironment env, string name, ref VBuffer <Float> weights, Float bias)
            : base(env, name)
            Host.CheckParam(FloatUtils.IsFinite(weights.Values, weights.Count), nameof(weights), "Cannot initialize linear predictor with non-finite weights");
            Host.CheckParam(FloatUtils.IsFinite(bias), nameof(bias), "Cannot initialize linear predictor with non-finite bias");

            Weight    = weights;
            Bias      = bias;
            InputType = new VectorType(NumberType.Float, Weight.Length);

            if (Weight.IsDense)
                _weightsDense = Weight;
                _weightsDenseLock = new object();
Exemplo n.º 14
            internal ColumnInfo(Column item, Arguments args)
                Contracts.CheckValue(item, nameof(item));
                Contracts.CheckValue(args, nameof(args));

                Input  = item.Source ?? item.Name;
                Output = item.Name;

                if (item.UseAlpha ?? args.UseAlpha)
                    Colors |= ColorBits.Alpha; Planes++;
                if (item.UseRed ?? args.UseRed)
                    Colors |= ColorBits.Red; Planes++;
                if (item.UseGreen ?? args.UseGreen)
                    Colors |= ColorBits.Green; Planes++;
                if (item.UseBlue ?? args.UseBlue)
                    Colors |= ColorBits.Blue; Planes++;
                Contracts.CheckUserArg(Planes > 0, nameof(item.UseRed), "Need to use at least one color plane");

                Interleave = item.InterleaveArgb ?? args.InterleaveArgb;

                Convert = item.Convert ?? args.Convert;
                if (!Convert)
                    Offset = 0;
                    Scale  = 1;
                    Offset = item.Offset ?? args.Offset ?? 0;
                    Scale  = item.Scale ?? args.Scale ?? 1;
                    Contracts.CheckUserArg(FloatUtils.IsFinite(Offset), nameof(item.Offset));
                    Contracts.CheckUserArg(FloatUtils.IsFiniteNonZero(Scale), nameof(item.Scale));
        protected bool TryNormalize(VBuffer <Single>[] values)
            if (!Normalize)

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                // Leave a zero vector as all zeros. Otherwise, make the L1 norm equal to 1.
                var sum = VectorUtils.L1Norm(in values[i]);
                if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(sum))
                if (sum > 0)
                    VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref values[i], 1 / sum);
        /// <summary>
        /// This should be overridden by derived classes. This implementation simply increments
        /// _numIterExamples and dumps debug information to the console.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void ProcessDataInstance(IChannel ch, ref VBuffer <Float> feat, Float label, Float weight)
            Contracts.Assert(FloatUtils.IsFinite(feat.Values, feat.Count));

#if OLD_TRACING // REVIEW: How should this be ported?
            if (DebugLevel > 2)
                Vector features = instance.Features;
                Host.StdOut.Write("Instance has label {0} and {1} features:", instance.Label, features.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; i++)

            if (DebugLevel > 1)
                if (_numIterExamples % 5000 == 0)
                    if (_numIterExamples % 500000 == 0)
                        Host.StdOut.Write(" ");
                        if (_numIterExamples % 5000000 == 0)
                            Host.StdOut.Write(" ");
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected override float AccumulateOneGradient(ref VBuffer <float> feat, float label, float weight,
                                                       ref VBuffer <float> x, ref VBuffer <float> grad, ref float[] scores)
            if (Utils.Size(scores) < _numClasses)
                scores = new float[_numClasses];

            float bias = 0;

            for (int c = 0, start = _numClasses; c < _numClasses; c++, start += NumFeatures)
                x.GetItemOrDefault(c, ref bias);
                scores[c] = bias + VectorUtils.DotProductWithOffset(ref x, start, ref feat);

            float logZ      = MathUtils.SoftMax(scores, _numClasses);
            float datumLoss = logZ;

            int lab = (int)label;

            Contracts.Assert(0 <= lab && lab < _numClasses);
            for (int c = 0, start = _numClasses; c < _numClasses; c++, start += NumFeatures)
                float probLabel = lab == c ? 1 : 0;
                datumLoss -= probLabel * scores[c];

                float modelProb = MathUtils.ExpSlow(scores[c] - logZ);
                float mult      = weight * (modelProb - probLabel);
                VectorUtils.AddMultWithOffset(ref feat, mult, ref grad, start);
                // Due to the call to EnsureBiases, we know this region is dense.
                Contracts.Assert(grad.Count >= BiasCount && (grad.IsDense || grad.Indices[BiasCount - 1] == BiasCount - 1));
                grad.Values[c] += mult;

            Contracts.Check(FloatUtils.IsFinite(datumLoss), "Data contain bad values.");
            return(weight * datumLoss);
Exemplo n.º 18
            public override void ProcessRow()
                float label = 0;

                _labelGetter(ref label);
                _scoreGetter(ref Score);

                if (float.IsNaN(label))

                if (IsNaN(ref Score))

                float weight = 1;

                if (_weightGetter != null)
                    _weightGetter(ref weight);
                    if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(weight))
                        weight = 1;

                ApplyLossFunction(ref Score, label, ref Loss);
                UnweightedCounters.Update(ref Score, label, 1, ref Loss);
                if (WeightedCounters != null)
                    WeightedCounters.Update(ref Score, label, weight, ref Loss);
Exemplo n.º 19
            public void Save(ModelSaveContext ctx)

                // *** Binary format ***
                // int: Dimension
                // int: Rank
                // for i=0,..,Rank-1:
                //   float[]: the i'th eigenvector
                // int: the size of MeanProjected (0 if it is null)
                // float[]: MeanProjected

                Contracts.Assert(0 < Rank && Rank <= Dimension);
                for (int i = 0; i < Rank; i++)
                    ctx.Writer.WriteSinglesNoCount(Eigenvectors[i].AsSpan(0, Dimension));
                Contracts.Assert(MeanProjected == null || (MeanProjected.Length == Rank && FloatUtils.IsFinite(MeanProjected)));
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds approximate minimum of the function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="function">Function to minimize</param>
        /// <param name="initial">Initial point</param>
        /// <param name="result">Approximate minimum</param>
        public void Minimize(DifferentiableFunction function, ref VBuffer <Float> initial, ref VBuffer <Float> result)
            Contracts.Check(FloatUtils.IsFinite(initial.Values, initial.Count), "The initial vector contains NaNs or infinite values.");
            LineFunc        lineFunc = new LineFunc(function, ref initial, UseCG);
            VBuffer <Float> prev     = default(VBuffer <Float>);

            initial.CopyTo(ref prev);

            for (int n = 0; _maxSteps == 0 || n < _maxSteps; ++n)
                Float step         = LineSearch.Minimize(lineFunc.Eval, lineFunc.Value, lineFunc.Deriv);
                var   newPoint     = lineFunc.NewPoint;
                bool  terminateNow = n > 0 && TerminateTester.ShouldTerminate(ref newPoint, ref prev);
                if (terminateNow || Terminate(ref newPoint))
                newPoint.CopyTo(ref prev);

            lineFunc.NewPoint.CopyTo(ref result);
Exemplo n.º 21
            public void Aggregate(double diff, int line, int col)
                if (diff == 0)

                if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(diff))

                if (DiffMax < diff)
                    DiffMax = diff;
                    LineMax = line;
                    ColMax  = col;

                DiffTot += diff;
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Samples new hyperparameters for the trainer, and sets them.
        /// Returns true if success (new hyperparameters were suggested and set). Else, returns false.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool SampleHyperparameters(MLContext context, SuggestedTrainer trainer,
                                                  IEnumerable <SuggestedPipelineRunDetail> history, bool isMaximizingMetric, IChannel logger)
                var sps     = ConvertToValueGenerators(trainer.SweepParams);
                var sweeper = new SmacSweeper(context,
                                              new SmacSweeper.Arguments
                    SweptParameters = sps

                IEnumerable <SuggestedPipelineRunDetail> historyToUse = history
                                                                        .Where(r => r.RunSucceeded && r.Pipeline.Trainer.TrainerName == trainer.TrainerName &&
                                                                               r.Pipeline.Trainer.HyperParamSet != null &&
                                                                               r.Pipeline.Trainer.HyperParamSet.Any() &&

                // get new set of hyperparameter values
                var proposedParamSet = sweeper.ProposeSweeps(1, historyToUse.Select(h => h.ToRunResult(isMaximizingMetric))).FirstOrDefault();
                if (!proposedParamSet.Any())

                // associate proposed parameter set with trainer, so that smart hyperparameter
                // sweepers (like KDO) can map them back.

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error($"SampleHyperparameters failed with exception: {ex}");
        protected override TModel TrainModelCore(TrainContext context)
            Host.CheckValue(context, nameof(context));
            var initPredictor  = context.InitialPredictor;
            var initLinearPred = initPredictor as LinearPredictor ?? (initPredictor as CalibratedPredictorBase)?.SubPredictor as LinearPredictor;

            Host.CheckParam(initPredictor == null || initLinearPred != null, nameof(context), "Not a linear predictor.");
            var data = context.TrainingSet;

            data.CheckFeatureFloatVector(out int numFeatures);

            using (var ch = Host.Start("Training"))
                InitCore(ch, numFeatures, initLinearPred);
                // InitCore should set the number of features field.
                Contracts.Assert(NumFeatures > 0);

                TrainCore(ch, data);

                if (NumBad > 0)
                        "Skipped {0} instances with missing features during training (over {1} iterations; {2} inst/iter)",
                        NumBad, Args.NumIterations, NumBad / Args.NumIterations);

                Contracts.Assert(WeightsScale == 1);
                Float maxNorm = Math.Max(VectorUtils.MaxNorm(ref Weights), Math.Abs(Bias));
                                "The weights/bias contain invalid values (NaN or Infinite). Potential causes: high learning rates, no normalization, high initial weights, etc.");


        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize predictor from a binary file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The load context</param>
        /// <param name="env">The host environment</param>
        private KMeansModelParameters(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
            : base(env, LoaderSignature, ctx)
            // *** Binary format ***
            // int: k, number of clusters
            // int: dimensionality, length of the centroid vectors
            // for each cluster, then:
            //     int: count of this centroid vector (sparse iff count < dimensionality)
            //     int[count]: only present if sparse, in order indices
            //     Float[count]: centroid vector values

            _k = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
            Host.CheckDecode(_k > 0);
            _dimensionality = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
            Host.CheckDecode(_dimensionality > 0);

            _centroidL2s = new Float[_k];
            _centroids   = new VBuffer <Float> [_k];
            for (int i = 0; i < _k; i++)
                // Prior to allowing sparse vectors, count was not written and was implicitly
                // always equal to dimensionality, and no indices were written either.
                int count = ctx.Header.ModelVerWritten >= 0x00010002 ? ctx.Reader.ReadInt32() : _dimensionality;
                Host.CheckDecode(0 <= count && count <= _dimensionality);
                var indices = count < _dimensionality?ctx.Reader.ReadIntArray(count) : null;

                var values = ctx.Reader.ReadFloatArray(count);
                _centroids[i] = new VBuffer <Float>(_dimensionality, count, values, indices);
            WarnOnOldNormalizer(ctx, GetType(), Host);


            _inputType  = new VectorType(NumberType.Float, _dimensionality);
            _outputType = new VectorType(NumberType.Float, _k);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void GetFeatures(int iCol, int iSlot, Random rand, long key, Span <float> features)
            _host.Assert(features.Length == NumFeatures);

            // get counts from count table in the first _labelBinCount indices.
            var countsBuffer = features.Slice(0, _labelBinCount);
            var countTable   = _countTables[iCol, iSlot];

            countTable.GetCounts(key, countsBuffer);

            // check if it's garbage and replace with garbage counts if true
            float sum = 0;

            foreach (var feat in countsBuffer)
                sum += feat;
            bool isGarbage = sum < countTable.GarbageThreshold;

            if (isGarbage)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var count in countTable.GarbageCounts)
                    countsBuffer[i++] = count;

            sum = AddLaplacianNoisePerLabel(iCol, rand, countsBuffer);

            // add log odds in the next _logOddsCount indices.
            GenerateLogOdds(iCol, countTable, countsBuffer, features.Slice(_labelBinCount, _logOddsCount), sum);

            // Add the last feature: an indicator for isGarbage.
            features[NumFeatures - 1] = isGarbage ? 1 : 0;
Exemplo n.º 26
        protected sealed override TModel TrainModelCore(TrainContext context)
            Host.CheckValue(context, nameof(context));
            var initPredictor  = context.InitialPredictor;
            var initLinearPred = initPredictor as LinearPredictor ?? (initPredictor as CalibratedPredictorBase)?.SubPredictor as LinearPredictor;

            Host.CheckParam(initPredictor == null || initLinearPred != null, nameof(context), "Not a linear predictor.");
            var data = context.TrainingSet;

            data.CheckFeatureFloatVector(out int numFeatures);

            using (var ch = Host.Start("Training"))
                var state = MakeState(ch, numFeatures, initLinearPred);
                TrainCore(ch, data, state);

                ch.Assert(state.WeightsScale == 1);
                Float maxNorm = Math.Max(VectorUtils.MaxNorm(ref state.Weights), Math.Abs(state.Bias));
                         "The weights/bias contain invalid values (NaN or Infinite). Potential causes: high learning rates, no normalization, high initial weights, etc.");
Exemplo n.º 27
        internal OlsLinearRegressionPredictor(IHostEnvironment env, ref VBuffer <Float> weights, Float bias,
                                              Double[] standardErrors, Double[] tValues, Double[] pValues, Double rSquared, Double rSquaredAdjusted)
            : base(env, RegistrationName, ref weights, bias)
            // If r-squared is NaN then the other statistics must be null, however, if r-rsquared is not NaN,
            // then the statistics may be null if creation of statistics was suppressed.
            Contracts.Assert(!Double.IsNaN(rSquaredAdjusted) || standardErrors == null);
            // Nullity or not must be consistent between the statistics.
            Contracts.Assert((standardErrors == null) == (tValues == null) && (tValues == null) == (pValues == null));
            Contracts.Assert(0 <= rSquared & rSquared <= 1);
            Contracts.Assert(Double.IsNaN(rSquaredAdjusted) | (0 <= rSquaredAdjusted & rSquaredAdjusted <= 1));
            if (standardErrors != null)
                // If not null, the input arrays must have one value for each parameter.
                Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(standardErrors) == weights.Length + 1);
                Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(tValues) == weights.Length + 1);
                Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(pValues) == weights.Length + 1);
                for (int i = 0; i <= weights.Length; ++i)

            _standardErrors   = standardErrors;
            _tValues          = tValues;
            _pValues          = pValues;
            _rSquared         = rSquared;
            _rSquaredAdjusted = rSquaredAdjusted;
Exemplo n.º 28
        private static FloatSphere GetShadowSphere(
            Float4x4 ndcToWorldMat,
            Float4x4 worldToLightMat,
            float shadowDistance)
            //Frustum of the camera that will be covered by the shadow map in NDC space
            //Note: this covers the entire screen but only to a certain depth
            FloatBox shadowNDC = new FloatBox(
                min: (-1f, -1f, 0f),
                max: (1f, 1f, DepthUtils.LinearToDepth(

            //Gather points of the frustum
            Span <Float3> points = stackalloc Float3[8];


            //Transform all the points to lightspace (ndc -> world -> lightspace)
            Float3 center = Float3.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                points[i] = (worldToLightMat * ndcToWorldMat).TransformPoint(points[i]);
                center    = i == 0 ? points[i] : (center + points[i]);
            center /= points.Length;

            //The the longest diagonal of the frustum and base our sphere on that
            float squareDiag1 = (points[0] - points[6]).SquareMagnitude;
            float squareDiag2 = (points[2] - points[4]).SquareMagnitude;
            float radius      = FloatUtils.SquareRoot(FloatUtils.Max(squareDiag1, squareDiag2)) * .5f;

            return(new FloatSphere(center, radius));
Exemplo n.º 29
            public IPredictor Calibrate(IChannel ch, IDataView data, ICalibratorTrainer caliTrainer, int maxRows)
                Host.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
                ch.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));
                ch.CheckValue(caliTrainer, nameof(caliTrainer));

                if (caliTrainer.NeedsTraining)
                    var bound = new Bound(this, new RoleMappedSchema(data.Schema));
                    using (var curs = data.GetRowCursor(col => true))
                        var scoreGetter = (ValueGetter <Single>)bound.CreateScoreGetter(curs, col => true, out Action disposer);

                        // We assume that we can use the label column of the first predictor, since if the labels are not identical
                        // then the whole model is garbage anyway.
                        var labelGetter = bound.GetLabelGetter(curs, 0, out Action disp);
                        disposer += disp;
                        var weightGetter = bound.GetWeightGetter(curs, 0, out disp);
                        disposer += disp;
                            int num = 0;
                            while (curs.MoveNext())
                                Single label = 0;
                                labelGetter(ref label);
                                if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(label))
                                Single score = 0;
                                scoreGetter(ref score);
                                if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(score))
                                Single weight = 0;
                                weightGetter(ref weight);
                                if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(weight))

                                caliTrainer.ProcessTrainingExample(score, label > 0, weight);

                                if (maxRows > 0 && ++num >= maxRows)

                var calibrator = caliTrainer.FinishTraining(ch);

                return(CalibratorUtils.CreateCalibratedPredictor(Host, this, calibrator));
        private OlsLinearRegressionPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, FloatLabelCursor.Factory cursorFactory, int featureCount)

            int m = featureCount + 1;

            // Check for memory conditions first.
            if ((long)m * (m + 1) / 2 > int.MaxValue)
                throw ch.Except("Cannot hold covariance matrix in memory with {0} features", m - 1);

            // Track the number of examples.
            long n = 0;
            // Since we are accumulating over many values, we use Double even for the single precision build.
            var xty = new Double[m];
            // The layout of this algorithm is a packed row-major lower triangular matrix.
            var xtx = new Double[m * (m + 1) / 2];

            // Build X'X (lower triangular) and X'y incrementally (X'X+=X'X_i; X'y+=X'y_i):
            using (var cursor = cursorFactory.Create())
                while (cursor.MoveNext())
                    var yi = cursor.Label;
                    // Increment first element of X'y
                    xty[0] += yi;
                    // Increment first element of lower triangular X'X
                    xtx[0] += 1;
                    var values = cursor.Features.GetValues();

                    if (cursor.Features.IsDense)
                        int ioff = 1;
                        ch.Assert(values.Length + 1 == m);
                        // Increment rest of first column of lower triangular X'X
                        for (int i = 1; i < m; i++)
                            ch.Assert(ioff == i * (i + 1) / 2);
                            var val = values[i - 1];
                            // Add the implicit first bias term to X'X
                            xtx[ioff++] += val;
                            // Add the remainder of X'X
                            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                                xtx[ioff++] += val * values[j];
                            // X'y
                            xty[i] += val * yi;
                        ch.Assert(ioff == xtx.Length);
                        var fIndices = cursor.Features.GetIndices();
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < values.Length; ++ii)
                            int i    = fIndices[ii] + 1;
                            int ioff = i * (i + 1) / 2;
                            var val  = values[ii];
                            // Add the implicit first bias term to X'X
                            xtx[ioff++] += val;
                            // Add the remainder of X'X
                            for (int jj = 0; jj <= ii; jj++)
                                xtx[ioff + fIndices[jj]] += val * values[jj];
                            // X'y
                            xty[i] += val * yi;
                ch.Check(n > 0, "No training examples in dataset.");
                if (cursor.BadFeaturesRowCount > 0)
                    ch.Warning("Skipped {0} instances with missing features/label during training", cursor.SkippedRowCount);

                if (_l2Weight > 0)
                    // Skip the bias term for regularization, in the ridge regression case.
                    // So start at [1,1] instead of [0,0].

                    // REVIEW: There are two ways to view this, firstly, it is more
                    // user friendly ot make this scaling factor behave similarly regardless
                    // of data size, so that if you have the same parameters, you get the same
                    // model if you feed in your data than if you duplicate your data 10 times.
                    // This is what I have now. The alternate point of view is to view this
                    // L2 regularization parameter as providing some sort of prior, in which
                    // case duplication 10 times should in fact be treated differently! (That
                    // is, we should not multiply by n below.) Both interpretations seem
                    // correct, in their way.
                    Double squared = _l2Weight * _l2Weight * n;
                    int    ioff    = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < m; ++i)
                        xtx[ioff += i + 1] += squared;
                    ch.Assert(ioff == xtx.Length - 1);

            if (!(_l2Weight > 0) && n < m)
                throw ch.Except("Ordinary least squares requires more examples than parameters. There are {0} parameters, but {1} examples. To enable training, use a positive L2 weight so this behaves as ridge regression.", m, n);

            Double yMean = n == 0 ? 0 : xty[0] / n;

            ch.Info("Trainer solving for {0} parameters across {1} examples", m, n);
            // Cholesky Decomposition of X'X into LL'
                Mkl.Pptrf(Mkl.Layout.RowMajor, Mkl.UpLo.Lo, m, xtx);
            catch (DllNotFoundException)
                // REVIEW: Is there no better way?
                throw ch.ExceptNotSupp("The MKL library (libMklImports) or one of its dependencies is missing.");
            // Solve for beta in (LL')beta = X'y:
            Mkl.Pptrs(Mkl.Layout.RowMajor, Mkl.UpLo.Lo, m, 1, xtx, xty, 1);
            // Note that the solver overwrote xty so it contains the solution. To be more clear,
            // we effectively change its name (through reassignment) so we don't get confused that
            // this is somehow xty in the remaining calculation.
            var beta = xty;

            xty = null;
            // Check that the solution is valid.
            for (int i = 0; i < beta.Length; ++i)
                ch.Check(FloatUtils.IsFinite(beta[i]), "Non-finite values detected in OLS solution");

            var weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <float>(beta.Length - 1);

            for (int i = 1; i < beta.Length; ++i)
                weights.Values[i - 1] = (float)beta[i];
            var bias = (float)beta[0];

            if (!(_l2Weight > 0) && m == n)
                // We would expect the solution to the problem to be exact in this case.
                ch.Info("Number of examples equals number of parameters, solution is exact but no statistics can be derived");
                return(new OlsLinearRegressionPredictor(Host, in weights, bias, null, null, null, 1, float.NaN));

            Double rss = 0; // residual sum of squares
            Double tss = 0; // total sum of squares

            using (var cursor = cursorFactory.Create())
                var   lrPredictor = new LinearRegressionPredictor(Host, in weights, bias);
                var   lrMap       = lrPredictor.GetMapper <VBuffer <float>, float>();
                float yh          = default;
                while (cursor.MoveNext())
                    var features = cursor.Features;
                    lrMap(in features, ref yh);
                    var e = cursor.Label - yh;
                    rss += e * e;
                    var ydm = cursor.Label - yMean;
                    tss += ydm * ydm;
            var rSquared = ProbClamp(1 - (rss / tss));
            // R^2 adjusted differs from the normal formula on account of the bias term, by Said's reckoning.
            double rSquaredAdjusted;

            if (n > m)
                rSquaredAdjusted = ProbClamp(1 - (1 - rSquared) * (n - 1) / (n - m));
                ch.Info("Coefficient of determination R2 = {0:g}, or {1:g} (adjusted)",
                        rSquared, rSquaredAdjusted);
                rSquaredAdjusted = Double.NaN;

            // The per parameter significance is compute intensive and may not be required for all practitioners.
            // Also we can't estimate it, unless we can estimate the variance, which requires more examples than
            // parameters.
            if (!_perParameterSignificance || m >= n)
                return(new OlsLinearRegressionPredictor(Host, in weights, bias, null, null, null, rSquared, rSquaredAdjusted));

            var standardErrors = new Double[m];
            var tValues        = new Double[m];
            var pValues        = new Double[m];

            // Invert X'X:
            Mkl.Pptri(Mkl.Layout.RowMajor, Mkl.UpLo.Lo, m, xtx);
            var s2 = rss / (n - m); // estimate of variance of y

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                // Initialize with inverse Hessian.
                standardErrors[i] = (Single)xtx[i * (i + 1) / 2 + i];

            if (_l2Weight > 0)
                // Iterate through all entries of inverse Hessian to make adjustment to variance.
                int   ioffset = 1;
                float reg     = _l2Weight * _l2Weight * n;
                for (int iRow = 1; iRow < m; iRow++)
                    for (int iCol = 0; iCol <= iRow; iCol++)
                        var entry      = (Single)xtx[ioffset];
                        var adjustment = -reg * entry * entry;
                        standardErrors[iRow] -= adjustment;
                        if (0 < iCol && iCol < iRow)
                            standardErrors[iCol] -= adjustment;

                Contracts.Assert(ioffset == xtx.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                // sqrt of diagonal entries of s2 * inverse(X'X + reg * I) * X'X * inverse(X'X + reg * I).
                standardErrors[i] = Math.Sqrt(s2 * standardErrors[i]);
                ch.Check(FloatUtils.IsFinite(standardErrors[i]), "Non-finite standard error detected from OLS solution");
                tValues[i] = beta[i] / standardErrors[i];
                pValues[i] = (float)MathUtils.TStatisticToPValue(tValues[i], n - m);
                ch.Check(0 <= pValues[i] && pValues[i] <= 1, "p-Value calculated outside expected [0,1] range");

            return(new OlsLinearRegressionPredictor(Host, in weights, bias, standardErrors, tValues, pValues, rSquared, rSquaredAdjusted));