Exemplo n.º 1
        private string ExampleConfig()
            HtmlStringWriter w = new HtmlStringWriter();
            FlexWikiWebApplicationConfiguration appConfig = new FlexWikiWebApplicationConfiguration();
            appConfig.FederationConfiguration = new FederationConfiguration();
            appConfig.FederationConfiguration.AboutWikiString = "Text about the wiki here";
                new WikiAuthorizationRule(
                    new AuthorizationRule(
                        new AuthorizationRuleWho(AuthorizationRuleWhoType.GenericAll),
                new WikiAuthorizationRule(
                    new AuthorizationRule(
                        new AuthorizationRuleWho(AuthorizationRuleWhoType.GenericAuthenticated),
            appConfig.FederationConfiguration.DefaultNamespace = "SampleNamespaceOne";

            NamespaceProviderDefinition sampleNamespaceOne = new NamespaceProviderDefinition(
            sampleNamespaceOne.Parameters.Add(new NamespaceProviderParameter("Root", @".\SampleNamespaceOne"));


            appConfig.FederationConfiguration.WikiTalkVersion = 1;

            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FlexWikiWebApplicationConfiguration));
            XmlWriterSettings writerSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            writerSettings.Indent = true;
            writerSettings.IndentChars = "  ";
            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter, writerSettings);

            serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, appConfig);


            return w.ToString();
 public void Setup()
     _application = new MockWikiApplication(
         new LinkMaker("test://ApplicationConfigurationTests/"), OutputFormat.HTML);
     _applicationConfiguration = _application.ApplicationConfiguration;
        private void LoadConfiguration()
            LogInfo(this.GetType().ToString(), "Loading wiki configuration from: " + _configPath);
            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FlexWikiWebApplicationConfiguration));

            // In order to prevent the system from trying to write the file while
            // we're still reading it, we take a lock.
            lock (_configFileLock)
                using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(_configPath, FileMode.Open,
                    FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                    _applicationConfiguration = (FlexWikiWebApplicationConfiguration)ser.Deserialize(fileStream);
            this["ContainerUploadType"] = _applicationConfiguration.ContainerUploadType;
            this["ContentUploadPath"]   = _applicationConfiguration.ContentUploadPath;
            this["DefaultNamespaceSearchScope"] = _applicationConfiguration.DefaultNamespaceSearchScope;
            this["DisableEditServiceWrite"] = _applicationConfiguration.DisableEditServiceWrite;
            this["DisableFavicon"] = _applicationConfiguration.DisableFavicon;
            this["DisableNewParser"] = _applicationConfiguration.DisableNewParser;
            this["DisableWikiEmoticons"] = _applicationConfiguration.DisableWikiEmoticons;
            this["DisableXslTransform"] = _applicationConfiguration.DisableXslTransform;
            this["DisableThreadedMessaging"] = _applicationConfiguration.DisableThreadedMessaging;
            this["EnableBordersAllPages"] = _applicationConfiguration.EnableBordersAllPages;
            this["EnableNewParser"] = _applicationConfiguration.EnableNewParser;
            this["LocalJavascript"] = _applicationConfiguration.LocalJavascript;
            this["OverrideBordersScope"] = _applicationConfiguration.OverrideBordersScope;
            this["OverrideStylesheet"] = _applicationConfiguration.OverrideStylesheet;
            this["PasswordResetUrl"] = _applicationConfiguration.PasswordResetUrl;
            this["RemoveListItemWhitespace"] = _applicationConfiguration.RemoveListItemWhitespace;
            this["ForegroundColorCAPTCHA"] = _applicationConfiguration.ForegroundColorCAPTCHA;
            this["BackgroundColorCAPTCHA"] = _applicationConfiguration.BackgroundColorCAPTCHA;
            this["HatchStyleCAPTCHA"] = _applicationConfiguration.HatchStyleCAPTCHA;
            this["ObscuringLinesCAPTCHA"] = _applicationConfiguration.ObscuringLinesCAPTCHA;
            this["WarpModeCAPTCHA"] = _applicationConfiguration.WarpModeCAPTCHA;
            this["XsrfProtectionMessagePostTimeout"] = _applicationConfiguration.XsrfProtectionMessagePostTimeout;
            this["XsrfProtectionWikiEditTimeout"] = _applicationConfiguration.XsrfProtectionWikiEditTimeout;
            this["XsrfProtectionNoncePassphrase"] = _applicationConfiguration.XsrfProtectionNoncePassphrase;
            this["XsrfProtectionCookiePassphrase"] = _applicationConfiguration.XsrfProtectionCookiePassphrase;

            if (_applicationConfiguration.AlternateStylesheets.Length > 0)
                string[] titles = new string[_applicationConfiguration.AlternateStylesheets.Length+1];
                titles[0] = PageUtilities.DefaultStylesheet;
                for (int i = 1; i < titles.Length; i++)
                    titles[i] = _applicationConfiguration.AlternateStylesheets[i-1].Title;
                this["AlternateStyles"] = titles;
            LogInfo(this.GetType().ToString(), "Successfully loaded wiki configuration from: " + _configPath);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void LoadConfiguration()
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FlexWikiWebApplicationConfiguration));
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
              <!-- The below keys define CAPTCHA behavior. CAPTCHA is an anti-spam measure.
            Read more about CAPTCHA at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captcha. -->

              <!-- Defines the CAPTCHA behavior of FlexWiki. Possible values:

            Never = Never require CAPTCHA verification.
            Always = Always require CAPTCHA verification.
            IfAnonymous = Require CAPTCHA verification whenever an anonymous user makes edits.
            WhenOverLinkThreshold = Require CAPTCHA verification if n or more links are added
              to a topic (see CaptchaLinkThreshold below). -->

              <!-- Defines the secret key used to generate CAPTCHA verification images (when enabled).

              <!-- Defines the number of links that must be added to a topic before CAPTCHA will be
            required when <RequireCaptchaOnEdit> is set to CaptchaLinkThreshold. -->

              <!-- Identifies the path to a directory tree where uploads to the wiki will be stored. If
            this key does not exist, then the file upload and attachment controls will not be
            accessible in WikiEdit.aspx. The directory tree is placed in the virtual directory at
            the root of the wiki and all directories must be precreated. In addition to the
            directories in the key, there are 3 other idrectories that must be created as subdirectories:
            images, html or doc. Using the key below as a sample the directory tree would be:
                        doc   -->

              <!-- The Silk Icons are provided by Mark James at http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ .
            The license for these icons is Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution license.
            These icons are used to denote attachments to topics when a file is uploaded to the wiki.
            Depending upon the file extension of the upload, that extension is matched with the IconKey
            to determine what icon is displayed -->
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_picture.png"" IconKey="".png"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_picture.png"" IconKey="".gif"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_picture.png"" IconKey="".jpg"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_picture.png"" IconKey="".jpeg"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_word.png"" IconKey="".doc"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_excel.png"" IconKey="".xls"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_acrobat.png"" IconKey="".pdf"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_csharp.png"" IconKey="".cs"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""html.png"" IconKey="".html"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""html.png"" IconKey="".htm"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""html.png"" IconKey="".aspx"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_database.png"" IconKey="".mdb"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_database.png"" IconKey="".sql"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_compressed.png"" IconKey="".zip"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""page_white_text.png"" IconKey="".txt"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""film.png"" IconKey="".avi"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""film.png"" IconKey="".mpg"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""film.png"" IconKey="".mpeg"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""film.png"" IconKey="".divx"" />
            <AttachmentIcon Href=""film.png"" IconKey="".wma"" />

              <!-- Identifies the default namespace provider in the ""Add Namespace"" section of the /admin
            pages. Set this to the full type name of a namespace provider to default to something
            other than the filesystem provider. The default value is
            FlexWiki.FileSystemNamespaceProvider. -->
              <!-- <DefaultNamespaceProviderForNamespaceCreation /> -->

              <!-- When set to true, FlexWiki will not automatically update other topics when a topic
            is renamed. When set to false, FlexWiki will. Automatic update allows users to change
            many topics at once, and as such can lead to abuse of the wiki. -->

              <!-- When set to true, a user can double-click a topic web page to go to the edit page.
            When set to false, a user must click the Edit link to go to the edit page. Note that
            setting this value to true makes it impossible to select a word by double-clicking it. -->

              <!-- FederationConfiguration is empty. Test for this are in FlexWiki.UnitTests as it is part of
            FlexWikiEngine namespace rather than FlexWiki.Web namespace -->

              <!-- A path (relative to the application root) used by parts of FlexWiki for old-style
            (non-log4net) logging. Has no default, but safe to leave blank or missing. -->
              <!-- <LogPath />-->

              <!-- The path to the log4net configuration file. Defaults to log4net.config in the root
            folder of the web application. Relative paths are relative to the root folder of the
            web application. -->
              <!-- <Log4NetConfigPath>path\to\log4net.config</Log4NetConfigPath>-->

              <!-- FlexWiki has a feature called newsletters, where the wiki will email members when
            certain topics have changed. See http://www.flexwiki.com/default.aspx/FlexWiki/WikiNewsletter.html
            for more information. -->

            <!-- Because wiki topics can be secured, we need to tell FlexWiki who the newsletter
              engine will run as. Possible values include:

              ""anonymous"" = run as the anonymous user - same permissions as a user who does not authenticate.
              ""user:xxxx"" = run as the authenticated user ""xxxx""

              Note that when using the ""user:xxxx"" form, the user does not belong to any roles. -->

            <!-- Is the newsletter engine enabled? 'true' to enable it, 'false' to disable it. -->

            <!-- Specifies the address that will appear in the 'from' field of newsletter emails. Change this to be
              appropriate for your site. -->
            <NewslettersFrom>[email protected]</NewslettersFrom>

            <!-- Specifies the root URL for wiki links that appear in the newsletter. For example, if set to
              'http://www.flexwiki.com' a link to a topic called 'HomePage' in the namespace called
              'SampleNamespaceOne' will appear as

              Change this value to be appropriate for your site. -->

            <!-- If set to true, newsletters will be sent as attachments to the email. If set to false
              newsletters will appear in the body of the email.-->

              <!-- If there are AlternateStylesheet elements, then
            <LINK rel='alternate stylesheet' type='text/css' title='@Title' >
            tags will be emitted into the <head> of every page, allowing the admin
            to override CSS styles. The value in the @Href attribute becomes the
            href attribute of the <LINK>. To provide a method of allowing the
            OverrideStylesheet and the original stylesheet to coexist, you can add
            the original stylesheet as an alternate. See the 'Chocolate' example
            below. -->
              <AlternateStylesheet Href=""classic.css"" Title=""Classic""/>
              <!-- If set, will emit an additional <LINK rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' >
            tag into the <head> of every page, allowing the admin to override any
            CSS styles. The value below becomes the href attribute of the <LINK>. -->

              <!-- If set, when a user tries to edit a page to include a URL from the URL blacklist
            (see <BlackListedExternalLinks> above), an email about the event is sent to the
            address listed here. -->
              <!-- <SendBanNotificationsToMailAddress>[email protected]</SendBanNotificationsToMailAddress> -->

              <!-- When set to a non-blank value, does not actually create a namespace, but instead sends
            an email to the address listed here for further action. -->
              <!-- <SendNamespaceCreationRequestsTo>[email protected]</SendNamespaceCreationRequestsTo>-->

              <!-- An email address from which to send a notification whenever a new namespace is created.
            The email is sent to whatever address is listed for the Contact of the new namespace.
            Leave blank to disable this feature. -->
              <!-- <SendNamespaceCreationMailFrom>[email protected]</SendNamespaceCreationMailFrom> -->

              <!-- An email address to cc on namespace creation, or empty for none. -->
              <SendNamespaceCreationMailToCC />

              <!-- If set to true, append a signature indicating who created the namespace. Note that this
            is not a digital signature - just a piece of text listing a username. -->

            XmlNodeReader reader = new XmlNodeReader(doc.DocumentElement);
            _applicationConfiguration = (FlexWikiWebApplicationConfiguration)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void LoadConfiguration()
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FlexWikiWebApplicationConfiguration));
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            <!-- This information is used by the default borders to print a short message
              in the border of every page on the wiki. It appears as the ""About"" property
              of the Federation class in WikiTalk. -->
            <About>This is FlexWiki, an open source wiki engine.</About>

            <!-- These are the default rules for who is allowed to do what at the wiki level. See
              for more information. -->
              <Rule Type=""Allow"" Action=""ManageNamespace"" Principal=""all"" />
              <!-- <Rule Type=""Deny"" Action=""Edit"" Principal=""anonymous"" /> -->

            <!-- When populated via the /admin interface, lists the link prefixes that are not allowed
            in wiki topics. (Anti-spam measure.) -->
            <BlacklistedExternalLinks />

            <!-- A comma-separated list of namespace-qualified names from which to load border
              definitions (usually rendered with WikiTalk). The default is nothing, which
              causes borders to be generated from the built-in topic _NormalBorders in
              each namespace.

              See http://www.flexwiki.com/default.aspx/FlexWiki/CustomBorders.html for more info. -->
            <!-- <Borders>MyNamespace.MyBorders, CompanyNamespace.CompanyBorders</Borders>-->

            <!-- Namespaces can ""import"" other namespaces - see
              http://www.flexwiki.com/default.aspx/FlexWiki/ImportedNamespace.html for more
              information. The value of <DefaultImportedNamespaces> is automatically copied
              to the Import property of a new namespaces when it is created.-->
            <!-- <DefaultImportedNamespaces></DefaultImportedNamespaces> -->

            <!-- The default namespace is the one that appears if a user visits the website
             without specifying the full URL of a topic. -->

            <!-- Set to true to enable FlexWiki Windows Performance Counters. Set to false to disable.
              Performance counters have been known to cause problems on some machines.-->

            <!-- When set to true causes the title of topics to display with spaces between words.
              For example, the topic ""ThisIsATopic"" would display as ""This is A Topic"".
              When set to false, causes the title of topics to display without spaces.
              For example, the topic ""ThisIsATopic"" would display as ""ThisIsATopic"".-->

            <!-- InterWikis are a convenience function that allows FlexWiki to generate shortcuts
              to topics in other wikis. See http://www.flexwiki.com/default.aspx/FlexWiki/InterWiki.html
              for more information.

              The <InterWikisTopic> tag allows an administrator to set the topic where
              InterWiki behaviors are defined. The default value is _InterWiki -->
            <!-- <InterWikisTopic></InterWikisTopic> -->

            <!-- If set to 'true', FlexWiki will decorate external hyperlinks (that is, hyperlinks that
             start with http:// or https:// with the rel='nofollow' attribute. This is an anti-spam
             measure. Read more about nofollow here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nofollow -->

            <!-- Namespace providers are responsible for storing the information in FlexWiki topics.
             Namespaces can be stored in the filesystem or in SQL Server. It is generally better
             not to edit this section by hand. Use the administrative tools located at /admin
             off the wiki root URL instead. -->
              <!-- A sample provider that stores a wiki namespace called SampleNamespaceOne in the filesystem
              in the directory Namespaces\SampleNamespaceOne (relative to the directory where FlexWiki
              is installed). Note that the ID must be unique amongst all providers. -->
              <Provider Id=""5a2caaff-c139-40ad-85df-cdf136c95458"" Type=""FlexWiki.FileSystemNamespaceProvider"" AssemblyName=""FlexWiki"">
              <Parameter Name=""Namespace"" Value=""SampleNamespaceOne"" />
              <Parameter Name=""Root"" Value=""Namespaces\SampleNamespaceOne"" />

              <!-- A second sample provider. -->
              <Provider Id=""efa37414-d13e-487a-bf13-ab506f05bd08"" Type=""FlexWiki.FileSystemNamespaceProvider"" AssemblyName=""FlexWiki"">
              <Parameter Name=""Namespace"" Value=""SampleNamespaceTwo"" />
              <Parameter Name=""Root"" Value=""Namespaces\SampleNamespaceTwo"" />


            <!-- Deprecated section - do not use. -->
            <Namespaces />

            <!-- Plugins are simply assemblies that FlexWiki ensures get loaded into the wiki
              application. The value of each entry is the full name of an assembly.

              See http://www.flexwiki.com/default.aspx/FlexWiki/PlugInOverview.html for
              more information. -->
              <Plugin>MyOtherAssembly, Version=, PublicKeyToken=abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234</Plugin>

            <!-- Determines whether HTTPS will be required by default for namespaces in this wiki.
              Possible values include:

            None = HTTPS is not required.
            Content = HTTPS is required.

              Note that this value is the default for the wiki, and can be overridden on a namespace-
              by-namespace basis via the RequireTransportSecurityFor property in _ContentBaseDefinition.
              See http://www.flexwiki.com/default.aspx/FlexWiki/FlexWikiTransportSecurity.html for
              more information.

            <!-- Should always be set to 1. -->



            XmlNodeReader reader = new XmlNodeReader(doc.DocumentElement);
            _applicationConfiguration = (FlexWikiWebApplicationConfiguration)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
            this["DisableWikiEmoticons"] = _applicationConfiguration.DisableWikiEmoticons;
            this["RemoveListItemWhitespace"] = _applicationConfiguration.RemoveListItemWhitespace;
            this["OverrideStylesheet"] = _applicationConfiguration.OverrideStylesheet;