Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Should_be_possible_to_define_the_object_flag_based_on_the_objects_of_set_for_the_intersection_operator()
            FlagEnumeration firstObjectFlag  = FlagEnumeration.error;
            FlagEnumeration secondObjectFlag = FlagEnumeration.complete;

            SetOperation    operation = new IntersectionSetOperation();
            FlagEnumeration result    = operation.GetObjectFlag(firstObjectFlag, secondObjectFlag);

            Assert.AreEqual(FlagEnumeration.error, result, "the flag enumaration is not expected");

            firstObjectFlag  = FlagEnumeration.doesnotexist;
            secondObjectFlag = FlagEnumeration.notcollected;
            result           = operation.GetObjectFlag(firstObjectFlag, secondObjectFlag);
            Assert.AreEqual(FlagEnumeration.doesnotexist, result, "the flag enumaration is not expected");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Should_be_possible_to_define_the_object_flag_based_on_the_objects_of_set_for_the_complement_operator()
            FlagEnumeration firstObjectFlag  = FlagEnumeration.incomplete;
            FlagEnumeration secondObjectFlag = FlagEnumeration.notapplicable;

            SetOperation    operation = new ComplementSetOperation();
            FlagEnumeration result    = operation.GetObjectFlag(firstObjectFlag, secondObjectFlag);

            Assert.AreEqual(FlagEnumeration.error, result, "the flag enumaration is not expected");

            firstObjectFlag  = FlagEnumeration.notcollected;
            secondObjectFlag = FlagEnumeration.notcollected;
            result           = operation.GetObjectFlag(firstObjectFlag, secondObjectFlag);
            Assert.AreEqual(FlagEnumeration.notcollected, result, "the flag enumaration is not expected");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the setObjects in the tree. This method invokes the Evaluate method in the recursive form.
        /// The evaluation starts in the more deep level in the tree of objects.
        /// Then the upper levels will evaluated based on result of the deeper levels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setElement">The set element.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SetResult EvaluateOtherSets(set setElement)
            IEnumerable <set> otherSetsElements = setElement.GetSets();
            SetResult         resultFirstSet    = this.Evaluate(otherSetsElements.First());
            SetResult         resultSecondSet   = new SetResult(new List <String>(), FlagEnumeration.notcollected);

            //the max number of set is 2 (reference: oval_definitions schema)
            if (otherSetsElements.Count() == MAX_NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS_IN_SET)
                resultSecondSet = this.Evaluate(otherSetsElements.ElementAt(1));
            SetOperation         operation  = this.GetOperation(setElement.set_operator);
            IEnumerable <string> results    = operation.Execute(resultFirstSet.Result, resultSecondSet.Result);
            FlagEnumeration      objectFlag = operation.GetObjectFlag(resultFirstSet.ObjectFlag, resultSecondSet.ObjectFlag);

            return(new SetResult(results, objectFlag));
Exemplo n.º 4
        private SetResult ExecuteOperationForSetElement(set setElement, IEnumerable <sc.ObjectType> objectTypes)
            sc.ObjectType        firstObjectType      = objectTypes.First();
            sc.ObjectType        secondObjectType     = null;
            IEnumerable <string> firstReferenceTypes  = firstObjectType.GetReferenceTypesInString();
            IEnumerable <string> secondReferenceTypes = new List <string>();
            FlagEnumeration      firstObjectFlag      = firstObjectType.flag;
            FlagEnumeration      secondObjectFlag     = FlagEnumeration.complete;

            if (objectTypes.Count() == MAX_NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS_IN_SET)
                //the max number to the Object_Reference is 2 (reference: oval_definitions schema)
                secondObjectType     = objectTypes.ElementAt(1);
                secondReferenceTypes = secondObjectType.GetReferenceTypesInString();
                secondObjectFlag     = secondObjectType.flag;
            SetOperation         operation  = this.GetOperation(setElement.set_operator);
            IEnumerable <string> results    = operation.Execute(firstReferenceTypes, secondReferenceTypes);
            FlagEnumeration      objectFlag = operation.GetObjectFlag(firstObjectFlag, secondObjectFlag);
            SetResult            result     = new SetResult(results, objectFlag);

Exemplo n.º 5
 public SetResult(IEnumerable <string> result, FlagEnumeration objectFlag)
     this.Result     = result;
     this.ObjectFlag = objectFlag;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public SetResult(IEnumerable<string> result, FlagEnumeration objectFlag)
     this.Result = result;
     this.ObjectFlag = objectFlag;
Exemplo n.º 7
 protected String GetNameOfFlagEnumerationCombined(FlagEnumeration firstObjectFlag, FlagEnumeration secondObjectFlag)
     return firstObjectFlag.ToString() + "-" + secondObjectFlag.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 8
 public FlagEnumeration GetObjectFlag(FlagEnumeration firstObjectFlag, FlagEnumeration secondObjectFlag)
     return this.matrixOfCombinationFlags[this.GetNameOfFlagEnumerationCombined(firstObjectFlag, secondObjectFlag)];
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void SetEspecificObjectStatus(FlagEnumeration flag)
     this.objectType.flag = flag;
Exemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ///برای اینکه یک خط بیاد پایین و جواب ها به بالا نچسبد

            ///تعریف ایندکسر

            //Indexerr array = new Indexerr();

            //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            //    Console.Write("enter id {0} : ", i + 1);
            //    lbl1:
            //    string b = Console.ReadLine();
            //    /// ترای پارس یک رشته مانند بی را میگیرد سعی میکند درون آیدی بریزد اگر توانست صحیح اگر نتوانست
            //    /// غلط را برمیگرداند
            //    Boolean parsResult = int.TryParse(b, out int Id);
            //    if (parsResult == false)
            //    {
            //        Console.Write("enter a nummber : ");
            //        goto lbl1;
            //    }
            //    array[i] = Id;
            //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Array {0} = {1}", i, array[i]);

            ///تعریف ایندکسر
            //Indexerr flag = new Indexerr();
            //flag[0] = true;
            //flag[1] = false;
            //flag[2] = true;
            //flag[3] = true;
            //for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine(flag[i]);

            /// Extension Method
            //int a = 2;

            //string b = "mahdi";


            //SeasonsEnumeration happySeason = SeasonsEnumeration.spring;

            ///برای تعریف کردن اینام ان را با روزش مساوی قرار میدهیم
            FlagEnumeration meetingDay = FlagEnumeration.saturday | FlagEnumeration.monday;

            Console.WriteLine("the meeting days is : {0}", meetingDay);

            ///برای اضافه کردن باید نام متغیری ک تعریف کردیم را بنویسیم نماد خط را میگذاریم
            ///و پارامتر های دیگر را اضافه میکنیم
            meetingDay = meetingDay | FlagEnumeration.wednesday | FlagEnumeration.friday;
            Console.WriteLine("\nthe meeting days is : {0}", meetingDay);

            ///برای حذف کردن مانند اضافه کردن فقط نماد توان را میگذاریم
            ///نکته مهم
            ///ولی اگر موجود نباشد ان را اضافه میکند
            meetingDay = meetingDay ^ FlagEnumeration.friday;
            Console.WriteLine("\nthe meeting days is : {0}", meetingDay);

            ///برای چک کردن میتینگ دی
            bool checkmeeting = (meetingDay & FlagEnumeration.wednesday) == FlagEnumeration.wednesday;

            Console.WriteLine("\n" + checkmeeting);

Exemplo n.º 11
 protected String GetNameOfFlagEnumerationCombined(FlagEnumeration firstObjectFlag, FlagEnumeration secondObjectFlag)
     return(firstObjectFlag.ToString() + "-" + secondObjectFlag.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 12
 public FlagEnumeration GetObjectFlag(FlagEnumeration firstObjectFlag, FlagEnumeration secondObjectFlag)
     return(this.matrixOfCombinationFlags[this.GetNameOfFlagEnumerationCombined(firstObjectFlag, secondObjectFlag)]);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void SetEspecificObjectStatus(FlagEnumeration flag)
     this.objectType.flag = flag;