/// <summary>
        /// Reads an <see cref="DateTimeZone" /> value from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The value must have been written by <see cref="LegacyDateTimeZoneWriter.WriteTimeZone" />.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="DateTimeZone" /> value from the stream.</returns>
        public DateTimeZone ReadTimeZone(string id)
            int flag = ReadByte();

            switch (flag)
            case LegacyDateTimeZoneWriter.FlagTimeZoneFixed:
                return(FixedDateTimeZone.Read(this, id));

            case LegacyDateTimeZoneWriter.FlagTimeZonePrecalculated:
                return(PrecalculatedDateTimeZone.ReadLegacy(this, id));

            case LegacyDateTimeZoneWriter.FlagTimeZoneNull:
                return(null);    // Only used when reading a tail zone

            case LegacyDateTimeZoneWriter.FlagTimeZoneCached:
                return(CachedDateTimeZone.ReadLegacy(this, id));

            case LegacyDateTimeZoneWriter.FlagTimeZoneDst:
                return(DaylightSavingsDateTimeZone.ReadLegacy(this, id));

                throw new InvalidNodaDataException("Unknown time zone flag type: " + flag);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ZoneIntervalNameDefaultsToZoneId()
            var zone     = new FixedDateTimeZone("id", Offset.FromHours(5));
            var interval = zone.GetZoneInterval(NodaConstants.UnixEpoch);

            Assert.AreEqual("id", interval.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("id", zone.Name);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void For_Id_FixedOffset_NonCanonicalId()
            string       id   = "UTC+05:00:00";
            DateTimeZone zone = FixedDateTimeZone.GetFixedZoneOrNull(id) !;

            Assert.AreEqual(zone, DateTimeZone.ForOffset(Offset.FromHours(5)));
            Assert.AreEqual("UTC+05", zone.Id);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void For_Id_FixedOffset()
            string       id   = "UTC+05:30";
            DateTimeZone zone = FixedDateTimeZone.GetFixedZoneOrNull(id) !;

            Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeZone.ForOffset(Offset.FromHoursAndMinutes(5, 30)), zone);
            Assert.AreEqual(id, zone.Id);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void FromDateTimeOffset()
            DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(2011, 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromHours(3));
            DateTimeZone   fixedZone      = new FixedDateTimeZone(Offset.FromHours(3));
            ZonedDateTime  expected       = fixedZone.AtStrictly(new LocalDateTime(2011, 3, 5, 1, 0, 0));
            ZonedDateTime  actual         = ZonedDateTime.FromDateTimeOffset(dateTimeOffset);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ExplicitNameAppearsInZoneInterval()
            var zone     = new FixedDateTimeZone("id", Offset.FromHours(5), "name");
            var interval = zone.GetZoneInterval(NodaConstants.UnixEpoch);

            Assert.AreEqual("id", zone.Id); // Check we don't get this wrong...
            Assert.AreEqual("name", interval.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("name", zone.Name);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void MinMaxOffsetsWithOtherTailZone()
            var tailZone = new FixedDateTimeZone("TestFixed", Offset.FromHours(8));
            var testZone = new PrecalculatedDateTimeZone("Test",
                                                         new[] { FirstInterval, SecondInterval, ThirdInterval }, tailZone);

            Assert.AreEqual(Offset.FromHours(-5), testZone.MinOffset);
            Assert.AreEqual(Offset.FromHours(8), testZone.MaxOffset);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void FixedZone_Eastern()
            var offset = Offset.FromHours(5);
            var rules  = new List <ZoneRuleSet> {
                new ZoneRuleSet("GMT-5", offset, Offset.Zero, int.MaxValue, null)
            var zone = DateTimeZoneBuilder.Build("GMT-5", rules);
            FixedDateTimeZone fixedZone = (FixedDateTimeZone)zone;

            Assert.AreEqual(offset, fixedZone.Offset);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void FixedWesternZone()
            string id   = "Etc/GMT-4";
            var    zone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[id];

            Assert.AreEqual(id, zone.Id);
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <FixedDateTimeZone>(zone);
            FixedDateTimeZone fixedZone = (FixedDateTimeZone)zone;

            Assert.AreEqual(Offset.FromHours(4), fixedZone.Offset);
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a fixed time zone for offsets -12 to +15 at every half hour,
 /// fixing the 0 offset as DateTimeZone.Utc.
 /// </summary>
 private static DateTimeZone[] BuildFixedZoneCache()
     DateTimeZone[] ret = new DateTimeZone[FixedZoneCacheSize];
     for (int i = 0; i < FixedZoneCacheSize; i++)
         int offsetSeconds = i * FixedZoneCacheGranularitySeconds + FixedZoneCacheMinimumSeconds;
         ret[i] = new FixedDateTimeZone(Offset.FromSeconds(offsetSeconds));
     ret[-FixedZoneCacheMinimumSeconds / FixedZoneCacheGranularitySeconds] = Utc;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Read_NoNameInStream()
            var ioHelper = DtzIoHelper.CreateNoStringPool();
            var offset   = Offset.FromHours(5);

            var zone = (FixedDateTimeZone)FixedDateTimeZone.Read(ioHelper.Reader, "id");

            Assert.AreEqual("id", zone.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(offset, zone.Offset);
            Assert.AreEqual("id", zone.Name);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Roundtrip()
            var ioHelper = DtzIoHelper.CreateNoStringPool();
            var oldZone  = new FixedDateTimeZone("id", Offset.FromHours(4), "name");

            var newZone = (FixedDateTimeZone)FixedDateTimeZone.Read(ioHelper.Reader, "id");

            Assert.AreEqual(oldZone.Id, newZone.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(oldZone.Offset, newZone.Offset);
            Assert.AreEqual(oldZone.Name, newZone.Name);
        public void FixedZone_Eastern()
            var offset  = Offset.FromHours(5);
            var builder = new DateTimeZoneBuilder();

            builder.SetFixedSavings("GMT-5", Offset.Zero);
            var zone = builder.ToDateTimeZone("GMT-5");
            FixedDateTimeZone fixedZone = (FixedDateTimeZone)zone;

            Assert.AreEqual(offset, fixedZone.Offset);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void CompareTo_DifferentZones_OnlyInstantMatters()
            var otherZone = new FixedDateTimeZone(Offset.FromHours(-20));

            ZonedDateTime value1 = SampleZone.AtStrictly(new LocalDateTime(2011, 1, 2, 10, 30));
            // Earlier local time, but later instant
            ZonedDateTime value2 = otherZone.AtStrictly(new LocalDateTime(2011, 1, 2, 5, 30));
            ZonedDateTime value3 = value1.WithZone(otherZone);

            Assert.That(value1.CompareTo(value2), Is.LessThan(0));
            Assert.That(value2.CompareTo(value1), Is.GreaterThan(0));
            Assert.That(value1.CompareTo(value3), Is.EqualTo(0));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void GetZoneIntervals_GapAroundTailZoneTransition()
            // Tail zone is fixed at +5. A local instant of one hour after the transition
            // from the precalculated zone (which is -5) will therefore give an instant from
            // the tail zone which occurs before the precalculated-to-tail transition,
            // and can therefore be ignored, resulting in an overall gap.
            var tailZone = new FixedDateTimeZone(Offset.FromHours(5));
            var gapZone  = new PrecalculatedDateTimeZone("Test",
                                                         new[] { FirstInterval, SecondInterval, ThirdInterval }, tailZone);
            var actual   = gapZone.GetZoneIntervalPair(ThirdInterval.LocalEnd);
            var expected = ZoneIntervalPair.NoMatch;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void ComparisonOperators_DifferentZones_AlwaysReturnsFalse()
            // Note that the offsets will be the same as for SampleZone in the values we're using
            var otherZone = new FixedDateTimeZone(SampleZone.EarlyInterval.WallOffset);

            ZonedDateTime value1 = SampleZone.AtStrictly(new LocalDateTime(2011, 1, 2, 10, 30));
            ZonedDateTime value2 = otherZone.AtStrictly(new LocalDateTime(2011, 1, 3, 10, 30));

            // All inequality comparisons return false
            Assert.IsFalse(value1 < value2);
            Assert.IsFalse(value1 <= value2);
            Assert.IsFalse(value1 > value2);
            Assert.IsFalse(value1 >= value2);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void GetZoneIntervals_SingleIntervalAroundTailZoneTransition()
            // Tail zone is fixed at +5. A local instant of one hour before the transition
            // from the precalculated zone (which is -5) will therefore give an instant from
            // the tail zone which occurs before the precalculated-to-tail transition,
            // and can therefore be ignored, resulting in an overall unambiguous time.
            var tailZone = new FixedDateTimeZone(Offset.FromHours(5));
            var gapZone  = new PrecalculatedDateTimeZone("Test",
                                                         new[] { FirstInterval, SecondInterval, ThirdInterval }, tailZone);
            var pair = gapZone.GetZoneIntervalPair(ThirdInterval.LocalEnd - Duration.FromHours(1));

            Assert.AreEqual(ThirdInterval, pair.EarlyInterval);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void MapLocal_SingleIntervalAroundTailZoneTransition()
            // Tail zone is fixed at +5. A local instant of one hour before the transition
            // from the precalculated zone (which is -5) will therefore give an instant from
            // the tail zone which occurs before the precalculated-to-tail transition,
            // and can therefore be ignored, resulting in an overall unambiguous time.
            var tailZone = new FixedDateTimeZone(Offset.FromHours(5));
            var gapZone  = new PrecalculatedDateTimeZone("Test",
                                                         new[] { FirstInterval, SecondInterval, ThirdInterval }, tailZone);
            var mapping = gapZone.MapLocal(ThirdInterval.IsoLocalEnd.PlusHours(-1));

            Assert.AreEqual(ThirdInterval, mapping.EarlyInterval);
            Assert.AreEqual(ThirdInterval, mapping.LateInterval);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, mapping.Count);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void MapLocal_GapAroundTailZoneTransition()
            // Tail zone is fixed at +5. A local time at the transition
            // from the precalculated zone (which is -5) will therefore give an instant from
            // the tail zone which occurs before the precalculated-to-tail transition,
            // and can therefore be ignored, resulting in an overall gap.
            var tailZone = new FixedDateTimeZone(Offset.FromHours(5));
            var gapZone  = new PrecalculatedDateTimeZone("Test",
                                                         new[] { FirstInterval, SecondInterval, ThirdInterval }, tailZone);
            var mapping = gapZone.MapLocal(ThirdInterval.IsoLocalEnd);

            Assert.AreEqual(ThirdInterval, mapping.EarlyInterval);
            Assert.AreEqual(new ZoneInterval("UTC+05", ThirdInterval.End, Instant.AfterMaxValue, Offset.FromHours(5), Offset.Zero),
            Assert.AreEqual(0, mapping.Count);
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the <see cref="DateTimeZone"/> for the given canonical ID, which will definitely
 /// be one of the values of the TzdbAliases dictionary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">ID for the returned zone, which may be an alias.</param>
 /// <param name="canonicalId">Canonical ID for zone data</param>
 public DateTimeZone CreateZone(string id, string canonicalId)
     Preconditions.CheckNotNull(id, nameof(id));
     Preconditions.CheckNotNull(canonicalId, nameof(canonicalId));
     using (var stream = zoneFields[canonicalId].CreateStream())
         var reader = new DateTimeZoneReader(stream, stringPool);
         // Skip over the ID before the zone data itself
         var type = (DateTimeZoneWriter.DateTimeZoneType)reader.ReadByte();
         return(type switch
             DateTimeZoneWriter.DateTimeZoneType.Fixed => FixedDateTimeZone.Read(reader, id),
             DateTimeZoneWriter.DateTimeZoneType.Precalculated =>
             CachedDateTimeZone.ForZone(PrecalculatedDateTimeZone.Read(reader, id)),
             _ => throw new InvalidNodaDataException("Unknown time zone type " + type)
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public DateTimeZone CreateZone(string id, string canonicalId)
            using (var stream = zoneFields[canonicalId].CreateStream())
                var reader = new DateTimeZoneReader(stream, stringPool);
                // Skip over the ID before the zone data itself
                var type = (DateTimeZoneWriter.DateTimeZoneType)reader.ReadByte();
                switch (type)
                case DateTimeZoneWriter.DateTimeZoneType.Fixed:
                    return(FixedDateTimeZone.Read(reader, id));

                case DateTimeZoneWriter.DateTimeZoneType.Precalculated:
                    return(CachedDateTimeZone.ForZone(PrecalculatedDateTimeZone.Read(reader, id)));

                    throw new InvalidNodaDataException("Unknown time zone type " + type);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public void For_Id_InvalidFixedOffset()