Exemplo n.º 1
 // Copies data from an unmanaged memory pointer to a managed
 // Fixed32-precision fixed-point number array.
 internal static void Copy(
     IntPtr source,
     Fixed32[] destination,
     Int32 startIndex,
     Int32 length)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestToDouble ()
            double[] values = { 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 / 3, -1, -1.0 / 3 };

            foreach (double value in values) {
                Fixed32 f = new Fixed32 (value);
                double d = f.ToDouble ();
                double error = System.Math.Abs (d - value);
                Assert.That (error < 0.001);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static F32Vec3 operator *(F32Vec3 a, F32Vec3 b)
     return(new F32Vec3(Fixed32.Mul(a.RawX, b.RawX), Fixed32.Mul(a.RawY, b.RawY), Fixed32.Mul(a.RawZ, b.RawZ)));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static F32Vec2 FromFloat(float x, float y)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.FromFloat(x), Fixed32.FromFloat(y)));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override string ToString()
     return("(" + Fixed32.ToString(RawX) + ", " + Fixed32.ToString(RawY) + ")");
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static F32Vec2 Max(F32Vec2 a, F32Vec2 b)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.Max(a.RawX, b.RawX), Fixed32.Max(a.RawY, b.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public unsafe void Test_StructLayout_ii ()
            for( Int32 i = 0; i < 100; ++ i)
                Matrix44 mat = GetNextRandomMatrix44();

                GCHandle h_vec = GCHandle.Alloc(mat, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                IntPtr vecAddress = h_vec.AddrOfPinnedObject();

                Fixed32[] data = new Fixed32[16];

                // nb: when Fixed32 and Half are moved back into the main
                //     dev branch there will be need for an extension method for
                //     Marshal that will perform the copy for those types.
                MarshalHelper.Copy(vecAddress, data, 0, 16);
                Assert.That(data[0], Is.EqualTo(mat.R0C0));
                Assert.That(data[1], Is.EqualTo(mat.R0C1));
                Assert.That(data[2], Is.EqualTo(mat.R0C2));
                Assert.That(data[3], Is.EqualTo(mat.R0C3));
                Assert.That(data[4], Is.EqualTo(mat.R1C0));
                Assert.That(data[5], Is.EqualTo(mat.R1C1));
                Assert.That(data[6], Is.EqualTo(mat.R1C2));
                Assert.That(data[7], Is.EqualTo(mat.R1C3));
                Assert.That(data[8], Is.EqualTo(mat.R2C0));
                Assert.That(data[9], Is.EqualTo(mat.R2C1));
                Assert.That(data[10], Is.EqualTo(mat.R2C2));
                Assert.That(data[11], Is.EqualTo(mat.R2C3));
                Assert.That(data[12], Is.EqualTo(mat.R3C0));
                Assert.That(data[13], Is.EqualTo(mat.R3C1));
                Assert.That(data[14], Is.EqualTo(mat.R3C2));
                Assert.That(data[15], Is.EqualTo(mat.R3C3));

Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TestStaticFn_Hermite_ii ()
            var a = GetNextRandomVector4();
            var b = GetNextRandomVector4();
            var c = GetNextRandomVector4();
            var d = GetNextRandomVector4();

            Vector4 an; Vector4.Normalise(ref c, out an);
            Vector4 bn; Vector4.Normalise(ref d, out bn);

            Fixed32 half; Maths.Half(out half);

            var tests = new Fixed32[] { 2, half + 1, -half, -1 };

            for (Int32 idx = 0; idx < tests.Length; ++idx)
                Vector4 result;

                    () =>
                        Vector4.Hermite (
                            ref a, ref an, ref b, ref bn, ref tests[idx], out result)

Exemplo n.º 9
 public static F32Vec2 operator /(F32Vec2 a, F32 b)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.DivPrecise(a.RawX, b.Raw), Fixed32.DivPrecise(a.RawY, b.Raw)));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static F32Vec2 operator *(F32Vec2 a, F32 b)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.Mul(a.RawX, b.Raw), Fixed32.Mul(a.RawY, b.Raw)));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static F32Vec4 Max(F32Vec4 a, F32Vec4 b)
     return(new F32Vec4(Fixed32.Max(a.RawX, b.RawX), Fixed32.Max(a.RawY, b.RawY), Fixed32.Max(a.RawZ, b.RawZ), Fixed32.Max(a.RawW, b.RawW)));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static F32 Dot(F32Vec4 a, F32Vec4 b)
     return(F32.FromRaw(Fixed32.Mul(a.RawX, b.RawX) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawY, b.RawY) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawZ, b.RawZ) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawW, b.RawW)));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static F32Vec4 Normalize(F32Vec4 a)
     F32 ooLen = F32.FromRaw(Fixed32.RSqrt(Fixed32.Mul(a.RawX, a.RawX) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawY, a.RawY) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawZ, a.RawZ) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawW, a.RawW))); return(ooLen * a);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static F32 LengthFastest(F32Vec4 a)
     return(F32.FromRaw(Fixed32.SqrtFastest(Fixed32.Mul(a.RawX, a.RawX) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawY, a.RawY) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawZ, a.RawZ) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawW, a.RawW))));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static F32Vec4 PowFastest(F32Vec4 a, F32Vec4 b)
     return(new F32Vec4(Fixed32.PowFastest(a.RawX, b.RawX), Fixed32.PowFastest(a.RawY, b.RawY), Fixed32.PowFastest(a.RawZ, b.RawZ), Fixed32.PowFastest(a.RawW, b.RawW)));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void Test_Operators_Division ()
            const long numerator = 1;
            const long denominator = 10;

            Fixed32 f = new Fixed32 (numerator);
            Fixed32 g = new Fixed32 (denominator);
            Fixed32 h = new Fixed32 (((double)numerator) / denominator);

            Assert.That (f / g, Is.EqualTo (h));
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Provides the constant TestTolerance.
 /// </summary>
 public static void TestTolerance (out Fixed32 value)
     value = Fixed32.Parse("0.0001");
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static F32Vec2 DivFastest(F32Vec2 a, F32 b)
     int oob = Fixed32.RcpFastest(b.Raw); return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.Mul(a.RawX, oob), Fixed32.Mul(a.RawY, oob)));
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static F32Vec2 SqrtPrecise(F32Vec2 a)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.SqrtPrecise(a.RawX), Fixed32.SqrtPrecise(a.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static F32Vec2 RSqrtFast(F32Vec2 a)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.RSqrtFast(a.RawX), Fixed32.RSqrtFast(a.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static F32Vec4 Pow(F32 a, F32Vec4 b)
     return(new F32Vec4(Fixed32.Pow(a.Raw, b.RawX), Fixed32.Pow(a.Raw, b.RawY), Fixed32.Pow(a.Raw, b.RawZ), Fixed32.Pow(a.Raw, b.RawW)));
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static F32Vec2 Exp(F32Vec2 a)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.Exp(a.RawX), Fixed32.Exp(a.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static F32Vec2 Clamp(F32Vec2 a, F32Vec2 min, F32Vec2 max)
     return(new F32Vec2(
                Fixed32.Clamp(a.RawX, min.RawX, max.RawX),
                Fixed32.Clamp(a.RawY, min.RawY, max.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static F32Vec2 Log2(F32Vec2 a)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.Log2(a.RawX), Fixed32.Log2(a.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static F32Vec2 FromInt(int x, int y)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.FromInt(x), Fixed32.FromInt(y)));
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static F32Vec2 SinFast(F32Vec2 a)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.SinFast(a.RawX), Fixed32.SinFast(a.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public static F32Vec2 FromDouble(double x, double y)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.FromDouble(x), Fixed32.FromDouble(y)));
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static F32Vec2 CosFastest(F32Vec2 a)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.CosFastest(a.RawX), Fixed32.CosFastest(a.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 29
 public static F32Vec3 operator /(F32Vec3 a, F32Vec3 b)
     return(new F32Vec3(Fixed32.DivPrecise(a.RawX, b.RawX), Fixed32.DivPrecise(a.RawY, b.RawY), Fixed32.DivPrecise(a.RawZ, b.RawZ)));
Exemplo n.º 30
 public static F32Vec2 Pow(F32Vec2 a, F32 b)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.Pow(a.RawX, b.Raw), Fixed32.Pow(a.RawY, b.Raw)));
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void Test_Operators_Multiplication_iii ()
            double[] values = { 0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, -0.001, -0.01, -0.1, -0.5, -0.9 };

            foreach (double value in values)
                Fixed32 f = new Fixed32 (value);
                Fixed32 fsq = f * f;

                // Actually we tolerate a slight rounding error here.  We shouldn't have to, but it's not crucial to fix it.
                long diff = System.Math.Abs (new Fixed32 (value * value).RawValue - fsq.RawValue);
                Assert.That (diff < 2);
Exemplo n.º 32
 public static F32Vec2 Pow(F32 a, F32Vec2 b)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.Pow(a.Raw, b.RawX), Fixed32.Pow(a.Raw, b.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void Test_Operators_LessThan ()
            Fixed32 f = new Fixed32 (419);

            int i = 1000;
            Assert.That (f < i);
Exemplo n.º 34
 public static F32Vec2 PowFastest(F32Vec2 a, F32Vec2 b)
     return(new F32Vec2(Fixed32.PowFastest(a.RawX, b.RawX), Fixed32.PowFastest(a.RawY, b.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 35
        public void TestStaticFn_CatmullRom_iii ()
            var a = GetNextRandomVector4();
            var b = GetNextRandomVector4();
            var c = GetNextRandomVector4();
            var d = GetNextRandomVector4();

            Fixed32 half; Maths.Half(out half);

            var tests = new Fixed32[] { 2, half + 1, -half, -1 };

            for (Int32 idx = 0; idx < tests.Length; ++idx)
                Vector4 result;

                    () =>
                        Vector4.CatmullRom (
                            ref a, ref b, ref c, ref d, ref tests[idx], out result)
Exemplo n.º 36
 public static F32 LengthSqr(F32Vec2 a)
     return(F32.FromRaw(Fixed32.Mul(a.RawX, a.RawX) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawY, a.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 37
        public unsafe void Test_StructLayout_ii ()
            for( Int32 i = 0; i < 100; ++ i)
                Quaternion quat = GetNextRandomQuaternion();

                GCHandle h_quat = GCHandle.Alloc(quat, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                IntPtr quatAddress = h_quat.AddrOfPinnedObject();

                Fixed32[] data = new Fixed32[4];

                // nb: when Fixed32 and Half are moved back into the main
                //     dev branch there will be need for an extension method for
                //     Marshal that will perform the copy for those types.
                MarshalHelper.Copy(quatAddress, data, 0, 4);
                Assert.That(data[0], Is.EqualTo(quat.I));
                Assert.That(data[1], Is.EqualTo(quat.J));
                Assert.That(data[2], Is.EqualTo(quat.K));
                Assert.That(data[3], Is.EqualTo(quat.U));

Exemplo n.º 38
 public static F32Vec2 NormalizeFastest(F32Vec2 a)
     F32 ooLen = F32.FromRaw(Fixed32.RSqrtFastest(Fixed32.Mul(a.RawX, a.RawX) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawY, a.RawY))); return(ooLen * a);
Exemplo n.º 39
        public unsafe void Test_StructLayout_ii ()
            for( Int32 i = 0; i < 100; ++ i)
                Vector2 vec = GetNextRandomVector2();

                GCHandle h_vec = GCHandle.Alloc(vec, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                IntPtr vecAddress = h_vec.AddrOfPinnedObject();

                Fixed32[] data = new Fixed32[2];

                // nb: when Fixed32 and Half are moved back into the main
                //     dev branch there will be need for an extension method for
                //     Marshal that will perform the copy for those types.
                MarshalHelper.Copy(vecAddress, data, 0, 2);
                Assert.That(data[0], Is.EqualTo(vec.X));
                Assert.That(data[1], Is.EqualTo(vec.Y));

Exemplo n.º 40
 public static F32 Dot(F32Vec2 a, F32Vec2 b)
     return(F32.FromRaw(Fixed32.Mul(a.RawX, b.RawX) + Fixed32.Mul(a.RawY, b.RawY)));
Exemplo n.º 41
        public void TestStaticFn_Lerp_ii ()
            Matrix44 a = GetNextRandomMatrix44();
            Matrix44 b = GetNextRandomMatrix44();

            Fixed32 half; Maths.Half(out half);

            var tests = new Fixed32[] { 2, half + 1, -half, -1 };

            for( Int32 i = 0; i < tests.Length; ++i )
                Matrix44 result;
                    () =>
                        Matrix44.Lerp (
                            ref a, ref b, ref tests[i], out result)
Exemplo n.º 42
 public static F32Vec4 Pow(F32Vec4 a, F32 b)
     return(new F32Vec4(Fixed32.Pow(a.RawX, b.Raw), Fixed32.Pow(a.RawY, b.Raw), Fixed32.Pow(a.RawZ, b.Raw), Fixed32.Pow(a.RawW, b.Raw)));