Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete an existing FirstPageArg
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thisFirstPageArg">FirstPageArg</param>
        /// <returns>bool</returns>
        public bool Delete(FirstPageArg thisFirstPageArg)
            string sql = string.Format("exec dbo.sp_firstpagearg_d {0} "
                                       , ToQuote(thisFirstPageArg.ID)


                int rowcount = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ConnectStr, CommandType.Text, sql);

                if (rowcount >= 1)
                    throw new Exception("SQL execution failed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("SQL execution failed", ex);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an existing FirstPageArg
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thisFirstPageArg">FirstPageArg</param>
        /// <returns>bool</returns>
        public bool Update(FirstPageArg thisFirstPageArg)
            string sql = string.Format("EXEC sp_FirstPageArg_u {0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}"
                                       , ToQuote(thisFirstPageArg.ID)

                                       , ToQuote(thisFirstPageArg.Type)
                                       , ToQuote(thisFirstPageArg.LikeArg)
                                       , ToQuote(thisFirstPageArg.CommentArg)
                                       , ToQuote(thisFirstPageArg.RecordArg)

                                       , ToQuote(CurrentUserName)
                                       , ToQuote(DateTime.Now)
                                       , ToQuote(thisFirstPageArg.Statues)


                int rowcount = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ConnectStr, CommandType.Text, sql);

                if (rowcount == 1)
                    throw new Exception("SQL execution failed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("SQL execution failed", ex);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestCanCreateFirstPageArg()
            IFirstPageArg firstpageservice = new FirstPageArgService();
            FirstPageArg  firstpage        = new FirstPageArg
                ID         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                LikeArg    = 300,
                RecordArg  = 100,
                CommentArg = 100,
                Statues    = 1,
                Type       = "滑雪衫"

            Guid id = firstpageservice.Create(firstpage);

            Assert.AreEqual(id, firstpage.ID);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Don't repeat yourself! This private function is for shared by all query public functions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sql"></param>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="pg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        IList <FirstPageArg> GetFirstPageArgs(string sql, int page, string sortKey, out PaginationInfo paging)
            using (DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(ConnectStr, CommandType.Text, sql))
                if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count != 2)
                    throw new Exception("SQL execution failed");
                    List <FirstPageArg> Comments = new List <FirstPageArg>();

                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        FirstPageArg Comment = new FirstPageArg()
                            ID         = new Guid(dr["id"].ToString()),
                            CommentArg = ParseInt(dr["CommentArg"]),
                            LikeArg    = ParseInt(dr["LikeArg"]),
                            RecordArg  = ParseInt(dr["RecordArg"]),
                            Type       = ParseStr(dr["Type"]),
                            Statues    = ParseInt(dr["Statues"]),
                            Createby   = ParseStr(dr["Createby"]),
                            mtype      = ParseStr(dr["mtype"]),
                            Createtime = ParseStr(dr["Createtime"]),
                            Updateby   = ParseStr(dr["Updateby"]),
                            Updatetime = ParseStr(dr["Updatetime"])


                    paging = new PaginationInfo()
                        Current      = page,
                        Size         = ParseInt(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["pagesize"]),
                        TotalRecords = ParseInt(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["totalrecords"]),
                        TotalPages   = (int)Math.Ceiling(ParseInt(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["totalrecords"]) /

Exemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult GotoFirst(int?page)
                PaginationInfo       paging         = new PaginationInfo();
                PaginationInfo       paging2        = new PaginationInfo();
                IList <UserStore>    userstores     = iuserstore.Get(null, UserName, null, 1, page.HasValue ? page.Value : 1, null, out paging);
                IList <SettingGroup> systemsettings = isetting.GetSystemSetting();
                IList <SettingGroup> usersetings    = iusersetting.GetByUsername(UserName);
                int likedrate = int.Parse(GetSettingVal(systemsettings, "3C309D27-C774-4E60-8706-17EA2C2B0691"));
                int likerate  = int.Parse(GetSettingVal(systemsettings, "6C715AE2-2D77-4827-B4C1-7E5352B7D00B"));

                float superrate = float.Parse(GetSettingVal(systemsettings, "4657EED5-A7C5-4058-8F37-797B6155B2A0"));

                foreach (UserStore userstore in userstores)
                    userstore.Bady = ibady.Get(userstore.Bady.ID);
                    IList <Like> likes = ilike.Get(null, userstore.Bady.ID.ToString(), UserName, null, 1, 1, 0, null, out paging2);
                    if (likes != null && likes.Count > 0)
                        userstore.taskstatus = likes[0].Runstatues;
                        userstore.Like       = likes[0];
                        userstore.taskstatus = null;

                    IList <FirstPageArg> firstpageargs = ifirstpagearg.Get(null, userstore.Type, "hot", 1, 0, null, out paging2);
                    if (firstpageargs != null && firstpageargs.Count == 1)
                        FirstPageArg firstpagearg = firstpageargs[0];
                        userstore.needlike     = firstpagearg.LikeArg - userstore.Liked > 0 ? firstpagearg.LikeArg - userstore.Liked : 0;
                        userstore.needrecord   = firstpagearg.RecordArg - userstore.Record > 0 ? firstpagearg.RecordArg - userstore.Record : 0;
                        userstore.needcommment = firstpagearg.CommentArg - userstore.Comment > 0 ? firstpagearg.CommentArg - userstore.Comment : 0;
                        userstore.needliked    = userstore.needlike * likerate / likedrate;
                        int likearg    = 0;
                        int recordarg  = 0;
                        int commentarg = 0;
                        if (firstpageargs.Count > 1)
                            foreach (FirstPageArg f in firstpageargs)
                                likearg    += f.LikeArg;
                                recordarg  += f.RecordArg;
                                commentarg += f.CommentArg;
                            likearg                = likearg / firstpageargs.Count;
                            recordarg              = recordarg / firstpageargs.Count;
                            commentarg             = commentarg / firstpageargs.Count;
                            userstore.needlike     = likearg - userstore.Liked > 0 ? likearg - userstore.Liked : 0;
                            userstore.needrecord   = recordarg - userstore.Record > 0 ? recordarg - userstore.Record : 0;
                            userstore.needcommment = commentarg - userstore.Comment > 0 ? commentarg - userstore.Comment : 0;
                            userstore.needliked    = userstore.needlike * likerate / likedrate;
                            likearg                = 500;//
                            recordarg              = 50;
                            commentarg             = 20;
                            userstore.needlike     = likearg - userstore.Liked > 0 ? likearg - userstore.Liked : 0;
                            userstore.needrecord   = recordarg - userstore.Record > 0 ? recordarg - userstore.Record : 0;
                            userstore.needcommment = commentarg - userstore.Comment > 0 ? commentarg - userstore.Comment : 0;
                            userstore.needliked    = userstore.needlike * likerate / likedrate;

                    userstore.needrecord = userstore.needrecord - Convert.ToInt32(userstore.needrecord * superrate);
                    userstore.needsuper  = Convert.ToInt32(userstore.needrecord * superrate);
                    //300 60 0 60

                ViewBag.likedprice        = decimal.Parse(GetSettingVal(systemsettings, "FB8E6B56-DEA6-4D70-9C52-E451E7423F55"));
                ViewBag.likeprice         = decimal.Parse(GetSettingVal(systemsettings, "65AD5D23-2619-480E-B6A9-84C58AD07DCB"));
                ViewBag.commentprice      = decimal.Parse(GetSettingVal(systemsettings, "4D2E7311-BA9F-468B-BC3B-3F938C9CC3EA"));
                ViewBag.recordprice       = decimal.Parse(GetSettingVal(systemsettings, "88841710-5B5F-4581-9557-85103CD65534"));
                ViewBag.supperrecordprice = decimal.Parse(GetSettingVal(systemsettings, "6FF927CF-5676-43B2-A9B4-F72C346E22DE"));
                ViewBag.pricerate         = decimal.Parse(GetSettingVal(systemsettings, "2AADE1C6-59BE-4B0E-927C-7B28BFC8C397"));

                PagedList <UserStore> models = userstores.ToPagedList <UserStore>(paging);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string errorMsg = "An application error occurred. Please contact the adminstrator " +
                                  "with the following information:/n/n";
                errorMsg += ex.Message + "/n/nStack Trace:/n" + ex.StackTrace + "//" + ex.Source;
