/// <summary> /// find an item /// </summary> /// <returns>ItemCentralHomePage</returns> public ItemCentralHomePage FindAnItem() { //this.Parent.Header.SelectWelcomeMessage(); //stop hover over menu this.Utilities.FocusOnMainContentArea(); FindItem.Click(); return(new ItemCentralHomePage()); }
private void countValueChange(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { IntSpinnerControl updown = sender as IntSpinnerControl; if (updown == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(updown); if (dgrow == null) { return; } WriteoffDetailsHelper writeoffDetailHelper = (WriteoffDetailsHelper)dgrow.Item; if (writeoffDetailHelper == null) { return; } writeoffDetailHelper.DetailsCount = (int)updown.Value; }
/// <summary> /// Render a list of findItems (Works for both Find in Open documents and Find in Files) /// </summary> /// <param name="findItems"></param> public void Render(FindList findItems) { _findText = findItems.Find; _findLength = _findText.Length; TreeFind.BeginUpdate(); TreeFind.Nodes.Clear(); try { FindItem lastItem = null; TreeNode parentNode = null; foreach (FindItem item in findItems.Items) { if (lastItem == null || lastItem.FileName != item.FileName || lastItem.Document != item.Document) { parentNode = new TreeNode(item.Name); TreeFind.Nodes.Add(parentNode); } TreeNode node = new TreeNode(item.Text); node.Tag = item; parentNode.Nodes.Add(node); lastItem = item; } // Expand all results. TreeFind.ExpandAll(); } catch { } TreeFind.EndUpdate(); }
private void removeRecord(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { Button button = sender as Button; if (button == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(button); if (dgrow == null) { return; } WriteoffDetailsHelper writeoffDetailHelper = (WriteoffDetailsHelper)dgrow.Item; if (writeoffDetailHelper == null) { return; } wodh_collection.remove(writeoffDetailHelper); }
private void rowDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button downButton = sender as Button; if (downButton == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(downButton); if (dgrow == null) { return; } Details detail = (Details)dgrow.Item; if (detail == null) { return; } if (!detail.down()) { MessageBox.Show("При выполнении запроса произошли ошибки!\nПодробнее см. в логе ошибок."); } }
private void rowUp(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button upButton = sender as Button; if (upButton == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(upButton); if (dgrow == null) { return; } Oven oven = (Oven)dgrow.Item; if (oven == null) { return; } if (!oven.up()) { MessageBox.Show("При выполнении запроса произошли ошибки!\nПодробнее см. в логе ошибок."); } }
private void cbxWeekDay_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox comboBox = sender as System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox; if (comboBox == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(comboBox); if (dgrow == null) { return; } ReportsSetting reportsSetting = (ReportsSetting)dgrow.Item; if (reportsSetting == null) { return; } if (comboBox.SelectedValue == null) { return; } if (reportsSetting.Period == comboBox.SelectedValue.ToString()) { return; } reportsSetting.Day = Int32.Parse(comboBox.SelectedValue.ToString()); reportsSetting.Time = ""; }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Controls.Button button = sender as System.Windows.Controls.Button; if (button == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(button); if (dgrow == null) { return; } ReportsSetting reportsSetting = (ReportsSetting)dgrow.Item; if (reportsSetting == null) { return; } var dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog(this.GetIWin32Window()); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { reportsSetting.ReportPath = dlg.SelectedPath; //reportsSetting.save(); } }
private void ovenSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { ComboBox comboBox = sender as ComboBox; if (comboBox == null) { return; } if (comboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } if (comboBox.SelectedValue == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(comboBox); if (dgrow == null) { return; } WriteoffDetailsHelper writeoffDetailHelper = (WriteoffDetailsHelper)dgrow.Item; if (writeoffDetailHelper == null) { return; } writeoffDetailHelper.IdOven = (int)comboBox.SelectedValue; writeoffDetailHelper.IdDetails = 0; writeoffDetailHelper.DetailsCount = 0; }
public static Task CreateFindItem(Field.Tile task_giver, int reward_exp, int reward_gold, int reward_score) { FindItem task = new FindItem(task_giver, reward_exp, reward_gold, reward_score); if (!task.item.Spawn(GlobalDataHolder.field.random_no_item_road)) { return(null); } return(task); }
private void findItemButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FindItem fi = new FindItem(); if (fi.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // FindItem form uses ListView to list all of the NPC's that are in `item_template` table. When FindItem form loads, it should load all of the item's currently in that table. // ListView uses 2 columns (Item ID, Item NAME). So once user clicks on a desired Item from the list, this dialog here should return that value to the itemEntryIntegerInput } }
/// <summary> /// Returns 'true' if item was found in cache and processed. /// </summary> public bool Find(FindItem findFunction, params object[] list) { foreach (var item in _list) { if (findFunction(item, list)) { Add(item); return(true); } } return(false); }
private void detailsSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { ComboBox comboBox = sender as ComboBox; if (comboBox == null) { return; } if (comboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } if (comboBox.SelectedValue == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(comboBox); if (dgrow == null) { return; } WriteoffDetailsHelper writeoffDetailHelper = (WriteoffDetailsHelper)dgrow.Item; if (writeoffDetailHelper == null) { return; } writeoffDetailHelper.IdDetails = (int)comboBox.SelectedValue; writeoffDetailHelper.DetailsCount = (writeoffDetailHelper.Detail.CurrentCount > 0) ? 1 : 0; int notFillRowCount = WriteoffDetailsHelperCollection.instance() .Collection.Where(x => x.IdDetails == 0).Count(); if (writeoffDetailHelper.IdDetails != 0 && notFillRowCount == 0) { WriteoffDetailsHelper writeoffDetailsHelper = new WriteoffDetailsHelper(); wodh_collection.add(writeoffDetailsHelper); } }
public static void Practice(Player player, Room room, string skillToPractice) { var foundTrainer = FindItem.Trainer(room.mobs); if (foundTrainer == null) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("There is no one here that can train you.", player.HubGuid); return; } if (skillToPractice == string.Empty) { ShowSkills(player); } else { PracticeSkill(player, foundTrainer, skillToPractice); } }
private void detailsSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { ComboBox comboBox = sender as ComboBox; if (comboBox == null) { return; } if (comboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } if (comboBox.SelectedValue == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(comboBox); if (dgrow == null) { return; } SupplyDetailsHelper supplyDetailHelper = (SupplyDetailsHelper)dgrow.Item; if (supplyDetailHelper == null) { return; } supplyDetailHelper.IdDetails = (int)comboBox.SelectedValue; int notFillRowCount = SupplyDetailsHelperCollection.instance() .Collection.Where(x => x.IdDetails == 0).Count(); if (supplyDetailHelper.IdDetails != 0 && notFillRowCount == 0) { SupplyDetailsHelper supplyDetails = new SupplyDetailsHelper(); sdh_collection.add(supplyDetails); } }
void CheckItemQuest() { foreach (Quest quest in QuestManager.questManager.currentQuests) { if (quest.questType == Quest.QuestType.FIND_ITEM) { FindItem itemQuest = (FindItem)quest; foreach (KeyValuePair <Item, int> keypair in Inventory.inventory.GetItems()) { if (keypair.Key == itemQuest.itemRequired && itemQuest.questProgress == Quest.QuestProgress.CURRENT) { itemQuest.numberHeld += keypair.Value; if (itemQuest.numberHeld == itemQuest.numberNeeded) { CompleteQuest(itemQuest); } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Bring the document into focus and set the position of the cursor to match the selected /// position of the found text. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void TreeFind_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TreeNode node = TreeFind.SelectedNode; if (node != null) { FindItem find = (FindItem)node.Tag; if (find != null) { if (find.Document != null) { find.Document.BringToFront(); find.Document.SetSel(find.StartPos, find.EndPos, true); find.Document.FocusEditor(); } } } } catch { } }
private int getRealCol(FindItem item) { int col = 0; for (int i = 0; i < item.ColStart; i++) { if (item.Text[i] == '\t') { col += item.TabWidth; } else { col++; } if (col >= item.ColStart + 1) { return(i); } } return(item.ColStart); }
public async Task <VerityResult> ConfirmOrder(List <OrderViewModel> model) { VerityResult result = new VerityResult(); List <Order> modellist = new List <Order>(); foreach (var OrderItem in from item in model let FindItem = _orderService.FindBy(x => x.OrderId == item.OrderId) where FindItem.Any() let OrderItem = FindItem.FirstOrDefault() select OrderItem) { OrderItem.Status = 1; modellist.Add(OrderItem); } if (modellist.Any()) { _orderService.UpdateMultiple(modellist); } return(await Task.Run(() => result)); }
/// <summary> /// Draw formatted text to the treeview with the search string highlighted in red. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"></param> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="rect"></param> /// <param name="selected"></param> private void WriteText(Graphics graphics, FindItem item, Rectangle rect, bool selected) { try { int colStart = getRealCol(item); // Get the string up to the find text string startString = item.Text.Substring(0, colStart); // Get the string after the find text string endString = item.Text.Substring(colStart + _findLength); using (Font fontNormal = new Font("Courier New", 10, FontStyle.Regular)) { using (Font fontResult = new Font("Courier New", 10, FontStyle.Bold)) { graphics.DrawString(startString, fontNormal, (selected ? Brushes.White : Brushes.Black), rect); // Modify the rect to place to the new place SizeF dif = graphics.MeasureString(startString, fontNormal); rect.X += (int)Math.Floor(dif.Width); graphics.DrawString(item.Text.Substring(colStart, _findLength), fontResult, Brushes.Red, rect); dif = graphics.MeasureString(_findText, fontNormal); rect.X += (int)Math.Floor(dif.Width); graphics.DrawString(endString, fontNormal, (selected ? Brushes.White : Brushes.Black), rect); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex); } }
//Изменение наименования комплектации, устанавливает статус "Не сохранено" void DlcComplectationItem_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { StangradCRM.Controls.DownListControl downListControl = sender as StangradCRM.Controls.DownListControl; if (downListControl == null) { return; } DataGridRow row = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(downListControl); if (row == null) { return; } Complectation complectation = (Complectation)row.Item; if (complectation == null) { return; } ComplectationItem citem = ComplectationItemViewModel.instance() .getByName(downListControl.Text); if (citem != null) { complectation.Id_complectation_item = citem.Id; } else { complectation.Id_complectation_item = 0; complectation.NewComplectationItemName = downListControl.Text; } complectation.IsSaved = false; }
private void tbxTime_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <object> e) { TimePicker timePicker = sender as TimePicker; if (timePicker == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(timePicker); if (dgrow == null) { return; } ReportsSetting reportsSetting = (ReportsSetting)dgrow.Item; if (reportsSetting == null) { return; } reportsSetting.Time = timePicker.Text; }
//Обработка изменения количества комплектаций (в каждой строке) void DudCount_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <object> e) { DecimalUpDown decimalUpDown = sender as DecimalUpDown; if (decimalUpDown == null) { return; } DataGridRow row = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(decimalUpDown); if (row == null) { return; } Complectation complectation = (Complectation)row.Item; if (complectation == null) { return; } try { if (complectation.Complectation_count == (int)decimalUpDown.Value) { complectation.IsSaved = true; return; } } catch { complectation.Complectation_count = 0; } complectation.IsSaved = false; complectation.Complectation_count = (int)decimalUpDown.Value; }
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Controls.Button button = sender as System.Windows.Controls.Button; if (button == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(button); if (dgrow == null) { return; } ReportsSetting reportsSetting = (ReportsSetting)dgrow.Item; if (reportsSetting == null) { return; } if (!reportsSetting.save()) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Не удалось сохранить настройку отчета. Подробности см. в логе ошибок!"); } else { if (reportsSetting.NextDateCreated != null) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Настройка выгрузки сохранена.\nСледующая дата выгрузки " + ((DateTime)reportsSetting.NextDateCreated).ToString()); } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Настройка выгрузки сохранена.\nСледующая дата выгрузки - не установлено."); } } }
//Выбор существующего наименования из выпадающего списка void DlcComplectationItem_OnSelect(object sender, StangradCRM.Controls.SelectionChanged e) { StangradCRM.Controls.DownListControl downList = sender as StangradCRM.Controls.DownListControl; if (downList == null) { return; } DataGridRow row = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(downList); if (row == null) { return; } Complectation complectation = (Complectation)row.Item; if (complectation == null) { return; } if (e.Value != null) { int id_complectation_item = (int)e.Value; if (complectation.Id_complectation_item == id_complectation_item) { complectation.IsSaved = true; return; } ComplectationItem item = ComplectationItemViewModel.instance().getById(id_complectation_item); complectation.Id_complectation_item = id_complectation_item; complectation.IsSaved = false; } }
void RbnSelected_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RadioButton radioButton = sender as RadioButton; if (radioButton == null) { return; } DataGridRow dgrow = FindItem.FindParentItem <DataGridRow>(radioButton); if (dgrow == null) { return; } Equipment equipment = (Equipment)dgrow.Item; if (equipment == null) { return; } equipment.IsSelected = true; }
/// <summary> /// Wears an item /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The Player</param> /// <param name="itemToWear">Item to wear</param> public static void WearItem(Player player, string itemToWear, bool wield = false) { var room = Cache.getRoom(player); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemToWear)) { HubContext.SendToClient("Wear what?", player.HubGuid); return; } var oldPlayer = player; if (!itemToWear.Equals("all", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { var findObject = Events.FindNth.Findnth(itemToWear); int nth = findObject.Key; string itemToFind = findObject.Value; var foundItem = FindItem.Item(player.Inventory, nth, itemToFind, Item.ItemLocation.Inventory); // player.Inventory.Find(i => i.name.ToLower().Contains(itemToWear.ToLower())); if (foundItem == null) { if (wield) { HubContext.SendToClient("You do not have that item to wield.", player.HubGuid); return; } HubContext.SendToClient("You do not have that item to wear.", player.HubGuid); return; } foundItem.location = Item.ItemLocation.Worn; var slot = Enum.GetName(typeof(Item.EqSlot), foundItem.slot); //TODO: WTF is this? var eqLocation = player.Equipment.GetType().GetProperty(slot); if (slot == null) { return; } // Log error? What the hell is eqLocation? var hasValue = eqLocation.GetValue(player.Equipment); if (hasValue.ToString() != "Nothing") { RemoveItem(player, hasValue.ToString(), true); } eqLocation.SetValue(player.Equipment, foundItem.name); if (foundItem.ArmorRating != null) { player.ArmorRating += foundItem.ArmorRating.Armour; } if (!wield || !slot.Equals(Item.EqSlot.Wielded.ToString())) { HubContext.SendToClient("You wear " + foundItem.name, player.HubGuid); var result = AvsAnLib.AvsAn.Query(foundItem.name); string article = result.Article; foreach (var character in room.players) { if (player != character) { var roomMessage = $"{ Helpers.ReturnName(player, character, string.Empty)} wears {article} {foundItem.name}"; HubContext.SendToClient(roomMessage, character.HubGuid); } } //Wear event CheckEvent.FindEvent(CheckEvent.EventType.Wear, player, foundItem.name); } else { HubContext.SendToClient("You wield " + foundItem.name, player.HubGuid); var result = AvsAnLib.AvsAn.Query(foundItem.name); string article = result.Article; foreach (var character in room.players) { if (player != character) { var roomMessage = $"{ Helpers.ReturnName(player, character, string.Empty)} wields {article} {foundItem.name}"; HubContext.SendToClient(roomMessage, character.HubGuid); } } } Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); Score.ReturnScoreUI(player); } else { var listOfItemsWorn = string.Empty; foreach (var item in player.Inventory.Where(x => x.location.Equals(Item.ItemLocation.Inventory))) { if (item.location == Item.ItemLocation.Inventory && item.equipable == true) { var slot = Enum.GetName(typeof(Item.EqSlot), item.slot); //TODO: WTF is this? if (slot != null) { var eqLocation = player.Equipment.GetType().GetProperty(slot); if (eqLocation != null) { var hasValue = eqLocation.GetValue(player.Equipment); if (hasValue.ToString() != "Nothing") { RemoveItem(player, hasValue.ToString(), true); } } item.location = Item.ItemLocation.Worn; eqLocation.SetValue(player.Equipment, item.name); if (item.ArmorRating != null) { player.ArmorRating += item.ArmorRating.Armour; } listOfItemsWorn += $" {item.name}"; if (!wield || !slot.Equals("wield", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { var result = AvsAnLib.AvsAn.Query(item.name); string article = result.Article; HubContext.SendToClient("You wear " + article + item.name, player.HubGuid); foreach (var character in room.players) { if (player != character) { var roomMessage = $"{ Helpers.ReturnName(player, character, string.Empty)} wears {article} {item.name}"; HubContext.SendToClient(roomMessage, character.HubGuid); } } } else { var result = AvsAnLib.AvsAn.Query(item.name); string article = result.Article; HubContext.SendToClient("You wield " + article + item.name, player.HubGuid); foreach (var character in room.players) { if (player != character) { var roomMessage = $"{ Helpers.ReturnName(player, character, string.Empty)} wields {article} {item.name}"; HubContext.SendToClient(roomMessage, character.HubGuid); } } } } } } CheckEvent.FindEvent(CheckEvent.EventType.Wear, player, listOfItemsWorn); } Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); Score.ReturnScoreUI(player); Cache.updatePlayer(player, oldPlayer); }
public static void StarContinualLight(Player player, Room room, string commandOptions = "") { //Check if player has spell var hasSpell = Skill.CheckPlayerHasSkill(player, ContinualLightAb().Name); if (hasSpell == false) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You don't know that spell.", player.HubGuid); return; } var canDoSkill = Skill.CanDoSkill(player); if (!canDoSkill) { return; } #region refactor string[] options = commandOptions.Split(' '); int nth = -1; string getNth = string.Empty; string objectToFind = String.Empty; if (options.Length == 3) { objectToFind = options[2]; if (objectToFind.IndexOf('.') != -1) { getNth = objectToFind.Substring(0, objectToFind.IndexOf('.')); int.TryParse(getNth, out nth); } } else if (options.Length > 3) { objectToFind = options[2]; if (objectToFind.IndexOf('.') != -1) { getNth = objectToFind.Substring(0, objectToFind.IndexOf('.')); int.TryParse(getNth, out nth); } _color = options[3]; } #endregion if (nth == 0) { nth = -1; } _target = FindItem.Item(player.Inventory, nth, objectToFind, Item.Item.ItemLocation.Inventory); if (_target == null && options.Length == 3) { _color = options[2]; } if (ReturnColor(_color) == null) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient($"{_color} is not valid, you can choose from: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Purple, Orange and White", player.HubGuid); return; } if (!_taskRunnning && _target != null) { if (player.ManaPoints < ContinualLightAb().ManaCost) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You clasp your hands together attempting to draw energy between your hands but fail", player.HubGuid); return; } //TODO REfactor player.ManaPoints -= ContinualLightAb().ManaCost; Score.UpdateUiPrompt(player); if (_target.itemFlags == null) { _target.itemFlags = new List <Item.Item.ItemFlags>(); } if (_target.itemFlags.Contains(Item.Item.ItemFlags.glow)) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("This item is already illuminated", player.HubGuid); return; } var result = AvsAnLib.AvsAn.Query(_target.name); string article = result.Article; HubContext.Instance.SendToClient($"You grasp {article} {_target.name} between your hands which starts to shimmer a slight {_color} colour", player.HubGuid); foreach (var character in room.players) { if (character != player) { var hisOrHer = Helpers.ReturnHisOrHers(player, character); var roomMessage = $"{ Helpers.ReturnName(player, character, string.Empty)} grasps {article} {_target.name} between {hisOrHer} hands which starts to shimmer a slight {_color} colour"; HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(roomMessage, character.HubGuid); } } Task.Run(() => DoContinualLight(player, room)); } else { if (_target == null) { if (player.ManaPoints < ContinualLightAb().ManaCost) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You attempt to draw energy but fail", player.HubGuid); return; } //TODO REfactor player.ManaPoints -= ContinualLightAb().ManaCost; Score.UpdateUiPrompt(player); HubContext.Instance.SendToClient($"You clasp your hands together forming a bright {_color} ball between them", player.HubGuid); foreach (var character in room.players) { if (character != player) { var roomMessage = $"{ Helpers.ReturnName(player, character, string.Empty)} 's hands start to glow as they begin chanting the Continual light spell"; HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(roomMessage, character.HubGuid); } } Task.Run(() => DoContinualLight(player, room)); } } }
public static void DoLockPick(IHubContext context, PlayerSetup.Player player, Room room, string item) { //Check if player has spell var hasSkill = Skill.CheckPlayerHasSkill(player, LockPickAb().Name); if (hasSkill == false) { context.SendToClient("You don't know that skill.", player.HubGuid); return; } var canDoSkill = Skill.CanDoSkill(player); if (!canDoSkill) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { context.SendToClient("You need to specify an item.", player.HubGuid); return; } var hasItem = FindItem.Item(room.items, -1, item, Item.Item.ItemLocation.Room); if (hasItem == null) { context.SendToClient("Nothing here by that name.", player.HubGuid); return; } if (!hasItem.locked) { context.SendToClient($"{Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, hasItem.name).ToLower()} is already unlocked.", player.HubGuid); return; } var chanceOfSuccess = Helpers.Rand(LockPickDifficulty(hasItem.LockPick), 100); var skill = player.Skills.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Lock Pick")); var skillProf = skill.Proficiency; if (skillProf >= chanceOfSuccess) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("*CLICK!*", player.HubGuid); //Itme stats HubContext.Instance.SendToClient($"You unlock {Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, hasItem.name).ToLower()}", player.HubGuid); hasItem.locked = false; Score.ReturnScoreUI(player); } else { //something random HubContext.Instance.SendToClient($"You fail to unlock {Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, hasItem.name).ToLower().ToLower()}.", player.HubGuid); Score.ReturnScoreUI(player); } }
public ItemCentralHomePage FindAnItem() { Find(); FindItem.Wait(3).Click(); return(new ItemCentralHomePage()); }