Exemplo n.º 1
        protected static ImportStats ProcessImportedData(ImportResult import, Organization organization,
                                                         Person importingPerson)
            FinancialAccount payPalAccount = organization.FinancialAccounts.AssetsPaypal;
            FinancialAccount bankFees      = organization.FinancialAccounts.CostsBankFees;
            FinancialAccount donations     = organization.FinancialAccounts.IncomeDonations;

            int autoDepositLimit    = 1000; // TODO: Get from organization parameters
            int autoWithdrawalLimit = 0;

            ImportStats result = new ImportStats();

            foreach (ImportedRow row in import.Rows)
                // Each row is at least a stub, probably more.

                // If too old, ignore.

                if (row.DateTime < new DateTime(2008, 12, 4))

                string importKey = row.SuppliedTransactionId;

                // If importKey is empty, construct a hash from the data fields.

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importKey))
                    string hashKey = row.HashBase + row.Comment +
                                     (row.AmountCentsNet / 100.0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                                     row.CurrentBalance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +

                    importKey = SHA1.Hash(hashKey).Replace(" ", "");

                if (importKey.Length > 30)
                    importKey = importKey.Substring(0, 30);

                Int64 amountCents = row.AmountCentsNet;

                if (amountCents == 0)
                    amountCents = row.AmountCentsGross;

                Dictionary <int, long> nominalTransaction = new Dictionary <int, long>();

                FinancialTransaction transaction = null;

                    transaction = FinancialTransaction.FromImportKey(organization, importKey);
                catch (Exception)
                    // if we get here, that means the transaction did not yet exist

                    transaction = FinancialTransaction.ImportWithStub(organization.Identity, row.DateTime,
                                                                      payPalAccount.Identity, amountCents,
                                                                      row.Comment, importKey, "" /* new SHA256 field */,

                    if (transaction == null)
                        // No transaction was created. This is an error condition as it should have been created if it didn't
                        // exist, and the "exist" case is handled in the FromImportKey attempt above. Abort with error.
                        // Throw new exception?



                nominalTransaction[payPalAccount.Identity] = amountCents;

                // The transaction was created. Examine if the autobook criteria are true.

                if (amountCents < 0)
                    if ((-amountCents) < autoWithdrawalLimit * 100)
                        // Book against autoWithdrawal account.

                        nominalTransaction[bankFees.Identity] = -amountCents;
                else if (amountCents > 0)
                    if (row.FeeCents < 0)
                        // This is always an autodeposit, if there is a fee (which is never > 0.0)

                        nominalTransaction[bankFees.Identity]  = -row.FeeCents;
                        nominalTransaction[donations.Identity] = -row.AmountCentsGross;
                    else if (amountCents < autoDepositLimit * 100)
                        // Book against autoDeposit account.

                        nominalTransaction[donations.Identity] = -amountCents;

                if (transaction.Rows.AmountCentsTotal != 0) // If transaction is unbalanced, balance it
                    if (transaction.RecalculateTransaction(nominalTransaction, importingPerson))
