public IList <SAFX201> SAFX201()
            var hora_inicio = "00:00:00";
            var hora_fim    = "23:59:59";
            var data_inicio = Inicio.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            var data_fim    = Fim.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            var filter = new BsonDocument()
                { "$match", new BsonDocument()
                      { "activated_at", new BsonDocument()
                            { "$gte", DateTime.Parse($"{data_inicio}T{hora_inicio}.000-03:00") },
                            { "$lt", DateTime.Parse($"{data_fim}T{hora_fim}.000-03:00") }
                        } },
                      { "company_uuid", Company }
                  } }

            var pipeline = new[] { filter, new BsonDocument()
                                       { "$lookup",
                                         new BsonDocument()
                                             { "from", "companies" },
                                             { "localField", "company_uuid" },
                                             { "foreignField", "uuid" },
                                             { "as", "company" }
                                         } }
                                   }, new BsonDocument()
                                       { "$project", new BsonDocument()
                                             { "device_info.pos_id", 1 },
                                             { "document.number", 1 },
                                             { "activated_at", 1 },
                                             { "document.status", 1 },
                                             { "", 1 },
                                             { "customer.identification.cnpj", 1 },
                                             { "document.qrcode_url", 1 },
                                             { "document.access_key", 1 },
                                             { "document.type", 1 },
                                             { "payments", 1 },
                                             { "company", 1 },
                                             { "cart_items", 1 }
                                         } }
                                   } };

            var results = collection.Aggregate <BsonDocument>(pipeline).ToList();

            var list = new List <SAFX201>();

            var estabelecimentos = new EmpresaEstabelecimento().GetAll();

            foreach (var document in results)
                //device info
                var hasNumEquip = document.TryGetElement("device_info", out BsonElement numEquip);
                var hasPosId    = false;
                if (hasNumEquip)
                    var deviceInfoDoc = document.GetElement("device_info").Value.AsBsonDocument;
                    hasPosId = deviceInfoDoc.TryGetElement("pos_id", out numEquip);

                //device info
                var     hasCompany = document.TryGetElement("company", out BsonElement comnpany);
                Company company    = null;
                if (hasCompany)
                    company = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <Company>(document.GetElement("company").Value.AsBsonArray.First().AsBsonDocument);

                var         hasDocument     = document.TryGetElement("document", out BsonElement documentElement);
                var         hasDocStatus    = false;
                var         hasDocQrCode    = false;
                var         hasDocNumber    = false;
                var         hasDocAccessKey = false;
                var         hasType         = false;
                BsonElement documentStatus;
                BsonElement documentQrCode;
                BsonElement documentNumber;
                BsonElement documentAccessKey;
                BsonElement documentType;
                if (hasDocument)
                    var documentDoc = document.GetElement("document").Value.AsBsonDocument;
                    hasDocStatus    = documentDoc.TryGetElement("status", out documentStatus);
                    hasDocQrCode    = documentDoc.TryGetElement("qrcode_url", out documentQrCode);
                    hasDocNumber    = documentDoc.TryGetElement("number", out documentNumber);
                    hasDocAccessKey = documentDoc.TryGetElement("access_key", out documentAccessKey);
                    hasType         = documentDoc.TryGetElement("type", out documentType);

                if (hasType && documentType.Value.BsonType != BsonType.Null)
                    var type = documentType.Value.ToString();
                    if (type.Equals("devolution"))

                var         hasCustomer               = document.TryGetElement("customer", out BsonElement customerElement);
                var         hasCustomerName           = false;
                var         hasCustomerIdentification = false;
                BsonElement customerName;
                BsonElement customerIdentification;

                if (hasCustomer)
                    var customerDoc = document.GetElement("customer").Value.AsBsonDocument;
                    hasCustomerName           = customerDoc.TryGetElement("name", out customerName);
                    hasCustomerIdentification = customerDoc.TryGetElement("identification", out customerIdentification);

                var         hasPayments   = document.TryGetElement("payments", out BsonElement payments);
                var         hasRealAmount = false;
                var         hasAmount     = false;
                BsonArray   paymentsList;
                BsonElement paymentRealAmount;
                BsonElement paymentAmount;
                if (hasPayments)
                    paymentsList  = payments.Value.AsBsonArray;
                    hasRealAmount = paymentsList.First().AsBsonDocument.TryGetElement("real_amount", out paymentRealAmount);
                    hasAmount     = paymentsList.First().AsBsonDocument.TryGetElement("amount", out paymentAmount);

                var       hasCartItems = document.TryGetElement("cart_items", out BsonElement cartItens);
                BsonArray itemList;
                double    valorDiscount = 0;
                if (hasCartItems)
                    itemList = cartItens.Value.AsBsonArray;
                    var s = itemList
                            .GroupBy(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.AsBsonDocument.GetElement("discount").Value))
                            .Select(n => n.Sum(s => Convert.ToDouble(s.AsBsonDocument.GetElement("discount").Value))).ToList();

                    if (s.Any())
                        valorDiscount = s.FirstOrDefault();

                var empresaEstabelecimento = estabelecimentos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CNPJ == company.fiscal_informations.cnpj);

                if (empresaEstabelecimento != null)
                    var model = new SAFX201
                        COD_EMPRESA        = empresaEstabelecimento != null ? empresaEstabelecimento.COD_EMPRESA : "H00",
                        COD_ESTAB          = empresaEstabelecimento != null ? empresaEstabelecimento.COD_ESTAB : "H001",
                        NUM_EQUIP          = hasPosId ? numEquip.Value.ToString().Replace("-", "") : "0",
                        NUM_CUPOM          = hasDocNumber ? documentNumber.Value.ToString() : "0",
                        DATA_EMISSAO       = document.GetElement("activated_at").Value.BsonType == BsonType.Null ? DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") : DateTime.Parse(document.GetElement("activated_at").Value.ToString()).ToString("yyyyMMdd"),
                        COD_MODELO         = "59",
                        IND_SITUACAO_CUPOM = hasDocStatus ? (documentStatus.Value.ToString().Equals("cancelled") ? "02" : documentStatus.Value.ToString().Equals("rejected") ? "04" : "00") : "00",
                        NOME_CLIENTE       = (hasCustomerName ? customerName.Value.ToString() : ""),
                        CPF_CNPJ_CLIENTE   = (hasCustomerIdentification ? customerIdentification.Value.ToString() : "").PadLeft(14, ' '),
                        NUM_AUTENTIC_NFE   = "0",
                        VLR_TOT_LIQ        = (hasAmount ? paymentAmount.Value.ToString() : "0"),
                        VLR_ACRES          = "0",
                        VLR_DESC           = valorDiscount.ToString(),
                        VLR_DESP_ACS       = "0",

                    model.VLR_TOT = (double.Parse(model.VLR_TOT_LIQ) + valorDiscount).ToString();

                    if (hasDocAccessKey && documentAccessKey.Value.BsonType != BsonType.Null)
                        var key = documentAccessKey.Value.ToString();
                        if (key.Contains("CFe"))
                            if (key.Length > 3)
                                model.NUM_AUTENTIC_NFE = key.Remove(0, 3);
                            model.NUM_AUTENTIC_NFE = key;

                    model.NUM_AUTENTIC_NFE.PadLeft(44, '0');

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a <see cref="System.String" /> that represents this instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="System.String" /> that represents this instance.</returns>
 public override string ToString()
     return("Inicio : " + Inicio.ToString() + "\nFim : " + Fim.ToString() + "\nNome : " + Nome.ToString());
        public async Task <IList <SAFX202Csv> > SAFX202CSV()
            var hora_inicio = "00:00:00";
            var hora_fim    = "23:59:59";
            var data_inicio = Inicio.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            var data_fim    = Fim.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            var filter = new BsonDocument()
                { "$match", new BsonDocument()
                      { "activated_at", new BsonDocument()
                            { "$gte", DateTime.Parse($"{data_inicio}T{hora_inicio}.000-03:00") },
                            { "$lt", DateTime.Parse($"{data_fim}T{hora_fim}.000-03:00") }
                        } },
                      { "company_uuid", Company }
                  } }

            //var pipeline = new[] { filter, new BsonDocument() {
            var pipeline = new[] { filter, new BsonDocument()
                                       { "$lookup",
                                         new BsonDocument()
                                             { "from", "companies" },
                                             { "localField", "company_uuid" },
                                             { "foreignField", "uuid" },
                                             { "as", "company" }
                                         } }
                                   }, new BsonDocument()
                                       { "$project", new BsonDocument()
                                             { "device_info.pos_id", 1 },
                                             { "document.number", 1 },
                                             { "activated_at", 1 },
                                             { "document.status", 1 },
                                             { "", 1 },
                                             { "customer.identification.cnpj", 1 },
                                             { "document.qrcode_url", 1 },
                                             { "document.xml", 1 },
                                             { "payments", 1 },
                                             { "company", 1 },
                                             { "cart_items", 1 }
                                         } }
                                   } };

            var results = await collection.Aggregate <SAFX202Model>(pipeline).ToListAsync();

            var estabelecimentos = new EmpresaEstabelecimento().GetAll();

            List <SAFX202Csv> listToFile = new List <SAFX202Csv>();
            var data = results.Where(x => != null && x.document != null && x.document.xml != null);

            foreach (var itemSale in data)
            //Parallel.ForEach(data, itemSale =>
                var estabelecimento = estabelecimentos
                                      .FirstOrDefault(x => x.CNPJ ==[0].fiscal_informations.cnpj);

                if (estabelecimento != null)

                    foreach (var cartItem in itemSale.cart_items)
                        //var model = new SAFX202Csv(itemSale, cartItem, estabelecimento);

                        var model = new SAFX202Csv();
                        var list  = model.DataGen(itemSale, cartItem, estabelecimento);
                        if (list.Any())
                            if (list.Any())
                                list.ToList().ForEach(x => listToFile.Add(x));

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a <see cref="System.String" /> that represents this instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="System.String" /> that represents this instance.</returns>
 public override string ToString()
     return("Assunto : " + Assunto.ToString() + "\nLocal : " + Local.ToString() + "\nArea : " + Area.ToString() + "\nIDSessao : " + IdSessao.ToString() + "\nInicio : " + Inicio.ToString() + "\nFim : " + Fim.ToString());