// Parses the file on the meter's processing thread and kicks off processing of the meter data set.
        private void ParseFile(string connectionString, SystemSettings systemSettings, string filePath, string meterKey, DataReaderWrapper dataReaderWrapper, FileWrapper fileWrapper)
            FileGroup fileGroup = null;
            MeterDataSet meterDataSet;
            int queuedFileCount;

            // Keep track of the number of operations in thread queues
            queuedFileCount = Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_queuedFileCount);

            if (m_stopped || m_disposed)

            using (dataReaderWrapper)
            using (DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer = new DbAdapterContainer(systemSettings.DbConnectionString, systemSettings.DbTimeout))
                    // Keep track of the meters and files currently being processed
                    if ((object)meterKey != null)
                        m_activeFiles[meterKey] = filePath;

                    ThreadContext.Properties["Meter"] = meterKey;

                    // Create the file group
                    fileGroup = fileWrapper.GetFileGroup(dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<FileInfoDataContext>(), systemSettings.XDATimeZoneInfo);

                    // Parse the file to turn it into a meter data set
                    OnStatusMessage($"Parsing data from file \"{filePath}\"...");
                    OnStatusMessage($"Finished parsing data from file \"{filePath}\".");
                    meterDataSet = dataReaderWrapper.DataObject.MeterDataSet;

                    // If the data reader does not return a data set,
                    // there is nothing left to do
                    if ((object)meterDataSet == null)

                    // Data reader has finally outlived its usefulness

                    // Set file path, file group, connection string,
                    // and meter asset key for the meter data set
                    meterDataSet.FilePath = filePath;
                    meterDataSet.FileGroup = fileGroup;
                    meterDataSet.ConnectionString = connectionString;
                    meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey = meterKey;

                    // Shift date/time values to the configured time zone and set the start and end time values on the file group
                    ShiftTime(meterDataSet, meterDataSet.Meter.GetTimeZoneInfo(systemSettings.DefaultMeterTimeZoneInfo), systemSettings.XDATimeZoneInfo);
                    SetDataTimeRange(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<FileInfoDataContext>());

                    // Determine whether the file duration is within a user-defined maximum tolerance
                    ValidateFileDuration(meterDataSet.FilePath, systemSettings.MaxFileDuration, meterDataSet.FileGroup);

                    // Determine whether the timestamps in the file extend beyond user-defined thresholds
                    ValidateFileTimestamps(meterDataSet.FilePath, meterDataSet.FileGroup, systemSettings, dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<FileInfoDataContext>());

                    // Process the meter data set
                    OnStatusMessage($"Processing meter data from file \"{filePath}\"...");
                    ProcessMeterDataSet(meterDataSet, systemSettings, dbAdapterContainer);
                    OnStatusMessage($"Finished processing data from file \"{filePath}\".");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // There seems to be a problem here where the outer exception's call stack
                    // was overwritten by the call stack of the point where it was thrown
                    ExceptionDispatchInfo exInfo = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);

                        // Attempt to set the error flag on the file group
                        if ((object)fileGroup != null)
                            fileGroup.Error = 1;
                    catch (Exception fileGroupError)
                        // Log any exceptions that occur when attempting to set the error flag on the file group
                        string message = $"Exception occurred setting error flag on file group: {fileGroupError.Message}";
                        OnProcessException(new Exception(message, fileGroupError));

                    // Throw the original exception
                    if ((object)fileGroup != null)
                            // Attempt to set the processing end time of the file group
                            fileGroup.ProcessingEndTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, systemSettings.XDATimeZoneInfo);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // Log any exceptions that occur when attempting to set processing end time on the file group
                            string message = $"Exception occurred setting processing end time on file group: {ex.Message}";
                            OnProcessException(new Exception(message, ex));

                    // Keep track of the meters and files currently being processed
                    if ((object)meterKey != null)
                        m_activeFiles.TryRemove(meterKey, out filePath);
