Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void TestFileStatusSerialziation()
            long       len  = fileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fHdfs, testfilename);
            FileStatus stat = vfs.GetFileStatus(new Path(testfilename));

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(len, stat.GetLen());
            // check serialization/deserialization
            DataOutputBuffer dob = new DataOutputBuffer();

            DataInputBuffer dib = new DataInputBuffer();

            dib.Reset(dob.GetData(), 0, dob.GetLength());
            FileStatus deSer = new FileStatus();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(len, deSer.GetLen());
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>Tests DataTransferProtocol with the given client configuration.</summary>
 /// <param name="conf">client configuration</param>
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">if there is an I/O error</exception>
 private void DoTest(HdfsConfiguration conf)
     fs = FileSystem.Get(cluster.GetURI(), conf);
     FileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fs, Path, NumBlocks, BlockSize);
     Assert.AssertArrayEquals(FileSystemTestHelper.GetFileData(NumBlocks, BlockSize),
                              Sharpen.Runtime.GetBytesForString(DFSTestUtil.ReadFile(fs, Path), "UTF-8"));
     BlockLocation[] blockLocations = fs.GetFileBlockLocations(Path, 0, long.MaxValue);
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(NumBlocks, blockLocations.Length);
     foreach (BlockLocation blockLocation in blockLocations)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(3, blockLocation.GetHosts().Length);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public virtual void SetUp()
     // Make  user and data dirs - we creates links to them in the mount table
     fsTarget.Mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user"));
     fsTarget.Mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot, "data"));
     fsTarget.Mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot, "dir2"));
     fsTarget.Mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot, "dir3"));
     FileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fsTarget, new Path(targetTestRoot, "aFile"));
     // Now we use the mount fs to set links to user and dir
     // in the test root
     // Set up the defaultMT in the config with our mount point links
     conf = ViewFileSystemTestSetup.CreateConfig();
     fsView = FileSystem.Get(FsConstants.ViewfsUri, conf);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 private void CreateFiles(FileSystem fs, string topdir, TestFsShellPermission.FileEntry
                          [] entries)
     foreach (TestFsShellPermission.FileEntry entry in entries)
         string newPathStr = topdir + "/" + entry.GetPath();
         Path   newPath    = new Path(newPathStr);
         if (entry.IsDirectory())
             FileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fs, newPath);
         fs.SetPermission(newPath, new FsPermission(entry.GetPermission()));
         fs.SetOwner(newPath, entry.GetOwner(), entry.GetGroup());
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
 private void TestTruncate()
     if (!IsLocalFS())
         short      repl        = 3;
         int        blockSize   = 1024;
         int        numOfBlocks = 2;
         FileSystem fs          = FileSystem.Get(GetProxiedFSConf());
         Path   file = new Path(GetProxiedFSTestDir(), "foo.txt");
         byte[] data = FileSystemTestHelper.GetFileData(numOfBlocks, blockSize);
         FileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fs, file, data, blockSize, repl);
         int  newLength = blockSize;
         bool isReady   = fs.Truncate(file, newLength);
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Recovery is not expected.", isReady);
         FileStatus fileStatus = fs.GetFileStatus(file);
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(fileStatus.GetLen(), newLength);
         AppendTestUtil.CheckFullFile(fs, file, newLength, data, file.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 6
        public virtual void TestGetBlockLocations()
            Path targetFilePath = new Path(targetTestRoot, "data/largeFile");

            FileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fsTarget, targetFilePath, 10, 1024);
            Path viewFilePath = new Path("/data/largeFile");

            Assert.True("Created File should be type File", fsView.IsFile(viewFilePath
            BlockLocation[] viewBL = fsView.GetFileBlockLocations(fsView.GetFileStatus(viewFilePath
                                                                                       ), 0, 10240 + 100);
            Assert.Equal(SupportsBlocks ? 10 : 1, viewBL.Length);
            BlockLocation[] targetBL = fsTarget.GetFileBlockLocations(fsTarget.GetFileStatus(
                                                                          targetFilePath), 0, 10240 + 100);
            CompareBLs(viewBL, targetBL);
            // Same test but now get it via the FileStatus Parameter
            fsView.GetFileBlockLocations(fsView.GetFileStatus(viewFilePath), 0, 10240 + 100);
            targetBL = fsTarget.GetFileBlockLocations(fsTarget.GetFileStatus(targetFilePath),
                                                      0, 10240 + 100);
            CompareBLs(viewBL, targetBL);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public virtual void TestGetFileChecksum()
            // Create two different files in HDFS
            fileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fHdfs, someFile);
            FileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fHdfs, fileSystemTestHelper.GetTestRootPath(fHdfs
                                                                                        , someFile + "other"), 1, 512);
            // Get checksum through ViewFS
            FileChecksum viewFSCheckSum = vfs.GetFileChecksum(new Path("/vfstmp/someFileForTestGetFileChecksum"
            // Get checksum through HDFS.
            FileChecksum hdfsCheckSum = fHdfs.GetFileChecksum(new Path(someFile));
            // Get checksum of different file in HDFS
            FileChecksum otherHdfsFileCheckSum = fHdfs.GetFileChecksum(new Path(someFile + "other"

            // Checksums of the same file (got through HDFS and ViewFS should be same)
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("HDFS and ViewFS checksums were not the same", viewFSCheckSum
                                            , hdfsCheckSum);
            // Checksum of different files should be different.
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Some other HDFS file which should not have had the same "
                                           + "checksum as viewFS did!", viewFSCheckSum.Equals(otherHdfsFileCheckSum));
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Test modify operations (create, mkdir, delete, etc)
        /// on the mount file system where the pathname references through
        /// the mount points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Test modify operations (create, mkdir, delete, etc)
        /// on the mount file system where the pathname references through
        /// the mount points.  Hence these operation will modify the target
        /// file system.
        /// Verify the operation via mountfs (ie fSys) and *also* via the
        /// target file system (ie fSysLocal) that the mount link points-to.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private void TestOperationsThroughMountLinksInternal(bool located)
            // Create file
            fileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fsView, "/user/foo");
            Assert.True("Created file should be type file", fsView.IsFile(new
            Assert.True("Target of created file should be type file", fsTarget
                        .IsFile(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/foo")));
            // Delete the created file
            Assert.True("Delete should suceed", fsView.Delete(new Path("/user/foo"
                                                                       ), false));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("File should not exist after delete", fsView.Exists
                                               (new Path("/user/foo")));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Target File should not exist after delete", fsTarget
                                           .Exists(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/foo")));
            // Create file with a 2 component dirs
            fileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fsView, "/internalDir/linkToDir2/foo");
            Assert.True("Created file should be type file", fsView.IsFile(new
            Assert.True("Target of created file should be type file", fsTarget
                        .IsFile(new Path(targetTestRoot, "dir2/foo")));
            // Delete the created file
            Assert.True("Delete should suceed", fsView.Delete(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2/foo"
                                                                       ), false));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("File should not exist after delete", fsView.Exists
                                               (new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2/foo")));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Target File should not exist after delete", fsTarget
                                           .Exists(new Path(targetTestRoot, "dir2/foo")));
            // Create file with a 3 component dirs
            fileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fsView, "/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3/foo"
            Assert.True("Created file should be type file", fsView.IsFile(new
            Assert.True("Target of created file should be type file", fsTarget
                        .IsFile(new Path(targetTestRoot, "dir3/foo")));
            // Recursive Create file with missing dirs
            fileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fsView, "/internalDir/linkToDir2/missingDir/miss2/foo"
            Assert.True("Created file should be type file", fsView.IsFile(new
            Assert.True("Target of created file should be type file", fsTarget
                        .IsFile(new Path(targetTestRoot, "dir2/missingDir/miss2/foo")));
            // Delete the created file
            Assert.True("Delete should succeed", fsView.Delete(new Path("/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3/foo"
                                                                        ), false));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("File should not exist after delete", fsView.Exists
                                               (new Path("/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3/foo")));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Target File should not exist after delete", fsTarget
                                           .Exists(new Path(targetTestRoot, "dir3/foo")));
            // mkdir
            fsView.Mkdirs(fileSystemTestHelper.GetTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/dirX"));
            Assert.True("New dir should be type dir", fsView.IsDirectory(new
            Assert.True("Target of new dir should be of type dir", fsTarget
                        .IsDirectory(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/dirX")));
            fsView.Mkdirs(fileSystemTestHelper.GetTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/dirX/dirY"));
            Assert.True("New dir should be type dir", fsView.IsDirectory(new
            Assert.True("Target of new dir should be of type dir", fsTarget
                        .IsDirectory(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/dirX/dirY")));
            // Delete the created dir
            Assert.True("Delete should succeed", fsView.Delete(new Path("/user/dirX/dirY"
                                                                        ), false));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("File should not exist after delete", fsView.Exists
                                               (new Path("/user/dirX/dirY")));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Target File should not exist after delete", fsTarget
                                           .Exists(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/dirX/dirY")));
            Assert.True("Delete should succeed", fsView.Delete(new Path("/user/dirX"
                                                                        ), false));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("File should not exist after delete", fsView.Exists
                                               (new Path("/user/dirX")));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(fsTarget.Exists(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/dirX"
            // Rename a file
            fileSystemTestHelper.CreateFile(fsView, "/user/foo");
            fsView.Rename(new Path("/user/foo"), new Path("/user/fooBar"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Renamed src should not exist", fsView.Exists(new
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Renamed src should not exist in target", fsTarget
                                           .Exists(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/foo")));
            Assert.True("Renamed dest should  exist as file", fsView.IsFile
                            (fileSystemTestHelper.GetTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/fooBar")));
            Assert.True("Renamed dest should  exist as file in target", fsTarget
                        .IsFile(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/fooBar")));
            fsView.Mkdirs(new Path("/user/dirFoo"));
            fsView.Rename(new Path("/user/dirFoo"), new Path("/user/dirFooBar"));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Renamed src should not exist", fsView.Exists(new
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Renamed src should not exist in target", fsTarget
                                           .Exists(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/dirFoo")));
            Assert.True("Renamed dest should  exist as dir", fsView.IsDirectory
                            (fileSystemTestHelper.GetTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/dirFooBar")));
            Assert.True("Renamed dest should  exist as dir in target", fsTarget
                        .IsDirectory(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/dirFooBar")));
            // Make a directory under a directory that's mounted from the root of another FS
            fsView.Mkdirs(new Path("/targetRoot/dirFoo"));
            Assert.True(fsView.Exists(new Path("/targetRoot/dirFoo")));
            bool dirFooPresent = false;

            foreach (FileStatus fileStatus in ListStatusInternal(located, new Path("/targetRoot/"
                if (fileStatus.GetPath().GetName().Equals("dirFoo"))
                    dirFooPresent = true;