Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override void CreateSymlink(Path target, Path link, bool createParent)
            if (!FileSystem.AreSymlinksEnabled())
                throw new NotSupportedException("Symlinks not supported");
            string targetScheme = target.ToUri().GetScheme();

            if (targetScheme != null && !"file".Equals(targetScheme))
                throw new IOException("Unable to create symlink to non-local file " + "system: "
                                      + target.ToString());
            if (createParent)
            // NB: Use createSymbolicLink in java.nio.file.Path once available
            int result = FileUtil.SymLink(target.ToString(), MakeAbsolute(link).ToString());

            if (result != 0)
                throw new IOException("Error " + result + " creating symlink " + link + " to " +
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt calling overridden
        /// <see cref="FileSystemLinkResolver{T}.DoCall(Path)"/>
        /// method with
        /// specified
        /// <see cref="FileSystem"/>
        /// and
        /// <see cref="Path"/>
        /// . If the call fails with an
        /// UnresolvedLinkException, it will try to resolve the path and retry the call
        /// by calling
        /// <see cref="FileSystemLinkResolver{T}.Next(FileSystem, Path)"/>
        /// .
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filesys">FileSystem with which to try call</param>
        /// <param name="path">Path with which to try call</param>
        /// <returns>Generic type determined by implementation</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual T Resolve(FileSystem filesys, Path path)
            int  count = 0;
            T    @in   = null;
            Path p     = path;
            // Assumes path belongs to this FileSystem.
            // Callers validate this by passing paths through FileSystem#checkPath
            FileSystem fs = filesys;

            for (bool isLink = true; isLink;)
                    @in    = DoCall(p);
                    isLink = false;
                catch (UnresolvedLinkException e)
                    if (!filesys.resolveSymlinks)
                        throw new IOException("Path " + path + " contains a symlink" + " and symlink resolution is disabled ("
                                              + CommonConfigurationKeys.FsClientResolveRemoteSymlinksKey + ").", e);
                    if (!FileSystem.AreSymlinksEnabled())
                        throw new IOException("Symlink resolution is disabled in" + " this version of Hadoop."
                    if (count++ > FsConstants.MaxPathLinks)
                        throw new IOException("Possible cyclic loop while " + "following symbolic link "
                                              + path);
                    // Resolve the first unresolved path component
                    p  = FSLinkResolver.QualifySymlinkTarget(fs.GetUri(), p, filesys.ResolveLink(p));
                    fs = FileSystem.GetFSofPath(p, filesys.GetConf());
                    // Have to call next if it's a new FS
                    if (!fs.Equals(filesys))
                        return(Next(fs, p));
            // Else, we keep resolving with this filesystem
            // Successful call, path was fully resolved
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the operation specified by the next function, calling it
        /// repeatedly until all symlinks in the given path are resolved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fc">FileContext used to access file systems.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The path to resolve symlinks on.</param>
        /// <returns>Generic type determined by the implementation of next.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual T Resolve(FileContext fc, Path path)
            int  count = 0;
            T    @in   = null;
            Path p     = path;
            // NB: More than one AbstractFileSystem can match a scheme, eg
            // "file" resolves to LocalFs but could have come by RawLocalFs.
            AbstractFileSystem fs = fc.GetFSofPath(p);

            // Loop until all symlinks are resolved or the limit is reached
            for (bool isLink = true; isLink;)
                    @in    = Next(fs, p);
                    isLink = false;
                catch (UnresolvedLinkException e)
                    if (!fc.resolveSymlinks)
                        throw new IOException("Path " + path + " contains a symlink" + " and symlink resolution is disabled ("
                                              + CommonConfigurationKeys.FsClientResolveRemoteSymlinksKey + ").", e);
                    if (!FileSystem.AreSymlinksEnabled())
                        throw new IOException("Symlink resolution is disabled in" + " this version of Hadoop."
                    if (count++ > FsConstants.MaxPathLinks)
                        throw new IOException("Possible cyclic loop while " + "following symbolic link "
                                              + path);
                    // Resolve the first unresolved path component
                    p  = QualifySymlinkTarget(fs.GetUri(), p, fs.GetLinkTarget(p));
                    fs = fc.GetFSofPath(p);