/// <summary>
 /// Formats <paramref name="bytes"/> into a textual representation using the specified <paramref name="format"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes">The bytes to format.</param>
 /// <param name="format">The format - eg. <see cref="FileSizeFormat.Kibi"/> or <see cref="FileSizeFormat.Kilo"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="culture">The culture to be used when formatting the file size.</param>
 /// <returns>A string representing the formatted file size.</returns>
 public static string FormatFileSize(long bytes, FileSizeFormat format, CultureInfo culture)
     return(format switch {
         FileSizeFormat.Kibi => FormatFileSizeInternal(bytes, 1024, _fileSizesKibi, culture),
         FileSizeFormat.Kilo => FormatFileSizeInternal(bytes, 1000, _fileSizesKilo, culture),
         _ => FormatFileSizeInternal(bytes, 1024, _fileSizesKilo, culture)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static string FileSize(this ulong value, FileSizeFormat format, int round = 1)
            if (format == FileSizeFormat.Bytes)

            var Labels = new string[]
                "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"

            if (format == FileSizeFormat.BinaryUsingSI || format == FileSizeFormat.DecimalUsingSI)
                Labels = new string[]
                    "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"

            if (value == 0)
                return("0 B");

            var f = format == FileSizeFormat.BinaryUsingSI || format == FileSizeFormat.IECBinary ? (ulong)1024 : 1000;

            var m = (int)System.Math.Log(value, f);
            var a = (decimal)value / (1L << (m * 10));

            if (System.Math.Round(a, round) >= 1000)
                m += 1;
                a /= f;

            var result = string.Format("{0:n" + round + "}", a);

            var j = result.Length;

            for (var i = result.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (result[i] == '.')
                if (result[i] == '0')

            return($"{result.Substring(0, j)} {Labels[m]}");;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Bytes"></param>
        /// <param name="FileSizeFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="RoundTo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ToFileSize(this long Bytes, FileSizeFormat FileSizeFormat = FileSizeFormat.BinaryUsingSI, int RoundTo = 2)
            if (FileSizeFormat == FileSizeFormat.Bytes)

            var Format = FileSizeFormat == FileSizeFormat.BinaryUsingSI || FileSizeFormat == FileSizeFormat.IECBinary ? 1024L : 1000L;

            var Labels = new string[, ]
                { "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB" },
                { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB" },

            var f = FileSizeFormat == FileSizeFormat.BinaryUsingSI || FileSizeFormat == FileSizeFormat.DecimalUsingSI ? 1 : 0;

            var Result = -1d;

            for (var i = 8; i >= 0; i--)
                if (i == 0)
                    Result = Bytes;
                else if (i == 1 && Bytes >= Format)
                    Result = Bytes / Format;
                    var k = Math.Pow(Format, i);
                    Result = Bytes >= k ? Bytes / k : Result;

                if (Result >= 0)
                    return("{0} {1}".F(Result.Round(RoundTo), Labels[f, i]));

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        /// <param name="round"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ToFileSize(this UInt64 value, FileSizeFormat format, int round = 1)
            if (format == FileSizeFormat.Bytes)

            var Labels = new string[]
                "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"

            if (format == FileSizeFormat.BinaryUsingSI || format == FileSizeFormat.DecimalUsingSI)
                Labels = new string[]
                    "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"

            if (value == 0)
                return("0 B");

            var f = format == FileSizeFormat.BinaryUsingSI || format == FileSizeFormat.IECBinary ? (ulong)1024 : 1000;

            var m = (int)Math.Log(value, f);
            var a = (decimal)value / (1L << (m * 10));

            if (Math.Round(a, round) >= 1000)
                m += 1;
                a /= f;

            return(string.Format("{0:n" + round + "} {1}", a, Labels[m]));
Exemplo n.º 5
			public FolderListViewItem(Pidl absolutePidl, Pidl myDocumentsReferencePidl, FileSizeFormat fileSizeFormat)
				_pidl = absolutePidl;
				_fullPath = absolutePidl.Path;

				// request shell item info now - it's faster than binding to ShellItem directly, and we need it for sorting purposes anyway

				// bug #9975: asking for SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES can be a very slow operation, so we don't want to ask for them unless we really need them.
				// if we're dealing with a regular file or directory, then getting the attributes gives us no additional information, so we can avoid it
				var isFile = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fullPath) && File.Exists(_fullPath);
				var isDirectory = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fullPath) && Directory.Exists(_fullPath);
				if (!isFile && !isDirectory)
					uFlags = uFlags | SHGFI.SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES;

				var shInfo = new SHFILEINFO();
				Shell32.SHGetFileInfo((IntPtr) _pidl, 0, out shInfo, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(shInfo), uFlags);

				// check if item is purely virtual or is a physical file system object
				var isPureVirtual = !isFile && !isDirectory && ((SFGAO)shInfo.dwAttributes & SFGAO.SFGAO_FILESYSTEM) == 0;

				// check if item is actually a folder or potentially has subfolders; exclude real files that provide subfolders via shell namespace extensions (e.g. ZIP files in WinXP)
				var isFolder = isDirectory || (((SFGAO) shInfo.dwAttributes & (SFGAO.SFGAO_FOLDER | SFGAO.SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER)) != 0 && !isFile);

				byte itemClass;
				if (_pidl == myDocumentsReferencePidl)
					itemClass = 0;
				else if (isPureVirtual && isFolder)
					itemClass = 64;
				else if (isFolder)
					itemClass = (byte) (128 + GetRootVolumeIndex(_fullPath));
					itemClass = byte.MaxValue;

				this._iconIndex = shInfo.iIcon;
				this._lastModifiedValid = false;
				this.DisplayName = shInfo.szDisplayName;
				this.TypeName = shInfo.szTypeName;
				this.ItemClass = itemClass;
				this.LastModified = DateTime.MinValue;
				this.IsFolder = isFolder;
				this.FileSize = -1;

				if (File.Exists(_fullPath))
					FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(this._fullPath);
					this._lastModifiedValid = true;
					this.LastModified = fileInfo.LastWriteTime;
					this.FileSize = fileInfo.Length;
				else if (Directory.Exists(_fullPath))
					this._lastModifiedValid = true;
					this.LastModified = Directory.GetLastWriteTime(_fullPath);

				this.Text = this.DisplayName;
				this.ImageIndex = this._iconIndex;
				this.SubItems.Add(CreateSubItem(this, FormatFileSize(this.FileSize, fileSizeFormat)));
				this.SubItems.Add(CreateSubItem(this, this.TypeName));
				this.SubItems.Add(CreateSubItem(this, FormatLastModified(this.LastModified, this._lastModifiedValid)));
Exemplo n.º 6
		private void ResetFileSizeFormat()
			this.FileSizeFormat = FileSizeFormat.BinaryOctets;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static string FileSize(this long value, FileSizeFormat format, int round = 1) => value.Coerce(long.MaxValue).UInt64().FileSize(format, round);
 /// <summary>
 /// Formats <paramref name="bytes"/> into a textual representation using the specified <paramref name="format"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes">The bytes to format.</param>
 /// <param name="format">The format - eg. <see cref="FileSizeFormat.Kibi"/> or <see cref="FileSizeFormat.Kilo"/>.</param>
 /// <returns>A string representing the formatted file size.</returns>
 public static string FormatFileSize(long bytes, FileSizeFormat format)
     return(FormatFileSize(bytes, format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Thumbnail(string path, DateTime date, long size)
     Path = path;
     Date = date;
     Size = FileSizeFormat.FormatBytes(size, 2);
Exemplo n.º 10
            public FolderListViewItem(Pidl absolutePidl, Pidl myDocumentsReferencePidl, FileSizeFormat fileSizeFormat)
                _pidl     = absolutePidl;
                _fullPath = absolutePidl.Path;

                // request shell item info now - it's faster than binding to ShellItem directly, and we need it for sorting purposes anyway

                // bug #9975: asking for SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES can be a very slow operation, so we don't want to ask for them unless we really need them.
                // if we're dealing with a regular file or directory, then getting the attributes gives us no additional information, so we can avoid it
                var isFile      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fullPath) && File.Exists(_fullPath);
                var isDirectory = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fullPath) && Directory.Exists(_fullPath);

                if (!isFile && !isDirectory)
                    uFlags = uFlags | SHGFI.SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES;

                var shInfo = new SHFILEINFO();

                Shell32.SHGetFileInfo((IntPtr)_pidl, 0, out shInfo, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(shInfo), uFlags);

                // check if item is purely virtual or is a physical file system object
                var isPureVirtual = !isFile && !isDirectory && ((SFGAO)shInfo.dwAttributes & SFGAO.SFGAO_FILESYSTEM) == 0;

                // check if item is actually a folder or potentially has subfolders; exclude real files that provide subfolders via shell namespace extensions (e.g. ZIP files in WinXP)
                var isFolder = isDirectory || (((SFGAO)shInfo.dwAttributes & (SFGAO.SFGAO_FOLDER | SFGAO.SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER)) != 0 && !isFile);

                byte itemClass;

                if (_pidl == myDocumentsReferencePidl)
                    itemClass = 0;
                else if (isPureVirtual && isFolder)
                    itemClass = 64;
                else if (isFolder)
                    itemClass = (byte)(128 + GetRootVolumeIndex(_fullPath));
                    itemClass = byte.MaxValue;

                this._iconIndex         = shInfo.iIcon;
                this._lastModifiedValid = false;
                this.DisplayName        = shInfo.szDisplayName;
                this.TypeName           = shInfo.szTypeName;
                this.ItemClass          = itemClass;
                this.LastModified       = DateTime.MinValue;
                this.IsFolder           = isFolder;
                this.FileSize           = -1;

                if (File.Exists(_fullPath))
                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(this._fullPath);
                    this._lastModifiedValid = true;
                    this.LastModified       = fileInfo.LastWriteTime;
                    this.FileSize           = fileInfo.Length;
                else if (Directory.Exists(_fullPath))
                    this._lastModifiedValid = true;
                    this.LastModified       = Directory.GetLastWriteTime(_fullPath);

                this.Text       = this.DisplayName;
                this.ImageIndex = this._iconIndex;
                this.SubItems.Add(CreateSubItem(this, FormatFileSize(this.FileSize, fileSizeFormat)));
                this.SubItems.Add(CreateSubItem(this, this.TypeName));
                this.SubItems.Add(CreateSubItem(this, FormatLastModified(this.LastModified, this._lastModifiedValid)));
Exemplo n.º 11
 private void ResetFileSizeFormat()
     this.FileSizeFormat = FileSizeFormat.BinaryOctets;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static string FormatFileSize(long SizeBytes, FileSizeFormat Format)
            string Suffix = "";
            string SuffixSingular = "";
            long SizeToUse = SizeBytes;
            switch (Format)
                case FileSizeFormat.SizeBytes:
                    Suffix = "B";
                    SuffixSingular = "Bytes";
                case FileSizeFormat.SizeBits:
                    Suffix = "b";
                    SuffixSingular = "bits";
                    SizeToUse = SizeToUse * 8;
                case FileSizeFormat.SpeedBytes:
                    Suffix = "B/s";
                    SuffixSingular = "Bytes/s";
                case FileSizeFormat.SpeedBits:
                    Suffix = "b/s";
                    SuffixSingular = "bits/s";
                    SizeToUse = SizeToUse * 8;

            if (SizeToUse >= 1125899906842624)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1125899906842624);
                return String.Format("{0:##.##} P{1}", size, Suffix);
            if (SizeToUse >= 1099511627776)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1099511627776);
                return String.Format("{0:##.##} T{1}", size, Suffix);
            if (SizeToUse >= 1073741824)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1073741824);
                return String.Format("{0:##.##} G{1}", size, Suffix);
            else if (SizeToUse >= 1048576)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1048576);
                return String.Format("{0:##.##} M{1}", size, Suffix);
            else if (SizeToUse >= 1024)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1024);
                return String.Format("{0:##.##} K{1}", size, Suffix);
            else if (SizeToUse > 0 & SizeToUse < 1024)
                Decimal size = SizeToUse;
                return String.Format("{0:##.##} {1}", size, SuffixSingular);
                return String.Format("0 {0}", SuffixSingular);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static string FormatFileSize(long SizeBytes, FileSizeFormat Format)
            string Suffix         = "";
            string SuffixSingular = "";
            long   SizeToUse      = SizeBytes;

            switch (Format)
            case FileSizeFormat.SizeBytes:
                Suffix         = "B";
                SuffixSingular = "Bytes";

            case FileSizeFormat.SizeBits:
                Suffix         = "b";
                SuffixSingular = "bits";
                SizeToUse      = SizeToUse * 8;

            case FileSizeFormat.SpeedBytes:
                Suffix         = "B/s";
                SuffixSingular = "Bytes/s";

            case FileSizeFormat.SpeedBits:
                Suffix         = "b/s";
                SuffixSingular = "bits/s";
                SizeToUse      = SizeToUse * 8;


            if (SizeToUse >= 1125899906842624)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1125899906842624);
                return(String.Format("{0:##.##} P{1}", size, Suffix));
            if (SizeToUse >= 1099511627776)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1099511627776);
                return(String.Format("{0:##.##} T{1}", size, Suffix));
            if (SizeToUse >= 1073741824)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1073741824);
                return(String.Format("{0:##.##} G{1}", size, Suffix));
            else if (SizeToUse >= 1048576)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1048576);
                return(String.Format("{0:##.##} M{1}", size, Suffix));
            else if (SizeToUse >= 1024)
                Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(SizeToUse, 1024);
                return(String.Format("{0:##.##} K{1}", size, Suffix));
            else if (SizeToUse > 0 & SizeToUse < 1024)
                Decimal size = SizeToUse;
                return(String.Format("{0:##.##} {1}", size, SuffixSingular));
                return(String.Format("0 {0}", SuffixSingular));
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Bytes"></param>
 /// <param name="FileSizeFormat"></param>
 /// <param name="RoundTo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string ToFileSize(this int Bytes, FileSizeFormat FileSizeFormat = FileSizeFormat.BinaryUsingSI, int RoundTo = 2)
     return(Bytes.ToInt64().ToFileSize(FileSizeFormat, RoundTo));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static string FormatDirectoryBytesSize(
     this DirectoryInfo info, FileSizeFormat format);
Exemplo n.º 16
			private static string FormatFileSize(long fileSize, FileSizeFormat fileSizeFormat)
				if (fileSize < 0) // file doesn't exist!
					return string.Empty;

				switch (fileSizeFormat)
					case FileSizeFormat.MetricOctets:
						if (fileSize < 900) // less than 900 bytes
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeBytes, fileSize);
						if (fileSize < 900000) // between 900 bytes and 900 KB
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeKB, fileSize/1000.0);
						else if (fileSize < 900000000) // between 900 KB and 900 MB
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeMB, fileSize/1000000.0);
						else if (fileSize < 900000000000) // between 900 MB and 900 GB
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeGB, fileSize/1000000000.0);
						else // greater than 900 GB...
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeTB, fileSize/1000000000000.0);
					case FileSizeFormat.LegacyOctets:
						if (fileSize < 896) // less than 896 bytes
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeBytes, fileSize);
						if (fileSize < 917504) // between 896 bytes and 896 KiB
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeKB, fileSize/1024.0);
						else if (fileSize < 939524096) // between 896 KiB and 896 MiB
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeMB, fileSize/1048576.0);
						else if (fileSize < 841813590016) // between 896 MiB and 896 GiB
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeGB, fileSize/1073741824.0);
						else // greater than 896 GiB...
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeTB, fileSize/1099511627776.0);
					case FileSizeFormat.BinaryOctets:
						if (fileSize < 896) // less than 896 bytes
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeBytes, fileSize);
						if (fileSize < 917504) // between 896 bytes and 896 KiB
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeKiB, fileSize/1024.0);
						else if (fileSize < 939524096) // between 896 KiB and 896 MiB
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeMiB, fileSize/1048576.0);
						else if (fileSize < 841813590016) // between 896 MiB and 896 GiB
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeGiB, fileSize/1073741824.0);
						else // greater than 896 GiB...
							return string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeTiB, fileSize/1099511627776.0);
Exemplo n.º 17
            private static string FormatFileSize(long fileSize, FileSizeFormat fileSizeFormat)
                if (fileSize < 0)                 // file doesn't exist!

                switch (fileSizeFormat)
                case FileSizeFormat.MetricOctets:
                    if (fileSize < 900)                             // less than 900 bytes
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeBytes, fileSize));
                    if (fileSize < 900000)                             // between 900 bytes and 900 KB
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeKB, fileSize / 1000.0));
                    else if (fileSize < 900000000)                             // between 900 KB and 900 MB
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeMB, fileSize / 1000000.0));
                    else if (fileSize < 900000000000)                             // between 900 MB and 900 GB
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeGB, fileSize / 1000000000.0));
                    else                             // greater than 900 GB...
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeTB, fileSize / 1000000000000.0));

                case FileSizeFormat.LegacyOctets:
                    if (fileSize < 896)                             // less than 896 bytes
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeBytes, fileSize));
                    if (fileSize < 917504)                             // between 896 bytes and 896 KiB
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeKB, fileSize / 1024.0));
                    else if (fileSize < 939524096)                             // between 896 KiB and 896 MiB
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeMB, fileSize / 1048576.0));
                    else if (fileSize < 841813590016)                             // between 896 MiB and 896 GiB
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeGB, fileSize / 1073741824.0));
                    else                             // greater than 896 GiB...
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeTB, fileSize / 1099511627776.0));

                case FileSizeFormat.BinaryOctets:
                    if (fileSize < 896)                             // less than 896 bytes
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeBytes, fileSize));
                    if (fileSize < 917504)                             // between 896 bytes and 896 KiB
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeKiB, fileSize / 1024.0));
                    else if (fileSize < 939524096)                             // between 896 KiB and 896 MiB
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeMiB, fileSize / 1048576.0));
                    else if (fileSize < 841813590016)                             // between 896 MiB and 896 GiB
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeGiB, fileSize / 1073741824.0));
                    else                             // greater than 896 GiB...
                        return(string.Format(SR.FormatFileSizeTiB, fileSize / 1099511627776.0));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static string FormatAsFileSize(
     this long fileSize, FileSizeFormat format);