Exemplo n.º 1
        private void AddNewRow(
            string application,
            string area,
            FileOwner owner)

            //Add the controls that constitute a row
            var cboApp = new ComboBox
                Anchor        = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Left,
                DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList

            cboApp.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cboApp_SelectedIndexChanged);

            var txtArea = new TextBox
                Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Left


            var cboOwner = new ComboBox
                Anchor        = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Left,
                DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList


            var cboTrackParam = new ComboBox
                Anchor        = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Left,
                DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList


            tableDirs.RowCount = RowCount;

            // Populate the controls with the input arguments
            if (!cboApp.Items.Contains(application))

            cboApp.SelectedItem = application;

            // We've already hit the bug by now, these lines are superfluous
            txtArea.Text          = area;
            cboOwner.SelectedItem = OwnerOptions[(int)owner];

            this.Height       = (tableDirs.RowCount * 33) + 180;
            tableDirs.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Task AddFileOwnerAsync(FileOwner fileOwner, uint pseudoId)
            var tabInex = pseudoId % _option.FileTableCount;
            var sql     = $"insert into fileowner_{tabInex}(FileId,Name,OwnerType,OwnerId,CreateTime) values " +

            return(InsertAsync(_masterDb.Connection, _option.DbType, sql, fileOwner, id => fileOwner.Id = id));
        /// <summary>
        /// 为指定用户创建文件
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <FileStorageInfo> CreateFileAsync(FileOwnerTypeId ownerTypeId, string hash, Stream file, string fileName, int periodMinute = 0)
            if (!_clusterSvce.CurrentServer.AllowUpload)
                throw new FriendlyException("请从上传服务器上传");

            string tmpFilePath = null;

                var extName = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extName))
                    throw new FriendlyException("文件名缺少扩展名");
                extName = extName.Substring(1).ToLower();
                var mime = _mimeProvider.GetMimeByExtensionName(extName);

                if (file != null)
                    tmpFilePath = await ReceiveToTempFileAsync(file);

                    //hash = FileUtil.GetSha1(tmpFilePath);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hash))
                    throw new FriendlyException("hash 必需指定");
                //throw new FriendlyException("file 与 hash 必需至少指定一个");

                Task tSync    = null;
                var  pseudoId = GeneratePseudoId(hash);
                var  fileInfo = await FileRepo.GetFileByHashAsync(pseudoId, hash);

                if (fileInfo == null && tmpFilePath == null)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist");

                var fileSize    = fileInfo?.Length ?? new System.IO.FileInfo(tmpFilePath).Length;
                var remainQuota = await OwnerRepo.GetOwnerRemainQuotaAsync(ownerTypeId.OwnerType, ownerTypeId.OwnerId);

                if (remainQuota < fileSize)
                    throw new FriendlyException("您已经没有足够的空间上传该文件");

                Service.Options.Server recServer = null;
                if (fileInfo == null)
                    recServer = _clusterSvce.ElectServer();
                    fileInfo  = new File
                        ServerId   = recServer.Id,
                        Length     = new System.IO.FileInfo(tmpFilePath).Length,
                        MimeId     = (int)mime.Id,
                        SHA1       = hash,
                        ExtInfo    = string.Empty,
                        CreateTime = DateTime.Now
                    await FileRepo.AddFileAsync(fileInfo, pseudoId);

                    tSync = _clusterSvce.SyncFileToServerAsync(this, tmpFilePath, fileInfo, pseudoId, recServer);
                    recServer = _clusterSvce.GetServerById(fileInfo.ServerId);
                    var fileExists = await _clusterSvce.RawFileExistsAsync(this, recServer, pseudoId, fileInfo.CreateTime, fileInfo.Id);

                    if (!fileExists)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpFilePath))
                            await FileRepo.DeleteFileAsync(ownerTypeId.OwnerId, fileInfo.Id, pseudoId);

                            throw new FriendlyException("File does not exist(CFA-FE)");

                        tSync = _clusterSvce.SyncFileToServerAsync(this, tmpFilePath, fileInfo, pseudoId, recServer);

                var fileOwner = await FileRepo.GetFileOwnerByOwnerAsync(pseudoId, fileInfo.Id, ownerTypeId.OwnerType, ownerTypeId.OwnerId);

                if (fileOwner == null)
                    fileOwner = new FileOwner
                        FileId     = fileInfo.Id,
                        Name       = fileName,
                        OwnerType  = ownerTypeId.OwnerType,
                        OwnerId    = ownerTypeId.OwnerId,
                        CreateTime = DateTime.Now
                    await FileRepo.AddFileOwnerAsync(fileOwner, pseudoId);
                if (tSync != null)
                    await tSync;

                await OwnerRepo.AddOwnerUsedQuotaAsync(ownerTypeId.OwnerType, ownerTypeId.OwnerId, fileSize);

                return(new FileStorageInfo
                    File = fileInfo,
                    Owner = fileOwner,
                    Server = recServer,
                    PseudoId = pseudoId
                if (tmpFilePath != null)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <List <Attachment> > GetAttachmentsAsync(FileOwner owner, int ownerId)
            var result = await _dbContext.Attachments.Where(x => x.Owner == owner && x.OwnerTableId == ownerId).ToListAsync();
