public IActionResult ProcessLock(string id)
            log.Info($"ProcessLock file id: {id}, WopiOverrideHeader: {WopiOverrideHeader}");

            string oldLock = Request.Headers[WopiHeaders.OldLock];
            string newLock = Request.Headers[WopiHeaders.Lock];

            lock (FileLockHelper.LockStorage)
                bool lockAcquired = FileLockHelper.TryGetLock(id, out var existingLock);
                log.Info($"ProcessLock lockAcquired: {lockAcquired}, oldLock: {oldLock}, newLock: {newLock}");
                switch (WopiOverrideHeader)
                case "GET_LOCK":
                    if (lockAcquired)
                        Response.Headers[WopiHeaders.Lock] = existingLock.Lock;
                    return(new OkResult());

                case "LOCK":
                case "PUT":
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldLock))
                        // Lock / put
                        if (lockAcquired)
                            log.Info($"ProcessLock existingLock: {existingLock.Lock}");
                            if (existingLock.Lock == newLock)
                                // File is currently locked and the lock ids match, refresh lock
                                FileLockHelper.SetLock(id, newLock, _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath);

                                return(new OkResult());
                                // There is a valid existing lock on the file
                                return(ReturnLockMismatch(Response, existingLock.Lock));
                            // The file is not currently locked, create and store new lock information
                            FileLockHelper.SetLock(id, newLock, _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath);

                            return(new OkResult());
                        // Unlock and relock (
                        if (lockAcquired)
                            log.Info($"ProcessLock existingLock: {existingLock.Lock}");
                            if (existingLock.Lock == oldLock)
                                // Replace the existing lock with the new one
                                FileLockHelper.SetLock(id, newLock, _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath);

                                return(new OkResult());
                                // The existing lock doesn't match the requested one. Return a lock mismatch error along with the current lock
                                return(ReturnLockMismatch(Response, existingLock.Lock));
                            // The requested lock does not exist which should result in a lock mismatch error.
                            return(ReturnLockMismatch(Response, reason: "File not locked"));

                case "UNLOCK":
                    if (lockAcquired)
                        if (existingLock.Lock == newLock)
                            // Remove valid lock
                            FileLockHelper.SetLock(id, null, _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath);

                            log.Info($"ProcessLock UNLOCK: OkResult");
                            return(new OkResult());
                            // The existing lock doesn't match the requested one. Return a lock mismatch error along with the current lock
                            return(ReturnLockMismatch(Response, existingLock.Lock));
                        // The requested lock does not exist.
                        return(ReturnLockMismatch(Response, reason: "File not locked"));

                case "REFRESH_LOCK":
                    if (lockAcquired)
                        if (existingLock.Lock == newLock)
                            // Extend the lock timeout
                            FileLockHelper.SetLock(id, newLock, _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath);

                            return(new OkResult());
                            // The existing lock doesn't match the requested one. Return a lock mismatch error along with the current lock
                            return(ReturnLockMismatch(Response, existingLock.Lock));
                        // The requested lock does not exist.  That's also a lock mismatch error.
                        return(ReturnLockMismatch(Response, reason: "File not locked"));
            return(new OkResult());