Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Start()
     // Spawn all runners
     for (int runnerCount = 0; runnerCount < numberOfRunners; runnerCount++)
         GameObject runner = Instantiate(runnerObject) as GameObject;
         runner.GetComponent <RunnerCtrl>().SetupRunner(runnerCount);
     generation = FileCtrl.GetStatistics()[0];
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void SetupEventHandlers()
            LMLoggers.LognLM applog = NC.App.Loggers.Logger(LMLoggers.AppSection.App);
            /// set up the 7 magic event handlers
            /// here I have a base handler that does the same thing for every event (writes a string to the log)
            SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.PreAction, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LoggableFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.PreAction, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);

            SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionPrep, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LoggableFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionPrep, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);

            SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStart, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LoggableFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStart, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);

            SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionInProgress, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LoggableFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionInProgress, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);

            SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStop, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LoggableFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStop, applog, LogLevels.Warning, o);

            SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionCancel, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LoggableFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionCancel, applog, LogLevels.Warning, o);

            SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionFinished, (object o) =>
                FileCtrl f = (FileCtrl)o;
                if (o == null)
                    String s = "Finished: SOH " + NC.App.Opstate.SOH + " but no processing occurred";
                    applog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, FileCtrl.logid[ActionEvents.EventType.ActionFinished], s);
                    FileCtrl.LoggableFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionFinished, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);
                NC.App.Opstate.SOH = NCC.OperatingState.Stopped;   // in case we got here after a Cancel

            NC.App.Opstate.SOH = NCC.OperatingState.Stopped;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void On_BTN_Resolve_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            bool bResolved = FileCtrl.ResolveFile(_resolveFile.FilePath, Convert.ToBoolean(CB_IsDecrypt.IsChecked));

            if (bResolved)
 void Awake()
     if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Canvas").Length > 1 && !firstCanvas)
         firstCanvas = true;
     stats       = FileCtrl.GetStatistics();
     genTxt.text = "Generation:\n" + stats[0].ToString();
     fitTxt.text = "Top Fitness:\n" + stats[1].ToString();
Exemplo n.º 5
    public NN(int playerID, int inputNodes, int hiddenNodes, int outputNodes)
        NN_Data saveData = FileCtrl.ReadData(playerID);

        // If file exists for this playerID, read file and set NN data
        if (saveData != null)
            nn_data.ih_w = saveData.ih_w;
            nn_data.ih_b = saveData.ih_b;
            nn_data.ho_w = saveData.ho_w;
            nn_data.ho_b = saveData.ho_b;
        // If file does not exist for this playerID, create new set of NN_Data
            nn_data.ih_w = Math.RandomMatrix(inputNodes, hiddenNodes);
            nn_data.ih_b = Math.RandomLst(hiddenNodes);
            nn_data.ho_w = Math.RandomMatrix(hiddenNodes, outputNodes);
            nn_data.ho_b = Math.RandomLst(outputNodes);
Exemplo n.º 6
    // Genetic algorithm to create new neural networks
    void Reproduce()
        // Breed and save children to file
        for (int ID = 0; ID < numberOfRunners - 1; ID++)
            // Selection
            NN_Data[] parents = SelectParents();

            // Cross Over to child DNA and mutate the child's DNA
            NN_Data childDNA = CrossOver(parents);

            // Save new genes
            FileCtrl.WriteData(ID, childDNA);

        // Save the fittest runner on his own
        FileCtrl.WriteData(deathList.Count - 1, deathList[deathList.Count - 1].nn_data);

        FileCtrl.SaveStats(generation + 1, deathList[deathList.Count - 1].framesAlive);

Exemplo n.º 7
        private void On_BTN_Merge_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            BTN_Merge.IsEnabled = false;
            List <String> fileList = new List <String>();

            foreach (CopyFileVM vm in _fileColle)

            bool bMerged = FileCtrl.MergeFiles(fileList, Convert.ToBoolean(CB_IsEncrypt.IsChecked), TXTBOX_AnotherPubKey.Text);

            if (bMerged)

            BTN_Merge.IsEnabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     instance = this;
 public void ResetPressed()
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up action event handlers for a FileCtrl instance, uses FCtrlBind subclass
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool InitializeFileControllers()
            procFctrl = new FCtrlBind();
            measFctrl = new FCtrlBind();
            LMLoggers.LognLM applog = NC.App.Logger(LMLoggers.AppSection.App);

             * The action event handlers.
             * There are 7 event types, see ActionEvents.EventType.
             * The code fires a registered event handler at appropriate processing stages based on the action event type.
             * Unregistered handlers are simply ignored.
             * E.g. The ActionStart event is fired when an action starts. An action is a specific user task such as 'assay'
             * over NCD files or an assay from live LMMM DAQ.
             * In the examples shown here for NCD file processing, very little reporting actually occurs.
             * The parameter for each event hnadler is an object, and as yet undefined.
             * I would use delegates to force the appropriate parameter types here, unlike the timer callbacks above.
             * But I've not yet completed this design and implementation
             * Implementing these to report complex status to the logger and the UI control is the next step.
             * I do not know which approach will serve us better for a large system, but we do have both timer pull and system push approaches here, so I'll keep them for now.

            /// set up the 7 magic event handlers
            /// here I have a base handler that does the same thing for every event (writes a string to the log),
            /// and I reuse that string by posting it to the progress handler
            measFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.PreAction, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.PreAction, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);
                measFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(0, s);//  "...");

            measFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionPrep, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionPrep, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);
                measFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(0, s);//"Prep");

            measFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStart, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStart, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);
                measFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(1, s);//"Starting...");

            measFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionInProgress, (object o) =>
                measStatus = new MeasurementStatus();
                updateGUIWithChannelRatesData = true;
                string s2 = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionInProgress, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s2))
                    s2 = "(" + s2 + ")";
                int per = Math.Abs(Math.Min(100, (int)Math.Round(100.0 * ((measStatus.CurrentRepetition - 1) / (double)measStatus.RequestedRepetitions))));
                    measFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(per,                                                                                                 // a % est of files
                                                              string.Format("{0} of {1} {2}", measStatus.CurrentRepetition, measStatus.RequestedRepetitions, s2)); // n of m, and file name
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    applog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 58, "{0} inconsistent", per);

            measFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStop, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStop, applog, LogLevels.Warning, o);
                measFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(100, s);//"Stopping...");

            measFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionCancel, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionCancel, applog, LogLevels.Warning, o);
                measFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(100, s);//"Cancelling...");

            measFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionFinished, (object o) =>
                string s = "";
                if (o != null && o is FileCtrl)
                    FileCtrl f = (FileCtrl)o;
                    measStatus = new MeasurementStatus();      // preps local state for refresh on channel and computed rates for now, follow up with all other state
                    s = FileCtrl.MeasStatusString(measStatus);
                    updateGUIWithChannelRatesData = true;

                NC.App.Opstate.SOH = NCC.OperatingState.Stopped;  // in case we got here after a Cancel
                // general logger: to the console, and/or listbox and/or log file or DB
                applog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, ActionEvents.logid[ActionEvents.EventType.ActionFinished], s);

                // specialized updater for UI or file
                measFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(100, "Completed");

            procFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.PreAction, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.PreAction, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);
                procFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(0, s);//  "...");

            procFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionPrep, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionPrep, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);
                procFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(0, s);//"Prep");

            procFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStart, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStart, applog, LogLevels.Verbose, o);
                procFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(1, s);//"Starting...");

            procFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionInProgress, (object o) =>
                NCCTransfer.TransferEventArgs e = (NCCTransfer.TransferEventArgs)o;
                procFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(e.percent, e.msg);

            procFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStop, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionStop, applog, LogLevels.Warning, o);
                procFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(100, s);//"Stopping...");

            procFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionCancel, (object o) =>
                string s = FileCtrl.LogAndSkimFileProcessingStatus(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionCancel, applog, LogLevels.Warning, o);
                procFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(100, s);//"Cancelling...");

            procFctrl.SetEventHandler(ActionEvents.EventType.ActionFinished, (object o) =>
                NC.App.Opstate.SOH = OperatingState.Stopped;  // in case we got here after a Cancel
                // general logger: to the console, and/or listbox and/or log file or DB
                applog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, ActionEvents.logid[ActionEvents.EventType.ActionFinished]);

                // specialized updater for UI or file
                procFctrl.mProgressTracker.ReportProgress(100, "Completed");

            NC.App.Opstate.SOH = OperatingState.Void;
Exemplo n.º 11
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        m_szInfo = "";


        UNIACTIVITYPLAN[] vrResult;
        string            id = Request["id"];

        vrParameter.szGetKey  = id;
        FileCtrl fileCtrl = new FileCtrl();

        string[] szImgList = fileCtrl.readlist(Server.MapPath(@"ActivityPlanImg\" + id));
        if (szImgList == null || szImgList.Length <= 0)
            space_tabs.Style.Add("display", "none");
            string szTemp = "none";
            foreach (string f in szImgList)//xiaobaigang为文件夹名称
                if (szTemp == "none")
                    szImgBig += "<img src='ActivityPlanImg/" + id + "/" + f + "' width='510' height='350'>";
                    szTemp    = "";
                szImgSmall += "<li><a href='' class='cur'><img src='ActivityPlanImg/" + id + "/" + f + "' width='84' height='55'></a></li>";
            space_tabs.Style.Add("display", "inline");
        if (m_Request.Reserve.GetActivityPlan(vrParameter, out vrResult) == REQUESTCODE.EXECUTE_SUCCESS)
            for (int i = 0; i < vrResult.Length; i++)
                string szRepory = "";
                uint   uStatue  = (uint)vrResult[i].dwStatus;
                if ((uStatue & (uint)ADMINCHECK.DWCHECKSTAT.CHECKSTAT_ADMINOK) <= 0)
                if ((uStatue & (uint)UNITESTPLAN.DWSTATUS.TESTPLANSTAT_UNOPEN) > 0)
                uint dwPublishDate    = (uint)vrResult[i].dwPublishDate;
                uint dwEnrollDeadline = (uint)vrResult[i].dwEnrollDeadline;
                uint dwActivityDate   = (uint)vrResult[i].dwActivityDate;
                uint dwBegIntime      = (uint)vrResult[i].dwBeginTime;
                uint dwEndTime        = (uint)vrResult[i].dwEndTime;

                m_szInfo += "</tr><tr class=\"detail\" style=\"display:inline;\"><td colspan=\"2\">";
                m_szInfo += "<p><table style=\"margin:12px\">";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">" + szRepory + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td style=\"width:100px\">活动主题</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szActivityPlanName.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>主办单位</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szHostUnit.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>承办单位</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szOrganizer.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>主讲人</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szPresenter.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>活动介绍</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szIntroInfo.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>参与者要求</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szDesiredUser.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>活动介绍</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szIntroInfo + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>联系人</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szContact.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>联系人电话</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szTel.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>限制报名人数</td><td>" + vrResult[i].dwMaxUsers.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>已申请人数</td><td>" + vrResult[i].dwEnrollUsers.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                if (dwActivityDate != 20990101)
                    m_szInfo += "<tr><td>申请加入截止日期</td><td>" + dwEnrollDeadline / 10000 + "-" + (dwEnrollDeadline / 100 % 100) + "-" + (dwEnrollDeadline % 100) + "</td></tr>";
                    string szResvTime = ((int)vrResult[i].dwBeginTime / 100) + ":" + ((int)vrResult[i].dwBeginTime % 100).ToString("00") + "—" + ((int)vrResult[i].dwEndTime / 100) + ":" + ((int)vrResult[i].dwEndTime % 100).ToString("00");
                    m_szInfo += "<tr><td>活动安排时间</td><td>" + dwActivityDate / 10000 + "-" + (dwActivityDate / 100 % 100) + "-" + (dwActivityDate % 100) + "  " + szResvTime + "</td></tr>";
                    m_szInfo += "<tr><td>申请加入截止日期</td><td>待定</td></tr>";

                    m_szInfo += "<tr><td>活动安排时间</td><td>待定</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>主办地点</td><td>" + vrResult[i].szSite.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
                m_szInfo += "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";

                m_szInfo += "</table></p></td></tr>";
            m_szInfo = m_Request.szErrMessage;