Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace all specified fields of the specified string with the specified replacement string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source string.</param>
        /// <param name="field">The field to search for.</param>
        /// <param name="replacement">The replacement.</param>
        /// <returns>The string with replaced content.</returns>
        public string ReplaceField(string source, string field, string replacement)
            if (source != null)
                if (FieldsFormats.Contains(field))
                    FieldFormat fieldFormat = FieldsFormats[field];

                    if (fieldFormat.Format.Length > 0)
                        replacement = IsNumeric(replacement) ? string.Format(fieldFormat.Format, double.Parse(replacement)) : string.Format(fieldFormat.Format, replacement);

                    if (fieldFormat.TotalWidth > 0)
                        replacement = fieldFormat.PaddingDir == PaddingDirection.Left ? replacement.PadLeft(fieldFormat.TotalWidth, fieldFormat.PaddingChar) : replacement.PadRight(fieldFormat.TotalWidth, fieldFormat.PaddingChar);

                Conditions.Validate(field, replacement);
                source = source.Replace("$" + field + "$", replacement);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //Support taken out because DataBinder does not exist in PPC.
        /// <summary>
        /// Merge a text string with the specified item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text string to merge.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item to use for merging.</param>
        /// <returns>The merged text string.</returns>
        public string MergeText(string text, object item)
            Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Binding text with item.", 0);

            string dataBinderVal = string.Empty, dataBinderKey = string.Empty;

            ArrayList fields = GetFields(text);

            Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Number of fields found in text: " + fields.Count.ToString(), 0);

            // For each found propertie, try to find the value in the datasource
            foreach (string field in fields)
                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Processing field: " + field, 0);

                // Try as standard object with properties
                    dataBinderVal = string.Empty;
                    if (FieldsFormats.Contains(field))
                        FieldFormat fieldFormat = FieldsFormats[field];

                        Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "StringFormat to apply: " + fieldFormat.Format, 0);

                        dataBinderVal = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(item, field, fieldFormat.Format));
                        dataBinderVal = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(item, field));
                    Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Field value after binding: " + dataBinderVal, 0);
                    //validate the condition if exists at all
                    Conditions.Validate(field, dataBinderVal);

                    text = ReplaceField(text, field, dataBinderVal);
                    Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "DataBinder Eval failed. Probable standard datasource doesn't contain the Field '" + field + "'.", 0);

                // Try as a key/pair object type.
                if (dataBinderVal == string.Empty)
                    Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Trying key/pair object type.", 2);

                        dataBinderKey = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.Eval(item, "Key"));

                        Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Field value after binding (key): " + dataBinderVal, 0);

                        if (dataBinderKey.ToUpper() == field.ToUpper())
                            if (FieldsFormats.Contains(field))
                                FieldFormat fieldFormat = FieldsFormats[field];
                                dataBinderVal = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.Eval(item, "Value", fieldFormat.Format));
                                dataBinderVal = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.Eval(item, "Value"));
                            //validate the condition if exists at all
                            Conditions.Validate(field, dataBinderVal);
                            text = ReplaceField(text, field, dataBinderVal);
                        Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "DataBinder (Indexed) Eval failed. Probable indexed datasource doesn't contain the Field '" + field + "'.", 0);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /*/// <summary>
         * /// Process the Text template.
         * /// </summary>
         * private void ProcessTextTemplate(string content)
         * {
         *  ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Processing the TEXT template.", 1);
         *  // Initialize strings to be used later
         *  string line = string.Empty, lineUpper = string.Empty;
         *  // Initialize the StringReader to read line per line
         *  StringReader reader = new StringReader(content);
         *  // Initialize the actual body count
         *  int bodyCount = _bodies.Count, lineNumber = 0;
         *  // Read and parse each line. Append the data in the properties.
         *  while (reader.Peek() > -1)
         *  {
         *      ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Line parsed. Body count: + " + bodyCount.ToString() + ".", 0);
         *      line = reader.ReadLine();
         *      lineNumber++;
         *      lineUpper = line.ToUpper();
         *      // If a property, then set value
         *      if (lineUpper.StartsWith("TO:"))
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("TO property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.Message.To.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line)));
         *      }
         *      else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BCC:"))
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BCC property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.Message.Bcc.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line)));
         *      }
         *      else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("CC:"))
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("CC property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.Message.Cc.Add(Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line)));
         *      }
         *      else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("FROM:"))
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("FROM property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.Message.From = Parser.ParseAddress(ExtractValue(line));
         *      }
         *      else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("SUBJECT:"))
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("SUBJECT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.Message.Subject += ExtractValue(line);
         *      }
         *      else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("SMTPSERVER:"))
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("SMTPSERVER property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.SmtpServers.Add(ExtractValue(line), 25);
         *      }
         *      else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BODYTEXT:"))
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODYTEXT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.Bodies.Add(ExtractValue(line), BodyFormat.Text);
         *          bodyCount++;
         *      }
         *      else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("BODYHTML:"))
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODYHTML property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.Bodies.Add(ExtractValue(line), BodyFormat.Html);
         *          bodyCount++;
         *      }
         *      else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("FIELDFORMAT:") && lineUpper.IndexOf("=") > -1)
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("FIELDFORMAT property found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.FieldsFormats.Add(ExtractFormat(line));
         *      }
         *      else if (lineUpper.StartsWith("//"))
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("COMMENT line found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          // Line is a comment, so do nothing
         *      }
         *          // If not a property, then it's a message line
         *      else
         *      {
         *          ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("BODY line found: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *          this.Bodies[bodyCount-1].Content += line + "\r\n";
         *      }
         *  }
         * }*/

        /*/// <summary>
         * /// Extract the format options from a text template line.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="line">The text template line.</param>
         * /// <returns>A FieldFormat object with the options.</returns>
         * private FieldFormat ExtractFormat(string line)
         * {
         *  ActiveUp.Net.Mail.Logger.AddEntry("Extracting FieldFormat from line: + " + line + " (raw).", 0);
         *  FieldFormat fieldFormat = new FieldFormat();
         *  string property, val;
         *  foreach(string format in ExtractValue(line).Split(';'))
         *  {
         *      string[] lineSplit = format.Split('=');
         *      if (lineSplit.Length > 1)
         *      {
         *          property = lineSplit[0];
         *          val = lineSplit[1];
         *          switch (property.ToUpper())
         *          {
         *              case "NAME": fieldFormat.Name = val; break;
         *              case "FORMAT": fieldFormat.Format = val; break;
         *              case "PADDINGDIR":
         *                  if (val.ToUpper() == "LEFT")
         *                      fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Left;
         *                  else
         *                      fieldFormat.PaddingDir = PaddingDirection.Right;
         *                  break;
         *              case "TOTALWIDTH":
         *                  try
         *                  {
         *                      fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(val);
         *                  }
         *                  catch
         *                  {
         *                      throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number.");
         *                  }
         *                  break;
         *              case "PADDINGCHAR": fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(val.Substring(0, 1)); break;
         *          }
         *      }// End if line split length > 1
         *  }
         *  return fieldFormat;
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Process the Xml template.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessXmlTemplate(string content)
            Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Processing the XML template.", 1);

            StringReader  stringReader = new StringReader(content);
            XmlTextReader reader       = new XmlTextReader(stringReader);

            string element = string.Empty;

            while (reader.Read())
                switch (reader.NodeType)
                case XmlNodeType.Element:
                    element = reader.Name;
                    Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "New element found: " + element + ".", 0);
                    switch (element.ToUpper())
                    case "MESSAGE":
                        if (reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY") != string.Empty)
                            Message.Priority = (MessagePriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessagePriority), reader.GetAttribute("PRIORITY"), true);
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("priority") != null && reader.GetAttribute("priority") != string.Empty)
                            Message.Priority = (MessagePriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessagePriority), reader.GetAttribute("priority"), true);

                    case "FIELDFORMAT":
                        if (reader.HasAttributes)
                            Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Element has attributes.", 0);
                            FieldFormat fieldFormat = new FieldFormat();
                            if (reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty)
                                fieldFormat.Name = reader.GetAttribute("NAME");
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute NAME: " + fieldFormat.Name, 0);
                            else if (reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty)
                                fieldFormat.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute name: " + fieldFormat.Name, 0);
                            if (reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT") != string.Empty)
                                fieldFormat.Format = reader.GetAttribute("FORMAT");
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute FORMAT: " + fieldFormat.Format, 0);
                            else if (reader.GetAttribute("format") != null && reader.GetAttribute("format") != string.Empty)
                                fieldFormat.Format = reader.GetAttribute("format");
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute format: " + fieldFormat.Format, 0);
                            if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR") != string.Empty)
                                fieldFormat.PaddingDir = reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR").ToUpper() == "LEFT" ? PaddingDirection.Left : PaddingDirection.Right;
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute PADDINGDIR: " + reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGDIR"), 0);
                            else if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir") != null && reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir") != string.Empty)
                                fieldFormat.PaddingDir = reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir").ToUpper() == "left" ? PaddingDirection.Left : PaddingDirection.Right;
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute paddingdir: " + reader.GetAttribute("paddingdir"), 0);
                            if (reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH") != null && reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH") != string.Empty)
                                    fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetAttribute("TOTALWIDTH"));
                                    throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number.");
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute TOTALWIDTH: " + fieldFormat.TotalWidth.ToString(), 0);
                            else if (reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth") != null && reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth") != string.Empty)
                                    fieldFormat.TotalWidth = Convert.ToInt16(reader.GetAttribute("totalwidth"));
                                    throw new Exception("Specified Total Width is not a valid number.");
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute totalwidth: " + fieldFormat.TotalWidth.ToString(), 0);
                            if (reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR") != string.Empty)
                                fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(reader.GetAttribute("PADDINGCHAR").Substring(0, 1));
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute PADDINGCHAR: '" + fieldFormat.PaddingChar + "'", 0);
                            else if (reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar") != null && reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar") != string.Empty)
                                fieldFormat.PaddingChar = Convert.ToChar(reader.GetAttribute("paddingchar").Substring(0, 1));
                                Logger.AddEntry(GetType(), "Attribute paddingchar: '" + fieldFormat.PaddingChar + "'", 0);

                    case "FROM":
                    case "TO":
                    case "CC":
                    case "BCC":
                        if (reader.HasAttributes)
                            Address address = new Address();
                            if (reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty)
                                address.Name = reader.GetAttribute("NAME");
                            else if (reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty)
                                address.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                            if (reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL") != string.Empty)
                                address.Email = reader.GetAttribute("EMAIL");
                            else if (reader.GetAttribute("email") != null && reader.GetAttribute("email") != string.Empty)
                                address.Email = reader.GetAttribute("email");
                            if (element.ToUpper() == "FROM")
                                if (reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME") != string.Empty)
                                    Message.ReplyTo.Name = reader.GetAttribute("REPLYNAME");
                                else if (reader.GetAttribute("replyname") != null && reader.GetAttribute("replyname") != string.Empty)
                                    Message.ReplyTo.Name = reader.GetAttribute("replyname");
                                if (reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL") != string.Empty)
                                    Message.ReplyTo.Email = reader.GetAttribute("REPLYEMAIL");
                                else if (reader.GetAttribute("replyemail") != null && reader.GetAttribute("replyemail") != string.Empty)
                                    Message.ReplyTo.Email = reader.GetAttribute("replyemail");
                                if (reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL") != string.Empty)
                                    Message.ReturnReceipt.Email = reader.GetAttribute("RECEIPTEMAIL");
                                else if (reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail") != null && reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail") != string.Empty)
                                    Message.ReturnReceipt.Email = reader.GetAttribute("receiptemail");
                            switch (reader.Name.ToUpper())
                            case "FROM":
                                Message.From = address;

                            case "TO":

                            case "CC":

                            case "BCC":

                    case "LISTTEMPLATE":
                        ListTemplate template = new ListTemplate();
                        string       RegionID = string.Empty;
                        string       NullText = string.Empty;
                        if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty)
                            RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty)
                            RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid");

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty)
                            NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty)
                            NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext");

                        if (reader.HasAttributes && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NAME") != string.Empty)
                            template = new ListTemplate(reader.GetAttribute("NAME"), reader.ReadString());
                        else if (reader.HasAttributes && reader.GetAttribute("name") != null && reader.GetAttribute("name") != string.Empty)
                            template = new ListTemplate(reader.GetAttribute("name"), reader.ReadString());
                        template.RegionID = RegionID;
                        template.NullText = NullText;

                    case "SMTPSERVER":
                        Server server = new Server();
                        if (reader.GetAttribute("SERVER") != null && reader.GetAttribute("SERVER") != string.Empty)
                            server.Host = reader.GetAttribute("SERVER");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("server") != null && reader.GetAttribute("server") != string.Empty)
                            server.Host = reader.GetAttribute("server");

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("PORT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PORT") != string.Empty)
                            server.Port = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("PORT"));
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("port") != null && reader.GetAttribute("port") != string.Empty)
                            server.Port = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("port"));

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME") != null && reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME") != string.Empty)
                            server.Username = reader.GetAttribute("USERNAME");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("username") != null && reader.GetAttribute("username") != string.Empty)
                            server.Username = reader.GetAttribute("username");

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD") != null && reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD") != string.Empty)
                            server.Password = reader.GetAttribute("PASSWORD");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("password") != null && reader.GetAttribute("password") != string.Empty)
                            server.Password = reader.GetAttribute("password");

                    case "CONDITION":
                        Condition condition = new Condition();

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty)
                            condition.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty)
                            condition.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid");

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR") != null && reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR") != string.Empty)
                            condition.Operator = (OperatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperatorType), reader.GetAttribute("OPERATOR"), true);
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("operator") != null && reader.GetAttribute("operator") != string.Empty)
                            condition.Operator = (OperatorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperatorType), reader.GetAttribute("operator"), true);

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty)
                            condition.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty)
                            condition.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext");

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("FIELD") != null && reader.GetAttribute("FIELD") != string.Empty)
                            condition.Field = reader.GetAttribute("FIELD");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("field") != null && reader.GetAttribute("field") != string.Empty)
                            condition.Field = reader.GetAttribute("field");

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("VALUE") != null && reader.GetAttribute("VALUE") != string.Empty)
                            condition.Value = reader.GetAttribute("VALUE");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("value") != null && reader.GetAttribute("value") != string.Empty)
                            condition.Value = reader.GetAttribute("value");

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE") != null && reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE") != string.Empty)
                            condition.CaseSensitive = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("CASESENSITIVE"));
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive") != null && reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive") != string.Empty)
                            condition.CaseSensitive = bool.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("casesensitive"));

                    case "REGION":
                        Region region = new Region();

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != null && reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID") != string.Empty)
                            region.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("REGIONID");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != null && reader.GetAttribute("regionid") != string.Empty)
                            region.RegionID = reader.GetAttribute("regionid");

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != null && reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT") != string.Empty)
                            region.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("NULLTEXT");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != null && reader.GetAttribute("nulltext") != string.Empty)
                            region.NullText = reader.GetAttribute("nulltext");

                        if (reader.GetAttribute("URL") != null && reader.GetAttribute("URL") != string.Empty)
                            region.URL = reader.GetAttribute("URL");
                        else if (reader.GetAttribute("url") != null && reader.GetAttribute("url") != string.Empty)
                            region.URL = reader.GetAttribute("url");

                case XmlNodeType.Text:
                    switch (element.ToUpper())
                    case "SUBJECT":
                        Message.Subject += reader.Value;

                    case "BODYHTML":
                        Message.BodyHtml.Text += reader.Value;

                    case "BODYTEXT":
                        Message.BodyText.Text += reader.Value;

                case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                    element = string.Empty;