Exemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Updates the user/forum/thread statistics after a message insert. Also makes sure if the thread isn't in a queue and the forum has a default support
		/// queue that the thread is added to that queue
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="threadID">The thread ID.</param>
		/// <param name="userID">The user ID.</param>
		/// <param name="transactionToUse">The transaction to use.</param>
		/// <param name="postingDate">The posting date.</param>
		/// <param name="addToQueueIfRequired">if set to true, the thread will be added to the default queue of the forum the thread is in, if the forum
		/// has a default support queue and the thread isn't already in a queue.</param>
		/// <remarks>Leaves the passed in transaction open, so it doesn't commit/rollback, it just performs a set of actions inside the
		/// passed in transaction.</remarks>
		internal static void UpdateStatisticsAfterMessageInsert(int threadID, int userID, Transaction transactionToUse, DateTime postingDate, bool addToQueueIfRequired, bool subscribeToThread)
			// user statistics
			UserEntity userUpdater = new UserEntity();
			// set the amountofpostings field to an expression so it will be increased with 1. 
			userUpdater.Fields[(int)UserFieldIndex.AmountOfPostings].ExpressionToApply = (UserFields.AmountOfPostings + 1);
			UserCollection users = new UserCollection();
			users.UpdateMulti(userUpdater, (UserFields.UserID == userID));	// update directly on the DB. 

			// thread statistics
			ThreadEntity threadUpdater = new ThreadEntity();
			threadUpdater.ThreadLastPostingDate = postingDate;
			threadUpdater.MarkedAsDone = false;
			ThreadCollection threads = new ThreadCollection();
			threads.UpdateMulti(threadUpdater, (ThreadFields.ThreadID == threadID));

			// forum statistics. Load the forum from the DB, as we need it later on. Use a fieldcompareset predicate to fetch the forum as we don't know the 
			// forumID as we haven't fetched the thread
			ForumCollection forums = new ForumCollection();
			// use a fieldcompare set predicate to select the forumid based on the thread. This filter is equal to
			// WHERE ForumID == (SELECT ForumID FROM Thread WHERE ThreadID=@ThreadID)
			var forumFilter = new FieldCompareSetPredicate(
								ForumFields.ForumID, ThreadFields.ForumID, SetOperator.Equal, (ThreadFields.ThreadID == threadID));
			ForumEntity containingForum = null;
				// forum found. There's just one.
				containingForum = forums[0];
				containingForum.ForumLastPostingDate = postingDate;
				// save the forum. Just save the collection

				// If the thread involved isn't in a queue, place it in the default queue of the forum (if applicable)
				SupportQueueEntity containingQueue = SupportQueueGuiHelper.GetQueueOfThread(threadID, transactionToUse);
				if((containingQueue == null) && (containingForum != null) && (containingForum.DefaultSupportQueueID.HasValue))
					// not in a queue, and the forum has a default queue. Add the thread to the queue of the forum
					SupportQueueManager.AddThreadToQueue(threadID, containingForum.DefaultSupportQueueID.Value, userID, transactionToUse);

            //subscribe to thread if indicated
				UserManager.AddThreadToSubscriptions(threadID, userID, transactionToUse);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts in each predicate expression element the persistence info object for the field used. If there is already a fieldpersistenceinfo
        /// element for a given field, it is skipped.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">IPredicateExpression object which has predicate elements whose persistence info objects have to be
        /// set to a value.</param>
        protected override void InsertPersistenceInfoObjects(IPredicateExpression expression)
            if (expression == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < expression.Count; i++)
                if (expression[i].Type != PredicateExpressionElementType.Predicate)

                IPredicate currentPredicate = (IPredicate)expression[i].Contents;
                switch ((PredicateType)currentPredicate.InstanceType)
                case PredicateType.Undefined:

                case PredicateType.PredicateExpression:
                    // recurse

                case PredicateType.FieldBetweenPredicate:
                    FieldBetweenPredicate betweenPredicate = (FieldBetweenPredicate)currentPredicate;
                    if (betweenPredicate.PersistenceInfo == null)
                        betweenPredicate.PersistenceInfo = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)betweenPredicate.FieldCore);
                    if (betweenPredicate.BeginIsField && (betweenPredicate.PersistenceInfoBegin == null))
                        betweenPredicate.PersistenceInfoBegin = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)betweenPredicate.FieldBeginCore);
                    if (betweenPredicate.EndIsField && (betweenPredicate.PersistenceInfoEnd == null))
                        betweenPredicate.PersistenceInfoEnd = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)betweenPredicate.FieldEndCore);

                case PredicateType.FieldCompareNullPredicate:
                    FieldCompareNullPredicate compareNullPredicate = (FieldCompareNullPredicate)currentPredicate;
                    if (compareNullPredicate.PersistenceInfo == null)
                        compareNullPredicate.PersistenceInfo = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)compareNullPredicate.FieldCore);

                case PredicateType.FieldCompareValuePredicate:
                    FieldCompareValuePredicate compareValuePredicate = (FieldCompareValuePredicate)currentPredicate;
                    if (compareValuePredicate.PersistenceInfo == null)
                        compareValuePredicate.PersistenceInfo = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)compareValuePredicate.FieldCore);

                case PredicateType.FieldLikePredicate:
                    FieldLikePredicate likePredicate = (FieldLikePredicate)currentPredicate;
                    if (likePredicate.PersistenceInfo == null)
                        likePredicate.PersistenceInfo = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)likePredicate.FieldCore);

                case PredicateType.FieldCompareRangePredicate:
                    FieldCompareRangePredicate compareRangePredicate = (FieldCompareRangePredicate)currentPredicate;
                    if (compareRangePredicate.PersistenceInfo == null)
                        compareRangePredicate.PersistenceInfo = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)compareRangePredicate.FieldCore);

                case PredicateType.FieldCompareExpressionPredicate:
                    FieldCompareExpressionPredicate expressionPredicate = (FieldCompareExpressionPredicate)currentPredicate;
                    if (expressionPredicate.PersistenceInfo == null)
                        expressionPredicate.PersistenceInfo = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)expressionPredicate.FieldCore);
                    if (expressionPredicate.ExpressionToCompareWith != null)

                case PredicateType.FieldFullTextSearchPredicate:
                    FieldFullTextSearchPredicate fullTextSearchPredicate = (FieldFullTextSearchPredicate)currentPredicate;
                    if (fullTextSearchPredicate.TargetIsFieldList)
                        if (fullTextSearchPredicate.PersistenceInfosFieldsList == null)
                            ArrayList persistenceInfos = new ArrayList();
                            foreach (IEntityField2 field in fullTextSearchPredicate.FieldsList)
                            fullTextSearchPredicate.PersistenceInfosFieldsList = persistenceInfos;
                        if (fullTextSearchPredicate.PersistenceInfo == null)
                            fullTextSearchPredicate.PersistenceInfo = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)fullTextSearchPredicate.FieldCore);

                case PredicateType.FieldCompareSetPredicate:
                    FieldCompareSetPredicate compareSetPredicate = (FieldCompareSetPredicate)currentPredicate;
                    if ((compareSetPredicate.PersistenceInfoField == null) && (compareSetPredicate.FieldCore != null))
                        compareSetPredicate.PersistenceInfoField = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)compareSetPredicate.FieldCore);
                    if (compareSetPredicate.PersistenceInfoSetField == null)
                        compareSetPredicate.PersistenceInfoSetField = GetFieldPersistenceInfo((IEntityField2)compareSetPredicate.SetFieldCore);


                    // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_START InsertPersistenceInfoObjectsPredicate
                    // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_END
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the user/forum/thread statistics after a message insert. Also makes sure if the thread isn't in a queue and the forum has a default support
        /// queue that the thread is added to that queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadID">The thread ID.</param>
        /// <param name="userID">The user ID.</param>
        /// <param name="transactionToUse">The transaction to use.</param>
        /// <param name="postingDate">The posting date.</param>
        /// <param name="addToQueueIfRequired">if set to true, the thread will be added to the default queue of the forum the thread is in, if the forum
        /// has a default support queue and the thread isn't already in a queue.</param>
        /// <remarks>Leaves the passed in transaction open, so it doesn't commit/rollback, it just performs a set of actions inside the
        /// passed in transaction.</remarks>
        internal static void UpdateStatisticsAfterMessageInsert(int threadID, int userID, Transaction transactionToUse, DateTime postingDate, bool addToQueueIfRequired, bool subscribeToThread)
            // user statistics
            UserEntity userUpdater = new UserEntity();
            // set the amountofpostings field to an expression so it will be increased with 1.
            userUpdater.Fields[(int)UserFieldIndex.AmountOfPostings].ExpressionToApply = (UserFields.AmountOfPostings + 1);
            UserCollection users = new UserCollection();
            users.UpdateMulti(userUpdater, (UserFields.UserID == userID));	// update directly on the DB.

            // thread statistics
            ThreadEntity threadUpdater = new ThreadEntity();
            threadUpdater.ThreadLastPostingDate = postingDate;
            threadUpdater.MarkedAsDone = false;
            ThreadCollection threads = new ThreadCollection();
            threads.UpdateMulti(threadUpdater, (ThreadFields.ThreadID == threadID));

            // forum statistics. Load the forum from the DB, as we need it later on. Use a fieldcompareset predicate to fetch the forum as we don't know the
            // forumID as we haven't fetched the thread
            ForumCollection forums = new ForumCollection();
            // use a fieldcompare set predicate to select the forumid based on the thread. This filter is equal to
            // WHERE ForumID == (SELECT ForumID FROM Thread WHERE ThreadID=@ThreadID)
            var forumFilter = new FieldCompareSetPredicate(
                                ForumFields.ForumID, ThreadFields.ForumID, SetOperator.Equal, (ThreadFields.ThreadID == threadID));
            ForumEntity containingForum = null;
                // forum found. There's just one.
                containingForum = forums[0];
                containingForum.ForumLastPostingDate = postingDate;
                // save the forum. Just save the collection

                // If the thread involved isn't in a queue, place it in the default queue of the forum (if applicable)
                SupportQueueEntity containingQueue = SupportQueueGuiHelper.GetQueueOfThread(threadID, transactionToUse);
                if((containingQueue == null) && (containingForum != null) && (containingForum.DefaultSupportQueueID.HasValue))
                    // not in a queue, and the forum has a default queue. Add the thread to the queue of the forum
                    SupportQueueManager.AddThreadToQueue(threadID, containingForum.DefaultSupportQueueID.Value, userID, transactionToUse);

            //subscribe to thread if indicated
                UserManager.AddThreadToSubscriptions(threadID, userID, transactionToUse);