/// <summary>
        /// Start Fiddler application to get the capture file
        /// </summary>
        public static void StartFiddler()
            oAllSessions = new List <FiddlerCore.Fiddler.Session>();

            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += delegate(FiddlerCore.Fiddler.Session oS)
                // Console.WriteLine("Before request for:\t" + oS.fullUrl);
                // In order to enable response tampering, buffering mode MUST
                // be enabled; this allows FiddlerCore to permit modification of
                // the response in the BeforeResponse handler rather than streaming
                // the response to the client as the response comes in.
                oS.bBufferResponse = false;

                // Set this property if you want FiddlerCore to automatically authenticate by
                // answering Digest/Negotiate/NTLM/Kerberos challenges itself
                // oS["X-AutoAuth"] = "(default)";

                /* If the request is going to our secure endpoint, we'll echo back the response.
                 * Note: This BeforeRequest is getting called for both our main proxy tunnel AND our secure endpoint,
                 * so we have to look at which Fiddler port the client connected to (pipeClient.LocalPort) to determine whether this request
                 * was sent to secure endpoint, or was merely sent to the main proxy tunnel (e.g. a CONNECT) in order to *reach* the secure endpoint.
                 * As a result of this, if you run the demo and visit https://localhost:7777 in your browser, you'll see
                 * Session list contains...
                 *  1 CONNECT http://localhost:7777
                 *  200                                         <-- CONNECT tunnel sent to the main proxy tunnel, port 8877
                 *  2 GET https://localhost:7777/
                 *  200 text/html                               <-- GET request decrypted on the main proxy tunnel, port 8877
                 *  3 GET https://localhost:7777/
                 *  200 text/html                               <-- GET request received by the secure endpoint, port 7777

                if ((oS.oRequest.pipeClient.LocalPort == iSecureEndpointPort) && (oS.hostname == sSecureEndpointHostname))
                    oS.oResponse.headers.SetStatus(200, "Ok");
                    oS.oResponse["Content-Type"]  = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
                    oS.oResponse["Cache-Control"] = "private, max-age=0";
                    oS.utilSetResponseBody("<html><body>Request for httpS://" + sSecureEndpointHostname + ":" + iSecureEndpointPort.ToString() + " received. Your request was:<br /><plaintext>" + oS.oRequest.headers.ToString());

            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.AfterSessionComplete += delegate(FiddlerCore.Fiddler.Session oS)
                //Console.WriteLine("Finished session:\t" + oS.fullUrl);
                Console.Title = ("Session list contains: " + oAllSessions.Count.ToString() + " sessions");

            string sSAZInfo = "NoSAZ";

            sSAZInfo = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Ionic.Zip.ZipFile)).FullName;

            // You can load Transcoders from any different assembly if you'd like, using the ImportTranscoders(string AssemblyPath)
            // overload.
            //if (!FiddlerApplication.oTranscoders.ImportTranscoders(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()))
            //    Console.WriteLine("This assembly was not compiled with a SAZ-exporter");

            Fiddler.DNZSAZProvider.fnObtainPwd = () =>
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the password (or just hit Enter to cancel):");
                string sResult = Console.ReadLine();

            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.oSAZProvider = new Fiddler.DNZSAZProvider();

            // For the purposes of this demo, we'll forbid connections to HTTPS
            // sites that use invalid certificates. Change this from the default only
            // if you know EXACTLY what that implies.
            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.CONFIG.IgnoreServerCertErrors = false;

            // ... but you can allow a specific (even invalid) certificate by implementing and assigning a callback...
            // FiddlerApplication.OnValidateServerCertificate += new System.EventHandler<ValidateServerCertificateEventArgs>(CheckCert);

            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetBoolPref("fiddler.network.streaming.abortifclientaborts", true);

            // For forward-compatibility with updated FiddlerCore libraries, it is strongly recommended that you
            // start with the DEFAULT options and manually disable specific unwanted options.
            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerCoreStartupFlags oFCSF = FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.Default;
            int iPort = 8877;

            if (!FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.IsStarted())
                FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Startup(iPort, oFCSF);

            oSecureEndpoint = FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.CreateProxyEndpoint(iSecureEndpointPort, true, sSecureEndpointHostname);

             * // Inside your main object, create a list to hold the sessions
             * // This generic list type requires your source file includes #using System.Collections.Generic.
             * oAllSessions = new List<FiddlerCore.Fiddler.Session>();
             * //MessageParser.ClearSessions();
             * // Inside your attached event handlers, add the session to the list:
             * FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += delegate (FiddlerCore.Fiddler.Session oS)
             * {
             *  Monitor.Enter(oAllSessions);
             *  oAllSessions.Add(oS);
             *  Monitor.Exit(oAllSessions);
             * };
             * FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.AfterSessionComplete += delegate(FiddlerCore.Fiddler.Session oS)
             * {
             * };
             * string sSAZInfo = "NoSAZ";
             * sSAZInfo = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Ionic.Zip.ZipFile)).FullName;
             * Fiddler.DNZSAZProvider.fnObtainPwd = () =>
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Enter the password (or just hit Enter to cancel):");
             *  string sResult = Console.ReadLine();
             *  Console.WriteLine();
             *  return sResult;
             * };
             * FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.oSAZProvider = new Fiddler.DNZSAZProvider();
             * if (!FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.IsStarted())
             * {
             *  FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Startup(8888, FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.Default);
             * }
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Start Fiddler application to get the capture file
        /// </summary>
        public static void StartFiddler()
            OAllSessions = new List <FiddlerCore.Fiddler.Session>();

            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += delegate(FiddlerCore.Fiddler.Session oS)
                // Console.WriteLine("Before request for:\t" + oS.fullUrl);
                // In order to enable response tampering, buffering mode MUST
                // be enabled; this allows FiddlerCore to permit modification of
                // the response in the BeforeResponse handler rather than streaming
                // the response to the client as the response comes in.
                oS.bBufferResponse = false;

                // Set this property if you want FiddlerCore to automatically authenticate by
                // answering Digest/Negotiate/NTLM/Kerberos challenges itself
                // oS["X-AutoAuth"] = "(default)";

                /* If the request is going to our secure endpoint, we'll echo back the response.
                 * Note: This BeforeRequest is getting called for both our main proxy tunnel AND our secure endpoint,
                 * so we have to look at which Fiddler port the client connected to (pipeClient.LocalPort) to determine whether this request
                 * was sent to secure endpoint, or was merely sent to the main proxy tunnel (e.g. a CONNECT) in order to *reach* the secure endpoint.
                 * As a result of this, if you run the demo and visit https://localhost:7777 in your browser, you'll see
                 * Session list contains...
                 *  1 CONNECT http://localhost:7777
                 *  200                                         <-- CONNECT tunnel sent to the main proxy tunnel, port 8877
                 *  2 GET https://localhost:7777/
                 *  200 text/html                               <-- GET request decrypted on the main proxy tunnel, port 8877
                 *  3 GET https://localhost:7777/
                 *  200 text/html                               <-- GET request received by the secure endpoint, port 7777

                if ((oS.oRequest.pipeClient.LocalPort == ISecureEndpointPort) && (oS.hostname == SSecureEndpointHostname))
                    oS.oResponse.headers.SetStatus(200, "Ok");
                    oS.oResponse["Content-Type"]  = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
                    oS.oResponse["Cache-Control"] = "private, max-age=0";
                    oS.utilSetResponseBody("<html><body>Request for httpS://" + SSecureEndpointHostname + ":" + ISecureEndpointPort.ToString() + " received. Your request was:<br /><plaintext>" + oS.oRequest.headers.ToString());

            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.AfterSessionComplete += delegate(FiddlerCore.Fiddler.Session oS)
                Console.Title = "Session list contains: " + OAllSessions.Count.ToString() + " sessions";

            string sSAZInfo = "NoSAZ";

            sSAZInfo = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Ionic.Zip.ZipFile)).FullName;

            Fiddler.DNZSAZProvider.fnObtainPwd = () =>
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the password (or just hit Enter to cancel):");
                string sResult = Console.ReadLine();

            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.oSAZProvider = new Fiddler.DNZSAZProvider();

            // For the purposes of this demo, we'll forbid connections to HTTPS
            // sites that use invalid certificates. Change this from the default only
            // if you know EXACTLY what that implies.
            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.CONFIG.IgnoreServerCertErrors = false;
            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Prefs.SetBoolPref("fiddler.network.streaming.abortifclientaborts", true);

            // For forward-compatibility with updated FiddlerCore libraries, it is strongly recommended that you
            // start with the DEFAULT options and manually disable specific unwanted options.
            FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerCoreStartupFlags oFCSF = FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.Default;
            int fiddlerPort = 8877;

            if (!FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.IsStarted())
                FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Startup(fiddlerPort, oFCSF);

            OSecureEndpoint = FiddlerCore.Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.CreateProxyEndpoint(ISecureEndpointPort, true, SSecureEndpointHostname);