Exemplo n.º 1
        private IWaveSource GetCodec(string filename)
            // FfmpegDecoder constructor which uses string as parameter throws exception
            // "Exception: avformat_open_input returned 0xffffffea: Invalid argument."
            // when the file name contains special characters.
            // See: https://github.com/filoe/cscore/issues/298
            // Workaround: use the constructor which uses stream as parameter.
            // IWaveSource waveSource = new FfmpegDecoder(this.filename);
            this.audioStream = File.OpenRead(this.filename);
            IWaveSource waveSource = new FfmpegDecoder(this.audioStream);

            // If the SampleRate < 32000, make it 32000. The Equalizer's maximum frequency is 16000Hz.
            // The sample rate has to be bigger than 2 * frequency.
            if (waveSource.WaveFormat.SampleRate < 32000)
                waveSource = waveSource.ChangeSampleRate(32000);

                   .AppendSource(this.Create10BandEqualizer, out this.equalizer)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private IWaveSource GetCodec(string filename)
            IWaveSource waveSource;

                if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(this.filename.ToLower()) == FileFormats.MP3)
                    // For MP3's, we force usage of MediaFoundationDecoder. CSCore uses DmoMp3Decoder
                    // by default. DmoMp3Decoder however is very slow at playing MP3's from a NAS.
                    // So we're using MediaFoundationDecoder until DmoMp3Decoder has improved.
                    waveSource = new MediaFoundationDecoder(this.filename);
                    // Other file formats are using the default decoders
                    waveSource = CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec(this.filename);
            catch (Exception)
                waveSource = new FfmpegDecoder(filename); //try ffmpeg as last option

            // If the SampleRate < 32000, make it 32000. The Equalizer's maximum frequency is 16000Hz.
            // The samplerate has to be bigger than 2 * frequency.
            if (waveSource.WaveFormat.SampleRate < 32000)
                waveSource = waveSource.ChangeSampleRate(32000);

                   .AppendSource(this.Create10BandEqualizer, out this.equalizer)