Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool Solver(
            FeatureUpdateContext updateContext,
            [ParentModel] ICurve Curve,
            double Chord,
            int Solver)
            //-- Initialize & Input Validation
              Regenerate( );
              if( Curve == null ) return false;

              //-- Select Search Method
              Search search = MarchSearch;
              if( Solver == 1 ) search = BranchSearch; else
              if( Solver == 2 ) search = NewtonSearch;

              //-- Compute Chords
              var curve = Curve.com_bsplineCurve;
              var point = curve.EvaluatePoint( 0.0 );
              var param = 0.0;
            AddPoint( point );
              while( search( curve, Chord, ref param, ref point ) );

              return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool ClosestPointOnSurf


            FeatureUpdateContext updateContext,
            [DefaultExpression("baseCS")]                CoordinateSystem cs,
            [Replicatable]                              IPoint point,
            [Replicatable]                              BSplineSurface surf,
            [DefaultValue(0.01)]                        double tol,
            [Out]                                       ref Point CPpoint,
            [Out]                                       ref double Dist,
            [Out]                                       ref DVector3d Normal



            Point2d tempPt;

            DPoint3d dp = CerverFunctions.closestPointOnSurf(point.DPoint3d, surf, tol, out Dist, out tempPt, out Normal);

            Point outPt = new Point(this);
            outPt.FromDPoint3d(updateContext, cs, dp);
            CPpoint = outPt;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public bool MeshEdgeAsLines

            FeatureUpdateContext updateContext,
            [DefaultExpression("baseCS")]                CoordinateSystem cs,
            [Replicatable]                               Mesh mesh,
            [Out]                                       ref Line[] Edges,
            [Out]                                       ref double[] Length,
            [Out]                                       ref int[] StartPointVtx,
            [Out]                                       ref int[] EndPointVtx


            DSegment3d[] m_dlines = CerverFunctions.GetMeshEdges(mesh, out StartPointVtx, out EndPointVtx);
            double[] m_len = new double[m_dlines.Length];
            Line[] m_Edges = new Line[m_dlines.Length];

            for (int i=0; i< m_dlines.Length; i++)
                string name = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", this.Name, i);

                m_Edges[i] = new Line(this);
                m_len[i] = m_Edges[i].Length;


            Edges = m_Edges;
            Length = m_len;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public bool Build(
            FeatureUpdateContext updateContext,
            [ParentModel] Point[] Points,
            double Size)
            //-- Upkeep
              if( physics == null )
            physics = new Sutd.Physics( );
            Regenerate( );
            physics.Reset( );

              //-- Set Gravity
              physics.world.Gravity = new Vec3D( 0, 0, -10 );

              //-- Create Ground
              var body = new Sutd.Physics.Body( );
            //-- Define Infinite Plane
            var shape = new StaticPlaneShape( new Vec3D( 0, 0, 1 ), 0 );
            physics.shapes.Add( shape );

            //-- Set Physics State / Bullet
            //-- Fixed bodies have zero mass and inertia
            var param = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(
              mass: 0.0f, motionState: new DefaultMotionState( Mat4D.Identity ),
              collisionShape: shape, localInertia: Vec3D.Zero );
            body.rigid = new RigidBody( param );
            param.Dispose( );

            physics.world.AddRigidBody( body.rigid );
            body.matrix = body.rigid.WorldTransform;

            //-- Set Visual State / Rhino
            //-- Create a very thin but wide finite box
            var transform = DTransform3d.Identity;
            AddBox( transform, new DVector3d( 50, 50, 0.01 ) );
            body.solid = geometry[geometry.Count - 1];
              physics.bodies.Add( body );

              //-- Create 3D Grid of Boxes
              float half = (float)( Size * 0.5 );
              foreach( var point in Points )
            body = new Sutd.Physics.Body( );
              //-- Collision Shape
              var shape = new BoxShape( half, half, half );
              physics.shapes.Add( shape );

              //-- Mass Properties
              var inertia = Vec3D.Zero;
              shape.CalculateLocalInertia( mass: 1.0f, inertia: out inertia );

              //-- Physics State
              var param = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(
            mass: 1.0f, motionState: new DefaultMotionState( Mat4D.Identity ),
            collisionShape: shape, localInertia: inertia );
              body.rigid = new RigidBody( param );
              param.Dispose( );

              physics.world.AddRigidBody( body.rigid );

              body.rigid.Translate( new Vec3D( (float)point.X, (float)point.Y, (float)point.Z ) );
              body.matrix = body.rigid.WorldTransform;

              //-- Visual State
              var transform = DTransform3d.Identity;
              transform.Translation = point.DPoint3d;
              AddBox( transform, new DVector3d( Size, Size, Size ) );
              body.solid = geometry[geometry.Count - 1];
            physics.bodies.Add( body );

              return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public bool Simulate(
     FeatureUpdateContext updateContext,
     DemoPhysicsWorld World,
     int Interval,
     int Update)
     world = World;
       clock.Interval = Interval;
       clock.Enabled = Update != 0;
       return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public bool MeshConnectedVerticies

            FeatureUpdateContext updateContext,
            [DefaultExpression("baseCS")]                CoordinateSystem cs,
                                                                     Mesh mesh,
            [Replicatable]                                         IPoint SearchPoint,
            [DefaultValue(false)]                                    bool generatePoints,
            [Out]                                       ref int[] ConnectedVtxID,
            [Out]                                       ref Point[] ConnectedVtx,
            [Out]                                       ref DPoint3d[] DConnectedVtx



            //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stp = new Stopwatch();

           // stp.Start();
            DPoint3d[] cntVtx = mesh.ConnectedVtx(SearchPoint.DPoint3d, out ConnectedVtxID);
            DConnectedVtx = cntVtx;
           // Feature.Print("area 1 " + stp.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());
           // stp.Reset();

            if (generatePoints)
                List<Point> vtx = new List<Point>(cntVtx.Length);

                foreach (var v in cntVtx)
                    Point p = new Point(this);
                    p.FromDPoint3d(updateContext, cs, v);

                ConnectedVtx = vtx.ToArray();
           // Feature.Print("area 2 " + stp.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());
           // stp.Stop();

            return true;