Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a roaming Gordo Slime for this slime (use this if you want the slime to have a Gordo counter part)
        /// <para>Roaming gordos are normal slimes scaled as a gordo and contains almost no behaviours, also it doesnt eat. Use PrefabFunctions to give it
        /// behaviours</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gordoID">The ID for the gordo</param>
        /// <returns>The slime template for the Roaming Gordo (YOU NEED TO CLASS .Create TO FINISH THE PROCESS)</returns>
        public SlimeTemplate MakeRoamingGordo(Identifiable.Id gordoID)
            if (isGordo)

            SlimeDefinition gordoDef = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SlimeDefinition>();

            gordoDef.AppearancesDefault = definition.AppearancesDefault;
            gordoDef.AppearancesDynamic = definition.AppearancesDynamic;
            gordoDef.BaseModule         = definition.BaseModule;
            gordoDef.BaseSlimes         = definition.BaseSlimes;
            gordoDef.CanLargofy         = false;
            gordoDef.Diet           = definition.Diet;
            gordoDef.FavoriteToys   = new Identifiable.Id[0];
            gordoDef.IdentifiableId = gordoID;
            gordoDef.IsLargo        = true;
            gordoDef.PrefabScale    = 4f;
            gordoDef.SlimeModules   = definition.SlimeModules;
            gordoDef.Sounds         = definition.Sounds;
            gordoDef.Name           = "roamGordo." + definition.Name;

            FearProfile prof = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <FearProfile>();

            prof.threats = new List <FearProfile.ThreatEntry>();
            prof.GetType().GetMethod("OnEnable", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(prof, new object[0]);

            SlimeTemplate gordo = new SlimeTemplate("gordo" + mainObject.Name.Replace("slime", ""), gordoDef).SetVacSize(Vacuumable.Size.GIANT)
                                  .SetHealth(60).SetFeralState(false).SetGlitchState(false).SetFearProfile(prof).SetTranslation(definition.Name + " Gordo");

            gordo.isGordo = true;

        public static bool Prefix(FearProfile __instance)
            if (__instance.threats == null)

Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the fear profile
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="profile">The fear profile to set</param>
 public SlimeTemplate SetFearProfile(FearProfile profile)
     fearProfile = profile;