Exemplo n.º 1
        public IHttpActionResult PutFatture(int id, Fatture fatture)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (id != fatture.id)

            db.Entry(fatture).State = EntityState.Modified;

            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!FattureExists(id))

        private async void Edit()
            if (swipeIndex == 0 || swipeDoc == null)

            Fatture fat   = null;
            bool    nuova = false;

            swipeIndex = 0;
                string sql     = String.Format("SELECT * from FATTURE2 WHERE fat_tipo = {0} AND fat_n_doc = {1} LIMIT 1", swipeDoc.fat_tipo, swipeDoc.fat_n_doc);
                var    docList = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <Fatture>(sql);

                if (docList.Count > 0)
                    fat = docList[0];
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", ex.Message, "OK");

            if (fat == null)
            var page = new DocumentiEdit(ref fat, ref nuova);
            await Navigation.PushAsync(page);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Fatture fatture = db.Fatture.Find(id);

        public DocumentiEdit(ref Fatture f, ref bool nuova)
            this.doc   = f;
            this.nuova = nuova;
            last_num_  = 0;
            dbcon_     = DependencyService.Get <ISQLiteDb>().GetConnection();

            switch (this.doc.fat_tipo)
            case (int)DocTipo.TIPO_DDT:
                Title = "Documento di Trasporto";

            case (int)DocTipo.TIPO_FAT:
                Title = "Fattura";

            case (int)DocTipo.TIPO_PRE:
                Title = "Preventivo";

            case (int)DocTipo.TIPO_ORD:
                Title = "Ordine";

                Title = "*** Documento Sconosciuto ***";
            ChildAdded += OnChildAdded;

            headerPage_       = new DocumentiHeader(this);
            headerPage_.Title = "Testata";
            headerPage_.Icon  = "ic_perm_identity_white.png";

            body_           = new DocumentiBody(this);
            bodyPage_       = new NavigationPage(body_);
            bodyPage_.Title = "Corpo";
            bodyPage_.Icon  = "ic_view_headline_white.png";

            footer_           = new DocumentiFooter(this);
            footerPage_       = new NavigationPage(footer_);
            footerPage_.Title = "Piede";
            footerPage_.Icon  = "ic_euro_symbol_white.png";

            note_           = new DocumentiNote(this);
            notePage_       = new NavigationPage(note_);
            notePage_.Title = "Note";
            notePage_.Icon  = "ic_mode_edit_white.png";

Exemplo n.º 5
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "id,nome,data,numero")] Fatture fatture)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(fatture).State = EntityState.Modified;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "id,nome,data,numero")] Fatture fatture)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

Exemplo n.º 7
        public IHttpActionResult GetFatture(int id)
            Fatture fatture = db.Fatture.Find(id);

            if (fatture == null)

Exemplo n.º 8
        public IHttpActionResult PostFatture(Fatture fatture)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)


            return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = fatture.id }, fatture));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public IHttpActionResult DeleteFatture(int id)
            Fatture fatture = db.Fatture.Find(id);

            if (fatture == null)


Exemplo n.º 10
        // GET: Fattures/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Fatture fatture = db.Fatture.Find(id);

            if (fatture == null)
Exemplo n.º 11
        async void OnModificaClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Fatture fat = null;
            SQLiteAsyncConnection dbcon_ = DependencyService.Get <ISQLiteDb>().GetConnection();

            bool nuova    = false;
            bool editable = false;

            busyIndicator.IsBusy = true;
                var sql     = string.Format("SELECT * from FATTURE2 WHERE fat_tipo = {0} ORDER BY fat_tipo, fat_n_doc DESC LIMIT 1", (short)tipo_);
                var docList = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <Fatture>(sql);

                foreach (var doc in docList)
                    fat = doc;
            catch (Exception ex)
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", ex.Message, "OK");

            if (fat == null)
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", "Non è stato trovato in archivio alcun documento", "Ok");

            editable = fat.fat_editable;
            var page = new DocumentiEdit(ref fat, ref nuova);
            await Navigation.PushAsync(page);

            busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
        async void DataGrid_GridLongPressed(object sender, Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.XForms.GridLongPressedEventArgs e)
            var doc = e.RowData as Documents;

            busyIndicator.IsBusy = true;

            Fatture fat   = null;
            bool    nuova = false;

                string sql     = String.Format("SELECT * from FATTURE2 WHERE fat_tipo = {0} AND fat_n_doc = {1} LIMIT 1", doc.fat_tipo, doc.fat_n_doc);
                var    docList = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <Fatture>(sql);

                if (docList.Count > 0)
                    fat = docList[0];
            catch (Exception ex)
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", ex.Message, "OK");

            if (fat == null)
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
            var page = new DocumentiEdit(ref fat, ref nuova);
            await Navigation.PushAsync(page);

            busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task <int> PrintDocHeaderAsync(Fatture doc, int row, bool stprice)
            Destinazioni dst = null;
            Agenti       age = null;
            var          cli = await dbcon_.GetAsync <Clienti>(doc.fat_inte);

            if (doc.fat_dest != 0)
                dst = await dbcon_.GetAsync <Destinazioni>(doc.fat_dest);
            if (doc.fat_age != 0)
                age = await dbcon_.GetAsync <Agenti>(doc.fat_age);

            int    col      = 0;
            int    last_hor = 0;
            string logo     = "";

            IFolder rootFolder = FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage;
            string  path       = rootFolder.Path + "/images/" + "logo.prn";

            IFile file = await rootFolder.CreateFileAsync(path, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);

            if (file != null)
                logo = await file.ReadAllTextAsync();

            string str = "^XA" +                  // Inizializziamo la stampa
                         "^PW800" +               // Settiamo la Larghezza
                         "^MN" +                  // Settiamo la stampa in continuos mode
                         "^POI" +
                         "^LH0,0";                // Settiamo la posizione Iniziale

            // Settiamo la lunghezza iniziale del modulo
            str = str + $"^LL{_mod_len}";

            if (logo != "")
                str = str + logo;

            col = 0;
            row = 30 * 8;

            // Scriviamo il Tipo di Documento
            string num = "";

            switch (doc.fat_tipo)
            case (int)DocTipo.TIPO_BOL: num = "B O L L A"; break;

            case (int)DocTipo.TIPO_DDT: num = "DOCUMENTO GENERALE DI TRASPORTO"; break;

            case (int)DocTipo.TIPO_BUO: num = "B U O N O  D I  C O N S E G N A"; break;

            case (int)DocTipo.TIPO_ORD: num = "O R D I N E"; break;

            default: num = "FATTURA/NOTA CONSEGNA TENTATA VENDITA D.P.R.472/96 art.1 comma 3"; break;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB784,1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

            // Disegniamo il box
            col      = 0;
            row     += 3 * 8;
            last_hor = row;
            str      = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^GB800,388,2^FS";

            row += 1 * 8;
            col  = 3;
            str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDNum. Doc.^FS";

            col = 16 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDData^FS";

            col = 32 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDCod.Cli.^FS";

            col = 42 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDCod.Age.^FS";

            col = 52 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDTarga^FS";

            col = 73 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDTelefono^FS";

            // Tracciamo le linee Verticali
            col = 15 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{last_hor}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";

            col = 31 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{last_hor}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";

            col = 41 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{last_hor}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";

            col = 51 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{last_hor}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";

            col = 71 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{last_hor}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";

            row += 3 * 8;
            col  = 1;
            num  = string.Format("{0:#,#}/{1}", RsaUtils.GetShowedNumDoc(doc.fat_n_doc), RsaUtils.GetRegistroFromStoredNumDoc(doc.fat_n_doc));
            str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{14 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

            col = 16 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{14 * 8},1,0,C,0^FD{doc.fat_d_doc:dd/MM/yyy}^FS";

            col = 32 * 8;
            num = string.Format("{0:#}", doc.fat_inte);
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,25,25" + $"^FB{8 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

            col = 42 * 8;
            num = string.Format("{0:#}", doc.fat_age);
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,25,25" + $"^FB{8 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

            col = 52 * 8;
            if (age != null)
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,25,25" + $"^FB{18 * 8},1,0,L,0^FD{age.age_targa.Trim()}^FS";

            col = 73 * 8;
            if (age != null)
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,25,25" + $"^FD{age.age_targa.Trim()}^FS";

            // Tracciamo la linea orizzontale
            col      = 0;
            row     += 3 * 8;
            last_hor = row;
            str      = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB800,1,2^FS";

            // Intestazione Cliente
            row += 1 * 8;
            col  = 1 * 8;
            str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDCliente / Cessionario^FS";

            col = 80 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{18 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{_codcli}^FS";

            row += 4 * 8;
            col  = 1 * 8;
            str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{cli.cli_rag_soc1.Trim()}^FS";

            row += 3 * 8;
            str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{cli.cli_rag_soc2.Trim()}^FS";

            row += 3 * 8;
            str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{cli.cli_indirizzo.Trim()}^FS";

            row += 3 * 8;
            num  = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", cli.cli_cap, cli.cli_citta, cli.cli_prov);
            str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{num.Trim()}^FS";

            row += 3 * 8;
            num  = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cli.cli_piva))
                num = $"P.IVA {cli.cli_piva}";
            num = num + "       ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cli.cli_codfis))
                num = num + $"Cod. Fiscale {cli.cli_codfis}";
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{num.Trim()}^FS";

            // Tracciamo la linea orizzontale
            col      = 0;
            row     += 3 * 8;
            last_hor = row;
            str      = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB800,1,2^FS";

            // Intestazione Destinazione
            row += 1 * 8;
            col  = 1 * 8;
            str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDDestinatario e Luogo di Consegna (se diverso dal cessionario) ^FS";

            col = 80 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{18 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{_coddst}^FS";

            col  = 1 * 8;
            row += 4 * 8;
            if (dst != null)
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,25,25" + $"^FD{dst.dst_rag_soc1.Trim()}^FS";

            row += 3 * 8;
            if (dst != null)
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,25,25" + $"^FD{dst.dst_rag_soc2.Trim()}^FS";

            row += 3 * 8;
            if (dst != null)
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,25,25" + $"^FD{dst.dst_indirizzo.Trim()}^FS";

            row += 3 * 8;
            if (dst != null)
                num = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", dst.dst_cap, dst.dst_citta, dst.dst_prov);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,25,25" + $"^FD{num.Trim()}^FS";

            // Tracciamo la linea orizzontale
            col      = 0;
            row     += 3 * 8;
            last_hor = row;
            str      = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB800,1,2^FS";

            col  = 1 * 8;
            row += 1 * 8;

            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDCodice^FS";

            col = 15 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDDescrizione^FS";

            if (stprice)
                col = 30 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDU.M.^FS";

                col = 43 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDQuantita'^FS";

                col = 58 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDPrezzo^FS";

                col = 70 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDSconti^FS";

                col = 83 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDTotale^FS";

                col = 92 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDCod.Iva^FS";
                col = 77 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDU.M.^FS";

                col = 92 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + "^FDQuantita'^FS";

            //str = str + "^XZ";
            var t = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(str);


            row += 3;
            return(82 * 8);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public async Task <int> PrintDocBodyAsync(Fatture doc, int row, bool stprice)
            string str = "";
            int    col = 0;

            row += 1 * 8;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_codocr))
                col += 1 * 8;
                row += 1 * 8;
                str  = $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{98 * 8},1,0,C,0^FD{_codocr.Trim()}^FS";
                row += 5 * 8;

            foreach (var rig in _riglist)
                Misure mis = null;

                if (rig.rig_mis != 0)
                    mis = await dbcon_.GetAsync <Misure>(rig.rig_mis);

                if (stprice)
                    string num;

                    col = 1 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{14 * 8},1,0,L,0^FD{rig.rig_art}^FS";

                    col = 15 * 8;

                    rig.rig_newdes = rig.rig_newdes.Replace("\n\r", "\n");
                    rig.rig_newdes = rig.rig_newdes.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
                    var desarr = rig.rig_newdes.Split('\n');
                    foreach (var des in desarr)
                        str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{84 * 8},1,0,L,0^FD{des.Trim()}^FS";
                        row += 3 * 8;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rig.rig_lotto))
                        string dati;

                        if ((rig.rig_scadenza != null) && (rig.rig_scadenza.Value.Year > 1900))
                            dati = string.Format("Lotto {0} Scadenza {1:dd/MM/yyyy}", rig.rig_lotto.Trim(), rig.rig_scadenza.Value);
                            dati = string.Format("Lotto {0}", rig.rig_lotto.Trim());

                        str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{dati}^FS";
                        row += 3 * 8;

                    // Misura
                    col = 30 * 8;
                    if (mis != null)
                        str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{mis.mis_abbr}^FS";

                    // Quantità
                    col = 37 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:0.000}", rig.rig_qta);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{14 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                    // Prezzo
                    col = 52 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:0.0000}", rig.rig_prezzo);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{13 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                    if (!rig.rig_sconto1.TestIfZero(2))
                        col = 66 * 8;
                        num = string.Format("{0:0.00}", rig.rig_sconto1);
                        str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{6 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                    if (!rig.rig_sconto2.TestIfZero(2))
                        col = 73 * 8;
                        num = string.Format("{0:0.00}", rig.rig_sconto2);
                        str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{6 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                    col = 80 * 8;
                    if (rig.rig_sconto1 < 100.0)
                        num = string.Format("{0:0.00}", rig.rig_importo);
                        str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{13 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";
                        str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FDSCO.MERCE^FS";

                    col = 93 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0}", rig.rig_iva);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{6 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                    row += 4 * 8;
                    string num;
                    bool   first = true;

                    col = 1 * 8;
                    str = $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{13 * 8},1,0,L,0^FD{rig.rig_art}^FS";

                    rig.rig_newdes = rig.rig_newdes.Replace("\n\r", "\n");
                    rig.rig_newdes = rig.rig_newdes.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
                    var desarr = rig.rig_newdes.Split('\n');
                    foreach (var des in desarr)
                        col = 15 * 8;
                        str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{84 * 8},1,0,L,0^FD{des.Trim()}^FS";

                        if (first == true)
                            if (mis != null)
                                col = 75 * 8;
                                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{mis.mis_abbr}^FS";

                            // Quantità
                            col = 91 * 8;
                            num = string.Format("{0,9:0.000}", rig.rig_qta);
                            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{9 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";
                        first = false;
                        row  += 3 * 8;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rig.rig_lotto))
                        string dati;

                        if ((rig.rig_scadenza != null) && (rig.rig_scadenza.Value.Year > 1900))
                            dati = string.Format("Lotto {0} Scadenza {1:dd/MM/yyyy}", rig.rig_lotto.Trim(), rig.rig_scadenza);
                            dati = string.Format("Lotto {0}}", rig.rig_lotto.Trim());
                        str  = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{dati}^FS";
                        row += 3 * 8;

                    row += 1 * 8;

                var t = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(str);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task <bool> PrintDoc(Fatture doc, bool stprice, short copie = 1)
            var  result  = false;
            bool rewrite = false;

                _con = ConnectionBuilder.Current.Build(_printer);
                _prn = ZebraPrinterFactory.Current.GetInstance(_con);

                // Leggiamo le righe del documento
                string sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM fatrow2 WHERE rig_tipo = {0} AND rig_n_doc = {1}", doc.fat_tipo, doc.fat_n_doc);
                _riglist = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <FatRow>(sql);

                // Controlliamo che tutte le righe siano dello stesso fornitore
                int codfor = -1;
                if (doc.fat_tipo == (int)DocTipo.TIPO_DDT)
                    foreach (var rig in _riglist)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rig.rig_art))
                            sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM artanag WHERE ana_codice = {0} LIMIT 1", rig.rig_art.Trim().SqlQuote(false));
                            var ana = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <Artanag>(sql);

                            if (ana.Count > 0)
                                if (codfor == -1)
                                    codfor = ana[0].ana_for_abituale;
                                if (codfor != ana[0].ana_for_abituale)
                                    codfor = -1;
                    if (codfor == -1)
                        codfor = 0;

                    _codcli = "C.F. ";
                    _coddst = "C.C. ";
                    sql     = String.Format("SELECT * FROM agganci1 WHERE agg_forn = {0} AND agg_cli = {1} AND agg_dst = {2} LIMIT 1", codfor, doc.fat_inte, 0);
                    var agg = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <Agganci>(sql);

                    if (agg.Count > 0)
                        _codcli = _codcli + agg[0].agg_codice;
                        _coddst = _coddst + agg[0].agg_codice;
                    sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM agganci1 WHERE agg_forn = {0} AND agg_cli = {1} AND agg_dst = {2} LIMIT 1", codfor, doc.fat_inte, doc.fat_dest);
                    agg = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <Agganci>(sql);

                    if (agg.Count > 0)
                        _coddst = "C.C. " + agg[0].agg_codice;
                    _codcli = _codcli.Trim();
                    _coddst = _coddst.Trim();
                    if (_codcli == "C.F.")
                        _codcli = "";
                    if (_coddst == "C.C.")
                        _coddst = "";

                    _codocr = "";
                    if (doc.fat_tipo_ven == (int)DocTipoVen.VEN_TRASFERT && codfor != 0)
                        sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM fornito1 WHERE for_codice = {0} LIMIT 1", codfor);
                        var forList = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <Fornitori>(sql);

                        if (forList.Count > 0 && forList[0].for_nota != 0)
                            sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM descriz1 WHERE des_codice = {0} LIMIT 1", forList[0].for_nota);
                            var desList = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <Descrizioni>(sql);

                            if (desList.Count > 0)
                                desList[0].des_newdes = desList[0].des_newdes.Trim();
                                doc.fat_n_from        = forList[0].for_codice;
                                if (desList[0].des_newdes.Length < 130)
                                    doc.fat_annotaz = desList[0].des_newdes;
                                    doc.fat_annotaz = desList[0].des_newdes.Substring(0, 129);
                                    if (desList[0].des_newdes.Length > 130)
                                        doc.fat_desc_varie_0 = desList[0].des_newdes.Substring(130, desList[0].des_newdes.Length >= 260 ? 259 : desList[0].des_newdes.Length - 1);
                                    if (desList[0].des_newdes.Length > 260)
                                        doc.fat_desc_varie_1 = desList[0].des_newdes.Substring(260, desList[0].des_newdes.Length >= 390 ? 389 : desList[0].des_newdes.Length - 1);
                                    if (desList[0].des_newdes.Length > 390)
                                        doc.fat_desc_varie_2 = desList[0].des_newdes.Substring(390, desList[0].des_newdes.Length - 1);
                                doc.fat_annotaz      = doc.fat_annotaz.Trim();
                                doc.fat_desc_varie_0 = doc.fat_desc_varie_0.Trim();
                                doc.fat_desc_varie_1 = doc.fat_desc_varie_1.Trim();
                                doc.fat_desc_varie_2 = doc.fat_desc_varie_2.Trim();
                                rewrite = true;
                        if (codfor == 1L)                         // NESTLE
                            int ocr = 0;
                            _codocr = string.Format("<{0}{1}{2:00}", RsaUtils.GetShowedNumDoc(doc.fat_n_doc), doc.fat_registro, 1);
                            for (int y = 1; y < _codocr.Length; y++)
                                ocr += _codocr[y] * y;
                            ocr     = ocr % 93;
                            _codocr = _codocr + $"{ocr:00}>";

                if (rewrite)
                    await dbcon_.UpdateAsync(doc);

                _mod_len = CalcLength(stprice) > _mod_len?CalcLength(stprice) : _mod_len;

                for (short idx = 0; idx < copie; idx++)
                    int row = 0;

                    row = await PrintDocHeaderAsync(doc, row, stprice);

                    row = await PrintDocBodyAsync(doc, row, stprice);

                    row = await PrintDocFooterAsync(doc, row, stprice);
                result = true;
            catch (ZebraExceptions ex)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if ((_con != null) && (_con.IsConnected))
                _con = null;
                _prn = null;

Exemplo n.º 16
        // Lunghezza piede 55 mm
        public async Task <int> PrintDocFooterAsync(Fatture doc, int row, bool stprice)
            string    num = "";
            string    str = "";
            Pagamenti pag = null;

            if (doc.fat_pag != 0)
                pag = await dbcon_.GetAsync <Pagamenti>(doc.fat_pag);

            if ((row + 55 * 8) < _mod_len)
                row = _mod_len - 55 * 8;

            // Disegniamo il Box
            int col = 0;

            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB800,{40 * 8},2^FS";

            // Disegniamo la linea
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 30 * 8}" + $"^GB800,1,2^FS";

            // Stampiamo il codice del pagamento
            col = 1;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 31 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDCod. Pag.^FS";

            if (pag != null)
                col = 2 * 8;
                num = string.Format("{0,5}", doc.fat_pag);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 35 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{7 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

            // Stampiamo la Linea Vericale
            col = 10 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 30 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{10 * 8},2^FS";

            col = 11 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 31 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDDes. Pag.^FS";

            if (pag != null)
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 35 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{pag.pag_desc.Trim()}^FS";

            // Stampiamo la Linea Vericale
            col = 57 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 30 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{10 * 8},2^FS";

            col = 58 * 8;
            str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 31 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDFirma per Accettazione di Quanto Sopra^FS";

            if (doc.fat_tipo == (int)DocTipo.TIPO_FAT)
                col = 35 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 41 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDCONTRIBUTO CONAI ASSOLTO^FS";

            if (doc.fat_tipo != (int)DocTipo.TIPO_DDT)
                // Prima Riga Totali Fattura

                col = 0;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 7 * 8}" + $"^GB800,1,2^FS";

                col = 20 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Sconto

                col = 30 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Totale Netto

                col = 50 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Trasporto Imballo

                col = 66 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Varie

                col = 83 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Incasso Effetti

                col = 1 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDTotale Merce^FS";

                col = 21 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDSconto %^FS";

                col = 31 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDTotale Netto^FS";

                col = 51 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDTrasp. Imballo^FS";

                col = 67 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDVarie^FS";

                col = 84 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDInc. Effetti^FS";

                col = 2 * 8;
                num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_tot_merce);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{17 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (!doc.fat_sconto.TestIfZero(2))
                    col = 22 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:0.00}", doc.fat_sconto);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{7 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                col = 32 * 8;
                num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_tot_netto);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{17 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (!doc.fat_imballo.TestIfZero(2))
                    col = 52 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_imballo);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{13 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (!doc.fat_varie.TestIfZero(2))
                    col = 68 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_varie);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{14 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (!doc.fat_inc_eff.TestIfZero(2))
                    col = 85 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_inc_eff);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{13 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                // Castelletto IVA
                col = 2 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 8 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDCod.^FS";

                col = 11 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 8 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDImponibile^FS";

                col = 25 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 8 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDDescrizione^FS";

                col = 53 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 8 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDImposta^FS";

                col = 0;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 10 * 8}" + $"^GB{66 * 8},1,2^FS";

                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 23 * 8}" + $"^GB800,1,2^FS";

                col = 7 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 7 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{16 * 8},2^FS";                  // Codice Iva

                col = 24 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 7 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{16 * 8},2^FS";                  // Imponibile

                col = 49 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 7 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{16 * 8},2^FS";                  // Descrizione

                col = 66 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 7 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{16 * 8},2^FS";                  // Imposta

                col = 1 * 8;
                num = string.Format("{0:#}", doc.fat_cod_iva_0);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 11 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{5 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                num = string.Format("{0:#}", doc.fat_cod_iva_1);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 14 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{5 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                num = string.Format("{0:#}", doc.fat_cod_iva_2);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 17 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{5 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                num = string.Format("{0:#}", doc.fat_cod_iva_3);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 20 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{5 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                col = 8 * 8;
                if (doc.fat_cod_iva_0 != 0)
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_ripartizione_0 + doc.fat_importo_0);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 11 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{15 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (doc.fat_cod_iva_1 != 0)
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_ripartizione_1 + doc.fat_importo_1);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 14 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{15 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (doc.fat_cod_iva_2 != 0)
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_ripartizione_2 + doc.fat_importo_2);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 17 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{15 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (doc.fat_cod_iva_3 != 0)
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_ripartizione_3 + doc.fat_importo_3);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 20 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{15 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                col = 25 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 11 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{23 * 8},1,0,L,0^FD{doc.fat_desc_iva_0.Trim()}^FS";
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 14 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{23 * 8},1,0,L,0^FD{doc.fat_desc_iva_1.Trim()}^FS";
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 17 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{23 * 8},1,0,L,0^FD{doc.fat_desc_iva_2.Trim()}^FS";
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 20 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{23 * 8},1,0,L,0^FD{doc.fat_desc_iva_3.Trim()}^FS";

                col = 50 * 8;
                if (doc.fat_cod_iva_0 != 0)
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_importo_iva_0);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 11 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{15 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (doc.fat_cod_iva_1 != 0)
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_importo_iva_1);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 14 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{15 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (doc.fat_cod_iva_2 != 0)
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_importo_iva_2);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 17 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{15 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (doc.fat_cod_iva_3 != 0)
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_importo_iva_3);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 20 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{15 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                // Ultima riga totali
                col = 1 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 24 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDTot. Imponibile^FS";

                col = 17 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 24 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDTot. IVA^FS";

                col = 33 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 24 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDTot. Bolli Eff.^FS";

                col = 49 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 24 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDAcconto^FS";

                col = 65 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 24 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDAbbuoni^FS";

                col = 81 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 24 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDTotale da Pagare^FS";

                // Tracciamo le linee verticali
                col = 16 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 23 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Totale Iva

                col = 32 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 23 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Totale Bolli Effetti

                col = 48 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 23 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Anticipo

                col = 64 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 23 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Abbuoni

                col = 80 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 23 * 8}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";                  // Totale da Pagare

                // Stampiamo i Valori

                col = 2 * 8;
                num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_totale_imponibile);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 27 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{13 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                col = 17 * 8;
                num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_tot_iva);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 27 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{14 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (!doc.fat_bolli_eff.TestIfZero(2))
                    col = 33 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_bolli_eff);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 27 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{14 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (!doc.fat_anticipo.TestIfZero(2))
                    col = 49 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_anticipo);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 27 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{14 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                if (!doc.fat_abbuoni.TestIfZero(2))
                    col = 65 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_abbuoni);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 27 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{14 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                col = 81 * 8;
                num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_tot_pagare);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 27 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FB{16 * 8},1,0,R,0^FD{num}^FS";

                // Scriviamo il Totale
                col = 66 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 10 * 8}" + "^A0,N,25,25" + $"^FB{34 * 8},1,0,C,0^FDTOTALE DOCUMENTO ^FS";

                col = 66 * 8;
                num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_tot_fattura);
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 16 * 8}" + "^A0,N,35,35" + $"^FB{34 * 8},1,0,C,0^FD{num}^FS";
            else              // DDT
                Trasporti tra = null;
                if (doc.fat_tra != 0)
                    tra = await dbcon_.GetAsync <Trasporti>(doc.fat_tra);

                if (stprice)
                    col = 1 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDCausale Trasporto^FS";

                    col = 60 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDColli^FS";

                    col = 75 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDTOTALE DOCUMENTO^FS";

                    col = 59 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";

                    col = 74 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";
                    col = 1 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDCausale Trasporto^FS";

                    col = 84 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 1 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDColli^FS";

                    col = 83 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row}" + $"^GB1,{7 * 8},2^FS";

                col = 0;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 7 * 8}" + $"^GB800,1,2^FS";

                col = 1 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 8 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDAnnotazioni^FS";

                if (tra != null)
                    col = 2 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{tra.tra_desc}^FS";

                if (stprice)
                    col = 60 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0,5:#######}", doc.fat_colli);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{num}^FS";

                    col = 75 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0,5:#######}", doc.fat_colli);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{num}^FS";

                    col = 75 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00}", doc.fat_tot_fattura);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,28,28" + $"^FB{23 * 8},1,0,C,0^FD{num}^FS";
                    col = 84 * 8;
                    num = string.Format("{0,5:#######}", doc.fat_colli);
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 4 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{num}^FS";

                col = 2 * 8;
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 11 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{doc.fat_annotaz}^FS";
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 14 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{doc.fat_desc_varie_0}^FS";
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 17 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{doc.fat_desc_varie_1}^FS";
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 20 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{doc.fat_desc_varie_2}^FS";
                str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 23 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FD{doc.fat_desc_varie_3}^FS";

                // VEN_CARICO    4
                // VEN_RIMANENZA 5
                if ((doc.fat_tipo_ven != 4) && (doc.fat_tipo_ven != 5))
                    col = 64 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 27 * 8}" + "^A0,N,23,23" + $"^FDSEGUE REGOLARE FATTURA^FS";

            if ((doc.fat_tipo == (int)DocTipo.TIPO_FAT) || (doc.fat_tipo == (int)DocTipo.TIPO_DDT))
                if (pag.pag_nota_alimentari)
                    col = 20 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 44 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDAssolve agli obblighi di cui all' art. 62 co. 1 D.L 24/1/2012 n. 1^FS";

                    col = 23 * 8;
                    str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 47 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDconvertito con modificazioni dalla legge 24/3/2012 n. 27^FS";

                    col = 20 * 8;
                    if (doc.fat_tipo == (int)DocTipo.TIPO_FAT)
                        str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 50 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDLa durata del rapporto commerciale si riferisce alla singola fattura^FS";
                        str = str + $"^FO{col},{row + 50 * 8}" + "^A0,N,19,19" + $"^FDLa durata del rapporto commerciale si riferisce al singolo documento^FS";

            str = str + "^XZ";
            var t = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(str);


            str = "^XA" +                       // Inizializziamo la stampa
                  "^PW800" +                    // Settiamo la Larghezza
                  "^MNN" +                      // Settiamo la stampa in continuos mode
                  "^LH0,0" +                    // Settiamo la posizione Iniziale
                  "^LL80" +                     // Settiamo la posizione Iniziale

            t = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(str);

Exemplo n.º 17
        async void OnAggiungiClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            var       fat = new Fatture();
            LocalImpo lim = null;
            Agenti    age = null;

            SQLiteAsyncConnection dbcon_ = DependencyService.Get <ISQLiteDb>().GetConnection();

            busyIndicator.IsBusy = true;

            // Leggiamo le impostazioni
                lim = await dbcon_.GetAsync <LocalImpo>(1);
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", "Impostazioni locali non trovate!\nRiavviare l'App.", "OK");


            if (!lim.data_download)
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", "Dati non presenti sul dispositivo!\nPer procedere è necessario scaricare i dati dal server.", "OK");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lim.registro))
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", "Registro non impostato!\nPer inserire documenti è necessario fare le impostazioni iniziali.", "OK");

            if (lim.age == 0)
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", "Agente non impostato!\nPer inserire documenti è necessario fare le impostazioni iniziali.", "OK");

            if (lim.dep == 0)
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", "Deposito non impostato!\nPer inserire documenti è necessario fare le impostazioni iniziali.", "OK");


            // Leggiamo i dati dell' agente
                age = await dbcon_.GetAsync <Agenti>(lim.age);
                busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", "L' Agente impostato non è presente in archivio!", "OK");


            bool nuova = true;

            // Inizializziamo il documento
            fat.fat_n_doc     = 1;
            fat.fat_tipo      = (short)tipo_;
            fat.fat_registro  = lim.registro;
            fat.fat_d_doc     = DateTime.Now;
            fat.fat_editable  = true;
            fat.fat_local_doc = true;
            fat.fat_age       = lim.age;

                fat.fat_n_doc = 1;
                var sql  = string.Format("SELECT * FROM fatture2 WHERE fat_tipo = {0} AND fat_n_doc > {1} AND fat_n_doc <= {2} ORDER BY fat_n_doc DESC LIMIT 1", (short)tipo_, RsaUtils.GetFirstRegNumber(lim.registro), RsaUtils.GetLastRegNumber(lim.registro));
                var list = await dbcon_.QueryAsync <Fatture>(sql);

                foreach (var doc in list)
                    fat.fat_n_doc += doc.fat_n_doc;
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", ex.Message, "OK");

            var page = new DocumentiEdit(ref fat, ref nuova);
            await Navigation.PushAsync(page);

            busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;