Exemplo n.º 1
    void RunFPBenchmark()
        long testA, testB;

        if (spawnedObjects == null)
            spawnedObjects = new GameObject[times];

        sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

        for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
            spawnedObjects[i] = FastPoolManager.GetPool(sourcePrefab, true).FastInstantiate();
        testA = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

        for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
            FastPoolManager.GetPool(sourcePrefab, false).FastDestroy(spawnedObjects[i]);
        testB = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

        Results.text = string.Format("FastInstantiating 1000 cubes: {0}ms\r\nFastDestroying 1000 cubes: {1}ms", testA, testB);
Exemplo n.º 2
    private void setBulletPool()
        if (bullets == null)
            bullets = new List <GameObject>();

        switch (GameGlobalVariables.Instance.currentBulletType)
        case GameGlobalVariables.PlayerBulletType.BULLET_FORK:
            bulletPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.bulletType.bulletForkID, null, false);

        case GameGlobalVariables.PlayerBulletType.BULLET_KNIFE:
            bulletPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.bulletType.bulletKnifeID, null, false);

        case GameGlobalVariables.PlayerBulletType.BULLET_MIXER:
            bulletPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.bulletType.bulletMixerID, null, false);

        case GameGlobalVariables.PlayerBulletType.BULLET_CUTTER:
            bulletPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.bulletType.bulletCutterID, null, false);
        //print("Setting Bullet pool: " + GameGlobalVariables.Instance.currentBulletType.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Use this for initialization
    protected override void Start()
        Time.timeScale = 1;

        powerupWeaponPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.gamePowerupType.powerupWeaponID, null, false);

Exemplo n.º 4
    void Start()
        hugeObjectsArray = new GameObject[1000];

        //Create a new pool for our sampleGameObject clones and let him to preload 1000 clones
        fastPool = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(sampleGameObject, true, 1000);

        //Or you may don't use the FastPoolManager and create and manage pool by yourself.
        //If you make your FastPool variable public - it will be visible at the inspector
        //with the same UI as in the FastPoolManager. Look "Without Manager" example for details.
        //fastPool = new FastPool(sampleGameObject, null, true, 1000);
Exemplo n.º 5
    IEnumerator Despawn(float despawn_delay)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(despawn_delay));


        if (FastPoolManager.Instance != null)
            FastPoolManager.GetPool(targetPoolID, gameObject, true).FastDestroy(gameObject);
            Debug.LogError("FastPoolManager is not present in the scene or being disabled! AutoDespawn will not working on GameObject " + name);
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void DestroyObjects()
        //lets despawn our 1000 objects
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            //Get the pool for our source game object.
            //If it's not exists - it will be created automatically with default settings.
            //Note that you must always provide the SOURCE game object and NOT a clone!
            FastPool fastPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject);

            //Cache our clone.

            //Or you can do it all in one line:
            //  FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject).FastDestroy(hugeObjectsArray[i]);
Exemplo n.º 7
    public void Spawn()
        //lets spawn 1000 objects
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            //First of all we need to get the pool for our source game object.
            //If it's not exists - it will be created automatically with default settings.
            //Note that you must always provide the SOURCE game object and NOT a clone!
            FastPool fastPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject);

            //Just spawn a clone and remember it.
            //If pool has cached objects - it will quickly activate it instead of instantiating a new one.
            hugeObjectsArray[i] = fastPool.FastInstantiate();

            //Or you can do it all in one line:
            //  hugeObjectsArray[i] = FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject).FastInstantiate();
Exemplo n.º 8
    public void DestroyObjects()
        //lets despawn our 1000 objects
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            //Get the pool for our custom pool ID.
            //If pool for this id does not exist and you want it will be created automatically - then provide the sourcePrefab
            //and set "createIfNotExists" to true.
            //Otherwise you can set prefab parameter as null (in this case "createIfNotExists" must be false)
            FastPool fastPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(1, null, false);

            //Cache our clone.

            //Or you can do it all in one line:
            //  FastPoolManager.GetPool(1, null, false).FastDestroy(hugeObjectsArray[i]);
Exemplo n.º 9
    public void Spawn()
        //lets spawn 1000 objects
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            //First of all we need to get the pool for our custom pool ID.
            //If pool for this id does not exist and you want it will be created automatically - then provide the sourcePrefab
            //and set "createIfNotExists" to true.
            //Otherwise you can set prefab parameter as null (in this case "createIfNotExists" must be false)
            FastPool fastPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(1, null, false);

            //Just spawn a clone and remember it.
            //If pool has cached objects - it will quickly activate it instead of instantiating a new one.
            hugeObjectsArray[i] = fastPool.FastInstantiate();

            //Or you can do it all in one line:
            //  hugeObjectsArray[i] = FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject).FastInstantiate();
Exemplo n.º 10
 void OnEnable()
     pools = serializedObject.FindProperty("predefinedPools");
     fpm   = (FastPoolManager)target;
Exemplo n.º 11
 void OnEnable()
     pools = serializedObject.FindProperty("predefinedPools");
     fpm = (FastPoolManager)target;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void initDictionary()
            if (!inited)
                coinsPool[BallColor.White]  = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin1Prefab);
                coinsPool[BallColor.Black]  = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin2Prefab);
                coinsPool[BallColor.Red]    = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin5Prefab);
                coinsPool[BallColor.Green]  = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin10Prefab);
                coinsPool[BallColor.Blue]   = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin20Prefab);
                coinsPool[BallColor.Yellow] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin50Prefab);
                coinsPool[BallColor.Aqua]   = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin100Prefab);

                foreach (GameObject o in BonusPrefabs)
                    BaseBonus e = o.GetComponent <BaseBonus>();
                    ballTypesPool[e.BonusType] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(o);

                foreach (GameObject o in EffectsPrefabs)
                    effectsPool[o.name] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(o);
                lightningPool = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(LightningPrefab);

                ColorFigureSprites = new Dictionary <BallColor, Sprite>();
                ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Black]  = Black;
                ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.White]  = White;
                ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Green]  = Green;
                ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Aqua]   = Aqua;
                ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Red]    = Red;
                ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Blue]   = Blue;
                ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Yellow] = Yellow;

                BallTypeSprites = new Dictionary <BallType, Sprite>();
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Simple]    = Simple;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Chameleon] = Chameleon;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Freeze]    = Freeze;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Brush]     = Brush;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Bomb]      = Bomb;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Lightning] = Lightning;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Anchored]  = Anchored;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Anchor]    = Anchor;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Aim]       = Aim;

                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Bubble]  = Bubble;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Frozen]  = Frozen;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Crashed] = Crashed;
                BallTypeSprites[BallType.Rust]    = Rust;

                BallColors = new Dictionary <BallColor, Color32>();
                BallColors[BallColor.White]  = WhiteColor;
                BallColors[BallColor.Black]  = BlackColor;
                BallColors[BallColor.Green]  = GreenColor;
                BallColors[BallColor.Aqua]   = AquaColor;
                BallColors[BallColor.Red]    = RedColor;
                BallColors[BallColor.Blue]   = BlueColor;
                BallColors[BallColor.Yellow] = YellowColor;
                BallColors[BallColor.None]   = Color.white;

                BallsPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(BallPrefab);

                colors    = new BallColor[8];
                colors[0] = BallColor.White;
                colors[1] = BallColor.Black;
                colors[2] = BallColor.Green;
                colors[3] = BallColor.Aqua;
                colors[4] = BallColor.Red;
                colors[5] = BallColor.Blue;
                colors[6] = BallColor.Yellow;
                inited    = true;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static GameObject FastInstantiate(this GameObject sourcePrefab, int poolID, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parentTransform = null)
     return(FastPoolManager.GetPool(poolID, sourcePrefab, true).FastInstantiate(position, rotation, parentTransform));
Exemplo n.º 14
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     powerupType = GameGlobalVariables.PowerupType.POWERUP_WEAPON;
     powerupPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.gamePowerupType.powerupWeaponID, null, false);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static void FastDestroy(this GameObject objectToDestroy, Component sourcePrefab)
     FastPoolManager.GetPool(sourcePrefab, true).FastDestroy(objectToDestroy);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static GameObject FastInstantiate(this GameObject sourcePrefab, Transform parentTransform = null)
     return(FastPoolManager.GetPool(sourcePrefab, true).FastInstantiate(parentTransform));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static void FastDestroy(this GameObject objectToDestroy, int poolID)
     FastPoolManager.GetPool(poolID, null, false).FastDestroy(objectToDestroy);