Exemplo n.º 1
 private Complex postFixedOperatorEvaluator(List<Complex> values, string tokenString)
     //TODO: Solve these problems in cases that cannot be evaluated numerically.
     //Possibly extend the Value type for non-numerical evaluation.
     Factors factors;
     Complex returnVal = values.Last();
     List<int> listOfFactors = new List<int>();
     if (tokenString == "!") {
         if (values.Count() > 1)
             throw new Exception("suffix notation can only have one child");
         for (int i = 2; i < returnVal.Real + 1; i++) {
         factors = new Factors(listOfFactors);
         return returnVal.Factorial();
     for (int i = values.Count() - 2; i >= 0; i--)
         switch (tokenString) {
         case "+":
             returnVal += values[i];
         case "-":
             returnVal -= values[i];
         case "*":
             returnVal *= values[i];
             //TODO: Combine factors into a new factors list so the result doesn't need to be factored
         case "/":
             returnVal /= values[i];
         case "%":
             returnVal = returnVal.Modulus(values[i]);
         case "^":
             if (values.Count() > 2)
                 throw new Exception("Can't have more than two parameters for the power method.");
             returnVal = MathNet.Numerics.ComplexExtensions.Power(returnVal, values[i]);
         case "Sum":
             returnVal += values[i];
             throw new Exception("unknown operator");
     if (returnVal == int.MinValue)
         throw new Exception("No evaluation happened");
     return returnVal;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves a system of linear equations, <c>AX = B</c>, with A LU factorized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The right hand side <see cref="Matrix{T}"/>, <c>B</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The left hand side <see cref="Matrix{T}"/>, <c>X</c>.</param>
        public override void Solve(Matrix <double> input, Matrix <double> result)
            // Check for proper arguments.
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(result));

            // Check for proper dimensions.
            if (result.RowCount != input.RowCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSameRowDimension);

            if (result.ColumnCount != input.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSameColumnDimension);

            if (input.RowCount != Factors.RowCount)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch <ArgumentException>(input, Factors);

            // Copy the contents of input to result.
            for (var i = 0; i < Pivots.Length; i++)
                if (Pivots[i] == i)

                var p = Pivots[i];
                for (var j = 0; j < result.ColumnCount; j++)
                    var temp = result.At(p, j);
                    result.At(p, j, result.At(i, j));
                    result.At(i, j, temp);

            var order = Factors.RowCount;

            // Solve L*Y = P*B
            for (var k = 0; k < order; k++)
                for (var i = k + 1; i < order; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < result.ColumnCount; j++)
                        var temp = result.At(k, j) * Factors.At(i, k);
                        result.At(i, j, result.At(i, j) - temp);

            // Solve U*X = Y;
            for (var k = order - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                for (var j = 0; j < result.ColumnCount; j++)
                    result.At(k, j, (result.At(k, j) / Factors.At(k, k)));

                for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < result.ColumnCount; j++)
                        var temp = result.At(k, j) * Factors.At(i, k);
                        result.At(i, j, result.At(i, j) - temp);
Exemplo n.º 3
        //Calcuation Controller Action
        public void CalculateAction(List<CategoryViewModel> jCategory)
            foreach (var group in jCategory)
                foreach (var item in group.Functions)
                    if (item.Function == "Input")
                        item.Output = InputFunctions.Output(item.Type, item.Output);
                        OutputList.Add(new OutputList { ID = Convert.ToString(item.ID), Field = item.Name, Value = item.Output, Group = group.Name });
                        //Logic check at Column Level
                        string colLogic = null;
                        bool colLogicParse = true;
                        if(group.Logic != null)
                            foreach (var bit in group.Logic)
                                var grouplastLogic = group.Logic.Last();
                                string grouplastLogicOperator = grouplastLogic.Operator;
                                Logic Logic = new Logic();
                                colLogic = Logic.Output(jCategory, bit, group.ID, 0);
                                Expression ex = new Expression(colLogic);
                                    colLogicParse = Convert.ToBoolean(ex.Evaluate());
                                catch (Exception exception)
                                    throw new HttpException(exception.ToString());

                                if (grouplastLogicOperator == "AND" && colLogicParse == false)
                                else if (grouplastLogicOperator == "OR" && colLogicParse == true)
                                    colLogicParse = true;

                        if (item.Parameter.Count > 0)
                            string logic = null;
                            bool logicparse = true;
                            string MathString = null;
                            bool PowOpen = false;
                            //Logic check at column level
                            if (colLogicParse == true)
                                foreach (var bit in item.Logic)
                                    var lastLogic = item.Logic.Last();
                                    string lastLogicOperator = lastLogic.Operator;
                                    Logic Logic = new Logic();
                                    logic = Logic.Output(jCategory, bit, group.ID, item.ID);
                                    Expression ex = new Expression(logic);

                                        logicparse = Convert.ToBoolean(ex.Evaluate());
                                    catch (Exception exception)
                                        throw new HttpException(exception.ToString());

                                    if (lastLogicOperator == "AND" && logicparse == false)
                                    else if (lastLogicOperator == "OR" && logicparse == true)
                                        logicparse = true;

                                logicparse = false;
                            //Run code if logic if met at column and row level
                            if (logicparse == true)
                                int paramCount = 1;
                                foreach (var param in item.Parameter)
                                    string jparameters = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(param);
                                    logger.Debug("Column Name(" + group.ID + ") - " + group.Name + " || Row Name(" + item.ID +") - " + item.Name);
                                    if (item.Function == "Maths")
                                        Maths Maths = new Maths();
                                        Maths parameters = (Maths)javaScriptSerializ­er.Deserialize(jparameters, typeof(Maths));
                                        MathString = Maths.Output(jparameters,jCategory,group.ID,item.ID,MathString,PowOpen);
                                        PowOpen = Maths.PowOpen(jparameters, PowOpen);
                                        if (paramCount == item.Parameter.Count)
                                            Expression e = new Expression(MathString);
                                            var Calculation = e.Evaluate();
                                            bool DeciParse;
                                            decimal CalculationDeci;
                                            string Rounding;
                                            DeciParse = decimal.TryParse(Convert.ToString(Calculation), out CalculationDeci);
                                            Rounding = Convert.ToString(parameters.Rounding);

                                            if (Rounding == null || Rounding == "")
                                                Rounding = "2";
                                            if (DeciParse == true)
                                                decimal Output = CalculationDeci;
                                                MathematicalFunctions MathematicalFunctions = new MathematicalFunctions();

                                                    Output = MathematicalFunctions.Rounding(Convert.ToString(parameters.RoundingType), Rounding, Output);
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    throw new HttpException(ex.ToString());

                                                item.Output = Convert.ToString(Output);
                                                item.Output = "0";
                                        paramCount = paramCount + 1;
                                    else if (item.Function == "ErrorsWarnings")
                                        ErrorsWarnings Errors = new ErrorsWarnings();
                                        ErrorsWarnings parameters = (ErrorsWarnings)javaScriptSerializ­er.Deserialize(jparameters, typeof(ErrorsWarnings));
                                        item.Name = parameters.Type;
                                        item.Output = parameters.String1;
                                    else if (item.Function == "Comments")
                                        Comments Errors = new Comments();
                                        Comments parameters = (Comments)javaScriptSerializ­er.Deserialize(jparameters, typeof(Comments));
                                        item.Output = parameters.String1;
                                    else if (item.Function == "Period")
                                        DateFunctions DateFunctions = new DateFunctions();
                                        Period Periods = new Period();
                                            item.Output = Periods.Output(jparameters, jCategory, group.ID, item.ID);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            throw new HttpException(ex.ToString());
                                    else if (item.Function == "Factors")
                                        Factors Factors = new Factors();
                                        Factors parameters = (Factors)javaScriptSerializ­er.Deserialize(jparameters, typeof(Factors));
                                            item.Output = Factors.Output(jparameters, jCategory, group.ID, item.ID);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            throw new HttpException(ex.ToString());

                                        item.Type = parameters.OutputType;
                                    else if (item.Function == "DateAdjustment")
                                        Dates Dates = new Dates();
                                            item.Output = Dates.Output(jparameters, jCategory, group.ID, item.ID);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            throw new HttpException(ex.ToString());
                                    else if (item.Function == "DatePart")
                                        DatePart DateParts = new DatePart();
                                            item.Output = DateParts.Output(jparameters, jCategory, group.ID, item.ID);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            throw new HttpException(ex.ToString());

                                    else if (item.Function == "MathsFunctions")
                                        MathsFunctions MathsFunctions = new MathsFunctions();
                                            item.Output = MathsFunctions.Output(jparameters, jCategory, group.ID, item.ID);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            throw new HttpException(ex.ToString());
                                    else if (item.Function == "ArrayFunctions")
                                        ArrayFunctions ArrayFunctions = new ArrayFunctions();
                                        ArrayFunctions parameters = (ArrayFunctions)javaScriptSerializ­er.Deserialize(jparameters, typeof(ArrayFunctions));
                                            item.Output = ArrayFunctions.Output(jparameters, jCategory, group.ID, item.ID);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            throw new HttpException(ex.ToString());

                                        if(parameters.Function == "Count")
                                            item.Type = "Decimal";
                                            item.Type = parameters.LookupType;

                                    else if (item.Function == "StringFunctions")
                                        StringFunctions StringFunctions = new StringFunctions();
                                        StringFunctions  parameters = (StringFunctions)javaScriptSerializ­er.Deserialize(jparameters, typeof(StringFunctions));
                                            item.Output = StringFunctions.Output(jparameters, jCategory, group.ID, item.ID);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            throw new HttpException(ex.ToString());

                                        if(parameters.Type == "Len")
                                            item.Type = "Decimal";
                                            item.Type = "String";
                                //Expected results on the builder this sets the required ones
                                if (item.ExpectedResult == null || item.ExpectedResult == "")
                                    item.Pass = "******";
                                else if (item.ExpectedResult == item.Output)
                                    item.Pass = "******";
                                    item.Pass = "******";
                                OutputList.Add(new OutputList { ID = Convert.ToString(item.ID), Field = item.Name, Value = item.Output, Group = group.Name });
                                //Ignores the row if logic is not met
                                dynamic LogicReplace = Config.VariableReplace(jCategory, item.Name, group.ID, item.ID);

                                if(Convert.ToString(LogicReplace) == Convert.ToString(item.Name))
                                    item.Output = null;
                                    item.Output = Convert.ToString(LogicReplace);
                                item.Pass = "******";

                                OutputList.Add(new OutputList { ID = Convert.ToString(item.ID), Field = item.Name, Value = item.Output, Group = group.Name });
Exemplo n.º 4
        private string DoCalculation(string[] attribute)
            #region Factors
            if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.Factors)
                return(Factors.ShowFactors(ExtractValue <int>(attribute[0]),
                                           ExtractValue <double>(attribute[1])));

            #region Future Value
            else if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.FutureValue)
                switch (spinner[1])
                case (int)Interest.IntrestType.Simple:
                    return(Interest.FutureValue.SimpleInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                               ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                               ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2])));

                case (int)Interest.IntrestType.Discursive:
                    if (spaces == 2)
                        return(Interest.FutureValue.CDiscursiveInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                        ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                        ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2])));
                    else if (spaces == 4)
                        return(Interest.FutureValue.CDiscursiveInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                        ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                        ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2]),
                                                                        ExtractValue <double>(attribute[3]),
                                                                        (Interest.InterestPeriods)ExtractValue <int>(attribute[4])));

                case (int)Interest.IntrestType.Anticipative:
                    if (spaces == 2)
                        return(Interest.FutureValue.CAnticipativeInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                          ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                          ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2])));
                    else if (spaces == 4)
                        return(Interest.FutureValue.CAnticipativeInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                          ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                          ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2]),
                                                                          ExtractValue <double>(attribute[3]),
                                                                          (Interest.InterestPeriods)ExtractValue <int>(attribute[4])));

            #region Present Value
            else if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.PresentValue)
                switch (spinner[1])
                case (int)Interest.IntrestType.Simple:
                    return(Interest.PresentValue.SimpleInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2])));

                case (int)Interest.IntrestType.Discursive:
                    if (spaces == 2)
                        return(Interest.PresentValue.CDiscursiveInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                         ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                         ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2])));
                    else if (spaces == 4)
                        return(Interest.PresentValue.CDiscursiveInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                         ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                         ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2]),
                                                                         ExtractValue <double>(attribute[3]),
                                                                         (Interest.InterestPeriods)ExtractValue <int>(attribute[4])));

                case (int)Interest.IntrestType.Anticipative:
                    if (spaces == 2)
                        return(Interest.PresentValue.CAnticipativeInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                           ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                           ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2])));
                    else if (spaces == 4)
                        return(Interest.PresentValue.CAnticipativeInterest(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                           ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                           ExtractValue <double>(attribute[2]),
                                                                           ExtractValue <double>(attribute[3]),
                                                                           (Interest.InterestPeriods)ExtractValue <int>(attribute[4])));

            #region Effective Interest Rate
            else if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.EffectiveIR)
                return(Interest.EffectiveIR.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                      ExtractValue <double>(attribute[1]),
                                                      (Interest.InterestPeriods)ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2])));

            #region Rate of Return
            else if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.RateOfReturn)
                return(RateOfReturn.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                              ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1])));

            #region Risk
            else if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.Risk)
                switch (spinner[1])
                case (int)Risk.CalcType.ExpectedReturns:
                    return(Risk.ExpectedReturns.ER.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                             ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1])));

                case (int)Risk.CalcType.StandardDeviation:
                    return(Risk.StandardDeviation.sD.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                               ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                               (attribute[2] == "0") ? Risk.ExpectedReturns.ER.Value :
                                                               ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2])));             // if Expected Returns is equal to 0, the app will use Risk.ExpectedReturns.ER's data

                case (int)Risk.CalcType.VariationCoefficient:
                    return(Risk.VariationCoefficient.Calculate((attribute[0] == "0") ?
                                                               Risk.StandardDeviation.sD.Value :
                                                               ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                               (attribute[1] == "0") ? Risk.ExpectedReturns.ER.Value :
                                                               ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1])));

                case (int)Risk.CalcType.PortfolioCovariation:
                    return(Risk.PortfolioCovariation.PC.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[3]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[4])));

                case (int)Risk.CalcType.CorelationCoefficient:
                    return(Risk.CorelationCoefficient.CC.Calculate((attribute[0] == "0") ?
                                                                   Risk.PortfolioCovariation.PC.Value :
                                                                   ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                   ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                   ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2])));

                case (int)Risk.CalcType.PortfolioDeviation:
                    return(Risk.PortfolioDeviation.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                             ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                             ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]),
                                                             ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[3]),
                                                             (attribute[4] == "0") ? Risk.CorelationCoefficient.CC.Value :
                                                             ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[4])));

                case (int)Risk.CalcType.BetaCoefficient:
                    return(Risk.BetaCoefficient.Calculate((attribute[0] == "0") ?
                                                          Risk.PortfolioCovariation.PC.Value :
                                                          ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                          (attribute[1] == "0") ? (decimal)Math.Pow((double)Risk.StandardDeviation.sD.Value, 2) :
                                                          ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1])));

            #region Deprication
            else if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.Deprication)
                switch (spinner[1])
                case (int)Deprication.DepricationType.Linear:
                    if (spaces == 2)
                        return(Deprication.LinearDeprication.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                       ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                       ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2])));
                    if (spaces == 3)
                        return(Deprication.LinearDeprication.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                       ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                       ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2]),
                                                                       ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[3])));

                case (int)Deprication.DepricationType.DecreasingDeduction:
                    return(Deprication.DecreasingDeduction.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                     ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                     ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2]),
                                                                     ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[3])));

                case (int)Deprication.DepricationType.ComulativeMethod:
                    return(Deprication.ComulativeMethod.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2])));

                case (int)Deprication.DepricationType.EqualDegression:
                    return(Deprication.ComulativeMethod.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2])));

            #region Annuity
            else if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.Annuity)
                switch (spinner[1])
                case (int)Annuity.PresentOrFuture.Future:
                    return(spaces == 3 ?
                           Annuity.FutureValue.Calculate(ExtractValue <int>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]), ExtractValue <double>(attribute[3])) :
                           Annuity.FutureValue.Calculate(ExtractValue <int>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]), ExtractValue <double>(attribute[3]), ExtractValue <double>(attribute[4]), (Interest.InterestPeriods)ExtractValue <int>(attribute[5])));

                case (int)Annuity.PresentOrFuture.Present:
                    return(spaces == 3 ?
                           Annuity.PresentValue.Calculate(ExtractValue <int>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]), ExtractValue <double>(attribute[3])) :
                           Annuity.PresentValue.Calculate(ExtractValue <int>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]), ExtractValue <double>(attribute[3]), ExtractValue <double>(attribute[4]), (Interest.InterestPeriods)ExtractValue <int>(attribute[5])));

            #region Stock and Bond price
            else if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.StockAndBondPrices)
                switch (spinner[1])
                case (int)StockAndBondPrices.CalcType.BondYield:
                    return(attribute[2] == "1" ?
                           StockAndBondPrices.BondYield.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1])) :
                           StockAndBondPrices.BondYield.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2])));

                case (int)StockAndBondPrices.CalcType.PresentDiscountBondPrice:
                    return(StockAndBondPrices.PresentDiscountBondPrice.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]), ExtractValue <int>(attribute[3])));

                case (int)StockAndBondPrices.CalcType.CuponBondPrice:
                    return(StockAndBondPrices.CuponBondPrice.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]), ExtractValue <int>(attribute[3])));

                case (int)StockAndBondPrices.CalcType.PerpetuityPrice:
                    return(StockAndBondPrices.PerpetuityPrice.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), attribute.Length < 3 ? 0 : ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2])));

                case (int)StockAndBondPrices.CalcType.PreferredStockPrice:
                    return(StockAndBondPrices.PreferredStockPrice.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1])));

                case (int)StockAndBondPrices.CalcType.CommonSharePrice:
                    return(StockAndBondPrices.CommonSharePrice.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]), attribute.Length == 4 ? ExtractValue <int>(attribute[3]) : 0));

                case (int)StockAndBondPrices.CalcType.RateOfIncreasing:
                    return(StockAndBondPrices.RateOfIncreasing.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]), ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2])));

            #region Asset Investment
            else if (spinner[0] == (int)Calculate.AssetInvestment)
                switch (spinner[1])
                case (int)AssetInvestment.AssetValues.NetCashFlows:
                    return(AssetInvestment.NetCashFlows.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[2]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[3]),
                                                                  ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[4])));

                case (int)AssetInvestment.AssetValues.AverageIncomeNorm:
                    decimal[] netIncomeEA = new decimal[ExtractValue <int>(attribute[1])];

                    for (int i = 0; i < ExtractValue <int>(attribute[1]); i++)
                        netIncomeEA[i] = ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[i + 2]);

                    return(AssetInvestment.AverageIncomeNorm.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                       ExtractValue <int>(attribute[1]),

                case (int)AssetInvestment.AssetValues.NetPresentValue:
                    decimal[] cashFlowsEA = new decimal[ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2])];

                    for (int i = 0; i < ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2]); i++)
                        cashFlowsEA[i] = ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[i + 3]);

                    return(AssetInvestment.NetPresentValue.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                     ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                     ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2]),

                case (int)AssetInvestment.AssetValues.ProfitabilityIndex:
                    cashFlowsEA = new decimal[ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2])];

                    for (int i = 0; i < ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2]); i++)
                        cashFlowsEA[i] = ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[i + 3]);
                    return(AssetInvestment.ProfitabilityIndex.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                        ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                        ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2]),

                case (int)AssetInvestment.AssetValues.PaybackPeriod:
                    cashFlowsEA = new decimal[ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2])];

                    for (int i = 0; i < ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2]); i++)
                        cashFlowsEA[i] = ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[i + 3]);
                    return(AssetInvestment.PaybackPeriod.Calculate(ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[0]),
                                                                   ExtractValue <decimal>(attribute[1]),
                                                                   ExtractValue <int>(attribute[2]),
Exemplo n.º 5
 public string GetSolution()
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Get_Factorys_Of_1_Returns_1()
            var result = Factors.GetFactors(1).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserLU"/> class. This object will compute the
        /// LU factorization when the constructor is called and cache it's factorization.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The matrix to factor.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="matrix"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If <paramref name="matrix"/> is not a square matrix.</exception>
        public UserLU(Matrix <float> matrix)
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare);

            // Create an array for the pivot indices.
            var order = matrix.RowCount;

            Factors = matrix.Clone();
            Pivots  = new int[order];

            // Initialize the pivot matrix to the identity permutation.
            for (var i = 0; i < order; i++)
                Pivots[i] = i;

            var vectorLUcolj = new float[order];

            for (var j = 0; j < order; j++)
                // Make a copy of the j-th column to localize references.
                for (var i = 0; i < order; i++)
                    vectorLUcolj[i] = Factors.At(i, j);

                // Apply previous transformations.
                for (var i = 0; i < order; i++)
                    var kmax = Math.Min(i, j);
                    var s    = 0.0f;
                    for (var k = 0; k < kmax; k++)
                        s += Factors.At(i, k) * vectorLUcolj[k];

                    vectorLUcolj[i] -= s;
                    Factors.At(i, j, vectorLUcolj[i]);

                // Find pivot and exchange if necessary.
                var p = j;
                for (var i = j + 1; i < order; i++)
                    if (Math.Abs(vectorLUcolj[i]) > Math.Abs(vectorLUcolj[p]))
                        p = i;

                if (p != j)
                    for (var k = 0; k < order; k++)
                        var temp = Factors.At(p, k);
                        Factors.At(p, k, Factors.At(j, k));
                        Factors.At(j, k, temp);

                    Pivots[j] = p;

                // Compute multipliers.
                if (j < order & Factors.At(j, j) != 0.0)
                    for (var i = j + 1; i < order; i++)
                        Factors.At(i, j, (Factors.At(i, j) / Factors.At(j, j)));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void Dispose()
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void VerifyInitalization()
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void GetPrimeFactors_SupportedValueGiven_ReturnsCorrectSizeArray()
            int[] results = Factors.GetPrimeFactors(10);

            Assert.That(results.Length, Is.EqualTo(3));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void GetPrimeFactors_TooSmallValueGiven_ThrowsExeption()
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => Factors.GetPrimeFactors(0));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void GetPrimeFactors_SupportedValueGiven_ReturnsArrayOfFactors()
            int[] results = Factors.GetPrimeFactors(10);

            Assert.That(results, Is.EquivalentTo(new int[] { 1, 2, 5 }));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void GetAllFactors_SupportedValueGiven_ReturnsArrayOfFactors(int baseNumber, int[] expectedResult)
            int[] result = Factors.GetAllFactors(baseNumber);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EquivalentTo(expectedResult));
Exemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * The sequence of triangle numbers is generated by adding the natural numbers.
             * So the 7th triangle number would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28.
             * The first ten terms would be:
             * 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ...
             * Let us list the factors of the first seven triangle numbers:
             * 1: 1
             * 3: 1,3
             * 6: 1,2,3,6
             * 10: 1,2,5,10
             * 15: 1,3,5,15
             * 21: 1,3,7,21
             * 28: 1,2,4,7,14,28
             * We can see that 28 is the first triangle number to have over five divisors.
             * What is the value of the first triangle number to have over five hundred divisors?
             * Answer:	76576500
            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

            Console.WriteLine("Find the first Triangular Number with at least the specified number of divisors.");
            Console.Write("How many divisors do you want? ");
            int  divisorsWanted        = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            int  triangularNumber      = 3;
            int  triangularNumberValue = 0;
            bool hasRequiredDivisors   = false;
            int  mostDivisors          = 0;

            while (!hasRequiredDivisors)
                triangularNumberValue = TriangularNumbers.GetNthTriangular(triangularNumber);

                int divisors = Factors.GetAllFactors(triangularNumberValue).Length;

                if (divisors > mostDivisors)
                    mostDivisors = divisors;

                if (divisors >= divisorsWanted)
                    hasRequiredDivisors = true;

            Console.WriteLine("The first Triangular Number with {0} divisors is ({1}) {2}",
                              divisorsWanted, triangularNumber, triangularNumberValue);

 public static void DefaultFunction()
     Function = p => Factors.Sum(f => Formula(f)(p));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public override object Run(RunModes runMode, object input, bool Logging)
     return(Factors.GetFactors((long)input).Where(fac => Primes.IsPrime((long)fac)).Max());