Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnRefresh()
            FactorBuilder builder   = new FactorBuilder();
            List <string> SimsToRun = new List <string>();

            ApsimFile.ApsimFile.ExpandSimsToRun(Controller.ApsimData.RootComponent, ref SimsToRun);
            double iTotalCount = 0;

            foreach (string SimulationPath in SimsToRun)
                int tmpCounter = 0;
                ApsimFile.Component tmpComp = Controller.ApsimData.Find(SimulationPath);
                if (tmpComp != null)
                    List <string> factorials = ApsimFile.Factor.CalcFactorialList(Controller.ApsimData, SimulationPath);
                    TreeNode      treeNode   = treeSims.Nodes.Add(tmpComp.Name + " (" + factorials.Count.ToString() + ")");
                    treeNode.ImageIndex         = 0;
                    treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
                    AddFactorsToTreeNode(treeNode, factorials);
                    tmpCounter += factorials.Count;
                iTotalCount      += tmpCounter;
                txtTotalSims.Text = iTotalCount.ToString();
            //double tmp = treeSims.Nodes[0].Nodes.Count;
            XmlNode varNode = Data.SelectSingleNode("//settings");

            if (XmlHelper.Attribute(varNode, "fn") == "1")
                radDesc.Checked = true;
                radCount.Checked = true;

            if (XmlHelper.Attribute(varNode, "tl") == "1")
                radMultiple.Checked = true;
                radSingle.Checked = true;

            if (XmlHelper.Attribute(varNode, "fqKeys") == "1")
                fqKeys.Checked = true;
                fqKeys.Checked = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
    private void ConvertApsimToSim(string ApsimFileName, string SimName, bool dontWriteSimFiles)
        //if the filename is not 'rooted' then assume that the user intends to use the current working directory as the root
        ApsimFileName = ApsimFileName.Replace("\"", "");
        if (!Path.IsPathRooted(ApsimFileName))
            ApsimFileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ApsimFileName);

        //double-check file actually exists before proceeding
        if (!File.Exists(ApsimFileName))
            throw new Exception("Error: Specified APSIM File does not exist!\n\t" + ApsimFileName);



        // convert the specified simulations in the specified apsim file name
        // into a separate .sim file for each.
        ApsimFile.ApsimFile Apsim = new ApsimFile.ApsimFile();

        if (Apsim.FactorComponent == null)
            FindSimsAndConvert(Apsim.RootComponent, SimName, dontWriteSimFiles);
            bool factorialActive = XmlHelper.Value(Apsim.FactorComponent.ContentsAsXML, "active") == "1";
            if (SimName.Contains("@factorial="))
                foreach (string simFileName in Factor.CreateSimFiles(Apsim, new string[] { SimName }, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Written " + simFileName);
            else if (factorialActive)
                List <string> simulationPaths = new List <string>();
                ApsimFile.ApsimFile.ExpandSimsToRun(Apsim.RootComponent, ref simulationPaths);
                foreach (string simXmlPath in simulationPaths)
                    FactorBuilder b             = new FactorBuilder(Apsim.FactorComponent);
                    Component     Simulation    = Apsim.Find(simXmlPath);
                    List <string> allFactorials = Factor.CalcFactorialList(Apsim, simXmlPath);
                    int           totalCount    = allFactorials.Count;
                    Parallel.For(1, totalCount + 1, instanceCount =>
                                 //for (int instanceCount = 0; instanceCount <= totalCount; instanceCount++)
                        string rootName = Simulation.Name;
                        if (b.SaveExtraInfoInFilename)
                            rootName += ";" + allFactorials[instanceCount - 1];
                            //write a spacer to list sims in order eg: 01 or 001 or 0001 depending on count
                            string sPad = "";
                            double tot  = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(totalCount) + 1);
                            double file = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(instanceCount) + 1);
                            for (int i = 0; i < (int)(tot - file); ++i)
                                sPad += "0";

                            rootName += "_" + sPad + instanceCount;

                        string fullSimPath = simXmlPath + "@factorial=" + allFactorials[instanceCount - 1];
                        if (dontWriteSimFiles)
                            Console.WriteLine("Written " + fullSimPath);
                            Factor.CreateSimFiles(Apsim, new string[] { fullSimPath }, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
                FindSimsAndConvert(Apsim.RootComponent, SimName, dontWriteSimFiles);