Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// AddRule: typeof(FactTypeHasRole)
        /// Rule to detect when a Role is added to the FactType so that it
        /// can also be added to the ReadingOrders and their Readings.
        /// </summary>
        private static void FactTypeHasRoleAddedRule(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
            FactTypeHasRole link = (FactTypeHasRole)e.ModelElement;

            if (CopyMergeUtility.GetIntegrationPhase(link.Store) != CopyClosureIntegrationPhase.Integrating)
                // UNDONE: COPYMERGE Do we need to run a similar rule on integration complete
                // to handle merge cases where roles are added to a model with additional
                // readings on the merged fact type.
                ValidateReadingOrdersRoleCollection(link.FactType, link.Role);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// DeleteRule: typeof(FactTypeHasRole), FireTime=LocalCommit, Priority=ORMCoreDomainModel.BeforeDelayValidateRulePriority;
        /// Block roles from being removed from a subtype
        /// after it is included in a model.
        /// </summary>
        private static void LimitSubtypeRolesDeleteRule(ElementDeletedEventArgs e)
            FactTypeHasRole link        = (FactTypeHasRole)e.ModelElement;
            SubtypeFact     subtypeFact = link.FactType as SubtypeFact;

            if (null != (subtypeFact = link.FactType as SubtypeFact) &&
                !subtypeFact.IsDeleted &&
                subtypeFact.ResolvedModel != null)
                // Allow before adding to model, not afterwards
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// AddRule: typeof(FactTypeHasRole)
        /// Block roles from being added to a subtype
        /// after it is included in a model.
        /// </summary>
        private static void LimitSubtypeRolesAddRule(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
            FactTypeHasRole link = (FactTypeHasRole)e.ModelElement;
            SubtypeFact     subtypeFact;

            if (null != (subtypeFact = link.FactType as SubtypeFact))
                Store store;
                if (subtypeFact.ResolvedModel != null &&
                    CopyMergeUtility.GetIntegrationPhase(store = link.Store) == CopyClosureIntegrationPhase.None)
                    // Allow before adding to model, not afterwards
                RoleBase role = link.Role;
                if (role is SubtypeMetaRole || role is SupertypeMetaRole)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(ResourceStrings.ModelExceptionSubtypeFactMustBeParentOfMetaRole);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// AddRule: typeof(ORMSolutions.ORMArchitect.Core.ObjectModel.FactTypeHasRole)
        /// Rules are defined to respond to changes in the object
        /// model that occur during user editing. In this case, we're adding
        /// our custom extension element to a Role object when it is added to
        /// a FactType via the FactTypeHasRole relationship. See the
        /// ExtensionDomainModel.AttachRules.xml file to see how this
        /// method is attached as a rule.
        /// </summary>
        private static void RoleAddRule(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
            FactTypeHasRole factTypeHasRole = (FactTypeHasRole)e.ModelElement;

            ExtensionElementUtility.AddExtensionElement(factTypeHasRole.Role, new MyCustomExtensionElement(factTypeHasRole.Store));