Exemplo n.º 1
    void gunBeginDamage()
        float randomAngle = UnityEngine.Random.value * 90;

        damageBeginDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(randomAngle, Vector3.forward) * minAngle;

        AnimationGunDamage = Ani_GunDamage;
Exemplo n.º 2
 void mergeFunctions()
     allFunPrepareToRun = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < All.Count; i++)
         allFunPrepareToRun += All[i].function;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void addAction(FUN fun, Transform transform = null)   //can add a function multi times
        Action action = pool.create();

        if (action == null)
            Debug.Log("no more action in pool");

        action.init(fun, transform);
        action.indexInGroup = All.Count;
Exemplo n.º 4
    // Constructors //

    public CityPart(PLACE cityPlace, POPULATION population, Citizen.ECONOMIC_CLASS populationWealth, INDUSTRY industry,
                    SECTOR_INVESTMENT industryInvestment, FUN fun, SECTOR_INVESTMENT leisureInvestment,
                    INFRASTRUCTURE infrastructure, SECTOR_INVESTMENT transportInvestment, City city)
        this.city             = city;
        CityPlace             = cityPlace;
        Citizens              = new Dictionary <int, Citizen>();
        nonAllocatedHomes     = new List <Coords>();
        cityHomesGrid         = new int[32, 32];
        GlobalHappiness       = new RepresentativeIndex("Felicidad Global", "Felicidad Global en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        GlobalHealth          = new RepresentativeIndex("Salud Global", "Salud Global en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        LowClassProportion    = new RepresentativeIndex("Clase Baja", "Proporción de ciudadanos de clase baja en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        MiddleClassProportion = new RepresentativeIndex("Clase Media", "Proporción de ciudadanos de clase media en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        HighClassProportion   = new RepresentativeIndex("Clase Alta", "Proporción de ciudadanos de clase alta en el barrio " + CityPlace, 0.5f);
        InitLaboralSector(industry, industryInvestment);
        InitTransportSector(infrastructure, transportInvestment);
        InitLeisureSector(fun, leisureInvestment);
        InitPopulation(population, populationWealth); // It has to be the last initialization
Exemplo n.º 5
    void Ani_GunDamage()
        Vector3 finalFlyDirect = Vector3.Slerp(damageBeginDirection, Vector3.down, var);

        rotateCenter.Translate(finalFlyDirect * damageSpeed * MainLoop.lastFrameTime, Space.World);
        rotateCenter.Rotate(Vector3.forward, rotateSpeed * MainLoop.lastFrameTime, Space.World);

        var += (varSpeed * MainLoop.lastFrameTime);
        if (var >= 1)
            var = 1;

        damageTime -= MainLoop.lastFrameTime;
        if (damageTime <= 0)
            AnimationGunDamage = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void removeAction(FUN fun, Transform transform = null)
        removeFunName.Remove(0, removeFunName.Length);
        if (transform != null)
            removeFunName.Append(transform.name.ToString() + "." + fun.Method.ToString());
            removeFunName.Append(fun.Target.ToString() + "." + fun.Method.ToString());
        Action action = All.Find(x => x.name.ToString().Equals(removeFunName.ToString()));

        if (action != null)

Exemplo n.º 7
    void InitLeisureSector(FUN fun, SECTOR_INVESTMENT investment)
        float investmentValue = 0f, funValue = 0;

        switch (fun)
        case FUN.BORING: funValue = 0.25f; break;

        case FUN.ENJOYABLE: funValue = 0.5f; break;

        case FUN.ENTERTAINING: funValue = 0.75f; break;
        switch (investment)
        case SECTOR_INVESTMENT.LOW: investmentValue = 0.25f; break;

        case SECTOR_INVESTMENT.MEDIUM: investmentValue = 0.5f; break;

        case SECTOR_INVESTMENT.HIGH: investmentValue = 0.75f; break;
        LeisureSector = new LeisureSector(investmentValue, funValue, CityPlace);
        public bool DataTable2List ( ref DataTable dt )
            FUN Fun = new FUN () ;

            Items.Clear ();

            if ( !FldCol.IsValid () || SQL.IsNotValid ( ref dt ) )
                return false;

            bool bRet = true;
            int ColMax = Columns.Count;
            string [ ] strsSubItem = new string [ ColMax ];
            int LineNum = dt.Rows.Count;
            ListViewItem [ ] lis = new ListViewItem [ LineNum ];
            Type t;
            DateTime dat;

            BeginUpdate ();
            SuspendLayout ();

            string strFld , strText;
            int i = 0 , j = 0;

                foreach ( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
                    j = 0;

                    foreach ( ColumnHeader hd in Columns )
                        strFld = FldCol.GetFldName ( hd.Text );

                        if ( strFld == String.Empty )
                            strsSubItem [ j++ ] = "";       //不需要从dt中读入的col, 设置为空
                            t = dr [ strFld ].GetType ();

                            if ( t == typeof ( System.DateTime ) )
                                dat = FF.Fun.MyConvert.Str2Date ( dr [ strFld ].ToString () );
                                if( dat.Year == 1900 )
                                    //strsSubItem[j++] = String.Empty;   //2013-10-09 怕引起其他错误,暂时不用
                                    strsSubItem[j++] = dat.ToString( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" );   //使用yyyy代替yy, 可避免1900-01-01 被改变成 00-01-01( 操作系统会当成 2000-01-01 )
                                    strsSubItem [ j++ ] = dat.ToString ( "yy-MM-dd HH:mm" );
                            else if ( t == typeof ( System.Decimal ) )  //decimal 或者 Money类型
                                strText = dr [strFld].ToString ().Trim ();
                                strsSubItem [j++] = Fun.MyConvert.Decimal2StrDot4 ( strText ); //控制到2位小数点。
                            else   //其他类型的字段 都默认为文本方式。
                                strText = dr [strFld].ToString ().Trim ();
                                strsSubItem [j++] = strText;

                    lis [ i++ ] = new ListViewItem ( strsSubItem );

                Items.AddRange ( lis );

            catch ( Exception e )
                bRet = false;
                string strMsg = String.Format ( "DataTable2List() Err!\nTable:{0}\n{1}" , dt.TableName , e.Message );
                FF.Ctrl.MsgBox.ShowWarn ( strMsg );

            ResumeLayout ();
            EndUpdate ();

            return bRet;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void reset()
     function = null;
     name.Remove(0, name.Length);
     indexInGroup = -1;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void init(FUN fun, Transform objTrans)
     function = fun;
     name.Append(objTrans.name.ToString() + "." + fun.Method.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void init(FUN fun)
     function = fun;
     name.Append(fun.Target.ToString() + "." + fun.Method.ToString());
 public FrmInformation(Form1 f1)
     f = f1;
     fn = Init;
        void Init()
            skinLabel2.Text = webBrowser1.Document.Title.Split('-')[0];

            webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_LoginView1_Login1_UserName").SetAttribute("value", f.txtId.Text);
            fn = Proc;

Exemplo n.º 14
 void initFunDelegate()
     AnimationGunDamage = Ani_GunDamage;