/// <summary>
        /// Creates a matrix for rotating points around the X-axis, from a center point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="radians">The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the X-axis.</param>
        /// <param name="centerPoint">The center point.</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation matrix.</returns>
        public static FPMatrix4x4 RotateX(FP radians, FPVector centerPoint)
            FPMatrix4x4 result;

            FP c = FPMath.Cos(radians);
            FP s = FPMath.Sin(radians);

            FP y = centerPoint.y * (FP.One - c) + centerPoint.z * s;
            FP z = centerPoint.z * (FP.One - c) - centerPoint.y * s;

            // [  1  0  0  0 ]
            // [  0  c  s  0 ]
            // [  0 -s  c  0 ]
            // [  0  y  z  1 ]
            result.M11 = FP.One;
            result.M12 = FP.Zero;
            result.M13 = FP.Zero;
            result.M14 = FP.Zero;
            result.M21 = FP.Zero;
            result.M22 = c;
            result.M23 = s;
            result.M24 = FP.Zero;
            result.M31 = FP.Zero;
            result.M32 = -s;
            result.M33 = c;
            result.M34 = FP.Zero;
            result.M41 = FP.Zero;
            result.M42 = y;
            result.M43 = z;
            result.M44 = FP.One;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a matrix for rotating points around the Y-axis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="radians">The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the Y-axis.</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation matrix.</returns>
        public static FPMatrix4x4 RotateY(FP radians)
            FPMatrix4x4 result;

            FP c = FPMath.Cos(radians);
            FP s = FPMath.Sin(radians);

            // [  c  0 -s  0 ]
            // [  0  1  0  0 ]
            // [  s  0  c  0 ]
            // [  0  0  0  1 ]
            result.M11 = c;
            result.M12 = FP.Zero;
            result.M13 = -s;
            result.M14 = FP.Zero;
            result.M21 = FP.Zero;
            result.M22 = FP.One;
            result.M23 = FP.Zero;
            result.M24 = FP.Zero;
            result.M31 = s;
            result.M32 = FP.Zero;
            result.M33 = c;
            result.M34 = FP.Zero;
            result.M41 = FP.Zero;
            result.M42 = FP.Zero;
            result.M43 = FP.Zero;
            result.M44 = FP.One;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a matrix for rotating points around the Z-axis, from a center point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="radians">The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the Z-axis.</param>
        /// <param name="centerPoint">The center point.</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation matrix.</returns>
        public static FPMatrix4x4 RotateZ(FP radians, FPVector centerPoint)
            FPMatrix4x4 result;

            FP c = FPMath.Cos(radians);
            FP s = FPMath.Sin(radians);

            FP x = centerPoint.x * (1 - c) + centerPoint.y * s;
            FP y = centerPoint.y * (1 - c) - centerPoint.x * s;

            // [  c  s  0  0 ]
            // [ -s  c  0  0 ]
            // [  0  0  1  0 ]
            // [  x  y  0  1 ]
            result.M11 = c;
            result.M12 = s;
            result.M13 = FP.Zero;
            result.M14 = FP.Zero;
            result.M21 = -s;
            result.M22 = c;
            result.M23 = FP.Zero;
            result.M24 = FP.Zero;
            result.M31 = FP.Zero;
            result.M32 = FP.Zero;
            result.M33 = FP.One;
            result.M34 = FP.Zero;
            result.M41 = FP.Zero;
            result.M42 = FP.Zero;
            result.M43 = FP.Zero;
            result.M44 = FP.One;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a matrix for rotating points around the Y-axis, from a center point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="radians">The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the Y-axis.</param>
        /// <param name="centerPoint">The center point.</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation matrix.</returns>
        public static FPMatrix4x4 RotateY(FP radians, FPVector centerPoint)
            FPMatrix4x4 result;

            FP c = FPMath.Cos(radians);
            FP s = FPMath.Sin(radians);

            FP x = centerPoint.x * (FP.One - c) - centerPoint.z * s;
            FP z = centerPoint.x * (FP.One - c) + centerPoint.x * s;

            // [  c  0 -s  0 ]
            // [  0  1  0  0 ]
            // [  s  0  c  0 ]
            // [  x  0  z  1 ]
            result.M11 = c;
            result.M12 = FP.Zero;
            result.M13 = -s;
            result.M14 = FP.Zero;
            result.M21 = FP.Zero;
            result.M22 = FP.One;
            result.M23 = FP.Zero;
            result.M24 = FP.Zero;
            result.M31 = s;
            result.M32 = FP.Zero;
            result.M33 = c;
            result.M34 = FP.Zero;
            result.M41 = x;
            result.M42 = FP.Zero;
            result.M43 = z;
            result.M44 = FP.One;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public static FPVector2 Rotate(FPVector2 v, float degrees)
            float radians = degrees * FPMath.Deg2Rad;
            float sin     = FPMath.Sin(radians);
            float cos     = FPMath.Cos(radians);

            float tx = v.x;
            float ty = v.y;

            return(new FPVector2(cos * tx - sin * ty, sin * tx + cos * ty));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a matrix which rotates around the given axis by the given angle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">The axis.</param>
        /// <param name="angle">The angle.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The resulting rotation matrix</param>
        public static void AxisAngle(ref FPVector axis, FP angle, out FPMatrix4x4 result)
            // a: angle
            // x, y, z: unit vector for axis.
            // Rotation matrix M can compute by using below equation.
            //        T               T
            //  M = uu + (cos a)( I-uu ) + (sin a)S
            // Where:
            //  u = ( x, y, z )
            //      [  0 -z  y ]
            //  S = [  z  0 -x ]
            //      [ -y  x  0 ]
            //      [ 1 0 0 ]
            //  I = [ 0 1 0 ]
            //      [ 0 0 1 ]
            //     [  xx+cosa*(1-xx)   yx-cosa*yx-sina*z zx-cosa*xz+sina*y ]
            // M = [ xy-cosa*yx+sina*z    yy+cosa(1-yy)  yz-cosa*yz-sina*x ]
            //     [ zx-cosa*zx-sina*y zy-cosa*zy+sina*x   zz+cosa*(1-zz)  ]
            FP x = axis.x, y = axis.y, z = axis.z;
            FP sa = FPMath.Sin(angle), ca = FPMath.Cos(angle);
            FP xx = x * x, yy = y * y, zz = z * z;
            FP xy = x * y, xz = x * z, yz = y * z;

            result.M11 = xx + ca * (FP.One - xx);
            result.M12 = xy - ca * xy + sa * z;
            result.M13 = xz - ca * xz - sa * y;
            result.M14 = FP.Zero;
            result.M21 = xy - ca * xy - sa * z;
            result.M22 = yy + ca * (FP.One - yy);
            result.M23 = yz - ca * yz + sa * x;
            result.M24 = FP.Zero;
            result.M31 = xz - ca * xz + sa * y;
            result.M32 = yz - ca * yz - sa * x;
            result.M33 = zz + ca * (FP.One - zz);
            result.M34 = FP.Zero;
            result.M41 = FP.Zero;
            result.M42 = FP.Zero;
            result.M43 = FP.Zero;
            result.M44 = FP.One;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static FPQuaternion Euler(pfloat roll, pfloat pitch, pfloat yaw)
            FPQuaternion quaternion;
            var          num9 = roll * 0.5f;
            var          num6 = FPMath.Sin(num9);
            var          num5 = FPMath.Cos(num9);
            var          num8 = pitch * 0.5f;
            var          num4 = FPMath.Sin(num8);
            var          num3 = FPMath.Cos(num8);
            var          num7 = yaw * 0.5f;
            var          num2 = FPMath.Sin(num7);
            var          num  = FPMath.Cos(num7);

            quaternion.x = ((num * num4) * num5) + ((num2 * num3) * num6);
            quaternion.y = ((num2 * num3) * num5) - ((num * num4) * num6);
            quaternion.z = ((num * num3) * num6) - ((num2 * num4) * num5);
            quaternion.w = ((num * num3) * num5) + ((num2 * num4) * num6);
Exemplo n.º 8
    // Runtime Properties Required for instantiating a destroyed projectile (load/save state)

    //private int opProjectileLayer;
    //private int opProjectileMask;

    void Start()
        gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();

        if (mirror == 1)
            directionVector.x = -1;

        if (totalHits == int.MinValue)
            totalHits = data.totalHits;

        Fix64 angleRad = ((Fix64)data.directionAngle / 180) * FPMath.Pi;

        movement = ((FPMath.Sin(angleRad) * FPVector.up) + (FPMath.Cos(angleRad) * directionVector)) * data.speed;
        fpTransform.Translate(new FPVector(data._castingOffSet.x * -mirror, data._castingOffSet.y, data._castingOffSet.z));

        // Create Blockable Area
        blockableArea = new BlockArea();
        blockableArea = data.blockableArea;

        // Create Hurtbox
        hurtBox = new HurtBox();
        hurtBox = data.hurtBox;

        // Create Hitbox
        hitBox               = new HitBox();
        hitBox.shape         = hurtBox.shape;
        hitBox._rect         = hurtBox._rect;
        hitBox.followXBounds = hurtBox.followXBounds;
        hitBox.followYBounds = hurtBox.followYBounds;
        hitBox._radius       = hurtBox._radius;
        hitBox._offSet       = hurtBox._offSet;
        hitBox.position      = gameObject.transform;


        if (data.spaceBetweenHits == Sizes.Small)
            spaceBetweenHits = .15;
        else if (data.spaceBetweenHits == Sizes.Medium)
            spaceBetweenHits = .2;
        else if (data.spaceBetweenHits == Sizes.High)
            spaceBetweenHits = .3;

        // Create Hit data
        hit                             = new Hit();
        hit.hitType                     = data.hitType;
        hit.spaceBetweenHits            = data.spaceBetweenHits;
        hit.hitStrength                 = data.hitStrength;
        hit.hitStunType                 = HitStunType.Frames;
        hit._hitStunOnHit               = data.hitStunOnHit;
        hit._hitStunOnBlock             = data.hitStunOnBlock;
        hit._damageOnHit                = data._damageOnHit;
        hit._damageOnBlock              = data._damageOnBlock;
        hit.damageScaling               = data.damageScaling;
        hit.damageType                  = data.damageType;
        hit.groundHit                   = data.groundHit;
        hit.airHit                      = data.airHit;
        hit.downHit                     = data.downHit;
        hit.overrideHitEffects          = data.overrideHitEffects;
        hit.armorBreaker                = data.armorBreaker;
        hit.hitEffects                  = data.hitEffects;
        hit.resetPreviousHorizontalPush = data.resetPreviousHorizontalPush;
        hit.resetPreviousVerticalPush   = data.resetPreviousVerticalPush;
        hit.applyDifferentAirForce      = data.applyDifferentAirForce;
        hit.applyDifferentBlockForce    = data.applyDifferentBlockForce;
        hit._pushForce                  = data._pushForce;
        hit._pushForceAir               = data._pushForceAir;
        hit._pushForceBlock             = data._pushForceBlock;
        hit.pullEnemyIn                 = new PullIn();
        hit.pullEnemyIn.enemyBodyPart   = BodyPart.none;

        if (data.mirrorOn2PSide && mirror > 0)
            transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(transform.localEulerAngles.x, transform.localEulerAngles.y + 180, transform.localEulerAngles.z);