void AddToDoItem(string desc) { var item = new ToDoItem(desc); _listItems.Add(item); ViewModel.ListItems.Add(item); }
internal void AddRecord(TNoteRecord aRecord, int aRow) { for (int i = Count; i <= aRow; i++) { FList.Add(CreateRecord()); } this[aRow].Add(aRecord); }
internal void CopyFrom(TVPageBreakList aBreakList) { if (aBreakList == null) { return; } if (aBreakList.FList == FList) { XlsMessages.ThrowException(XlsErr.ErrInternal); //Should be different objects } for (int i = 0; i < aBreakList.RealCount(); i++) { FList.Add(aBreakList[i].CopyTo()); } }
public async Task CheckAlt(SocketGuildUser arg) { if (IsAlt(arg)) { EmbedBuilder b = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "Alt Alert", Description = $"The account **{arg.ToString()}** has been flagged down becuase it is was created less than 12 hours ago", Fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>() { { new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = true, Name = "Username and ID", Value = $"{arg.ToString()} ({arg.Id})" } }, { new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = true, Name = "Created at (UTC)", Value = arg.CreatedAt.UtcDateTime.ToString() } }, { new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = true, Name = "Joined at (UTC)", Value = arg.JoinedAt.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString() } } }, Color = Color.Orange, }; await _client.GetGuild(Global.SwissGuildId).GetTextChannel(665647956816429096).SendMessageAsync("", false, b.Build()); if (!Global.VerifyAlts) { EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "Manual Verification", Description = "This user was flagged down because it was created less than 12 hours ago", Color = Color.Red }; b.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Join at UTC", Value = arg.JoinedAt.Value.UtcDateTime }); b.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Created at UTC", Value = arg.CreatedAt.UtcDateTime }); b.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Username", Value = arg.ToString() }); string anick = "None"; if (arg.Nickname != null) { anick = arg.Nickname; } b.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Nickname", Value = anick }); b.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "ID", Value = arg.Id }); var msg = await _client.GetGuild(Global.SwissGuildId).GetTextChannel(692909459831390268).SendMessageAsync("", false, b.Build()); await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("✅")); await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("❌")); FList.Add(msg.Id, arg.Id); Global.SaveAltCards(); await arg.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Red, Title = "**Uh oh, am I smelling an alt?**", Description = "Dont worry, you are not under arrest.\nYour account was detected to be an alt. The staff team will manually have to verify you.\n\nSit Tight!" }.Build()); return; } } }
public override void AddBreak(int RowCol, int MinColRow, int MaxColRow, bool aGoesAfter) { FList.Add(new TVPageBreak(RowCol, MinColRow, MaxColRow, false, aGoesAfter)); }
public string ToIndent() { Action<Node> na; Action<List<Node>> nsa = null; const string ind = " "; FList<string> inds = new FList<string>(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); na = delegate(Node n) { if (n.Leaf != null) { b .Append(inds.Deriv(Cty.ToLine)) .Append(n.Leaf) .AppendLine(); } else if (n.Branches != null) { if (n != this) inds.Add(ind); nsa(n.Branches); if (n != this) inds.RemoveAt(inds.Count - 1); } }; nsa = delegate(List<Node> ns) { if (ns.Count == 0) return; bool isPrevBranch = ns[0].Branches != null; na(ns[0]); for (int i = 1; i < ns.Count; i++) { if (isPrevBranch && ns[i].Branches != null) { b .Append(inds.Deriv(Cty.ToLine)) .Append(ind) .AppendLine(); } isPrevBranch = ns[i].Branches != null; na(ns[i]); } }; na(this); return b.ToString(); }