/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OptionMeta"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option">The option.</param>
        internal unsafe OptionMeta(AVOption *option)
            OptionType = option->type;
            Flags      = option->flags;
            HelpText   = FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(option->help);
            Name       = FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(option->name);
            Min        = option->min;
            Max        = option->max;

            // Default values
            // DefaultString = FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(option->default_val.str); // TODO: This throws a memory violation for some reason
            DefaultDouble   = option->default_val.dbl;
            DefaultLong     = option->default_val.i64;
            DefaultRational = option->default_val.q;

            // Flag Parsing
            IsAudioOption     = (option->flags & ffmpeg.AV_OPT_FLAG_AUDIO_PARAM) > 0;
            IsBsfOption       = (option->flags & ffmpeg.AV_OPT_FLAG_BSF_PARAM) > 0;
            IsDecodingOption  = (option->flags & ffmpeg.AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM) > 0;
            IsEncodingOption  = (option->flags & ffmpeg.AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM) > 0;
            IsExported        = (option->flags & ffmpeg.AV_OPT_FLAG_EXPORT) > 0;
            IsFilteringOption = (option->flags & ffmpeg.AV_OPT_FLAG_FILTERING_PARAM) > 0;
            IsReadonly        = (option->flags & ffmpeg.AV_OPT_FLAG_READONLY) > 0;
            IsSubtitleOption  = (option->flags & ffmpeg.AV_OPT_FLAG_SUBTITLE_PARAM) > 0;
            IsVideoOption     = (option->flags & ffmpeg.AV_OPT_FLAG_VIDEO_PARAM) > 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the available hardware decoder codecs for the given codec id (codec family).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codecFamily">The codec family.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of hardware-enabled decoder codec names</returns>
        private static List <string> GetHardwareDecoders(AVCodecID codecFamily)
            var result = new List <string>(16);

            foreach (var c in MediaEngine.AllCodecs)
                if (ffmpeg.av_codec_is_decoder(c) == 0)

                if (c->id != codecFamily)

                if ((c->capabilities & ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_CAP_HARDWARE) != 0 ||
                    (c->capabilities & ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_CAP_HYBRID) != 0)

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SubtitleFrame" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame">The frame.</param>
        /// <param name="component">The component.</param>
        internal SubtitleFrame(AVSubtitle *frame, MediaComponent component)
            : base(frame, component)
            m_Pointer = (AVSubtitle *)InternalPointer;

            // Extract timing information (pts for Subtitles is always in AV_TIME_BASE units)
            HasValidStartTime = frame->pts != ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
            var timeOffset = TimeSpan.FromTicks(frame->pts.ToTimeSpan(ffmpeg.AV_TIME_BASE).Ticks - component.Container.MediaStartTimeOffset.Ticks);

            // start_display_time and end_display_time are relative to timeOffset
            StartTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(timeOffset.Ticks + Convert.ToInt64(frame->start_display_time).ToTimeSpan(StreamTimeBase).Ticks);
            EndTime   = TimeSpan.FromTicks(timeOffset.Ticks + Convert.ToInt64(frame->end_display_time).ToTimeSpan(StreamTimeBase).Ticks);
            Duration  = TimeSpan.FromTicks(EndTime.Ticks - StartTime.Ticks);

            // Extract text strings
            TextType = AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_NONE;

            for (var i = 0; i < frame->num_rects; i++)
                var rect = frame->rects[i];

                if (rect->type == AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_TEXT)
                    if (rect->text != null)
                        TextType = AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_TEXT;
                else if (rect->type == AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_ASS)
                    if (rect->ass != null)
                        TextType = AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_ASS;
                    TextType = rect->type;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SubtitleFrame" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame">The frame.</param>
        /// <param name="component">The component.</param>
        internal SubtitleFrame(AVSubtitle *frame, MediaComponent component)
            : base(frame, component)
            // Extract timing information (pts for Subtitles is always in AV_TIME_BASE units)
            HasValidStartTime = frame->pts != ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
            var mainOffset = component.Container.Components.Main.StartTime;
            var timeOffset = TimeSpan.FromTicks(frame->pts.ToTimeSpan(ffmpeg.AV_TIME_BASE).Ticks - mainOffset.Ticks);

            // start_display_time and end_display_time are relative to timeOffset
            StartTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeOffset.TotalMilliseconds + frame->start_display_time);
            EndTime   = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeOffset.TotalMilliseconds + frame->end_display_time);
            Duration  = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(frame->end_display_time - frame->start_display_time);

            // Extract text strings
            TextType = AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_NONE;

            for (var i = 0; i < frame->num_rects; i++)
                var rect = frame->rects[i];

                if (rect->type == AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_TEXT)
                    if (rect->text == null)
                    TextType = AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_TEXT;

                if (rect->type == AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_ASS)
                    if (rect->ass == null)
                    TextType = AVSubtitleType.SUBTITLE_ASS;

                TextType = rect->type;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MediaInfo"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container">The container.</param>
        internal MediaInfo(MediaContainer container)
            // The below logic was implemented using the same ideas conveyed by the following code:
            // Reference: https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/3.2/dump_8c_source.html --
            var ic = container.InputContext;

            InputUrl  = container.MediaUrl;
            Format    = FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(ic->iformat->name);
            Metadata  = container.Metadata;
            StartTime = ic->start_time != ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? ic->start_time.ToTimeSpan() : TimeSpan.MinValue;
            Duration  = ic->duration != ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? ic->duration.ToTimeSpan() : TimeSpan.MinValue;
            BitRate   = ic->bit_rate < 0 ? 0 : ic->bit_rate;

            Streams     = new ReadOnlyDictionary <int, StreamInfo>(ExtractStreams(ic).ToDictionary(k => k.StreamIndex, v => v));
            Chapters    = new ReadOnlyCollection <ChapterInfo>(ExtractChapters(ic));
            Programs    = new ReadOnlyCollection <ProgramInfo>(ExtractPrograms(ic, Streams));
            BestStreams = new ReadOnlyDictionary <AVMediaType, StreamInfo>(FindBestStreams(ic, Streams));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MediaComponent"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container">The container.</param>
        /// <param name="streamIndex">Index of the stream.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">container</exception>
        /// <exception cref="MediaContainerException">The container exception.</exception>
        protected MediaComponent(MediaContainer container, int streamIndex)
            // Parted from: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/fftools/ffplay.c#L2559
            // avctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL);
            Container    = container ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));
            CodecContext = ffmpeg.avcodec_alloc_context3(null);
            RC.Current.Add(CodecContext, $"134: {nameof(MediaComponent)}[{MediaType}].ctor()");
            StreamIndex = streamIndex;
            Stream      = container.InputContext->streams[StreamIndex];
            StreamInfo  = container.MediaInfo.Streams[StreamIndex];

            // Set default codec context options from probed stream
            var setCodecParamsResult = ffmpeg.avcodec_parameters_to_context(CodecContext, Stream->codecpar);

            if (setCodecParamsResult < 0)
                Container.Parent?.Log(MediaLogMessageType.Warning, $"Could not set codec parameters. Error code: {setCodecParamsResult}");

            // We set the packet timebase in the same timebase as the stream as opposed to the tpyical AV_TIME_BASE
            if (this is VideoComponent && Container.MediaOptions.VideoForcedFps > 0)
                var fpsRational = ffmpeg.av_d2q(Container.MediaOptions.VideoForcedFps, 1000000);
                Stream->r_frame_rate       = fpsRational;
                CodecContext->pkt_timebase = new AVRational {
                    num = fpsRational.den, den = fpsRational.num
                CodecContext->pkt_timebase = Stream->time_base;

            // Find the default decoder codec from the stream and set it.
            var      defaultCodec = ffmpeg.avcodec_find_decoder(Stream->codec->codec_id);
            AVCodec *forcedCodec  = null;

            // If set, change the codec to the forced codec.
            if (Container.MediaOptions.DecoderCodec.ContainsKey(StreamIndex) &&
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Container.MediaOptions.DecoderCodec[StreamIndex]) == false)
                var forcedCodecName = Container.MediaOptions.DecoderCodec[StreamIndex];
                forcedCodec = ffmpeg.avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(forcedCodecName);
                if (forcedCodec == null)
                                          $"COMP {MediaType.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()}: Unable to set decoder codec to '{forcedCodecName}' on stream index {StreamIndex}");

            // Check we have a valid codec to open and process the stream.
            if (defaultCodec == null && forcedCodec == null)
                var errorMessage = $"Fatal error. Unable to find suitable decoder for {Stream->codec->codec_id.ToString()}";
                throw new MediaContainerException(errorMessage);

            var      codecCandidates = new AVCodec *[] { forcedCodec, defaultCodec };
            AVCodec *selectedCodec   = null;
            var      codecOpenResult = 0;

            foreach (var codec in codecCandidates)
                if (codec == null)

                // Pass default codec stuff to the codec contect
                CodecContext->codec_id = codec->id;
                if ((codec->capabilities & ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED) != 0)
                    CodecContext->flags |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED;
                if ((codec->capabilities & ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS) != 0)
                    CodecContext->flags |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS;

                // Process the decoder options
                    var decoderOptions = Container.MediaOptions.DecoderParams;

                    // Configure the codec context flags
                    if (decoderOptions.EnableFastDecoding)
                        CodecContext->flags2 |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_FAST;
                    if (decoderOptions.EnableLowDelay)
                        CodecContext->flags |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG_LOW_DELAY;

                    // process the low res option
                    if (decoderOptions.EnableLowRes && codec->max_lowres > 0)
                        decoderOptions.LowResIndex = codec->max_lowres.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // Ensure ref counted frames for audio and video decoding
                    if (CodecContext->codec_type == AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO || CodecContext->codec_type == AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)
                        decoderOptions.RefCountedFrames = "1";

                // Setup additional settings. The most important one is Threads -- Setting it to 1 decoding is very slow. Setting it to auto
                // decoding is very fast in most scenarios.
                var codecOptions = Container.MediaOptions.DecoderParams.GetStreamCodecOptions(Stream->index);

                // Enable Hardware acceleration if requested
                if (this is VideoComponent && container.MediaOptions.VideoHardwareDevice != null)
                    HardwareAccelerator.Attach(this as VideoComponent, container.MediaOptions.VideoHardwareDevice);

                // Open the CodecContext. This requires exclusive FFmpeg access
                lock (CodecOpenLock)
                    fixed(AVDictionary **codecOptionsRef = &codecOptions.Pointer)
                    codecOpenResult = ffmpeg.avcodec_open2(CodecContext, codec, codecOptionsRef);

                // Check if the codec opened successfully
                if (codecOpenResult < 0)
                                          $"Unable to open codec '{FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(codec->name)}' on stream {streamIndex}");


                // If there are any codec options left over from passing them, it means they were not consumed
                var currentEntry = codecOptions.First();
                while (currentEntry != null && currentEntry?.Key != null)
                                          $"Invalid codec option: '{currentEntry.Key}' for codec '{FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(codec->name)}', stream {streamIndex}");
                    currentEntry = codecOptions.Next(currentEntry);

                selectedCodec = codec;

            if (selectedCodec == null)
                throw new MediaContainerException($"Unable to find suitable decoder codec for stream {streamIndex}. Error code {codecOpenResult}");

            // Startup done. Set some options.
            Stream->discard = AVDiscard.AVDISCARD_DEFAULT;
            MediaType       = (MediaType)CodecContext->codec_type;

            // Compute the start time
            if (Stream->start_time == ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
                StartTimeOffset = Container.MediaStartTimeOffset;
                StartTimeOffset = Stream->start_time.ToTimeSpan(Stream->time_base);

            // compute the duration
            if (Stream->duration == ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE || Stream->duration == 0)
                Duration = Container.InputContext->duration.ToTimeSpan();
                Duration = Stream->duration.ToTimeSpan(Stream->time_base);

            CodecId   = Stream->codec->codec_id;
            CodecName = FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(selectedCodec->name);
            Bitrate   = Stream->codec->bit_rate < 0 ? 0 : Convert.ToUInt64(Stream->codec->bit_rate);
                                  $"COMP {MediaType.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()}: Start Offset: {StartTimeOffset.Format()}; Duration: {Duration.Format()}");
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actions that this command implements.
        /// </summary>
        internal override void ExecuteInternal()
            var m = Manager.MediaCore;

            if (m.IsDisposed || m.State.IsOpen || m.State.IsOpening)

                // TODO: Sometimes when the stream can't be read, the sample player stays as if it were trying to open
                // until the interrupt timeout occurs but and the Real-Time Clock continues. Strange behavior. Investigate more.

                // Signal the initial state
                m.State.Source    = Source;
                m.State.IsOpening = true;

                // Register FFmpeg libraries if not already done
                if (FFInterop.Initialize(MediaEngine.FFmpegDirectory, MediaEngine.FFmpegLoadModeFlags))
                    // Set the folders and lib identifiers
                    MediaEngine.FFmpegDirectory     = FFInterop.LibrariesPath;
                    MediaEngine.FFmpegLoadModeFlags = FFInterop.LibraryIdentifiers;

                    // Log an init message
                          $"{nameof(FFInterop)}.{nameof(FFInterop.Initialize)}: FFmpeg v{ffmpeg.av_version_info()}");

                // Create the stream container
                // the async protocol prefix allows for increased performance for local files.
                var streamOptions = new StreamOptions();

                // Convert the URI object to something the Media Container understands
                var mediaUrl = Source.ToString();
                    if (Source.IsFile || Source.IsUnc)
                        // Set the default protocol Prefix
                        mediaUrl = Source.LocalPath;
                        streamOptions.ProtocolPrefix = "async";
                catch { }

                // GDIGRAB: Example URI: device://gdigrab?desktop
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Source.Scheme) == false &&
                    (Source.Scheme.Equals("format") || Source.Scheme.Equals("device")) &&
                    string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Source.Host) == false &&
                    string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(streamOptions.Input.ForcedInputFormat) &&
                    string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Source.Query) == false)
                    // Update the Input format and container input URL
                    // It is also possible to set some input options as follows:
                    // streamOptions.Input.Add(StreamInputOptions.Names.FrameRate, "20");
                    streamOptions.Input.ForcedInputFormat = Source.Host;
                    mediaUrl = Uri.UnescapeDataString(Source.Query).TrimStart('?');
                    m.Log(MediaLogMessageType.Info, $"Media URI will be updated. Input Format: {Source.Host}, Input Argument: {mediaUrl}");

                // Allow the stream input options to be changed
                m.SendOnMediaInitializing(streamOptions, mediaUrl);

                // Instantiate the internal container
                m.Container = new MediaContainer(mediaUrl, streamOptions, m);

                // Reset buffering properties

                // Notify the user media is opening and allow for media options to be modified
                // Stuff like audio and video filters and stream selection can be performed here.

                // Notify Media will start opening
                m.Log(MediaLogMessageType.Debug, $"{nameof(OpenCommand)}: Entered");

                // Side-load subtitles if requested

                // Get the main container open

                // Check if we have at least audio or video here
                if (m.Container.Components.HasAudio == false && m.Container.Components.HasVideo == false)
                    throw new MediaContainerException($"Unable to initialize at least one audio or video component fron the input stream.");

                // Charge! We are good to go, fire up the worker threads!

                // Set the state to stopped and exit the IsOpening state
                m.State.IsOpening = false;

                // Raise the opened event
            catch (Exception ex)
                try { m.Container?.Dispose(); } catch { }
                m.Container = null;
                // Signal we are no longer in the opening state
                // so we can enqueue commands in the command handler
                m.State.IsOpening = false;
                m.Log(MediaLogMessageType.Debug, $"{nameof(OpenCommand)}: Completed");
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void InitializeFilterGraph(AVFrame *frame)
            // References: https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/2.0/doc_2examples_2filtering_audio_8c-example.html
            const string SourceFilterName     = "abuffer";
            const string SourceFilterInstance = "audio_buffer";
            const string SinkFilterName       = "abuffersink";
            const string SinkFilterInstance   = "audio_buffersink";

            // Get a snapshot of the FilterString
            var filterString = FilterString;

            // For empty filter strings ensure filtegraph is destroyed
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterString))

            // Recreate the filtergraph if we have to
            if (filterString != AppliedFilterString)

            // Ensure the filtergraph is compatible with the frame
            var filterArguments = ComputeFilterArguments(frame);

            if (filterArguments != CurrentFilterArguments)

            FilterGraph = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_alloc();

                AVFilterContext *sourceFilterRef = null;
                AVFilterContext *sinkFilterRef   = null;

                var result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter(
                    &sourceFilterRef, ffmpeg.avfilter_get_by_name(SourceFilterName), SourceFilterInstance, filterArguments, null, FilterGraph);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw new MediaContainerException(
                              $"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter)} ({SourceFilterInstance}) failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter(
                    &sinkFilterRef, ffmpeg.avfilter_get_by_name(SinkFilterName), SinkFilterInstance, null, null, FilterGraph);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw new MediaContainerException(
                              $"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter)} ({SinkFilterInstance}) failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                SourceFilter = sourceFilterRef;
                SinkFilter   = sinkFilterRef;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterString))
                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_link(SourceFilter, 0, SinkFilter, 0);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_link)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");
                    var initFilterCount = FilterGraph->nb_filters;

                    SourceOutput             = ffmpeg.avfilter_inout_alloc();
                    SourceOutput->name       = ffmpeg.av_strdup("in");
                    SourceOutput->filter_ctx = SourceFilter;
                    SourceOutput->pad_idx    = 0;
                    SourceOutput->next       = null;

                    SinkInput             = ffmpeg.avfilter_inout_alloc();
                    SinkInput->name       = ffmpeg.av_strdup("out");
                    SinkInput->filter_ctx = SinkFilter;
                    SinkInput->pad_idx    = 0;
                    SinkInput->next       = null;

                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_parse(FilterGraph, filterString, SinkInput, SourceOutput, null);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_parse)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                    // Reorder the filters to ensure that inputs of the custom filters are merged first
                    for (var i = 0; i < FilterGraph->nb_filters - initFilterCount; i++)
                        var sourceAddress = FilterGraph->filters[i];
                        var targetAddress = FilterGraph->filters[i + initFilterCount];
                        FilterGraph->filters[i] = targetAddress;
                        FilterGraph->filters[i + initFilterCount] = sourceAddress;

                result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_config(FilterGraph, null);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_config)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.LogError(Aspects.Component, $"Audio filter graph could not be built: {filterString}.", ex);
                CurrentFilterArguments = filterArguments;
                AppliedFilterString    = filterString;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// If necessary, disposes the existing filtergraph and creates a new one based on the frame arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame">The frame.</param>
        /// <exception cref="MediaContainerException">
        /// avfilter_graph_create_filter
        /// or
        /// avfilter_graph_create_filter
        /// or
        /// avfilter_link
        /// or
        /// avfilter_graph_parse
        /// or
        /// avfilter_graph_config
        /// </exception>
        private void InitializeFilterGraph(AVFrame *frame)
             * References:
             * https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/2.0/doc_2examples_2filtering_audio_8c-example.html

            var frameArguments = ComputeFilterArguments(frame);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentFilterArguments) || frameArguments.Equals(CurrentFilterArguments) == false)

            FilterGraph = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_alloc();
            RC.Current.Add(FilterGraph, $"264: {nameof(AudioComponent)}.{nameof(InitializeFilterGraph)}()");
            CurrentFilterArguments = frameArguments;

                var result = 0;

                fixed(AVFilterContext **source = &SourceFilter)
                fixed(AVFilterContext **sink = &SinkFilter)
                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter(source, ffmpeg.avfilter_get_by_name("abuffer"), "audio_buffer", CurrentFilterArguments, null, FilterGraph);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException(
                                  $"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter)} (audio_buffer) failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter(sink, ffmpeg.avfilter_get_by_name("abuffersink"), "audio_buffersink", null, null, FilterGraph);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException(
                                  $"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter)} (audio_buffersink) failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterString))
                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_link(SourceFilter, 0, SinkFilter, 0);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_link)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");
                    var initFilterCount = FilterGraph->nb_filters;

                    SourceOutput             = ffmpeg.avfilter_inout_alloc();
                    SourceOutput->name       = ffmpeg.av_strdup("in");
                    SourceOutput->filter_ctx = SourceFilter;
                    SourceOutput->pad_idx    = 0;
                    SourceOutput->next       = null;

                    SinkInput             = ffmpeg.avfilter_inout_alloc();
                    SinkInput->name       = ffmpeg.av_strdup("out");
                    SinkInput->filter_ctx = SinkFilter;
                    SinkInput->pad_idx    = 0;
                    SinkInput->next       = null;

                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_parse(FilterGraph, FilterString, SinkInput, SourceOutput, null);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_parse)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                    // Reorder the filters to ensure that inputs of the custom filters are merged first
                    for (var i = 0; i < FilterGraph->nb_filters - initFilterCount; i++)
                        var sourceAddress = FilterGraph->filters[i];
                        var targetAddress = FilterGraph->filters[i + initFilterCount];
                        FilterGraph->filters[i] = targetAddress;
                        FilterGraph->filters[i + initFilterCount] = sourceAddress;

                result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_config(FilterGraph, null);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_config)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Container.Parent?.Log(MediaLogMessageType.Error, $"Audio filter graph could not be built: {FilterString}.\r\n{ex.Message}");
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// If necessary, disposes the existing filtergraph and creates a new one based on the frame arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame">The frame.</param>
        /// <exception cref="MediaContainerException">
        /// avfilter_graph_create_filter
        /// or
        /// avfilter_graph_create_filter
        /// or
        /// avfilter_link
        /// or
        /// avfilter_graph_parse
        /// or
        /// avfilter_graph_config
        /// </exception>
        private void InitializeFilterGraph(AVFrame *frame)
             * References:
             * http://libav-users.943685.n4.nabble.com/Libav-user-yadif-deinterlace-how-td3606561.html
             * https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/filtering_8c-source.html
             * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/release/3.2/ffplay.c

            var frameArguments = ComputeFilterArguments(frame);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentFilterArguments) || frameArguments.Equals(CurrentFilterArguments) == false)

            FilterGraph = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_alloc();
            RC.Current.Add(FilterGraph, $"144: {nameof(VideoComponent)}.{nameof(InitializeFilterGraph)}()");
            CurrentFilterArguments = frameArguments;

                var result = 0;

                fixed(AVFilterContext **source = &SourceFilter)
                fixed(AVFilterContext **sink = &SinkFilter)
                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter(source, ffmpeg.avfilter_get_by_name("buffer"), "video_buffer", CurrentFilterArguments, null, FilterGraph);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter)} (buffer) failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter(sink, ffmpeg.avfilter_get_by_name("buffersink"), "video_buffersink", null, null, FilterGraph);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter)} (buffersink) failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                    // TODO: from ffplay, ffmpeg.av_opt_set_int_list(sink, "pix_fmts", (byte*)&f0, 1, ffmpeg.AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterString))
                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_link(SourceFilter, 0, SinkFilter, 0);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_link)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");
                    var initFilterCount = FilterGraph->nb_filters;

                    SourceOutput             = ffmpeg.avfilter_inout_alloc();
                    SourceOutput->name       = ffmpeg.av_strdup("in");
                    SourceOutput->filter_ctx = SourceFilter;
                    SourceOutput->pad_idx    = 0;
                    SourceOutput->next       = null;

                    SinkInput             = ffmpeg.avfilter_inout_alloc();
                    SinkInput->name       = ffmpeg.av_strdup("out");
                    SinkInput->filter_ctx = SinkFilter;
                    SinkInput->pad_idx    = 0;
                    SinkInput->next       = null;

                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_parse(FilterGraph, FilterString, SinkInput, SourceOutput, null);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_parse)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                    // Reorder the filters to ensure that inputs of the custom filters are merged first
                    for (var i = 0; i < FilterGraph->nb_filters - initFilterCount; i++)
                        var sourceAddress = FilterGraph->filters[i];
                        var targetAddress = FilterGraph->filters[i + initFilterCount];
                        FilterGraph->filters[i] = targetAddress;
                        FilterGraph->filters[i + initFilterCount] = sourceAddress;

                result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_config(FilterGraph, null);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_config)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Container.Parent?.Log(MediaLogMessageType.Error, $"Video filter graph could not be built: {FilterString}.\r\n{ex.Message}");
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actions that this command implements.
        /// </summary>
        internal override void ExecuteInternal()
            var m = Manager.MediaCore;

            if (m.IsDisposed || m.IsOpen || m.IsOpening)

                // TODO: Sometimes when the stream can't be read, the sample player stays as if it were trying to open
                // until the interrupt timeout occurs but and the Real-Time Clock continues. Strange behavior.

                // Signal the initial state
                m.IsOpening  = true;
                m.MediaState = MediaEngineState.Manual;

                // Register FFmpeg libraries if not already done
                if (FFInterop.Initialize(MediaEngine.FFmpegDirectory, MediaEngine.FFmpegLoadModeFlags))
                    // Set the folders and lib identifiers
                    MediaEngine.FFmpegDirectory     = FFInterop.LibrariesPath;
                    MediaEngine.FFmpegLoadModeFlags = FFInterop.LibraryIdentifiers;

                    // Log an init message
                          $"{nameof(FFInterop)}.{nameof(FFInterop.Initialize)}: FFmpeg v{ffmpeg.av_version_info()}");

                // Convert the URI object to something the Media Container understands
                var mediaUrl = Source.IsFile ? Source.LocalPath : Source.ToString();

                // Create the stream container
                // the async protocol prefix allows for increased performance for local files.
                m.Container = new MediaContainer(mediaUrl, m, Source.IsFile ? "async" : null);
                m.Log(MediaLogMessageType.Debug, $"{nameof(OpenCommand)}: Entered");

                // Set the state to stopped
                m.MediaState = MediaEngineState.Stop;

                // Signal we are no longer in the opening state
                // so we can enqueue commands in the event handler
                m.IsOpening = false;

                // Charge! Fire up the worker threads!

                // Raise the opened event
            catch (Exception ex)
                m.MediaState = MediaEngineState.Close;
                m.IsOpening = false;
                m.Log(MediaLogMessageType.Debug, $"{nameof(OpenCommand)}: Completed");
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void InitializeFilterGraph(AVFrame *frame)
             * References:
             * http://libav-users.943685.n4.nabble.com/Libav-user-yadif-deinterlace-how-td3606561.html
             * https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/filtering_8c-source.html
             * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/release/3.2/ffplay.c

            const string SourceFilterName     = "buffer";
            const string SourceFilterInstance = "video_buffer";
            const string SinkFilterName       = "buffersink";
            const string SinkFilterInstance   = "video_buffersink";

            // Get a snapshot of the FilterString
            var filterString = FilterString;

            // For empty filter strings ensure filtegraph is destroyed
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterString))

            // Recreate the filtergraph if we have to
            if (filterString != AppliedFilterString)

            // Ensure the filtergraph is compatible with the frame
            var filterArguments = ComputeFilterArguments(frame);

            if (filterArguments != CurrentFilterArguments)

            FilterGraph = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_alloc();

                // Get a couple of pointers for source and sink buffers
                AVFilterContext *sourceFilterRef = null;
                AVFilterContext *sinkFilterRef   = null;

                // Create the source filter
                var result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter(
                    &sourceFilterRef, ffmpeg.avfilter_get_by_name(SourceFilterName), SourceFilterInstance, filterArguments, null, FilterGraph);

                // Check filter creation
                if (result != 0)
                    throw new MediaContainerException(
                              $"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter)} ({SourceFilterName}) failed. " +
                              $"Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                // Create the sink filter
                result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter(
                    &sinkFilterRef, ffmpeg.avfilter_get_by_name(SinkFilterName), SinkFilterInstance, null, null, FilterGraph);

                // Check filter creation
                if (result != 0)
                    throw new MediaContainerException(
                              $"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_create_filter)} ({SinkFilterName}) failed. " +
                              $"Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                // Save the filter references
                SourceFilter = sourceFilterRef;
                SinkFilter   = sinkFilterRef;

                // TODO: from ffplay, ffmpeg.av_opt_set_int_list(sink, "pixel_formats", (byte*)&f0, 1, ffmpeg.AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterString))
                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_link(SourceFilter, 0, SinkFilter, 0);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException(
                                  $"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_link)} failed. " +
                                  $"Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");
                    var initFilterCount = FilterGraph->nb_filters;

                    SourceOutput             = ffmpeg.avfilter_inout_alloc();
                    SourceOutput->name       = ffmpeg.av_strdup("in");
                    SourceOutput->filter_ctx = SourceFilter;
                    SourceOutput->pad_idx    = 0;
                    SourceOutput->next       = null;

                    SinkInput             = ffmpeg.avfilter_inout_alloc();
                    SinkInput->name       = ffmpeg.av_strdup("out");
                    SinkInput->filter_ctx = SinkFilter;
                    SinkInput->pad_idx    = 0;
                    SinkInput->next       = null;

                    result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_parse(FilterGraph, filterString, SinkInput, SourceOutput, null);
                    if (result != 0)
                        throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_parse)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");

                    // Reorder the filters to ensure that inputs of the custom filters are merged first
                    for (var i = 0; i < FilterGraph->nb_filters - initFilterCount; i++)
                        var sourceAddress = FilterGraph->filters[i];
                        var targetAddress = FilterGraph->filters[i + initFilterCount];
                        FilterGraph->filters[i] = targetAddress;
                        FilterGraph->filters[i + initFilterCount] = sourceAddress;

                result = ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_config(FilterGraph, null);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw new MediaContainerException($"{nameof(ffmpeg.avfilter_graph_config)} failed. Error {result}: {FFInterop.DecodeMessage(result)}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.LogError(Aspects.Component, $"Video filter graph could not be built: {filterString}.", ex);
                CurrentFilterArguments = filterArguments;
                AppliedFilterString    = filterString;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MediaComponent"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container">The container.</param>
        /// <param name="streamIndex">Index of the stream.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">container</exception>
        /// <exception cref="MediaContainerException">The container exception.</exception>
        protected MediaComponent(MediaContainer container, int streamIndex)
            // Ported from: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/fftools/ffplay.c#L2559
            Container        = container ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));
            m_LoggingHandler = ((ILoggingSource)Container).LoggingHandler;
            m_CodecContext   = new IntPtr(ffmpeg.avcodec_alloc_context3(null));
            StreamIndex = streamIndex;
            m_Stream    = new IntPtr(container.InputContext->streams[streamIndex]);
            StreamInfo  = container.MediaInfo.Streams[streamIndex];

            // Set default codec context options from probed stream
            var setCodecParamsResult = ffmpeg.avcodec_parameters_to_context(CodecContext, Stream->codecpar);

            if (setCodecParamsResult < 0)
                                $"Could not set codec parameters. Error code: {setCodecParamsResult}");

            // We set the packet timebase in the same timebase as the stream as opposed to the typical AV_TIME_BASE
            if (this is VideoComponent && Container.MediaOptions.VideoForcedFps > 0)
                var fpsRational = ffmpeg.av_d2q(Container.MediaOptions.VideoForcedFps, 1000000);
                Stream->r_frame_rate       = fpsRational;
                CodecContext->pkt_timebase = new AVRational {
                    num = fpsRational.den, den = fpsRational.num
                CodecContext->pkt_timebase = Stream->time_base;

            // Find the default decoder codec from the stream and set it.
            var      defaultCodec = ffmpeg.avcodec_find_decoder(Stream->codec->codec_id);
            AVCodec *forcedCodec  = null;

            // If set, change the codec to the forced codec.
            if (Container.MediaOptions.DecoderCodec.ContainsKey(StreamIndex) &&
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Container.MediaOptions.DecoderCodec[StreamIndex]) == false)
                var forcedCodecName = Container.MediaOptions.DecoderCodec[StreamIndex];
                forcedCodec = ffmpeg.avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(forcedCodecName);
                if (forcedCodec == null)
                                    $"COMP {MediaType.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()}: " +
                                    $"Unable to set decoder codec to '{forcedCodecName}' on stream index {StreamIndex}");

            // Check we have a valid codec to open and process the stream.
            if (defaultCodec == null && forcedCodec == null)
                var errorMessage = $"Fatal error. Unable to find suitable decoder for {Stream->codec->codec_id.ToString()}";
                throw new MediaContainerException(errorMessage);

            var      codecCandidates = new[] { forcedCodec, defaultCodec };
            AVCodec *selectedCodec   = null;
            var      codecOpenResult = 0;

            foreach (var codec in codecCandidates)
                if (codec == null)

                // Pass default codec stuff to the codec context
                CodecContext->codec_id = codec->id;

                // Process the decoder options
                    var decoderOptions = Container.MediaOptions.DecoderParams;

                    // Configure the codec context flags
                    if (decoderOptions.EnableFastDecoding)
                        CodecContext->flags2 |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_FAST;
                    if (decoderOptions.EnableLowDelayDecoding)
                        CodecContext->flags |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG_LOW_DELAY;

                    // process the low res option
                    if (decoderOptions.LowResolutionIndex != ResolutionDivider.Full && codec->max_lowres > 0)
                        var lowResOption = Math.Min((byte)decoderOptions.LowResolutionIndex, codec->max_lowres)
                        decoderOptions.LowResIndexOption = lowResOption;

                    // Ensure ref counted frames for audio and video decoding
                    if (CodecContext->codec_type == AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO || CodecContext->codec_type == AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)
                        decoderOptions.RefCountedFrames = "1";

                // Setup additional settings. The most important one is Threads -- Setting it to 1 decoding is very slow. Setting it to auto
                // decoding is very fast in most scenarios.
                var codecOptions = Container.MediaOptions.DecoderParams.GetStreamCodecOptions(Stream->index);

                // Enable Hardware acceleration if requested
                (this as VideoComponent)?.AttachHardwareDevice(container.MediaOptions.VideoHardwareDevice);

                // Open the CodecContext. This requires exclusive FFmpeg access
                lock (CodecLock)
                    var codecOptionsRef = codecOptions.Pointer;
                    codecOpenResult = ffmpeg.avcodec_open2(CodecContext, codec, &codecOptionsRef);

                // Check if the codec opened successfully
                if (codecOpenResult < 0)
                                    $"Unable to open codec '{FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(codec->name)}' on stream {streamIndex}");


                // If there are any codec options left over from passing them, it means they were not consumed
                var currentEntry = codecOptions.First();
                while (currentEntry?.Key != null)
                                    $"Invalid codec option: '{currentEntry.Key}' for codec '{FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(codec->name)}', stream {streamIndex}");
                    currentEntry = codecOptions.Next(currentEntry);

                selectedCodec = codec;

            if (selectedCodec == null)
                throw new MediaContainerException($"Unable to find suitable decoder codec for stream {streamIndex}. Error code {codecOpenResult}");

            // Startup done. Set some options.
            Stream->discard = AVDiscard.AVDISCARD_DEFAULT;
            MediaType       = (MediaType)CodecContext->codec_type;

            switch (MediaType)
            case MediaType.Audio:
            case MediaType.Video:
                BufferCountThreshold    = 25;
                BufferDurationThreshold = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
                DecodePacketFunction    = DecodeNextAVFrame;

            case MediaType.Subtitle:
                BufferCountThreshold    = 0;
                BufferDurationThreshold = TimeSpan.Zero;
                DecodePacketFunction    = DecodeNextAVSubtitle;

                throw new NotSupportedException($"A component of MediaType '{MediaType}' is not supported");

            if (StreamInfo.IsAttachedPictureDisposition)
                BufferCountThreshold    = 0;
                BufferDurationThreshold = TimeSpan.Zero;

            // Compute the start time
            StartTime = Stream->start_time == ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE ?
                        Container.MediaStartTime :

            // compute the duration
            Duration = (Stream->duration == ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE || Stream->duration <= 0) ?
                       Container.MediaDuration :

            CodecId   = Stream->codec->codec_id;
            CodecName = FFInterop.PtrToStringUTF8(selectedCodec->name);
            BitRate   = Stream->codec->bit_rate < 0 ? 0 : Stream->codec->bit_rate;
                          $"{MediaType.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()}: Start Offset: {StartTime.Format()}; Duration: {Duration.Format()}");

            // Begin processing with a flush packet