Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestLexerDelegatorRuleOverridesDelegateLeavingNoRules() /*throws Exception*/
            // M.Tokens has nothing to predict tokens from S.  Should
            // not include S.Tokens alt in this case?
            string slave =
                "lexer grammar S;\n" +
                "A : 'a' {System.out.println(\"S.A\");} ;\n";

            writeFile(tmpdir, "S.g", slave);
            string master =
                "lexer grammar M;\n" +
                "import S;\n" +
                "A : 'a' {System.out.println(\"M.A\");} ;\n" +
                "WS : (' '|'\\n') {skip();} ;\n";

            writeFile(tmpdir, "M.g", master);

            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

            AntlrTool        antlr     = newTool(new string[] { "-lib", tmpdir });
            CompositeGrammar composite = new CompositeGrammar();
            Grammar          g         = new Grammar(antlr, tmpdir + "/M.g", composite);


            // predict only alts from M not S
            string expectingDFA =
                ".s0-'a'->.s1\n" +
                ".s0-{'\\n', ' '}->:s3=>2\n" +

            Antlr3.Analysis.DFA dfa        = g.GetLookaheadDFA(1);
            FASerializer        serializer = new FASerializer(g);
            string result = serializer.Serialize(dfa.startState);

            assertEquals(expectingDFA, result);

            // must not be a "unreachable alt: Tokens" error
            assertEquals("unexpected errors: " + equeue, 0, equeue.errors.Count);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void checkDecision(Grammar g,
                                     int decision,
                                     string expecting,
                                     int[] expectingUnreachableAlts)
        //throws Exception
            Antlr3.AntlrTool tool = new Antlr3.AntlrTool();
            // mimic actions of org.antlr.Tool first time for grammar g
            if (g.CodeGenerator == null)
                CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(tool, g, "Java");
                g.CodeGenerator = generator;

            DFA dfa = g.GetLookaheadDFA(decision);

            assertNotNull("unknown decision #" + decision, dfa);
            FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer(g);
            string       result     = serializer.Serialize(dfa.startState);
            var nonDetAlts = dfa.UnreachableAlts;

            //System.out.println("alts w/o predict state="+nonDetAlts);

            // first make sure nondeterministic alts are as expected
            if (expectingUnreachableAlts == null)
                if (nonDetAlts != null && nonDetAlts.Count != 0)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("nondeterministic alts (should be empty): " + ((IList)nonDetAlts).ToElementString());
                assertEquals("unreachable alts mismatch", 0, nonDetAlts != null ? nonDetAlts.Count : 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < expectingUnreachableAlts.Length; i++)
                    assertTrue("unreachable alts mismatch",
                               nonDetAlts != null ? nonDetAlts.Contains(expectingUnreachableAlts[i]) : false);
            assertEquals(expecting, result);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestLoopsWithOptimizedOutExitBranches() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'x'* ~'x'+ ;\n");
            string expecting =
                ".s0-'x'->:s1=>1\n" +
                ".s0-{'\\u0000'..'w', 'y'..'\\uFFFF'}->:s2=>2\n";

            checkDecision(g, 1, expecting, null);

            // The optimizer yanks out all exit branches from EBNF blocks
            // This is ok because we've already verified there are no problems
            // with the enter/exit decision
            DFAOptimizer optimizer = new DFAOptimizer(g);

            FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer(g);
            DFA          dfa        = g.GetLookaheadDFA(1);
            string       result     = serializer.Serialize(dfa.startState);

            expecting = ".s0-'x'->:s1=>1\n";
            assertEquals(expecting, result);
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void checkDecision(Grammar g,
                                     int decision,
                                     string expecting,
                                     int[] expectingUnreachableAlts,
                                     int[] expectingNonDetAlts,
                                     string expectingAmbigInput,
                                     int[] expectingInsufficientPredAlts,
                                     int[] expectingDanglingAlts,
                                     int expectingNumWarnings,
                                     bool hasPredHiddenByAction)
        //throws Exception
            DecisionProbe.verbose = true; // make sure we get all error info
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(newTool(), g, "Java");

            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            // mimic actions of org.antlr.Tool first time for grammar g
            if (g.NumberOfDecisions == 0)

            if (equeue.size() != expectingNumWarnings)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Warnings issued: " + equeue);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectingNumWarnings, equeue.size(), "unexpected number of expected problems");

            DFA          dfa        = g.GetLookaheadDFA(decision);
            FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer(g);
            string       result     = serializer.Serialize(dfa.StartState);
            var unreachableAlts = dfa.UnreachableAlts;

            // make sure unreachable alts are as expected
            if (expectingUnreachableAlts != null)
                BitSet s = new BitSet();
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "unreachable alts mismatch");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, unreachableAlts != null ? unreachableAlts.Count : 0, "unreachable alts mismatch");

            // check conflicting input
            if (expectingAmbigInput != null)
                // first, find nondet message
                Message msg = getNonDeterminismMessage(equeue.warnings);
                Assert.IsNotNull(msg, "no nondeterminism warning?");
                Assert.IsTrue(msg is GrammarNonDeterminismMessage, "expecting nondeterminism; found " + msg.GetType().Name);
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                var labels =
                string input = nondetMsg.probe.GetInputSequenceDisplay(labels);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectingAmbigInput, input);

            // check nondet alts
            if (expectingNonDetAlts != null)
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                Assert.IsNotNull(nondetMsg, "found no nondet alts; expecting: " + str(expectingNonDetAlts));
                var nonDetAlts =
                // compare nonDetAlts with expectingNonDetAlts
                BitSet s = new BitSet();
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "nondet alts mismatch");
                Assert.AreEqual(hasPredHiddenByAction, nondetMsg.problemState.Dfa.HasPredicateBlockedByAction, "mismatch between expected hasPredHiddenByAction");
                // not expecting any nondet alts, make sure there are none
                GrammarNonDeterminismMessage nondetMsg =
                Assert.IsNull(nondetMsg, "found nondet alts, but expecting none");

            if (expectingInsufficientPredAlts != null)
                GrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage insuffPredMsg =
                Assert.IsNotNull(insuffPredMsg, "found no GrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage alts; expecting: " + str(expectingNonDetAlts));
                var    locations  = insuffPredMsg.altToLocations;
                var    actualAlts = locations.Keys;
                BitSet s          = new BitSet();
                BitSet s2 = new BitSet();
                Assert.AreEqual(s, s2, "mismatch between insufficiently covered alts");
                Assert.AreEqual(hasPredHiddenByAction, insuffPredMsg.problemState.Dfa.HasPredicateBlockedByAction, "mismatch between expected hasPredHiddenByAction");
                // not expecting any nondet alts, make sure there are none
                GrammarInsufficientPredicatesMessage nondetMsg =
                if (nondetMsg != null)
                Assert.IsNull(nondetMsg, "found insufficiently covered alts, but expecting none");

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Init()
            // List of DFA nodes in minimized DFA node
            List <CGraphNode> configurationAcc, configurationNonAcc;

            // Create configuration (min-DFA node) for accepted nodes
            CGraphNode acceptedConf = m_minimizedDFA.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>();

            // Create a list of initial-DFA nodes that are registered as accepted nodes
            configurationAcc = new List <CGraphNode>();
            // Store the list for initial-DFA accepted nodes in the min-DFA for accepted nodes
            SetNodesInConfiguration(acceptedConf, configurationAcc);
            // Create configuration (min-DFA node) for non-accepted nodes
            CGraphNode non_acceptedConf = m_minimizedDFA.CreateGraphNode <CGraphNode>();

            // Create a list for initial-DFA nodes that are registered as non-accepted nodes
            configurationNonAcc = new List <CGraphNode>();
            // Store the list of initial-DFA non-accepted node in the min-DFA for accepted nodes
            SetNodesInConfiguration(non_acceptedConf, configurationNonAcc);

            // Separate accepted from non-accepted nodes into two distinct
            // configurations. Iterate over the input DFA and place the
            // accepted node into configurationAcc and none accepted nodes
            // into configurationNonAcc
            CIt_GraphNodes it = new CIt_GraphNodes(m_DFA);

            for (it.Begin(); !it.End(); it.Next())
                if (m_DFA.GetFinalStates().Contains(it.M_CurrentItem))
                    // Record in the input DFA node the in which minimized DFA node
                    // will be placed
                    SetNodeConfiguration(it.M_CurrentItem, acceptedConf);
                    // Record in the input DFA node the in which minimized DFA node
                    // will be placed
                    SetNodeConfiguration(it.M_CurrentItem, non_acceptedConf);

            // ************************* Debug Initialization ***************************
            m_DFA.RegisterGraphPrinter(new FATextPrinter(m_DFA));
            m_reporting.SetInitialMinDFAStatesContents(acceptedConf, configurationAcc, non_acceptedConf, configurationNonAcc);

            int            nodeCount       = 0;
            int            iteration_count = 0;
            CIt_GraphNodes minDFA_it       = new CIt_GraphNodes(m_minimizedDFA);

            // Iterate while the algorithm reaches a fixed point state
            while (nodeCount != m_minimizedDFA.M_NumberOfNodes)
                nodeCount = m_minimizedDFA.M_NumberOfNodes;

                // ************************* Debug  ***************************
                CIterationRecord currentIteration = m_reporting.AddIteration(iteration_count);

                for (minDFA_it.Begin(); !minDFA_it.End(); minDFA_it.Next())
                    // ************************* Debug  ***************************
                    currentIteration.M_InitialNodesConfiguration.Add(minDFA_it.M_CurrentItem, new List <CGraphNode>(GetNodesInConfiguration(minDFA_it.M_CurrentItem)));


            // Draw the final edges
            // Edges between nodes of the initial DFA are mapped to edges between
            // configurations in minimized-DFA. Thus, edges are drawn between two
            // min-DFA related configurations when their corresponding nodes are
            // connected and their transition character set is combined
            CIt_GraphNodes    minit1 = new CIt_GraphNodes(m_minimizedDFA);
            CIt_GraphNodes    minit2 = new CIt_GraphNodes(m_minimizedDFA);
            List <CGraphNode> confs, conft;
            CGraphEdge        edge, newedge;

            for (minit1.Begin(); !minit1.End(); minit1.Next())
                for (minit2.Begin(); !minit2.End(); minit2.Next())
                    confs = GetNodesInConfiguration(minit1.M_CurrentItem);
                    conft = GetNodesInConfiguration(minit2.M_CurrentItem);
                    foreach (CGraphNode snode in confs)
                        foreach (CGraphNode tnode in conft)
                            edge = m_DFA.Edge(snode, tnode);
                            if (edge != null)
                                // Disallow duplicate edges between nodes of the minimized DFA
                                newedge = m_minimizedDFA.Edge(minit1.M_CurrentItem, minit2.M_CurrentItem);
                                if (newedge == null)
                                    newedge = m_minimizedDFA.AddGraphEdge <CGraphEdge, CGraphNode>(minit1.M_CurrentItem, minit2.M_CurrentItem, GraphType.GT_DIRECTED);

                                // Add transition characters
                                if (GetMinDFAStateTransitionCharacterSet(newedge) == null)
                                    SetMinDFAStateTransitionCharacterSet(newedge, new CCharRangeSet(false));
                                    m_minimizedDFA.SetFAEdgeInfo(newedge, new CCharRangeSet(false));
                                CCharRangeSet charset = GetMinDFAStateTransitionCharacterSet(newedge);

            // Detect accepted nodes in minimized DFA
            CIt_GraphNodes it1 = new CIt_GraphNodes(m_minimizedDFA);

            for (it1.Begin(); !it1.End(); it1.Next())
                List <CGraphNode> configuration = GetNodesInConfiguration(it1.M_CurrentItem);
                List <CGraphNode> finals        = m_DFA.GetFinalStates();
                foreach (CGraphNode node in configuration)
                    if (finals.Contains(node))

            // Detect initial state of minimized DFA
            for (it1.Begin(); !it1.End(); it1.Next())
                List <CGraphNode> configuration = GetNodesInConfiguration(it1.M_CurrentItem);
                CGraphNode        initial       = m_DFA.M_Initial;
                foreach (CGraphNode node in configuration)
                    if (initial == node)
                        m_minimizedDFA.M_Initial = it1.M_CurrentItem;

            // Set Final minimized-DFA labels
            for (it1.Begin(); !it1.End(); it1.Next())
                List <CGraphNode> conf = GetNodesInConfiguration(it1.M_CurrentItem);
                foreach (CGraphNode iNode in conf)
                    HashSet <string> prefs = m_DFA.GetFANodePrefixLabels(iNode);
                    foreach (string s in prefs)
                        m_minimizedDFA.SetFANodePrefix(s, it1.M_CurrentItem);

                    foreach (uint dependency in m_DFA.GetFANodeLineDependencies(iNode))
                        m_minimizedDFA.SetFANodeLineDependency(dependency, it1.M_CurrentItem);
                m_minimizedDFA.PrefixElementLabel(m_minimizedDFA.GetFANodePrefix(it1.M_CurrentItem), it1.M_CurrentItem);


            FASerializer serializer = new FASerializer(m_minimizedDFA);


            m_DFA.RegisterGraphPrinter(new FAGraphVizPrinter(m_minimizedDFA, new UOPCore.Options <ThompsonOptions>()));
            m_DFA.Generate(@"minimizedDFA.dot", true);