Exemplo n.º 1
 protected void grid1_RowUpdating(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataUpdatingEventArgs e)
     e.NewValues["UpdateBy"]           = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToUpper();
     e.NewValues["UpdateDateTime"]     = DateTime.Now;
     e.NewValues["BkgRefNo"]           = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["BkgRefNo"]);
     e.NewValues["HblNo"]              = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["HblNo"]);
     e.NewValues["CustomerId"]         = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["CustomerId"]);
     e.NewValues["ShipperId"]          = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["ShipperId"]);
     e.NewValues["ShipperName"]        = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["ShipperName"]);
     e.NewValues["ShipperContact"]     = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["ShipperContact"]);
     e.NewValues["ShipperFax"]         = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["ShipperFax"]);
     e.NewValues["ShipperTel"]         = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["ShipperTel"]);
     e.NewValues["ShipperEmail"]       = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["ShipperEmail"]);
     e.NewValues["Pol"]                = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["Pol"]);
     e.NewValues["PlaceLoadingName"]   = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["PlaceLoadingName"]);
     e.NewValues["FrtTerm"]            = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["FrtTerm"]);
     e.NewValues["Pod"]                = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["Pod"]);
     e.NewValues["PlaceDischargeName"] = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["PlaceDischargeName"]);
     e.NewValues["PreCarriage"]        = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["PreCarriage"]);
     e.NewValues["PlaceDeliveryId"]    = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["PlaceDeliveryId"]);
     e.NewValues["PlaceDeliveryname"]  = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["PlaceDeliveryname"]);
     e.NewValues["PlaceDeliveryTerm"]  = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["PlaceDeliveryTerm"]);
     e.NewValues["PlaceReceiveId"]     = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["PlaceReceiveId"]);
     e.NewValues["PlaceReceiveName"]   = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["PlaceReceiveName"]);
     e.NewValues["PlaceReceiveTerm"]   = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["PlaceReceiveTerm"]);
     e.NewValues["ShipOnBoardInd"]     = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["ShipOnBoardInd"]);
     e.NewValues["ShipOnBoardDate"]    = SafeValue.SafeDate(e.NewValues["ShipOnBoardDate"], new DateTime(1753, 01, 01));
     e.NewValues["ExpressBl"]          = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["ExpressBl"]);
     e.NewValues["CustRefNo"]          = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["CustRefNo"]);
     e.NewValues["ServiceType"]        = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["ServiceType"]);
     e.NewValues["SurrenderBl"]        = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["SurrenderBl"]);
     e.NewValues["Note2"]              = SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["Note2"]);
     EzshipLog.Log(SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["JobNo"]), SafeValue.SafeString(e.NewValues["JobNo"]), "Direct", "Update");
Exemplo n.º 2
    protected void grid_Export_CustomDataCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string      s          = e.Parameters;
        ASPxTextBox txtHouseNo = this.grid_Export.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txtHouseNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxTextBox txtRefNo   = this.grid_Export.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txtRefNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        int         oid        = SafeValue.SafeInt(this.grid_Export.GetRowValues(this.grid_Export.EditingRowVisibleIndex, new string[] { "Id" }), 0);
        string      sql        = "select StatusCode from air_job where Id=" + oid + "";
        string      jobStatus  = SafeValue.SafeString(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql));

        if (s == "VoidHouse")
            #region VoidHouse
            string sql_cnt = string.Format("select count(SequenceId) from XAArInvoiceDet where MastType='AE' and MastRefNo='{0}' and JobRefNo='{1}' ", txtRefNo.Text, txtHouseNo.Text);
            int    cnt     = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_cnt), 0);
            if (cnt > 0)
                e.Result = "Billing";
            if (jobStatus == "CNL")
                sql = string.Format("update air_job set StatusCode='USE' where Id={0}", oid);
                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    EzshipLog.Log(txtRefNo.Text, txtHouseNo.Text, "AE", "Unvoid");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    //btn.Text = "Close Job";
                    //closeIndStr.Text = "C";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
                string refType    = "AE";
                bool   closeByEst = EzshipHelper.GetCloseEstInd(txtHouseNo.Text, refType);
                if (closeByEst)
                    sql = string.Format("update air_job set StatusCode='CNL' where Id={0}", oid);
                    int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                    if (res > 0)
                        EzshipLog.Log(txtRefNo.Text, txtHouseNo.Text, "AE", "Void");
                        e.Result = "Success";
                        //btn.Text = "Close Job";
                        //closeIndStr.Text = "C";
                        e.Result = "Fail";
                    e.Result = "NoMatch";
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected void ASPxGridView1_CustomDataCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string  doNo     = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["Sn"].ToString());
        string  type     = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["type"].ToString());
        string  s        = e.Parameters;
        bool    action   = false;
        decimal totalQty = 0;
        decimal value    = 0;
        string  product  = "";
        int     result   = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["Sn"] != null)
            #region Vali
            if (s == "Vali")
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    int    id  = list[i].id;
                    string sku = list[i].sku;
                    string sql = string.Format(@"select count(*) from Wh_DoDet2 d1 inner join Wh_DoDet d on d.ProductCode=d1.Product and d.DoType=d1.DoType and d1.DoNo=d.DoNo where d1.DoNo='{0}' and d1.Product='{1}'", doNo, sku);
                    int    cnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
                    if (cnt > 0)
                        e.Result = "Fail!Had Picked";
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        string  sku     = list[i].sku;
                        decimal balqty  = list[i].avaibleQty;
                        decimal qty     = list[i].qty;
                        decimal picking = list[i].pickQty;
                        if (qty <= 0)
                            e.Result = "No Qty";
                        if (qty > balqty)
                            e.Result = "No Balance";
                        if (balqty < (qty + picking))
                            e.Result = "Had Picking,No Enough Stock";
                        //    e.Result = "Had Picking,Can't Pick again";
                        //    return;

                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        int     id          = list[i].id;
                        string  sku         = list[i].sku;
                        decimal qty         = list[i].qty;
                        string  lotNo       = list[i].lotNo;
                        decimal balqty      = list[i].avaibleQty;
                        string  loc         = list[i].loc;
                        decimal price       = list[i].price;
                        decimal pendingpick = list[i].pickQty;
                        string  remark      = list[i].remark;
                        string  palletNo    = list[i].palletNo;
                        for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
                            string  sku1 = list[j].sku;
                            decimal qty1 = list[j].qty;
                            if (sku1 == sku)
                                totalQty = qty1 + value;
                            value = qty1;
                        string sql_sum       = string.Format(@"select sum(Qty1) as TotalQty from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and Remark='{2}' and PalletNo='{3}'", doNo, sku, lotNo, remark, palletNo);
                        int    total         = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_sum), 0);
                        string sql           = string.Format(@"select count(*) from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and LotNo='{2}' and Location='{3}' and Remark='{4}' and PalletNo='{5}'", doNo, sku, lotNo, loc, remark, palletNo);
                        int    cnt           = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
                        string sql_totalQty5 = string.Format(@"select sum(Qty5) as PickQty from Wh_DoDet where DoNo='{0}' and ProductCode='{1}' and Remark='{2}' and PalletNo='{3}'", doNo, sku, remark, palletNo);
                        string sql_totalQty1 = string.Format(@"select sum(Qty1) as PickQty from Wh_DoDet where DoNo='{0}' and ProductCode='{1}' and Remark='{2}' and PalletNo='{3}'", doNo, sku, remark, palletNo);
                        int    total_qty5    = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_totalQty5), 0);
                        int    total_qty1    = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_totalQty1), 0);
                        if (cnt > 0 && (total < total_qty1 || total < total_qty5))
                            sql = string.Format(@"update Wh_DoDet2 set Qty1=Qty1+{3} where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and LotNo='{2}' and Remark='{3}' and PalletNo='{4}'", doNo, sku, lotNo, qty, remark, palletNo);
                            action = false;
                        else if (cnt > 0 && (total_qty1 == total || total_qty5 == total))
                            sql = string.Format(@"delete from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and LotNo='{2}' and Remark='{3}' and PalletNo='{4}'", doNo, sku, lotNo, remark, palletNo);
                            action = true;
                        else if (cnt == 0)
                            if ((total_qty1 == total || total_qty5 == total) && totalQty < total)
                                sql = string.Format(@"delete from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and Qty1={2} and Remark='{3}' and PalletNo='{4}'", doNo, sku, qty, remark, palletNo);
                            if ((total_qty1 == total || total_qty5 == total) && totalQty >= total)
                                sql = string.Format(@"delete from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and Remark='{2}' and PalletNo='{3}'", doNo, sku, remark, palletNo);
                            action = true;
                        if (action)
                            TransferToDo(id, doNo, sku, lotNo, qty, loc, price);
                        sql = string.Format(@"select JobStatus from Wh_DoDet where Id={0}", id);
                        string jobstatus = SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql));
                        if (jobstatus == "Pending")
                            sql    = string.Format(@"update Wh_DoDet set Qty1=Qty5,Qty5=0,JobStatus='Picked' where Id={0}", id);
                            result = SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteSql(sql), 0);
                    EzshipLog.Log(doNo, "", "OUT", "Picked");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                catch { }

            #region OK
            if (s == "OK")
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        string  sku     = list[i].sku;
                        decimal balqty  = list[i].avaibleQty;
                        decimal qty     = list[i].qty;
                        decimal picking = list[i].pickQty;
                        if (qty <= 0)
                            e.Result = "No Qty";
                        if (qty > balqty)
                            e.Result = "No Balance";
                        if (balqty < (qty + picking))
                            e.Result = "Had Picking,No Enough Stock";
                        //if (picking >balqty)
                        //    e.Result = "Had Picking,Can't Pick again";
                        //    return;

                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        int     id       = list[i].id;
                        string  sku      = list[i].sku;
                        decimal qty      = list[i].qty;
                        string  lotNo    = list[i].lotNo;
                        decimal balqty   = list[i].avaibleQty;
                        string  loc      = list[i].loc;
                        decimal price    = list[i].price;
                        string  remark   = list[i].remark;
                        string  palletNo = list[i].palletNo;
                        for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
                            string  sku1 = list[j].sku;
                            decimal qty1 = list[j].qty;
                            if (sku1 == sku)
                                totalQty = qty1 + value;
                            value = qty1;
                        string sql_sum = string.Format(@"select sum(Qty1) as TotalQty from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and Remark='{2}' and PalletNo='{3}'", doNo, sku, remark, palletNo);
                        int    total   = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_sum), 0);
                        string sql     = string.Format(@"select count(*) from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and LotNo='{2}' and Location='{3}' and Remark='{4}' and PalletNo='{5}'", doNo, sku, lotNo, loc, remark, palletNo);
                        int    cnt     = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);

                        string sql_totalQty5 = string.Format(@"select sum(Qty5) as PickQty from Wh_DoDet where DoNo='{0}' and ProductCode='{1}' and Remark='{2}' and PalletNo='{3}'", doNo, sku, remark, palletNo);
                        string sql_totalQty1 = string.Format(@"select sum(Qty1) as PickQty from Wh_DoDet where DoNo='{0}' and ProductCode='{1}' and Remark='{2}' and PalletNo='{3}'", doNo, sku, remark, palletNo);
                        int    total_qty5    = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_totalQty5), 0);
                        int    total_qty1    = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_totalQty1), 0);
                        if (cnt > 0 && (total < total_qty1 || total < total_qty5))
                            sql = string.Format(@"update Wh_DoDet2 set Qty1=Qty1+{3} where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and LotNo='{2}' and Remark='{3}' and PalletNo='{4}'", doNo, sku, lotNo, qty, remark, palletNo);
                            action = false;
                        else if (cnt > 0 && (total_qty1 == total || total_qty5 == total))
                            sql = string.Format(@"delete from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and Remark='{2}' and PalletNo='{3}'", doNo, sku, remark, palletNo);
                            action = true;
                        else if (cnt == 0)
                            if ((total_qty1 == total || total_qty5 == total) && totalQty < total)
                                sql = string.Format(@"select count(*) from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and Qty1={2} and Remark='{3}' and PalletNo='{4}'", doNo, sku, qty, remark, palletNo);
                                cnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
                                if (cnt > 0)
                                    sql = string.Format(@"delete from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and Qty1={2} and Remark='{3}' and PalletNo='{4}'", doNo, sku, qty, remark, palletNo);
                            if ((total_qty1 == total || total_qty5 == total) && totalQty >= total)
                                sql = string.Format(@"delete from Wh_DoDet2 where DoNo='{0}' and Product='{1}' and Remark='{2}' and PalletNo='{3}'", doNo, sku, remark, palletNo);
                            action = true;
                        if (action)
                            TransferToDo(id, doNo, sku, lotNo, qty, loc, price);
                        sql = string.Format(@"select JobStatus from Wh_DoDet where Id={0}", id);
                        string jobstatus = SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql));
                        if (jobstatus == "Pending")
                            sql    = string.Format(@"update Wh_DoDet set Qty1=Qty5+Qty1,JobStatus='Picked' where Id={0}", id);
                            result = SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteSql(sql), 0);
                            sql    = string.Format(@"update Wh_DoDet set Qty5=0,JobStatus='Picked' where Id={0}", id);
                            result = SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteSql(sql), 0);
                        product = sku;

                    e.Result = "Success";
                    EzshipLog.Log(doNo, "", "OUT", "Picked");
                catch { }
            e.Result = "Please keyin select party ";
Exemplo n.º 4
    protected void grid_ref_CustomDataCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string          s           = e.Parameters;
        ASPxPageControl pageControl = this.grid_ref.FindEditFormTemplateControl("pageControl") as ASPxPageControl;
        ASPxTextBox     masterId    = this.grid_ref.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Id") as ASPxTextBox;
        string          userId      = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
        ASPxLabel       closeIndStr = this.grid_ref.FindEditFormTemplateControl("lab_CloseInd") as ASPxLabel;
        ASPxTextBox     txt_RefN    = this.grid_ref.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_RefN") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxButton      btn         = this.grid_ref.FindControl("btn_CloseJob") as ASPxButton;
        string          sql         = string.Format("select StatusCode from air_ref  where Id={0}", masterId.Text);
        string          statusCode  = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql));

        if (s == "VoidMaster")
            #region void master

            string sql_cnt = string.Format("select count(SequenceId) from XAArInvoiceDet where MastType='AI' and MastRefNo='{0}' ", txt_RefN.Text);
            int    cnt     = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_cnt), 0);
            if (cnt > 0)
                e.Result = "Billing";
            if (statusCode == "CNL")
                sql = string.Format("update air_ref set StatusCode='USE' where RefNo='{0}'", txt_RefN.Text);
                string sql1 = string.Format("update air_job set StatusCode='USE' where RefNo='{0}'", txt_RefN.Text);
                int    res  = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                int    res1 = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql1);
                if (res > 0 && res1 > 0)
                    EzshipLog.Log(txt_RefN.Text, "", "AI", "Unvoid");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    //btn.Text = "Close Job";
                    //closeIndStr.Text = "C";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
                string refType    = "AI";
                bool   closeByEst = EzshipHelper.GetCloseEstInd(txt_RefN.Text, refType);
                if (closeByEst)
                    sql = string.Format("update air_ref set StatusCode='CNL' where RefNo='{0}'", txt_RefN.Text);
                    string sql1 = string.Format("update air_job set StatusCode='CNL' where RefNo='{0}'", txt_RefN.Text);
                    int    res  = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                    int    res1 = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql1);
                    if (res > 0 && res1 > 0)
                        EzshipLog.Log(txt_RefN.Text, "", "AI", "Void");
                        e.Result = "Success";
                        //btn.Text = "Close Job";
                        //closeIndStr.Text = "C";
                        e.Result = "Fail";
                    e.Result = "NoMatch";

        if (s == "CloseJob")
            #region close job

            if (statusCode == "CLS")
                sql = string.Format("update air_ref set StatusCode='USE' where RefNo='{0}'", txt_RefN.Text);
                string sql1 = string.Format("update air_job set StatusCode='USE' where RefNo='{0}'", txt_RefN.Text);
                int    res  = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                int    res1 = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql1);
                if (res > 0 && res1 > 0)
                    EzshipLog.Log(txt_RefN.Text, "", "AI", "Open");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    //btn.Text = "Close Job";
                    //closeIndStr.Text = "N";
                    e.Result = "Fail";

                string refType    = "AI";
                bool   closeByEst = EzshipHelper.GetCloseEstInd(txt_RefN.Text, refType);
                if (closeByEst)
                    sql = string.Format("update air_ref set StatusCode='CLS', CloseDate='{0}' ,CloseUser='******' where RefNo='{2}'", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), userId, txt_RefN.Text);
                    string sql1 = string.Format("update air_job set StatusCode='CLS' where RefNo='{0}'", txt_RefN.Text);

                    int res  = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                    int res1 = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql1);
                    if (res > 0 && res1 > 0)
                        EzshipLog.Log(txt_RefN.Text, "", "AI", "Close");
                        e.Result = "Success";
                        //btn.Text = "Open Job";
                        //closeIndStr.Text = "Y";
                        e.Result = "Fail";
                    e.Result = "NoMatch";
Exemplo n.º 5
    protected string SaveLc()
            ASPxTextBox txt_LcNo             = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_LcNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Id               = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Id") as ASPxTextBox;
            string      id                   = SafeValue.SafeString(txt_Id.Text, "");
            Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery query = new Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery(typeof(RefLc), "Id='" + id + "'");
            RefLc        lc                  = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObject(query) as RefLc;
            ASPxDateEdit date_AppDate        = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_AppDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            bool         isNew               = false;
            //const string runType = "DOOUT";
            string lcNo = "";
            if (lc == null)
                lc           = new RefLc();
                isNew        = true;
                lcNo         = C2Setup.GetNextNo("", "LetterOfCredit", date_AppDate.Date);
                lc.LcAppDate = date_AppDate.Date;
            ASPxComboBox cmb_Type = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_Type") as ASPxComboBox;
            lc.LcType = cmb_Type.Text;

            ASPxDateEdit date_LcExpirtDate = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_LcExpirtDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            lc.LcExpirtDate = date_LcExpirtDate.Date;
            //Main Info
            ASPxTextBox txt_TempNo = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_TempNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            lc.LcTempNo = txt_TempNo.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_LcRefNo = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_LcRefNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            lc.LcRef = txt_LcRefNo.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_LcExpirtPlace = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_LcExpirtPlace") as ASPxTextBox;
            lc.LcExpirtPlace = txt_LcExpirtPlace.Text;

            ASPxButtonEdit txt_EntityCode = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_EntityCode") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            lc.LcEntityCode = txt_EntityCode.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_EntityName = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_EntityName") as ASPxTextBox;
            lc.LcEntityName = txt_EntityName.Text;
            ASPxMemo memo_EntityAddress = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_EntityAddress") as ASPxMemo;
            lc.LcEntityAddress = memo_EntityAddress.Text;

            ASPxButtonEdit btn_BeneCode = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("btn_BeneCode") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            lc.LcBeneCode = btn_BeneCode.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_LcBeneName = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_LcBeneName") as ASPxTextBox;
            lc.LcBeneName = txt_LcBeneName.Text;
            ASPxMemo memo_BeneAddress = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_BeneAddress") as ASPxMemo;
            lc.LcBeneAddress = memo_BeneAddress.Text;

            ASPxButtonEdit btn_BankCode = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("btn_BankCode") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            lc.BankCode = btn_BankCode.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_BankName = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_BankName") as ASPxTextBox;
            lc.BankName = txt_BankName.Text;
            ASPxMemo memo_BankAddress = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_BankAddress") as ASPxMemo;
            lc.BankAddress = memo_BankAddress.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Branch = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Branch") as ASPxTextBox;
            lc.BankBranch = txt_Branch.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_BankRef = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_BankRef") as ASPxTextBox;
            lc.BankRef = txt_BankRef.Text;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_BankTenor = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_BankTenor") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            lc.BankTenor = SafeValue.SafeInt(spin_BankTenor.Text, 0);

            ASPxSpinEdit spin_LcAmount = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_LcAmount") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            lc.LcAmount = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_LcAmount.Value, 1);
            ASPxButtonEdit currency = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Currency") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            lc.LcCurrency = currency.Text;
            ASPxSpinEdit exRate = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_ExRate") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            lc.LcExRate = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(exRate.Value, 1);
            ASPxTextBox txt_LcMode = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_LcMode") as ASPxTextBox;
            lc.LcMode = txt_LcMode.Text;
            ASPxComboBox cmb_Status = grid.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_Status") as ASPxComboBox;
            lc.StatusCode = cmb_Status.Text;
            string userId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            if (isNew)
                lc.CreateBy       = userId;
                lc.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                lc.LcNo           = lcNo;
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(lc, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                C2Setup.SetNextNo("", "LetterOfCredit", lcNo, date_AppDate.Date);
                lc.UpdateBy       = userId;
                lc.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                bool isAddLog = false;
                if (lc.StatusCode == SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar("Select StatusCode from Ref_LC where LcNo='" + lc.LcNo + "'")))
                    isAddLog = true;
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(lc, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Updated);
                if (isAddLog)
                    EzshipLog.Log(lc.LcNo, "", lc.LcType, lc.StatusCode);
            Session["RefLC"]           = "LcNo='" + lc.LcNo + "'";
            this.dsLc.FilterExpression = Session["RefLC"].ToString();
            if (this.grid.GetRow(0) != null)

        catch { }
Exemplo n.º 6
    protected void grd_Do_CustomDataCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string          s               = e.Parameters;
        ASPxPageControl pageControl     = this.grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("pageControl") as ASPxPageControl;
        ASPxTextBox     id              = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Id") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxTextBox     txt_DoNo        = this.grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DoNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxButtonEdit  txt_WareHouseId = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_WareHouseId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
        ASPxButtonEdit  txt_PartyId     = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PartyId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
        ASPxTextBox     txt_PartyName   = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PartyName") as ASPxTextBox;

        if (s == "Save")
            #region Save
            if (txt_PartyId.Text.Trim() == "")
                e.Result = "Fail";
            ASPxComboBox doStatus = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_Status") as ASPxComboBox;
            if (doStatus.Text == "Confirmed")
                //check purchase price and sell price
                string sql1 = string.Format(@"select count(id) from wh_transdet 
 where dono='{0}' and DoType='po'", txt_DoNo.Text);
                if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql1), 0) == 0)
                    e.Result = "NO SKU";
                sql1 = string.Format(@"select (case when Price=0 then 0 else 1 end) Result from Wh_TransDet where dono='{0}' and DoType='po'", txt_DoNo.Text);
                DataTable tab = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql1);
                for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["Result"], 0) == 0)
                        e.Result = "No Price";
            if (txt_DoNo.Text.Length > 4)
                e.Result = "";//update old one
                e.Result = SavePo();// new one

        //string sql = "select Count(*) from Wh_TransDet where DoNo='" + SafeValue.SafeString(txt_DoNo.Text) + "' and (JobStatus='Draft' or JobStatus='Waiting')";
        // int cnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
        //if (cnt == 0)
        // {
        if (s == "CloseJob")
            #region close job

            string sql      = "select DoStatus from Wh_Trans where DoNo='" + txt_DoNo.Text + "'";
            string closeInd = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), "USE");//
            if (closeInd == "Closed")
                sql = string.Format("update Wh_Trans set DoStatus='Draft' where DoNo='{0}'", txt_DoNo.Text);
                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    EzshipLog.Log(txt_DoNo.Text, "", "PO", "Open Job");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
                sql = string.Format("update Wh_Trans set DoStatus='Closed' where DoNo='{0}'", txt_DoNo.Text);

                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    EzshipLog.Log(txt_DoNo.Text, "", "PO", "Closed Job");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
        //    e.Result = "NotClose";
        if (s == "Void")
            #region void master
            string sql_cnt = string.Format("select count(SequenceId) from XAArInvoiceDet where MastType='WH' and MastRefNo='{0}'", txt_DoNo.Text);
            int    cnt     = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_cnt), 0);
            if (cnt > 0)
                e.Result = "Billing";
            string sql      = "select StatusCode from Wh_Trans where DoNo='" + txt_DoNo.Text + "'";
            string closeInd = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), "N");// closeIndStr.Text;
            if (closeInd == "CNL")
                sql = string.Format("update Wh_Trans set StatusCode='USE' where DoNo='{0}'", txt_DoNo.Text);
                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
                sql = string.Format("update Wh_Trans set StatusCode='CNL' where DoNo='{0}'", txt_DoNo.Text);

                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
        else if (s == "Confirm")
            #region Confirm
            if (txt_PartyId.Text.Trim() == "")
                e.Result = "Fail";
            string sql      = "select StatusCode from Wh_Trans where DoNo='" + txt_DoNo.Text + "'";
            string closeInd = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), "Draft");//
            if (closeInd == "Draft")
                bool closeByEst = true;//EzshipHelper.GetCloseEstInd(refN.Text, refType);
                if (closeByEst)
                    sql = string.Format("update Wh_Trans set DoStatus='Confirmed',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where DoNo='{0}'", txt_DoNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

                    int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                    if (res > 0)
                        //string poNo = AddPurchase(tab, txt_DoNo.Text, txt_PartyId.Text, txt_PartyName.Text, txt_WareHouseId.Text);
                        //TransferToStock(txt_DoNo.Text, "PO");
                        EzshipLog.Log(txt_DoNo.Text, "", "PO", "Confirmed");
                        e.Result = "Success";
                        e.Result = "Fail";
                    e.Result = "NoMatch";
        else if (s == "CreatePO")
            #region Create PO
            string    sql = string.Format(@"select * from Wh_TransDet where DoNo='{0}' and Qty1>0", txt_DoNo.Text);
            DataTable tab = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);
            if (tab.Rows.Count > 0)
                sql = string.Format(@"select count(*) from (select sum(Qty1) as TotalQty1,mast.DoNo from Wh_TransDet det inner join Wh_Trans mast on det.DoNo=mast.DoNo and mast.DoType='BP' group by mast.DoNo) as tab_bp
left join (select sum(Qty1) as TotalQty2,BlanketNo from Wh_TransDet det inner join Wh_Trans mast on det.DoNo=mast.DoNo and mast.DoType='PO' group by BlanketNo) as tab_so on tab_so.BlanketNo=tab_bp.DoNo
where TotalQty1-TotalQty2=0 and BlanketNo='{0}'", txt_DoNo.Text);
                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    e.Result = "The purchase qty has been complete";
                string poNo = AddPurchase(tab, txt_DoNo.Text, txt_PartyId.Text, txt_PartyName.Text, txt_WareHouseId.Text);
                e.Result = "Success! " + "Purcharse Order No is " + poNo;
                e.Result = "NO Qty";
Exemplo n.º 7
    private string SavePo()
            ASPxPageControl            pageControl = this.grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("pageControl") as ASPxPageControl;
            ASPxDateEdit               txt_Date    = this.grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Date") as ASPxDateEdit;
            ASPxTextBox                txt_Id      = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Id") as ASPxTextBox;
            string                     pId         = SafeValue.SafeString(txt_Id.Text, "");
            Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery query       = new Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery(typeof(WhTrans), "Id='" + pId + "'");
            WhTrans                    whTrans     = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObject(query) as WhTrans;
            bool   action = false;
            string poNo   = "";
            if (whTrans == null)
                action  = true;
                whTrans = new WhTrans();
                poNo    = C2Setup.GetNextNo("", "BlanketPO", txt_Date.Date);
            ASPxComboBox cmb_Status = this.grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_Status") as ASPxComboBox;
            whTrans.DoStatus = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Status.Value);
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_PartyId = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PartyId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.PartyId = SafeValue.SafeString(txt_PartyId.Text);
            whTrans.DoDate  = SafeValue.SafeDate(txt_Date.Date, DateTime.Today);
            ASPxDateEdit txt_ExpectedDate = this.grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_ExpectedDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            whTrans.ExpectedDate = txt_ExpectedDate.Date;

            ASPxTextBox txt_PartyName = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PartyName") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.PartyName = txt_PartyName.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_PartyAdd = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PartyAdd") as ASPxMemo;
            whTrans.PartyAdd = txt_PartyAdd.Text;
            //ASPxTextBox txt_PostalCode = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PostalCode") as ASPxTextBox;
            //whTrans.PartyPostalcode = txt_PostalCode.Text;
            //ASPxButtonEdit txt_PartyCity = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PartyCity") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            //whTrans.PartyCity = txt_PartyCity.Text;
            //ASPxButtonEdit txt_PartyCountry = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PartyCountry") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            //whTrans.PartyCountry = txt_PartyCountry.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_Remark1 = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Remark1") as ASPxMemo;
            whTrans.Remark1 = txt_Remark1.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_Remark2 = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Remark2") as ASPxMemo;
            whTrans.Remark2 = txt_Remark2.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_CollectFrom = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_CollectFrom") as ASPxMemo;
            whTrans.CollectFrom = txt_CollectFrom.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_DeliveryTo = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DeliveryTo") as ASPxMemo;
            whTrans.DeliveryTo = txt_DeliveryTo.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_WareHouseId = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_WareHouseId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.WareHouseId = txt_WareHouseId.Text;

            ASPxTextBox pic = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Pic") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.Pic = pic.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit currency = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Currency") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.Currency = currency.Text;
            ASPxSpinEdit exRate = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_ExRate") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            whTrans.ExRate = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(exRate.Value, 1);
            ASPxComboBox payTerm = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_PayTerm") as ASPxComboBox;
            whTrans.PayTerm = payTerm.Text;
            ASPxComboBox incoTerm = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_IncoTerm") as ASPxComboBox;
            whTrans.IncoTerm = incoTerm.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_MasterDocNo = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_MasterDocNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.MasterDocNo = txt_MasterDocNo.Text;
            ASPxComboBox cmb_OrderType = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_OrderType") as ASPxComboBox;
            whTrans.OrderType = cmb_OrderType.Text;

            //shipment info
            ASPxTextBox txt_Vessel = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Vessel") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.Vessel = txt_Vessel.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Voyage = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Voyage") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.Voyage = txt_Voyage.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_Etd = pageControl.FindControl("date_Etd") as ASPxDateEdit;
            whTrans.Etd = date_Etd.Date;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_Pol = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Pol") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.Pol = txt_Pol.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_Pod = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Pod") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.Pod = txt_Pod.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_Eta = pageControl.FindControl("date_Eta") as ASPxDateEdit;
            whTrans.Eta = date_Eta.Date;
            ASPxTextBox txt_OceanBl = pageControl.FindControl("txt_OceanBl") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.Obl = txt_OceanBl.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_HouseBl = pageControl.FindControl("txt_HouseBl") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.Hbl = txt_HouseBl.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_EtaDest = pageControl.FindControl("date_EtaDest") as ASPxDateEdit;
            whTrans.EtaDest = date_EtaDest.Date;
            ASPxTextBox txt_VehicleNo = pageControl.FindControl("txt_VehicleNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.Vehicle = txt_VehicleNo.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_COO = pageControl.FindControl("txt_COO") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.Coo = txt_COO.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_Carrier = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Carrier") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.Carrier = txt_Carrier.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_AgentId = pageControl.FindControl("txt_AgentId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.AgentId = txt_AgentId.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_AgentName = pageControl.FindControl("txt_AgentName") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.AgentName = txt_AgentName.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_AgentZip = pageControl.FindControl("txt_AgentZip") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.AgentZip = txt_AgentZip.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_AgentAdd = pageControl.FindControl("txt_AgentAdd") as ASPxMemo;
            whTrans.AgentAdd = txt_AgentAdd.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_AgentTel = pageControl.FindControl("txt_AgentTel") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.AgentTel = txt_AgentTel.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_AgentContact = pageControl.FindControl("txt_AgentContact") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.AgentContact = txt_AgentContact.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_AgentCountry = pageControl.FindControl("txt_AgentCountry") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.AgentCountry = txt_AgentCountry.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_AgentCity = pageControl.FindControl("txt_AgentCity") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.AgentCity = txt_AgentCity.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_NotifyId = pageControl.FindControl("txt_NotifyId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.NotifyId = txt_NotifyId.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_NotifyName = pageControl.FindControl("txt_NotifyName") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.NotifyName = txt_NotifyName.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_NotifyZip = pageControl.FindControl("txt_NotifyZip") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.NotifyZip = txt_NotifyZip.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_NotifyAdd = pageControl.FindControl("txt_NotifyAdd") as ASPxMemo;
            whTrans.NotifyAdd = txt_NotifyAdd.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_NotifyTel = pageControl.FindControl("txt_NotifyTel") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.NotifyTel = txt_NotifyTel.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_NotifyContact = pageControl.FindControl("txt_NotifyContact") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.NotifyContact = txt_NotifyContact.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_NotifyCountry = pageControl.FindControl("txt_NotifyCountry") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.NotifyCountry = txt_NotifyCountry.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_NotifyCity = pageControl.FindControl("txt_NotifyCity") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.NotifyCity = txt_NotifyCity.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_ConsigneeId = pageControl.FindControl("txt_ConsigneeId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.ConsigneeId = txt_ConsigneeId.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_ConsigneeName = pageControl.FindControl("txt_ConsigneeName") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.ConsigneeName = txt_ConsigneeName.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_ConsigneeZip = pageControl.FindControl("txt_ConsigneeZip") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.ConsigneeZip = txt_ConsigneeZip.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_ConsigneeAdd = pageControl.FindControl("txt_ConsigneeAdd") as ASPxMemo;
            whTrans.ConsigneeAdd = txt_ConsigneeAdd.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_ConsigneeTel = pageControl.FindControl("txt_ConsigneeTel") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.ConsigneeTel = txt_ConsigneeTel.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_ConsigneeContact = pageControl.FindControl("txt_ConsigneeContact") as ASPxTextBox;
            whTrans.ConsigneeContact = txt_ConsigneeContact.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_ConsigneeCountry = pageControl.FindControl("txt_ConsigneeCountry") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.ConsigneeCountry = txt_ConsigneeCountry.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_ConsigneeCity = pageControl.FindControl("txt_ConsigneeCity") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.ConsigneeCity = txt_ConsigneeCity.Text;

            ASPxButtonEdit btn_Lc = grd_Do.FindEditFormTemplateControl("btn_Lc") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            whTrans.LcNo = btn_Lc.Text;

            if (action)
                whTrans.DoNo           = poNo;
                whTrans.DoType         = "BP";
                whTrans.CreateBy       = EzshipHelper.GetUserName();
                whTrans.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(whTrans, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                C2Setup.SetNextNo("", "BlanketPO", poNo, txt_Date.Date);
                whTrans.UpdateBy       = EzshipHelper.GetUserName();
                whTrans.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                bool isAddLog = false;
                if (whTrans.DoStatus == SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar("Select DoStatus from wh_trans where DoNo='" + whTrans.DoNo + "'")))
                    isAddLog = true;
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(whTrans, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Updated);
                if (isAddLog)
                    EzshipLog.Log(whTrans.DoNo, "", "PO", whTrans.DoStatus);
            Session["BPWhere"]         = "DoNo='" + whTrans.DoNo + "'";
            this.dsDo.FilterExpression = Session["BPWhere"].ToString();
            if (this.grd_Do.GetRow(0) != null)
        catch { }
Exemplo n.º 8
    protected string SaveJob()
            ASPxPageControl            pageControl = this.grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("pageControl_Hbl") as ASPxPageControl;
            ASPxTextBox                DoNo        = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DoNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            ASPxTextBox                txt_Id      = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Id") as ASPxTextBox;
            string                     pId         = SafeValue.SafeString(txt_Id.Text, "");
            Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery query       = new Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery(typeof(JobInfo), "Id='" + pId + "'");
            JobInfo                    job         = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObject(query) as JobInfo;
            ASPxDateEdit               issueDate   = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_IssueDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            bool isNew = false;
            //const string runType = "DOOUT";
            string issueN = "";
            if (job == null)
                job         = new JobInfo();
                isNew       = true;
                job.JobType = "SRTemp";
                //issueN = C2Setup.GetNextNo("", "JobOrder", issueDate.Date);
                issueN      = "SRTemp-01";
                job.JobDate = issueDate.Date;
            job.Attribute = "Temp";

            ASPxDateEdit doDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_IssueDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            job.JobDate = doDate.Date;

            ASPxComboBox cmb_Status = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_Status") as ASPxComboBox;
            job.JobStage = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Status.Value);
            ASPxComboBox cmb_JobType = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_JobType") as ASPxComboBox;
            job.JobType = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_JobType.Value);
            //Main Info

            ASPxMemo remark = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Remark") as ASPxMemo;
            job.Remark = remark.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit currency = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Currency") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            job.Currency = currency.Text;
            ASPxSpinEdit exRate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_ExRate") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            job.ExRate = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(exRate.Value, 1);
            ASPxComboBox payTerm = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_PayTerm") as ASPxComboBox;
            job.PayTerm = payTerm.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_ExpiryDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_ExpiryDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            job.ExpiryDate = date_ExpiryDate.Date;

            ASPxMemo txt_PackRemark = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PackRemark") as ASPxMemo;
            job.PackRmk = txt_PackRemark.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_MoveRemark = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_MoveRemark") as ASPxMemo;
            job.MoveRmk = txt_MoveRemark.Text;

            ASPxButtonEdit txt_WareHouseId = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_WareHouseId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            job.WareHouseId = txt_WareHouseId.Text;

            ASPxSpinEdit spin_Volumne = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_Volumne") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            job.Volumne = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Volumne.Value);
            ASPxMemo memo_Description = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_Description") as ASPxMemo;
            job.ItemDes = memo_Description.Text;
            ASPxTextBox memo_Volumn = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_Volumn") as ASPxTextBox;
            job.VolumneRmk = memo_Description.Text;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_HeadCount = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_HeadCount") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            job.HeadCount = SafeValue.SafeInt(spin_HeadCount.Value, 0);

            ASPxDateEdit date_Pack = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_Pack") as ASPxDateEdit;
            job.PackDate = date_Pack.Date;
            ASPxComboBox cmb_Via = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_Via") as ASPxComboBox;
            job.ViaWh = cmb_Via.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_StorageStartDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_StorageStartDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            job.StorageStartDate = date_StorageStartDate.Date;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_StorageFreeDays = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_StorageFreeDays") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            job.StorageFreeDays = SafeValue.SafeInt(spin_StorageFreeDays.Value, 0);
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_STotalDays = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_STotalDays") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            job.StorageTotalDays = Helper.Safe.SafeInt(spin_STotalDays.Value);
            ASPxTextBox txt_TripNo = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_TripNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            job.TripNo = txt_TripNo.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_MoveDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_MoveDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            job.MoveDate = date_MoveDate.Date;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_Charges = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_Charges") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            job.Charges = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Charges.Value);
            ASPxButtonEdit btn_PortOfEntry = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("btn_PortOfEntry") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            job.EntryPort = btn_PortOfEntry.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_Eta = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_Eta") as ASPxDateEdit;
            job.Eta = date_Eta.Date;
            ASPxTextBox txt_TruckNo = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_TruckNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            job.TruckNo = txt_TruckNo.Text;

            ASPxComboBox cmb_WorkStatus = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_WorkStatus") as ASPxComboBox;
            job.WorkStatus = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_WorkStatus.Value);

            ASPxHtmlEditor txt_Attention1 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Attention1") as ASPxHtmlEditor;
            if (txt_Attention1 != null)
                job.Attention1 = txt_Attention1.Html;
            ASPxHtmlEditor txt_Attention2 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Attention2") as ASPxHtmlEditor;
            if (txt_Attention2 != null)
                job.Attention2 = txt_Attention2.Html;
            ASPxHtmlEditor txt_Attention3 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Attention3") as ASPxHtmlEditor;
            if (txt_Attention3 != null)
                job.Attention3 = txt_Attention3.Html;
            ASPxHtmlEditor txt_Attention4 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Attention4") as ASPxHtmlEditor;
            if (txt_Attention4 != null)
                job.Attention4 = txt_Attention4.Html;

            job.WorkStatus = "Pending";

            ASPxComboBox cmb_SalesId = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_SalesId") as ASPxComboBox;
            job.Value4 = cmb_SalesId.Text;

            string userId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            if (isNew)
                job.CreateBy       = userId;
                job.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                job.UpdateBy       = userId;
                job.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                job.JobNo          = issueN;
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(job, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                // C2Setup.SetNextNo("", "JobOrder", issueN, issueDate.Date);
                job.UpdateBy       = userId;
                job.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                bool isAddLog = false;
                if (job.JobStatus == SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar("Select JobStatus from JobInfo where JobNo='" + job.JobNo + "'")))
                    isAddLog = true;
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(job, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Updated);
                if (isAddLog)
                    EzshipLog.Log(job.JobNo, "", "JO", job.JobStatus);
            Session["SoWhere"]            = "JobNo='" + job.JobNo + "'";
            this.dsIssue.FilterExpression = Session["SoWhere"].ToString();
            if (this.grid_Issue.GetRow(0) != null)

        catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); }
Exemplo n.º 9
    protected void grid1_CustomDataCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string s = e.Parameters;

        if (s == "Save")
            C2.JobOrder  order         = new C2.JobOrder();
            ASPxComboBox txt_JobType   = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("txt_JobType") as ASPxComboBox;
            ASPxComboBox cbx_jobCate   = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("cbx_jobCate") as ASPxComboBox;
            ASPxComboBox txtCustomerId = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("cmb_Customer") as ASPxComboBox;
            ASPxComboBox txtShipperId  = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("cmb_Carrier") as ASPxComboBox;
            //ASPxTextBox txtShipperName = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("txtShipperName") as ASPxTextBox;
            ASPxMemo     txt_Remark  = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("txt_Remark") as ASPxMemo;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_Weight = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("spin_Weight") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_Volume = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("spin_Volume") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_Pkgs   = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("spin_Pkgs") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            ASPxComboBox txt_pkgType = ASPxPopupControl1.FindControl("cmb_PackType") as ASPxComboBox;
            string       refType     = "SEF";
            string       runType     = "EXPORTREF";//SEF/SEL/SEC/ SCF/SCL/SCC/ SAE/SAC/SLT
            //if (refType == "SAE")
            //    runType = "AirExport";
            //else if (refType == "SAC")
            //    runType = "AirCrossTrade";
            //else if (refType == "SCF" || refType == "SCL" || refType == "SCC")
            //    runType = "SeaCrossTrade";
            //else if (refType == "SLT")
            //    runType = "LocalTpt";
            order.JobNo       = C2Setup.GetNextNo(refType, runType, DateTime.Today);
            order.RefNo       = order.JobNo;
            order.Note1       = txt_JobType.Text;
            order.Note2       = cbx_jobCate.Text;
            order.CustomerId  = SafeValue.SafeString(txtCustomerId.Value);
            order.ShipperId   = SafeValue.SafeString(txtShipperId.Value);
            order.ShipperName = txtShipperId.Text;
            order.Remark      = txt_Remark.Text;
            order.JobDate     = DateTime.Today;
            C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(order, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
            C2Setup.SetNextNo(refType, runType, order.JobNo, DateTime.Today);

            C2.JobCargo cargo = new C2.JobCargo();
            cargo.RefNo       = order.JobNo;
            cargo.Weight      = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Weight.Value, 0);
            cargo.Volume      = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Volume.Value, 0);
            cargo.Qty         = SafeValue.SafeInt(spin_Pkgs.Value, 0);
            cargo.PackageType = txt_pkgType.Text;
            cargo.Remark      = "";
            C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(cargo, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);

            EzshipLog.Log(order.JobNo, order.JobNo, "Direct", "Create");

            ASPxPopupControl1.ShowOnPageLoad = false;
            cbx_jobCate.Text   = "";
            txtCustomerId.Text = "";
            txtShipperId.Text  = "";
            txt_Remark.Text    = "";
            spin_Weight.Text   = "";
            spin_Volume.Text   = "";
            spin_Pkgs.Text     = "";
            txt_pkgType.Text   = "";
            e.Result           = order.SequenceId + "|" + order.JobNo;
            //ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
            //cs.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">txt_Remark.SetText();cmb_PackType.SetText();spin_Pkgs.SetText();spin_Volume.SetText();spin_Weight.SetText();cmb_Carrier.SetText();cmb_Customer.SetText();cbx_jobCate.SetText();ASPxPopupClientControl.Hide();parent.navTab.openTab(\"" + order.JobNo + "\",\"/Z/job_edit.aspx?id=" + order.SequenceId + "\"" + ",{title:\"" + order.JobNo + "\", fresh:false, external:true});</script>");
Exemplo n.º 10
    protected void ASPxGridView1_CustomDataCallback1(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string filter = e.Parameters;

        string[]    _filter = filter.Split(',');
        string      p       = _filter[0];
        string      s       = _filter[1];
        ASPxTextBox docId   = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Oid") as ASPxTextBox;

        //get informations from arinvoice
        if (p.ToUpper() == "P")
            #region Post
            string sql = @"SELECT  AcYear, AcPeriod, AcCode, AcSource, DocType, DocNo, DocDate, DocDueDate, PartyTo, MastType, CurrencyId, ExRate, 
                      Term, Description, DocAmt, LocAmt
FROM XAArInvoice";
            sql += " WHERE SequenceId='" + docId.Text + "'";
            DataTable dt       = Manager.ORManager.GetDataSet(sql).Tables[0];
            int       acYear   = 0;
            int       acPeriod = 0;
            string    docN     = "";
            string    docType  = "";
            string    acSource = "";
            string    acCode   = "";
            decimal   locAmt   = 0;
            decimal   docAmt   = 0;
            decimal   exRate   = 0;
            string    currency = "";
            DateTime  docDt    = DateTime.Today;
            string    remarks  = "";
            string    partyTo  = "";
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                acYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(dt.Rows[0]["AcYear"], 0);
                acPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(dt.Rows[0]["AcPeriod"], 0);
                acSource = dt.Rows[0]["AcSource"].ToString();
                acCode   = dt.Rows[0]["AcCode"].ToString();
                docN     = dt.Rows[0]["DocNo"].ToString();
                docType  = dt.Rows[0]["DocType"].ToString();
                docAmt   = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["DocAmt"].ToString(), 0);
                locAmt   = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["LocAmt"].ToString(), 0);
                exRate   = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["ExRate"].ToString(), 0);
                currency = dt.Rows[0]["CurrencyId"].ToString();
                docDt    = SafeValue.SafeDate(dt.Rows[0]["DocDate"], new DateTime(1900, 1, 1));
                remarks  = dt.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString();
                partyTo  = dt.Rows[0]["PartyTo"].ToString();
                e.Result = "Can't find the Ar Invoice!";
            string sqlDet = string.Format("select count(SequenceId) from XAArInvoiceDet where DocId='{0}'", docId.Text);
            int    detCnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sqlDet), 0);
            if (detCnt == 0)
                e.Result = "No Detail, Can't Post";

            //check account period
            if (acYear < 2000 || acPeriod < 1)
                e.Result = "Account year or Period Invalid!";

            string sql1     = "select CloseInd from XXAccPeriod where Year='" + acYear + "' and Period ='" + acPeriod + "'";
            string closeInd = SafeValue.SafeString(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql1), "");
            if (closeInd == "")
                e.Result = "Can't find this account period!";
            else if (closeInd == "Y")
                e.Result = "The account period is closed!";
            sql = "select SUM(LocAmt) from XAArInvoiceDet where AcSource='CR' and DocId='" + docId.Text + "'";
            decimal amt_det = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            sql      = "select SUM(LocAmt) from XAArInvoiceDet where AcSource='DB' and DocId='" + docId.Text + "'";
            amt_det -= SafeValue.SafeDecimal(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            if (docAmt != amt_det)
                e.Result = "Loc Amount can't match, can't post,Please first resave it,";
            sql    = "select count(LocAmt) from XAArInvoiceDet where AcCode='' and DocId='" + docId.Text + "'";
            detCnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            if (detCnt > 0)
                e.Result = "Some Item's Accode is blank, pls check";
            //delete old post data
            sql = string.Format("SELECT SequenceId from XAGlEntry WHERE DocNo='{0}' and DocType='{1}'", docN, docType);
            int glOldOid = SafeValue.SafeInt(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            if (glOldOid > 0)

            //Insert into gl entry
            int glOid = 0;
                C2.XAGlEntry gl = new XAGlEntry();
                //gl.GlNo = GetNo("GLENTRY");
                gl.AcPeriod         = acPeriod;
                gl.AcYear           = acYear;
                gl.ArApInd          = "AR";
                gl.DocType          = docType;
                gl.DocDate          = docDt;
                gl.DocNo            = docN;
                gl.CrAmt            = docAmt;
                gl.DbAmt            = docAmt;
                gl.CurrencyCrAmt    = locAmt;
                gl.CurrencyDbAmt    = locAmt;
                gl.CurrencyId       = currency;
                gl.EntryDate        = DateTime.Now;
                gl.ExRate           = exRate;
                gl.PostDate         = DateTime.Now;
                gl.PostInd          = "N";
                gl.Remark           = remarks;
                gl.UserId           = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                gl.CancelInd        = "N";
                gl.CancelDate       = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                gl.PartyTo          = partyTo;
                gl.SupplierBillNo   = "";
                gl.SupplierBillDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(gl, InitialState.Inserted);
                glOid = gl.SequenceId;
                // SetNo(gl.GlNo, "GLENTRY");
                //insert Detail
                OPathQuery   query = new OPathQuery(typeof(XAArInvoiceDet), "DocId='" + docId.Text + "'");
                ObjectSet    set   = Manager.ORManager.GetObjectSet(query);
                int          index = 1;
                XAGlEntryDet det1  = new XAGlEntryDet();

                det1.AcCode        = acCode;
                det1.ArApInd       = "AR";
                det1.AcPeriod      = acPeriod;
                det1.AcSource      = acSource;
                det1.AcYear        = acYear;
                det1.CrAmt         = 0;
                det1.CurrencyCrAmt = 0;
                det1.DbAmt         = docAmt;
                det1.CurrencyDbAmt = locAmt;
                det1.CurrencyId    = currency;
                det1.DocNo         = docN;
                det1.DocType       = docType;
                det1.ExRate        = exRate;
                det1.GlLineNo      = index;
                det1.GlNo          = glOid;//gl.GlNo;
                det1.Remark        = remarks;

                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(det1, InitialState.Inserted);
                decimal gstCrAmt = 0;
                decimal gstDbAmt = 0;
                string  gstAcc   = SafeValue.SafeString(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AcCode FROM XXGstAccount where GstSrc='AR'"), "2033");
                for (int i = 0; i < set.Count; i++)
                        XAArInvoiceDet invDet = set[i] as XAArInvoiceDet;
                        XAGlEntryDet   det    = new XAGlEntryDet();
                        if (invDet.AcCode == gstAcc)
                            if (invDet.AcSource == "CR")
                                gstCrAmt += invDet.LocAmt;
                                gstDbAmt += invDet.LocAmt;
                            det.AcCode   = invDet.AcCode;
                            det.ArApInd  = "AR";
                            det.AcPeriod = acPeriod;
                            det.AcSource = invDet.AcSource;
                            det.AcYear   = acYear;
                            if (det.AcSource == "CR")
                                det.CrAmt         = invDet.LocAmt - invDet.GstAmt;
                                det.CurrencyCrAmt = SafeValue.ChinaRound(det.CrAmt * exRate, 2);
                                det.DbAmt         = 0;
                                det.CurrencyDbAmt = 0;
                                gstCrAmt         += invDet.GstAmt;
                                det.DbAmt         = invDet.LocAmt - invDet.GstAmt;
                                det.CurrencyDbAmt = SafeValue.ChinaRound(det.DbAmt * exRate, 2);
                                det.CrAmt         = 0;
                                det.CurrencyCrAmt = 0;
                                gstDbAmt         += invDet.GstAmt;
                            det.CurrencyId = invDet.Currency;
                            det.DocNo      = docN;
                            det.DocType    = docType;
                            det.ExRate     = invDet.ExRate;
                            det.GlLineNo   = index;
                            det.GlNo       = gl.SequenceId;
                            det.Remark     = invDet.ChgCode;

                            Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(det, InitialState.Inserted);
                        e.Result = "Posting Error, Please repost!";
                if (gstCrAmt - gstDbAmt != 0)
                    XAGlEntryDet det = new XAGlEntryDet();

                    det.AcCode        = gstAcc;
                    det.ArApInd       = "AR";
                    det.AcPeriod      = acPeriod;
                    det.AcSource      = "CR";
                    det.AcYear        = acYear;
                    det.CrAmt         = gstCrAmt - gstDbAmt;
                    det.CurrencyCrAmt = gstCrAmt - gstDbAmt;
                    det.DbAmt         = 0;
                    det.CurrencyDbAmt = 0;
                    det.CurrencyId    = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Currency"];
                    det.DocNo         = docN;
                    det.DocType       = docType;
                    det.ExRate        = 1;
                    det.GlLineNo      = index + 1;
                    det.GlNo          = gl.SequenceId;
                    det.Remark        = "GST";
                    Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(det, InitialState.Inserted);
                EzshipLog.Log(docN, "", docType, "Post");
                e.Result = "Post completely!";
                e.Result = "Posting Error, Please repost!";
Exemplo n.º 11
    protected void grid_ref_CustomDataCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string          s           = e.Parameters;
        ASPxPageControl pageControl = this.grid_ref.FindEditFormTemplateControl("pageControl") as ASPxPageControl;
        ASPxTextBox     refNo       = pageControl.FindControl("txt_RefN") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxTextBox     masterId    = pageControl.FindControl("txtSequenceId") as ASPxTextBox;
        string          userId      = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

        if (s == "VoidMaster")
            #region void master
            string sql_cnt = string.Format("select count(SequenceId) from XAArInvoiceDet where MastType='SE' and MastRefNo='{0}'", refNo.Text);
            int    cnt     = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_cnt), 0);
            if (cnt > 0)
                e.Result = "Billing";
            ASPxLabel closeIndStr = pageControl.FindControl("lb_JobStatus") as ASPxLabel;
            string    sql         = "select statusCode from SeaExportRef where RefNo='" + refNo.Text + "'";
            string    closeInd    = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), "USE");// closeIndStr.Text;
            if (closeInd == "CNL")
                sql = string.Format("update SeaExportRef set statusCode='USE',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where RefNo='{0}'", refNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    string refType = this.txt_RefType.Text;
                    if (refType.Length > 2)
                        EzshipLog.Log(refNo.Text, "", refType.Substring(0, 2) == "SE" ? "SE" : "SCT", "Unvoid");
                        EzshipLog.Log(refNo.Text, "", refType, "Unvoid");

                    e.Result = "Success";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
                string refType    = this.txt_RefType.Text;
                bool   closeByEst = EzshipHelper.GetCloseEstInd(refNo.Text, refType);
                if (closeByEst)
                    sql = string.Format("update SeaExportRef set statusCode='CNL',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where RefNo='{0}'", refNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

                    int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                    if (res > 0)
                        if (refType.Length > 2)
                            EzshipLog.Log(refNo.Text, "", refType.Substring(0, 2) == "SE" ? "SE" : "SCT", "Unvoid");
                            EzshipLog.Log(refNo.Text, "", refType, "Unvoid");
                        e.Result = "Success";
                        e.Result = "Fail";
                    e.Result = "NoMatch";
        if (s == "CloseJob")
            #region close job
            ASPxLabel  closeIndStr = pageControl.FindControl("lab_CloseInd") as ASPxLabel;
            ASPxButton btn         = pageControl.FindControl("btn_RefCloseJob") as ASPxButton;
            string     sql         = string.Format("select statusCode from SeaExportRef  where SequenceId='{0}'", masterId.Text);
            string     statusCode  = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), "N");// closeIndStr.Text;
            if (statusCode == "CLS")
                sql = string.Format("update SeaExportRef set statusCode='USE',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where RefNo='{0}'", refNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    string refType = this.txt_RefType.Text;
                    if (refType != null)
                        EzshipLog.Log(refNo.Text, "", refType.Substring(0, 2) == "SE" ? "SE" : "SCT", "Open");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
                string refType    = this.txt_RefType.Text;
                bool   closeByEst = EzshipHelper.GetCloseEstInd(refNo.Text, refType);
                if (closeByEst)
                    sql = string.Format("update SeaExportRef set statusCode='CLS',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where RefNo='{0}'", refNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                    int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                    if (res > 0)
                        if (refType != null)
                            EzshipLog.Log(refNo.Text, "", refType.Substring(0, 2) == "SE" ? "SE" : "SCT", "Close");
                        e.Result = "Success";
                        e.Result = "Fail";
                    e.Result = "NoMatch";
Exemplo n.º 12
    private string InsertInv(string mastType, string soNo, string doNo, string docType)
        string sql = string.Format(@"select mast.PartyId,p.termid as Term
,det.ProductCode as Sku,det.LotNo,det.Qty1 as Qty,det.Price,mast.Currency,mast.ExRate,det.Gst
from wh_transDet det inner join wh_trans mast on mast.DoNO=det.DoNo and mast.DoType=det.DoType
left join xxparty p on p.partyid=mast.partyid 
where mast.DoNO='{0}' ", soNo);

        if (doNo.Length > 0)
            sql = string.Format(@"select mast.PartyId,p.termid as Term
,det.ProductCode as Sku,det.LotNo,det.Qty1 as Qty,tsDet.Price,tsMast.Currency,tsMast.ExRate,tsDet.Gst
from wh_DoDet det inner join wh_do mast on mast.DoNO=det.DoNo and mast.DoType=det.DoType
left join xxparty p on p.partyid=mast.partyid
left join wh_transdet tsDet on tsDet.ProductCode=det.ProductCode and tsDet.LotNo=det.LotNo
left join wh_trans tsMast on tsMast.doNO=tsDet.DoNo and tsMast.DoType=tsDet.DoType
where mast.DoNO='{1}'  and tsDet.DoNO='{0}' ", soNo, doNo);
        string    invN  = "";
        int       invId = 0;
        DataTable tab   = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);

        for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
            if (i == 0)
                string partyId = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[0]["PartyId"]);
                string term    = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[0]["Term"]);
                #region invoice mast
                string counterType = "AR-IV";
                if (docType == "CN")
                    counterType = "AR-CN";

                C2.XAArInvoice inv = new C2.XAArInvoice();

                inv.DocDate = DateTime.Today;
                invN        = C2Setup.GetNextNo("", counterType, inv.DocDate);
                inv.PartyTo = partyId;
                inv.DocType = docType;
                inv.DocNo   = invN.ToString();
                string[] currentPeriod = EzshipHelper.GetAccPeriod(inv.DocDate);

                inv.AcYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[1], inv.DocDate.Year);
                inv.AcPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[0], inv.DocDate.Month);
                inv.Term     = term;

                int dueDay = SafeValue.SafeInt(inv.Term.ToUpper().Replace("DAYS", "").Trim(), 0);
                inv.DocDueDate  = inv.DocDate.AddDays(dueDay);//SafeValue.SafeDate(dueDt.Text, DateTime.Now);
                inv.Description = "";
                inv.CurrencyId  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Currency"];
                inv.ExRate      = 1;
                inv.AcCode      = EzshipHelper.GetAccArCode(inv.PartyTo, inv.CurrencyId);
                inv.AcSource    = "DB";
                inv.SpecialNote = "";

                inv.MastType  = mastType;
                inv.MastRefNo = soNo;
                inv.JobRefNo  = doNo;
                if (doNo.Length > 0)
                    inv.MastRefNo = doNo;
                    inv.JobRefNo  = "";
                inv.ExportInd  = "N";
                inv.UserId     = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                inv.EntryDate  = DateTime.Now;
                inv.CancelDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                inv.CancelInd  = "N";
                inv.InvType    = "ACCOUNT";
                    C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(inv, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                    C2Setup.SetNextNo("", counterType, invN, inv.DocDate);
                    invId = inv.SequenceId;
                if (invId < 1)
            string  sku    = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["Sku"]);
            string  des    = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["Des1"]);
            string  lotNo  = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["LotNo"]);
            int     qty    = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["Qty"], 0);
            decimal price  = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab.Rows[i]["Price"], 0);
            string  cur    = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["Currency"]);
            decimal exRate = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab.Rows[i]["ExRate"], 0);
            decimal gst    = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab.Rows[i]["Gst"], 0);
            InsertInv_Det(invId, invN, i + 1, sku, lotNo, des, qty, price, cur, exRate, gst, soNo, doNo, mastType, docType);
        if (invId > 0)
            if (docType == "IV")
            if (docType == "CN")
            sql = string.Format("update Wh_Trans set DoStatus='Closed',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where DoNo='{0}'", soNo, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
            int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
            if (res > 0)
                EzshipLog.Log(soNo, "", "SO", "Closed");
Exemplo n.º 13
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         string sql      = "";
         string soNo     = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["RefN"]);
         string mastType = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["JobType"]);
         string typ      = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["JobN"]).ToUpper();
         string docType  = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["DocType"]).ToUpper();
         if (typ == "SO")//do it by so
             sql = string.Format("select count(*) from XaArInvoice where MastRefNo='{0}' and MastType='WH' and DocType='{1}'", soNo, docType);
             if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0) > 0)
                 Response.Write("Already have invoice, can't generate !");
             if (docType == "IV")
                 sql = string.Format(@"select count(*) from Wh_TransDet where DoNo='{0}'", soNo);
                 if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0) == 0)
                     Response.Write("NO SKU Line, can't generate !");
                     string invNo = InsertInv(mastType, soNo, "", docType);
                     EzshipLog.Log(soNo, "", "SO", "Create SO Inv");
                     Response.Redirect("/opsAccount/ArInvoiceEdit.aspx?no=" + invNo);
             if (docType == "CN")
                 sql = string.Format(@"select count(*) from Wh_TransDet where DoNo='{0}'", soNo);
                 if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0) == 0)
                     Response.Write("NO SKU Line, can't generate !");
                     string invNo = InsertInv(mastType, soNo, "", docType);
                     EzshipLog.Log(soNo, "", "SO", "Create CN");
                     Response.Redirect("/opsAccount/ArCnEdit.aspx?no=" + invNo);
         else if (typ == "DO")// do it by so
             sql = string.Format(@"select count(*) from Wh_TransDet where DoNo='{0}'", soNo);
             if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0) == 0)
                 Response.Write("NO SKU Line, can't generate !");
             sql = string.Format("select DoNo from wh_do where PoNo='{0}'", soNo);
             DataTable tab   = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);
             string    invNo = "";
             for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
                 string doNo = tab.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                 string sql1 = string.Format("select count(*) from XaArInvoice where (MastRefNo='{0}' or JobRefNo='{0}') and MastType='WH'", doNo);
                 if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql1), 0) == 0)
                     invNo = InsertInv(mastType, soNo, doNo, docType);
             if (invNo.Length > 0)
                 EzshipLog.Log(soNo, "", "DO", "Create DO Inv");
                 Response.Redirect("/opsAccount/ArInvoiceEdit.aspx?no=" + invNo);
             else if (tab.Rows.Count == 0)
                 Response.Write("Don't have DO !");
                 Response.Write("DO have the Invoice!");
         else if (typ == "PO")
             sql = string.Format(@"select count(*) from Wh_TransDet where DoNo='{0}'", soNo);
             if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0) == 0)
                 Response.Write("NO SKU Line, can't generate !");
             sql = string.Format("select count(*) from XAApPayable where (MastRefNo='{0}' or JobRefNo='{0}')  and MastType='WH' and DocType='PL'", soNo);
             if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0) > 0)
                 Response.Write("Already have PO Payable, can't generate !");
             if (docType == "CN")
                 string invNo = InsertPl(mastType, soNo, "", docType);
                 EzshipLog.Log(soNo, "", "PO", "Create CN");
                 Response.Redirect("/opsAccount/ArCnEdit.aspx?no=" + invNo);
             if (docType == "PL")
                 string invNo = InsertPl(mastType, soNo, "", "PL");
                 EzshipLog.Log(soNo, "", "PO", "Create Payable");
                 Response.Redirect("/opsAccount/ApPayableEdit.aspx?no=" + invNo);
         else if (typ == "DI")
             sql = string.Format(@"select count(*) from Wh_TransDet where DoNo='{0}'", soNo);
             if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0) == 0)
                 Response.Write("NO SKU Line, can't generate !");
             sql = string.Format("select DoNo from wh_do where PoNo='{0}'", soNo);
             DataTable tab   = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);
             string    invNo = "";
             for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
                 string doNo = tab.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                 string sql1 = string.Format("select count(*) from XaArInvoice where (MastRefNo='{0}' or JobRefNo='{0}') and MastType='WH'", doNo);
                 if (SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql1), 0) == 0)
                     invNo = InsertPl(mastType, soNo, doNo, "PL");
             if (invNo.Length > 0 && docType == "PL")
                 EzshipLog.Log(soNo, "", "DI", "Create Payable");
                 Response.Redirect("/opsAccount/ApPayableEdit.aspx?no=" + invNo);
             else if (tab.Rows.Count == 0)
                 Response.Write("Don't have DO !");
                 Response.Write("DO have the Invoice!");
Exemplo n.º 14
    protected void ASPxGridView1_CustomDataCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string      filter = e.Parameters;
        ASPxTextBox oidCtr = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Oid") as ASPxTextBox;

        //ASPxTextBox docN = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DocNo") as ASPxTextBox;

        if (filter == "P")
            #region Post
            string sql = @"SELECT AcYear, AcPeriod, DocType, DocNo, DocDate, DocCurrency, DocExRate, PartyTo, OtherPartyName, DocAmt, LocAmt, AcCode, AcSource, ChqNo, ChqDate, ExportInd, 
                      BankName, Remark,GenerateInd FROM  pay_doc";
            sql += " WHERE Id='" + oidCtr.Text + "'";
            DataTable dt             = Manager.ORManager.GetDataSet(sql).Tables[0];
            int       acYear         = 0;
            int       acPeriod       = 0;
            string    docN           = "";
            string    docType        = "";
            string    acSource       = "";
            string    acCode         = "";
            decimal   locAmt         = 0;
            decimal   docAmt         = 0;
            decimal   exRate         = 0;
            string    currency       = "";
            DateTime  docDt          = DateTime.Today;
            string    remarks        = "";
            string    partyTo        = "";
            string    otherPartyName = "";
            string    chqNo          = "";
            string    generateInd    = "";
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                acYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(dt.Rows[0]["AcYear"], 0);
                acPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(dt.Rows[0]["AcPeriod"], 0);
                acSource = dt.Rows[0]["AcSource"].ToString();
                acCode   = dt.Rows[0]["AcCode"].ToString();
                docN     = dt.Rows[0]["DocNo"].ToString();
                docType  = dt.Rows[0]["DocType"].ToString();
                locAmt   = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["LocAmt"].ToString(), 0);
                docAmt   = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["DocAmt"].ToString(), 0);
                exRate   = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["DocExRate"].ToString(), 0);
                currency = dt.Rows[0]["DocCurrency"].ToString();
                docDt    = SafeValue.SafeDate(dt.Rows[0]["DocDate"], new DateTime(1900, 1, 1));
                // partyId = dt.Rows[0][""].ToString();
                remarks        = dt.Rows[0]["Remark"].ToString();
                partyTo        = dt.Rows[0]["PartyTo"].ToString();
                otherPartyName = dt.Rows[0]["OtherPartyName"].ToString();
                chqNo          = dt.Rows[0]["ChqNo"].ToString();
                generateInd    = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[0]["GenerateInd"]);
                e.Result = "Can't find the ArReceipt!";
            if (generateInd.ToUpper() != "Y")
                e.Result = "Have not generate no!";

            string sqlDet = string.Format("select count(Id) from pay_line where RepId='{0}'", oidCtr.Text);
            int    detCnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sqlDet), 0);
            if (detCnt == 0)
                e.Result = "No Detail, Can't Post";
            sqlDet = string.Format("select max(docDate) from pay_line where RepId='{0}'", oidCtr.Text);
            DateTime maxLineDocDate = SafeValue.SafeDate(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sqlDet), new DateTime(1900, 1, 1));
            if (maxLineDocDate > new DateTime(2000, 1, 1) && maxLineDocDate > docDt)
                e.Result = "The bill's Date can't be greater than receipt date.";

            //check account period
            if (acYear < 1 || acPeriod < 1)
                e.Result = "Account year or Period Invalid!";
            string sql1     = "select CloseInd from XXAccPeriod where Year='" + acYear + "' and Period ='" + acPeriod + "'";
            string closeInd = SafeValue.SafeString(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql1), "");
            if (closeInd == "")
                e.Result = "Can't find this account period!";
            else if (closeInd == "Y")
                e.Result = "The account period is closed!";
            //mast.amt det.amt is match
            sql = string.Format("select sum(locamt) from pay_line where RepId='{0}' and AcSource='CR'", oidCtr.Text);
            decimal amt_detCr = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            sql = string.Format("select sum(locamt) from pay_line where RepId='{0}' and AcSource='DB'", oidCtr.Text);
            decimal amt_detDb = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            if (docType == "RE" && locAmt != amt_detCr - amt_detDb)
                e.Result = "Amount can't match, can't post";
            else if (docType == "PC" && locAmt != -amt_detCr + amt_detDb)
                e.Result = "Amount can't match, can't post";

            sql    = "select count(*) from pay_line where AcCode='' and RepId='" + oidCtr.Text + "'";
            detCnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            if (detCnt > 0)
                e.Result = "Some Item's Accode is blank, pls check";
            //delete old post data
            sql = string.Format("SELECT SequenceId from XAGlEntry WHERE DocNo='{0}' and DocType='{1}'", docN, docType);
            int glOldOid = SafeValue.SafeInt(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            if (glOldOid > 0)

            //Insert into gl entry
            int glOid = 0;
                C2.XAGlEntry gl = new XAGlEntry();
                gl.AcPeriod         = acPeriod;
                gl.AcYear           = acYear;
                gl.ArApInd          = "AR";
                gl.DocType          = docType;
                gl.DocDate          = docDt;
                gl.DocNo            = docN;
                gl.CrAmt            = docAmt;
                gl.DbAmt            = docAmt;
                gl.CurrencyCrAmt    = locAmt;
                gl.CurrencyDbAmt    = locAmt;
                gl.CurrencyId       = currency;
                gl.EntryDate        = DateTime.Now;
                gl.ExRate           = exRate;
                gl.PostDate         = DateTime.Now;
                gl.PostInd          = "N";
                gl.Remark           = remarks;
                gl.UserId           = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                gl.CancelInd        = "N";
                gl.CancelDate       = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                gl.PartyTo          = partyTo;
                gl.OtherPartyName   = otherPartyName;
                gl.ChqNo            = chqNo;
                gl.SupplierBillNo   = "";
                gl.SupplierBillDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(gl, InitialState.Inserted);
                glOid = gl.SequenceId;

                //insert Detail
                OPathQuery   query = new OPathQuery(typeof(pay_line), "RepId='" + oidCtr.Text + "'");
                ObjectSet    set   = Manager.ORManager.GetObjectSet(query);
                int          index = 1;
                XAGlEntryDet det1  = new XAGlEntryDet();

                det1.AcCode        = acCode;
                det1.ArApInd       = "AR";
                det1.AcPeriod      = acPeriod;
                det1.AcSource      = acSource;
                det1.AcYear        = acYear;
                det1.CrAmt         = 0;
                det1.CurrencyCrAmt = 0;
                det1.DbAmt         = docAmt;
                det1.CurrencyDbAmt = locAmt;
                det1.CurrencyId    = currency;
                det1.DocNo         = docN;
                det1.DocType       = docType;
                det1.ExRate        = exRate;
                det1.GlLineNo      = index;
                det1.GlNo          = gl.SequenceId;
                det1.Remark        = remarks;

                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(det1, InitialState.Inserted);
                for (int i = 0; i < set.Count; i++)
                        pay_line     invDet = set[i] as pay_line;
                        XAGlEntryDet det    = new XAGlEntryDet();

                        det.AcCode   = invDet.AcCode;
                        det.ArApInd  = "AR";
                        det.AcPeriod = acPeriod;
                        det.AcSource = invDet.AcSource;
                        det.AcYear   = acYear;
                        if (invDet.AcSource == "DB")
                            det.DbAmt         = invDet.DocAmt;
                            det.CurrencyDbAmt = invDet.LocAmt;
                            det.CrAmt         = 0;
                            det.CurrencyCrAmt = 0;
                        else// if (det.AcSource == "CR")
                            det.CrAmt         = invDet.DocAmt;
                            det.CurrencyCrAmt = invDet.LocAmt;
                            det.DbAmt         = 0;
                            det.CurrencyDbAmt = 0;
                        det.CurrencyId = invDet.Currency;

                        det.DocNo    = docN;
                        det.DocType  = docType;
                        det.ExRate   = invDet.ExRate;
                        det.GlLineNo = index;
                        det.GlNo     = gl.SequenceId;
                        det.Remark   = invDet.Remark1;

                        Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(det, InitialState.Inserted);
                        e.Result = "Posting Error, Please repost!";
                EzshipLog.Log(docN, "", docType, "Post");
                e.Result = "Post completely!";
                e.Result = "Posting Error, Please repost!";
        else if (filter == "DD")
            #region delete receipt

                string    sql = "SELECT Id,DocId, DocType FROM pay_line where RepId ='" + oidCtr.Text + "'";
                DataTable tab = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetDataSet(sql).Tables[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string id      = tab.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString();
                        string docId   = tab.Rows[i]["DocId"].ToString();
                        string docType = tab.Rows[i]["DocType"].ToString();
                        string sql_det = "delete from pay_line where Id='" + id + "'";
                        if (C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql_det) > 0)
                            UpdateMaster(docId, docType);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception(ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        else if (filter == "Reverse")
            #region reverse receipt 0:period is closed? 1:unpost 2:exportind='N' 3: delete all item

                string sql1 = string.Format("select CloseInd from xxaccperiod where Year=(select AcYear from pay_doc where Id='{0}') and Period=(select top(1)AcPeriod from pay_doc where SequenceId='{0}')", oidCtr.Text);
                if (SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql1)) != "N")
                    throw new Exception("Acc Period is Closed!");
                string sql_invoice = string.Format("select sequenceid from xaglentry where ArApInd='AR' and docno=(select docno from pay_doc where id='{0}') and DocType=(select doctype from pay_doc where id='{0}') ", oidCtr.Text);
                DeleteGl(SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql_invoice), 0));

                sql_invoice = "update pay_doc set IsReturn='true', ExportInd='N' where Id='" + oidCtr.Text + "'";

                string    sql = "SELECT Id,DocId, DocType FROM pay_line where RepId ='" + oidCtr.Text + "'";
                DataTable tab = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetDataSet(sql).Tables[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string id      = tab.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString();
                        string docId   = tab.Rows[i]["DocId"].ToString();
                        string docType = tab.Rows[i]["DocType"].ToString();
                        string sql_det = "delete from pay_line where Id='" + id + "'";
                        if (C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql_det) > 0)
                            UpdateMaster(docId, docType);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception(ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        else if (filter == "GainLoss")
            #region GAIN LOSS
            ASPxComboBox docType = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cbo_DocType") as ASPxComboBox;
            string       sql     = string.Format("select (select LocAmt from pay_doc where Id='{0}')-iSNULL(sum(case when AcSource='CR' then -LocAmt else LocAmt end),0) As LocAmt from pay_line where repid='{0}'", oidCtr.Text);
            if (docType.Text == "RE")
                sql = string.Format("select (select LocAmt from pay_doc where Id='{0}')-iSNULL(sum(case when AcSource='DB' then -LocAmt else LocAmt end),0) As LocAmt from pay_line where repid='{0}'", oidCtr.Text);
            decimal balAmt = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            if (balAmt > 0)
                string   gainAccCode = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GainLoseAcCode"];
                pay_line det         = new pay_line();
                det.AcCode = gainAccCode;
                if (docType.Text == "RE")
                    det.AcSource = "CR";
                    det.AcSource = "DB";
                det.DocType  = docType.Text;
                det.RepType  = docType.Text;
                det.Currency = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Currency"];
                det.DocAmt   = balAmt;
                det.DocDate  = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                det.DocId    = 0;
                det.DocNo    = "";
                det.ExRate   = 1;
                det.LocAmt   = balAmt;
                det.Remark1  = "GAIN AND LOSS";
                det.Remark2  = "";
                det.Remark3  = "";
                det.RepId    = SafeValue.SafeInt(oidCtr.Text, 0);
                ASPxTextBox docN = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DocNo") as ASPxTextBox;
                det.RepNo = docN.Text;
                string sql_detCnt = "select count(DocNo) from pay_line where RepId='" + oidCtr.Text + "'";
                int    lineNo     = SafeValue.SafeInt(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_detCnt), 0) + 1;
                det.RepLineNo = lineNo;
                C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(det, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
            else if (balAmt < 0)
                string   gainAccCode = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GainLoseAcCode"];
                pay_line det         = new pay_line();
                det.AcCode = gainAccCode;
                if (docType.Text == "RE")
                    det.AcSource = "DB";
                    det.AcSource = "CR";
                det.DocType  = docType.Text;
                det.RepType  = docType.Text;
                det.Currency = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Currency"];
                det.DocAmt   = -balAmt;
                det.DocDate  = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                det.DocId    = 0;
                det.DocNo    = "";
                det.ExRate   = 1;
                det.LocAmt   = -balAmt;
                det.Remark1  = "GAIN AND LOSS";
                det.Remark2  = "";
                det.Remark3  = "";
                det.RepId    = SafeValue.SafeInt(oidCtr.Text, 0);
                ASPxTextBox docN = this.ASPxGridView1.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DocNo") as ASPxTextBox;
                det.RepNo = docN.Text;
                string sql_detCnt = "select count(DocNo) from pay_line where RepId='" + oidCtr.Text + "'";
                int    lineNo     = SafeValue.SafeInt(Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_detCnt), 0) + 1;
                det.RepLineNo = lineNo;
                C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(det, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
        else if (filter == "Generate")
            string    sql = @"SELECT DocType, DocDate FROM  pay_doc WHERE Id='" + oidCtr.Text + "'";
            DataTable dt  = Manager.ORManager.GetDataSet(sql).Tables[0];
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                DateTime docDate = SafeValue.SafeDate(dt.Rows[0]["DocDate"], DateTime.Today);
                string   docType = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[0]["DocType"]);

                string invN = C2Setup.GetNextNo(docType, "AR-RECEIPT", docDate);
                sql = string.Format("Update pay_doc set DocNo='{1}',GenerateInd='Y' where Id='{0}'", oidCtr.Text, invN);
                if (ConnectSql.ExecuteSql(sql) > -1)
                    C2Setup.SetNextNo(docType, "AR-RECEIPT", invN, docDate);
                e.Result = invN;
Exemplo n.º 15
    protected void grid_Transport_CustomDataCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string          s           = e.Parameters;
        ASPxPageControl pageControl = this.grid_Transport.FindEditFormTemplateControl("pageControl") as ASPxPageControl;
        ASPxTextBox     masterId    = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Id") as ASPxTextBox;
        ASPxTextBox     jobNo       = pageControl.FindControl("txt_JobNo") as ASPxTextBox;
        string          userId      = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

        if (s == "VoidJob")
            #region void master
            string sql_cnt = string.Format("select count(SequenceId) from XAArInvoiceDet where MastType='TPT' and MastRefNo='{0}'", jobNo.Text);
            int    cnt     = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql_cnt), 0);
            if (cnt > 0)
                e.Result = "Billing";
            ASPxLabel closeIndStr = pageControl.FindControl("lb_JobStatus") as ASPxLabel;
            string    sql         = "select StatusCode from TPT_Job where JobNo='" + jobNo.Text + "'";
            string    closeInd    = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), "N");// closeIndStr.Text;
            if (closeInd == "CNL")
                sql = string.Format("update TPT_Job set StatusCode='USE',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where JobNo='{0}'", jobNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    EzshipLog.Log(jobNo.Text, "", "TPT", "Unvoid");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
                bool closeByEst = EzshipHelper.GetCloseEstInd(jobNo.Text, "TPT");
                if (closeByEst)
                    sql = string.Format("update TPT_Job set StatusCode='CNL',UpdateBy='{1}',UpdateDateTime='{2}' where JobNo='{0}'", jobNo.Text, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

                    int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                    if (res > 0)
                        EzshipLog.Log(jobNo.Text, "", "TPT", "Void");
                        e.Result = "Success";
                        e.Result = "Fail";
                    e.Result = "NoMatch";
        if (s == "CloseJob")
            #region close job
            ASPxLabel  closeIndStr = pageControl.FindControl("lab_CloseInd") as ASPxLabel;
            ASPxButton btn         = pageControl.FindControl("btn_CloseJob") as ASPxButton;
            string     sql         = "select StatusCode from Tpt_Job where id='" + masterId.Text + "'";
            string     closeInd    = SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), "USE");// closeIndStr.Text;
            if (closeInd == "CLS")
                sql = string.Format("update Tpt_Job set StatusCode='USE' where Id='{0}'", masterId.Text);
                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    EzshipLog.Log(jobNo.Text, "", "TPT", "Open");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    //btn.Text = "Close Job";
                    //closeIndStr.Text = "N";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
                sql = string.Format("update Tpt_Job set StatusCode='CLS' where Id='{2}'", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), userId, masterId.Text);

                int res = Manager.ORManager.ExecuteCommand(sql);
                if (res > 0)
                    EzshipLog.Log(jobNo.Text, "", "TPT", "Close");
                    e.Result = "Success";
                    //btn.Text = "Open Job";
                    //closeIndStr.Text = "Y";
                    e.Result = "Fail";
        if (s == "Save")
            e.Result = SaveJob();
Exemplo n.º 16
    protected string SaveJob()
            ASPxPageControl            pageControl = this.grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("pageControl_Hbl") as ASPxPageControl;
            ASPxTextBox                DoNo        = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_JobNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            ASPxTextBox                txt_Id      = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Id") as ASPxTextBox;
            string                     pId         = SafeValue.SafeString(txt_Id.Text, "");
            Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery query       = new Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery(typeof(JobSchedule), "Id='" + pId + "'");
            JobSchedule                job         = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObject(query) as JobSchedule;
            ASPxDateEdit               issueDate   = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_IssueDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            bool isNew = false;
            //const string runType = "DOOUT";
            string issueN = "";
            if (job == null)
                job         = new JobSchedule();
                isNew       = true;
                issueN      = C2Setup.GetNextNo("", "JobOrder", issueDate.Date);
                job.JobDate = issueDate.Date;

            ASPxDateEdit doDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_IssueDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            if (doDate != null)
                job.JobDate = doDate.Date;

            ASPxComboBox cmb_Status = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_Status") as ASPxComboBox;
            if (cmb_Status != null)
                job.JobStage = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Status.Value);
            ASPxComboBox cmb_JobType = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_JobType") as ASPxComboBox;
            if (cmb_JobType != null)
                job.JobType = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_JobType.Value);
            //Main Info
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_CustomerId = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_CustomerId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            if (txt_CustomerId != null)
                job.CustomerId = txt_CustomerId.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_CustomerName = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_CustomerName") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_CustomerName != null)
                job.CustomerName = txt_CustomerName.Text;
            ASPxMemo memo_Address = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_Address") as ASPxMemo;
            if (memo_Address != null)
                job.CustomerAdd = memo_Address.Text;

            ASPxTextBox txt_PostalCode = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PostalCode") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_PostalCode != null)
                job.Postalcode = txt_PostalCode.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Contact = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Contact") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_Contact != null)
                job.Contact = txt_Contact.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Tel = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Tel") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_Tel != null)
                job.Tel = txt_Tel.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Email = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Email") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_Email != null)
                job.Email = txt_Email.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Fax = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Fax") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_Fax != null)
                job.Fax = txt_Fax.Text;
            ASPxMemo remark = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Remark") as ASPxMemo;
            if (remark != null)
                job.Remark = remark.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit currency = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Currency") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            if (currency != null)
                job.Currency = currency.Text;
            ASPxSpinEdit exRate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_ExRate") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            if (exRate != null)
                job.ExRate = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(exRate.Value, 1);
            ASPxComboBox payTerm = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_PayTerm") as ASPxComboBox;
            if (payTerm != null)
                job.PayTerm = payTerm.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_ExpiryDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_ExpiryDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            if (date_ExpiryDate != null)
                job.ExpiryDate = date_ExpiryDate.Date;

            ASPxMemo txt_PackRemark = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PackRemark") as ASPxMemo;
            if (txt_PackRemark != null)
                job.PackRmk = txt_PackRemark.Text;
            ASPxMemo txt_MoveRemark = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_MoveRemark") as ASPxMemo;
            if (txt_MoveRemark != null)
                job.MoveRmk = txt_MoveRemark.Text;

            ASPxButtonEdit txt_WareHouseId = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_WareHouseId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            if (txt_WareHouseId != null)
                job.WareHouseId = txt_WareHouseId.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit btn_OriginPort = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("btn_OriginPort") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            if (btn_OriginPort != null)
                job.OriginPort = btn_OriginPort.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit btn_DestinationPort = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("btn_DestinationPort") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            if (btn_DestinationPort != null)
                job.DestinationPort = btn_DestinationPort.Text;
            ASPxMemo memo_Address1 = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_Address1") as ASPxMemo;
            if (memo_Address1 != null)
                job.OriginAdd = memo_Address1.Text;
            ASPxMemo memo_Address2 = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_Address2") as ASPxMemo;
            if (memo_Address2 != null)
                job.DestinationAdd = memo_Address2.Text;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_Volumne = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_Volumne") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            if (spin_Volumne != null)
                job.Volumne = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Volumne.Value);
            ASPxMemo memo_Description = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_Description") as ASPxMemo;
            if (memo_Description != null)
                job.ItemDes = memo_Description.Text;
            ASPxTextBox memo_Volumn = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_Volumn") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (memo_Volumn != null)
                job.VolumneRmk = memo_Description.Text;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_HeadCount = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_HeadCount") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            if (spin_HeadCount != null)
                job.HeadCount = SafeValue.SafeInt(spin_HeadCount.Value, 0);

            ASPxDateEdit date_Pack = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_Pack") as ASPxDateEdit;
            if (date_Pack != null)
                job.PackDate = date_Pack.Date;
            ASPxComboBox cmb_Via = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_Via") as ASPxComboBox;
            if (cmb_Via != null)
                job.ViaWh = cmb_Via.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_StorageStartDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_StorageStartDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            if (date_StorageStartDate != null)
                job.StorageStartDate = date_StorageStartDate.Date;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_StorageFreeDays = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_StorageFreeDays") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            if (spin_StorageFreeDays != null)
                job.StorageFreeDays = SafeValue.SafeInt(spin_StorageFreeDays.Value, 0);
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_STotalDays = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_STotalDays") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            if (spin_STotalDays != null)
                job.StorageTotalDays = Helper.Safe.SafeInt(spin_STotalDays.Value);
            ASPxTextBox txt_TripNo = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_TripNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_TripNo != null)
                job.TripNo = txt_TripNo.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_MoveDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_MoveDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            if (date_MoveDate != null)
                job.MoveDate = date_MoveDate.Date;
            ASPxSpinEdit spin_Charges = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("spin_Charges") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            if (spin_Charges != null)
                job.Charges = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Charges.Value);
            ASPxButtonEdit btn_PortOfEntry = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("btn_PortOfEntry") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            if (btn_PortOfEntry != null)
                job.EntryPort = btn_PortOfEntry.Text;
            ASPxComboBox txt_Mode = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_Mode") as ASPxComboBox;
            if (txt_Mode != null)
                job.Mode = txt_Mode.Text;
            ASPxDateEdit date_Eta = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_Eta") as ASPxDateEdit;
            if (date_Eta != null)
                job.Eta = date_Eta.Date;
            ASPxTextBox txt_TruckNo = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_TruckNo") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_TruckNo != null)
                job.TruckNo = txt_TruckNo.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit btn_OriginCity = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("btn_OriginCity") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            if (btn_OriginCity != null)
                job.OriginCity = btn_OriginCity.Text;
            ASPxButtonEdit btn_DestCity = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("btn_DestCity") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            if (btn_DestCity != null)
                job.DestCity = btn_DestCity.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_OriginPostal = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_OriginPostal") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_OriginPostal != null)
                job.OriginPostal = txt_OriginPostal.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_DestPostal = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_DestPostal") as ASPxTextBox;
            if (txt_DestPostal != null)
                job.DestPostal = txt_DestPostal.Text;
            ASPxComboBox cmb_ServiceType = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_ServiceType") as ASPxComboBox;
            if (cmb_ServiceType != null)
                job.ServiceType = cmb_ServiceType.Text;

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_FullPacking = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_FullPacking") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_FullPacking != null)
            //    job.Item1 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_FullPacking.Value);
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_UnFull = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_UnFull") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_UnFull != null)
            //    job.Item2 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_UnFull.Value);
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Details = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Details") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Details != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail1 = txt_Details.Text;
            //ASPxTextBox txt_UnpackDetails = pageControl.FindControl("txt_UnpackDetails") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_UnpackDetails != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail2 = txt_UnpackDetails.Text;

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Insurance = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Insurance") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Insurance != null)
            //    job.Item3 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Insurance.Value);
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Percentage = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Percentage") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Percentage != null)
            //    job.ItemValue3 = txt_Percentage.Text;
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Value = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Value") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Value != null)
            //    job.ItemData3 = txt_Value.Text;
            //ASPxSpinEdit txt_Premium = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Premium") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            //if (txt_Premium != null)
            //    job.ItemPrice3 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(txt_Premium.Text);

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_PianoApply = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_PianoApply") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_PianoApply != null)
            //    job.Item4 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_PianoApply.Value);
            //ASPxTextBox txt_PainoDetails = pageControl.FindControl("txt_PainoDetails") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_PainoDetails != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail4 = txt_PainoDetails.Text;
            //ASPxSpinEdit spin_Charges1 = pageControl.FindControl("spin_Charges1") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            //if (spin_Charges1 != null)
            //    job.ItemPrice4 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Charges1.Value);

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Safe = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Safe") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Safe != null)
            //    job.Item5 = cmb_Safe.Text;
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Brand = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Brand") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Brand != null)
            //    job.ItemValue5 = SafeValue.SafeString(txt_Brand.Value);
            //ASPxSpinEdit spin_Weight = pageControl.FindControl("spin_Weight") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            //if (spin_Weight != null)
            //    job.ItemPrice5 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Weight.Value);

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Crating = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Crating") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Crating != null)
            //    job.Item6 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Crating.Value);
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Details1 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Details1") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Details1 != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail6 = txt_Details1.Text;
            //ASPxSpinEdit spin_Charges2 = pageControl.FindControl("spin_Charges2") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            //if (spin_Charges2 != null)
            //    job.ItemPrice6 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Charges2.Value);

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Handyman = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Handyman") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Handyman != null)
            //    job.Item7 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Handyman.Value);
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Complimentory = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Complimentory") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Complimentory != null)
            //    job.ItemValue7 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Complimentory.Value);
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Details2 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Details2") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Details2 != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail7 = txt_Details2.Text;
            //ASPxSpinEdit spin_Charges3 = pageControl.FindControl("spin_Charges3") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            //if (spin_Charges3 != null)
            //    job.ItemPrice7 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Charges3.Value);

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Maid = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Maid") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Maid != null)
            //    job.Item8 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Maid.Value);
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Complimentory1 = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Complimentory1") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Complimentory1 != null)
            //    job.ItemValue8 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Complimentory1.Value);
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Details3 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Details3") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Details3 != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail8 = txt_Details3.Text;
            //ASPxSpinEdit spin_Charges4 = pageControl.FindControl("spin_Charges4") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            //if (spin_Charges4 != null)
            //    job.ItemPrice8 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Charges4.Value);

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Shifting = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Shifting") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Shifting != null)
            //    job.Item9 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Shifting.Value);
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Complimentory2 = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Complimentory2") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Complimentory2 != null)
            //    job.ItemValue9 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Complimentory2.Value);
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Details4 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Details4") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Details4 != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail9 = txt_Details4.Text;
            //ASPxSpinEdit spin_Charges5 = pageControl.FindControl("spin_Charges5") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            //if (spin_Charges5 != null)
            //    job.ItemPrice9 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Charges5.Value);

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Disposal = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Disposal") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Disposal != null)
            //    job.Item10 = cmb_Disposal.Text;
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Complimentory3 = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Complimentory3") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Complimentory3 != null)
            //    job.ItemValue10 = cmb_Complimentory3.Text;
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Details5 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Details5") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Details5 != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail10 = txt_Details5.Text;
            //ASPxSpinEdit spin_Charges6 = pageControl.FindControl("spin_Charges6") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            //if (spin_Charges6 != null)
            //    job.ItemPrice10 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Charges6.Value);

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_PickUp = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_PickUp") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_PickUp != null)
            //    job.Item11 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_PickUp.Value);
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Details6 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Details6") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Details6 != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail11 = txt_Details6.Text;

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Additional = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Additional") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Additional != null)
            //    job.Item12 = cmb_Additional.Text;
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Details7 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Details7") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Details7 != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail12 = txt_Details7.Text;

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_BadAccess = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_BadAccess") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_BadAccess != null)
            //    job.Item13 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_BadAccess.Value);
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Origin = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Origin") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Origin != null)
            //    job.ItemValue13 = cmb_Origin.Text;
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Destination = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Destination") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Destination != null)
            //    job.ItemData13 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Destination.Value);

            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Storage = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Storage") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Storage != null)
            //    job.Item14 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Storage.Value);
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_Complimentory4 = pageControl.FindControl("cmb_Complimentory4") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_Complimentory4 != null)
            //    job.ItemValue14 = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_Complimentory4.Value);
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Details8 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Details8") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Details8 != null)
            //    job.ItemDetail14 = txt_Details8.Text;
            //ASPxSpinEdit spin_Charges7 = pageControl.FindControl("spin_Charges7") as ASPxSpinEdit;
            //if (spin_Charges7 != null)
            //    job.ItemPrice14 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_Charges7.Value);

            //ASPxTextBox txt_How = pageControl.FindControl("txt_How") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_How != null)
            //    job.Answer1 = txt_How.Text;
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Other = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Other") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Other != null)
            //    job.Answer2 = txt_Other.Text;
            //ASPxTextBox txt_Move = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Move") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_Move != null)
            //    job.Answer3 = txt_Move.Text;
            //ASPxTextBox txt_UnsuccessRemark = pageControl.FindControl("txt_UnsuccessRemark") as ASPxTextBox;
            //if (txt_UnsuccessRemark != null)
            //    job.Answer4 = txt_UnsuccessRemark.Text;
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_WorkStatus = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_WorkStatus") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_WorkStatus != null)
            //    job.WorkStatus = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_WorkStatus.Value);

            //ASPxHtmlEditor txt_Attention1 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Attention1") as ASPxHtmlEditor;
            //if (txt_Attention1 != null)
            //    job.Attention1 = txt_Attention1.Html;
            //ASPxHtmlEditor txt_Attention2 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Attention2") as ASPxHtmlEditor;
            //if (txt_Attention2 != null)
            //    job.Attention2 = txt_Attention2.Html;
            //ASPxHtmlEditor txt_Attention3 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Attention3") as ASPxHtmlEditor;
            //if (txt_Attention3 != null)
            //    job.Attention3 = txt_Attention3.Html;
            //ASPxHtmlEditor txt_Attention4 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Attention4") as ASPxHtmlEditor;
            //if (txt_Attention4 != null)
            //    job.Attention4 = txt_Attention4.Html;
            //ASPxHtmlEditor txt_Attention5 = pageControl.FindControl("txt_Attention5") as ASPxHtmlEditor;
            //if (txt_Attention5 != null)
            //    job.Attention5 = txt_Attention5.Html;

            //if (cmb_Status.Text == "Job Confirmation")
            //    job.WorkStatus = "Pending";
            //ASPxComboBox cmb_SalesId = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_SalesId") as ASPxComboBox;
            //if (cmb_SalesId != null)
            //    job.Value4 = cmb_SalesId.Text;

            //if (cmb_Status.Text == "Job Confirmation")
            //    job.WorkStatus = "Pending";
            //if (job.JobStage == "Customer Inquiry")
            //    job.DateTime1 = DateTime.Now;


            //if (job.WorkStatus == "Costing")
            //    job.DateTime3 = DateTime.Now;

            //if (job.WorkStatus == "Quotation")
            //    job.DateTime4 = DateTime.Now;

            //if (job.WorkStatus == "Job Confirmation")
            //    job.DateTime5 = DateTime.Now;

            //if (job.WorkStatus == "Billing")
            //    job.DateTime6 = DateTime.Now;

            //if (job.WorkStatus == "Job Completion")
            //    job.DateTime7 = DateTime.Now;

            //if (job.WorkStatus == "Job Close")
            //    job.DateTime8 = DateTime.Now;

            //ASPxDateEdit date_DateTime2 = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_DateTime2") as ASPxDateEdit;
            //if (date_DateTime2 != null)
            //    if (!date_DateTime2.Date.IsDaylightSavingTime())
            //        job.DateTime2 = date_DateTime2.Date;
            //    else
            //        job.DateTime2 = DateTime.Now;
            //ASPxMemo memo_Notes = pageControl.FindControl("memo_Notes") as ASPxMemo;
            //if (memo_Notes != null)
            //    job.Notes = memo_Notes.Text;
            string userId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            if (isNew)
                job.CreateBy       = userId;
                job.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                job.UpdateBy       = userId;
                job.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                job.JobNo          = issueN;
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(job, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                C2Setup.SetNextNo("", "JobOrder", issueN, issueDate.Date);
                job.UpdateBy       = userId;
                job.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                bool isAddLog = false;
                if (job.JobStatus == SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar("Select JobStatus from JobSchedule where JobNo='" + job.JobNo + "'")))
                    isAddLog = true;
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(job, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Updated);
                if (isAddLog)
                    EzshipLog.Log(job.JobNo, "", "JO", job.JobStatus);
            Session["SoWhere"] = "JobNo='" + job.JobNo + "'";
            this.dsSchedule.FilterExpression = Session["SoWhere"].ToString();
            if (this.grid_Issue.GetRow(0) != null)

        catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); }
Exemplo n.º 17
    protected string SaveJob()
            ASPxTextBox txt_Id = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Id") as ASPxTextBox;
            string      pId    = SafeValue.SafeString(txt_Id.Text, "");
            Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery query = new Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery(typeof(JobInfo), "Id='" + pId + "'");
            JobInfo      job       = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObject(query) as JobInfo;
            ASPxDateEdit issueDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_IssueDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            bool         isNew     = false;
            //const string runType = "DOOUT";
            string issueN = "";
            if (job == null)
                job         = new JobInfo();
                isNew       = true;
                issueN      = C2Setup.GetNextNo("", "JobOrder", issueDate.Date);
                job.JobDate = issueDate.Date;

            ASPxDateEdit doDate = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("date_IssueDate") as ASPxDateEdit;
            job.JobDate = doDate.Date;

            job.JobStage = "Customer Inquir";
            ASPxComboBox cmb_JobType = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("cmb_JobType") as ASPxComboBox;
            job.JobType = SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_JobType.Value);
            //Main Info
            ASPxButtonEdit txt_CustomerId = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_CustomerId") as ASPxButtonEdit;
            job.CustomerId = txt_CustomerId.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_CustomerName = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_CustomerName") as ASPxTextBox;
            job.CustomerName = txt_CustomerName.Text;
            ASPxMemo memo_Address = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("memo_Address") as ASPxMemo;
            job.CustomerAdd = memo_Address.Text;

            ASPxTextBox txt_PostalCode = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_PostalCode") as ASPxTextBox;
            job.Postalcode = txt_PostalCode.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Contact = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Contact") as ASPxTextBox;
            job.Contact = txt_Contact.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Tel = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Tel") as ASPxTextBox;
            job.Tel = txt_Tel.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Email = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Email") as ASPxTextBox;
            job.Email = txt_Email.Text;
            ASPxTextBox txt_Fax = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Fax") as ASPxTextBox;
            job.Fax = txt_Fax.Text;
            ASPxMemo remark = grid_Issue.FindEditFormTemplateControl("txt_Remark") as ASPxMemo;
            job.Remark     = remark.Text;
            job.WorkStatus = "PENDING";

            string userId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            if (isNew)
                job.CreateBy       = userId;
                job.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                job.UpdateBy       = userId;
                job.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                job.JobNo          = issueN;
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(job, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                C2Setup.SetNextNo("", "JobOrder", issueN, issueDate.Date);
                job.UpdateBy       = userId;
                job.UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                bool isAddLog = false;
                if (job.JobStatus == SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar("Select JobStatus from JobInfo where DoNo='" + job.JobNo + "'")))
                    isAddLog = true;
                Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(job, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Updated);
                if (isAddLog)
                    EzshipLog.Log(job.JobNo, "", "JO", job.JobStatus);
        catch { }