Exemplo n.º 1
        public EzMyDataFlow(EzContainer parent) : base(parent)
            // Connection managers
            SrcConn = new EzSqlOleDbCM(Package, "SrcConn");
            SrcConn.SetConnectionString(Environment.MachineName, "AdventureWorks");
            MatchCM = new EzFlatFileCM(Package, "MatchCM");
            MatchCM.ConnectionString = "matchcm.txt";
            NoMatchCM = new EzFlatFileCM(Package, "NoMatchCM");
            NoMatchCM.ConnectionString = "nomatchcm.txt";
            ErrorCM = new EzFlatFileCM(Package, "ErrorCM");
            ErrorCM.ConnectionString = "errorcm.txt";
            RefConn = new EzSqlOleDbCM(Package, "RefConn");
            RefConn.SetConnectionString(Environment.MachineName, "AdventureWorks");

            // Creating Dataflow
            Source            = new EzOleDbSource(this);
            Source.Connection = SrcConn;
            Source.SqlCommand = "select * from HumanResources.Employee";

            Lookup = new EzLookup(this);
            Lookup.OleDbConnection = RefConn;
            Lookup.SqlCommand      = "select * from HumanResources.EmployeeAddress";
            Lookup.NoMatchBehavor = NoMatchBehavior.SendToNoMatchOutput;
            Lookup.OutputCol("AddressID").TruncationRowDisposition = DTSRowDisposition.RD_RedirectRow;

            SortMatch = new EzSortTransform(this);
            SortMatch.AttachTo(Lookup, 0, 0);
            SortMatch.SortOrder["EmployeeID"] = 1;     // sort in ascending order
            SortMatch.SortOrder["AddressID"]  = -2;    // sort in descending order

            SortNoMatch = new EzSortTransform(this);
            SortNoMatch.AttachTo(Lookup, 1, 0);
            SortNoMatch.SortOrder["EmployeeID"] = 1;      // sort in ascending order

            ErrorDest = new EzFlatFileDestination(this);
            ErrorDest.AttachTo(Lookup, 2, 0);
            ErrorDest.Connection = ErrorCM;
            ErrorDest.DefineColumnsInCM();      // configure connection manager to have all input columns defined in the resulting file

            MatchDest = new EzFlatFileDestination(this);
            MatchDest.Connection = MatchCM;

            NoMatchDest = new EzFlatFileDestination(this);
            NoMatchDest.Connection = NoMatchCM;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public EzLookupPackage(string scrSvr, string scrDb, string dstSvr, string dstDb, string schemaAndTable, string[] lookupCondition)
            : base()
            this.Name          = "TestLookupPackage";
            this.DataFlow.Name = "Load New Rows";

            //Set Connection Managers
            ScrConn = new EzSqlOleDbCM(this);
            ScrConn.SetConnectionString(scrSvr, scrDb);
            ScrConn.Name = "Source";
            DestConn     = new EzSqlOleDbCM(this);
            DestConn.SetConnectionString(dstSvr, dstDb);
            DestConn.Name = "Destination";

            //Create Dataflow
            Source            = new EzOleDbSource(DataFlow);
            Source.Connection = ScrConn;
            Source.Table      = schemaAndTable;
            //Source.SqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM dbo.T_Table1";
            Source.Name = "Get rows from source";

            //Configure Lookup
            Lookup = new EzLookup(DataFlow);
            Lookup.OleDbConnection = DestConn;
            Lookup.SqlCommand      = "SELECT * FROM " + schemaAndTable;
            Lookup.NoMatchBehavor = NoMatchBehavior.SendToNoMatchOutput;
            Lookup.Name           = "Check against Destination";

            //Send No Match Output to Destination
            Destination = new EzOleDbDestination(DataFlow);
            Destination.AttachTo(Lookup, 1, 0);
            Destination.Connection = DestConn;
            Destination.Table      = schemaAndTable;
            Destination.Name       = "Send new rows to Destination";
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating the package and the Data Flow Task:
            EzPackage  package  = new EzPackage();
            EzDataFlow dataFlow = new EzDataFlow(package);

            // Creating a connection to the database:
            EzSqlOleDbCM  srcConn = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzSqlOleDbCM), new object[] { package }) as EzSqlOleDbCM;
            EzOleDbSource source  = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzOleDbSource), new object[] { dataFlow }) as EzOleDbSource;

            source.Connection = srcConn;
            srcConn.SetConnectionString("localhost", "Northwind");
            source.Table = "FuzzyOrders";

            // Creating six Flat File Destinations to write the output from the Conditional Split:
            uint numberCases = 6;
            List <EzFlatFileDestination> destinations = new List <EzFlatFileDestination>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= numberCases; i++)
                EzFlatFileCM          conn = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzFlatFileCM), new object[] { package }) as EzFlatFileCM;
                EzFlatFileDestination dest = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzFlatFileDestination), new object[] { dataFlow }) as EzFlatFileDestination;
                dest.Connection       = conn;
                conn.ConnectionString = @"C:\CondSplit\output" + i + ".txt";
                dest.Overwrite        = true;


            // Attaching the Conditional Split to the source, and mapping input columns to output columns:
            EzConditionalSplit split = new EzConditionalSplit(dataFlow);


             * Important step - this is where the new EzConditionalSplit functionality comes in.
             * The Condition property of EzConditionalSplit indexes over outputs using output names.
             * Providing an output name that does not yet exist will create a new output.
             * The Condition property is set to a string that represents the condition that is evaluated to determine which
             * output a particular row is sent to.
             * The set method of the Condition property also assigns a string to the Expression property, which contains the actual string
             * that is evaulated during runtime.  In this string, column names are replaced with column IDs.  The Expression property
             * can be set directly, but the Condition property allows the user to provide a string containing column names without
             * worrying about IDs.  In addition, the Condition set method also assigns the new expression to be the next case to be evaluated,
             * automatically setting the Order property, which must be sequential in order to guarantee execution.
            for (int i = 1; i <= numberCases; i++)
                split.Condition["case" + i] = "EmployeeID == " + i;

            // Attaching each destination to an output of Conditional Split:
            for (int i = 1; i <= numberCases; i++)
                destinations[i - 1].AttachTo(split, i + 1, 0);
                destinations[i - 1].DefineColumnsInCM();

            // Creating a destination for the default output:
            EzFlatFileCM          conn_default = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzFlatFileCM), new object[] { package }) as EzFlatFileCM;
            EzFlatFileDestination dest_default = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzFlatFileDestination), new object[] { dataFlow }) as EzFlatFileDestination;

            dest_default.Connection       = conn_default;
            conn_default.ConnectionString = @"C:\CondSplit\default.txt";
            dest_default.Overwrite        = true;

            // Attaching the default destination to the default output.
            dest_default.AttachTo(split, 0, 0);

            // Execute the package.
Exemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating the package and data flow task:
            EzPackage  package  = new EzPackage();
            EzDataFlow dataFlow = new EzDataFlow(package);

            // Creating the first source:
            EzSqlOleDbCM  srcConn1 = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzSqlOleDbCM), new object[] { package }) as EzSqlOleDbCM;
            EzOleDbSource source1  = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzOleDbSource), new object[] { dataFlow }) as EzOleDbSource;

            source1.Connection = srcConn1;
            srcConn1.SetConnectionString("localhost", "Northwind");
            source1.Table = "Customers";

            // Creating the second source, which has the same columns as the first source:
            EzSqlOleDbCM  srcConn2 = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzSqlOleDbCM), new object[] { package }) as EzSqlOleDbCM;
            EzOleDbSource source2  = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzOleDbSource), new object[] { dataFlow }) as EzOleDbSource;

            source2.Connection = srcConn2;
            srcConn2.SetConnectionString("localhost", "Northwind");
            source2.Table = "Customers3";

            // Creating the third source, which contains different columns to demonstrate how EzUnionAll handles this scenario:
            EzSqlOleDbCM  srcConn3 = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzSqlOleDbCM), new object[] { package }) as EzSqlOleDbCM;
            EzOleDbSource source3  = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzOleDbSource), new object[] { dataFlow }) as EzOleDbSource;

            source3.Connection = srcConn3;
            srcConn3.SetConnectionString("localhost", "Northwind");
            source3.Table = "FuzzyOrders";

            /* Creating EzUnionAll and attaching it to the sources.
             * The input columns of the first input attached define the output columns.
             * The second input has the same output columns as the first input, so the input columns
             * of the second input are mapped to the corresponding output columns.
             * The third input shares two of the first input's columns, so these columns are automatically mapped together.
             * The rest of the third input's columns do not match any of the existing output columns, so they are not mapped.
             * No value is inserted into the unmapped output columns for rows that originate from the third input.
            EzUnionAll union = new EzUnionAll(dataFlow);

            union.AttachTo(source1, 0, 0);
            union.AttachTo(source2, 0, 1);
            union.AttachTo(source3, 0, 2);

            // Creating a Flat File Destination:
            EzFlatFileCM          output_conn = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzFlatFileCM), new object[] { package }) as EzFlatFileCM;
            EzFlatFileDestination output      = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EzFlatFileDestination), new object[] { dataFlow }) as EzFlatFileDestination;

            output.Connection            = output_conn;
            output_conn.ConnectionString = @"C:\Union All\UnionAllSample.txt";
            output.Overwrite             = true;

            // Attaching the Union All component to the destination:
            output.AttachTo(union, 0, 0);

            // Executing the package: