Exemplo n.º 1
    internal static ExtMoveArrayWrapper make_promotions(
        GenType Type,
        SquareT Delta,
        ExtMoveArrayWrapper moveList,
        SquareT to,
        CheckInfo ci)
        if (Type == GenType.CAPTURES || Type == GenType.EVASIONS || Type == GenType.NON_EVASIONS)
            (moveList).Add(Move.make(MoveType.PROMOTION, to - Delta, to, PieceType.QUEEN));

        if (Type == GenType.QUIETS || Type == GenType.EVASIONS || Type == GenType.NON_EVASIONS)
            (moveList).Add(Move.make(MoveType.PROMOTION, to - Delta, to, PieceType.ROOK));

            (moveList).Add(Move.make(MoveType.PROMOTION, to - Delta, to, PieceType.BISHOP));

            (moveList).Add(Move.make(MoveType.PROMOTION, to - Delta, to, PieceType.KNIGHT));

        // Knight promotion is the only promotion that can give a direct check
        // that's not already included in the queen promotion.
        if (Type == GenType.QUIET_CHECKS && Bitboard.AndWithSquare(Utils.StepAttacksBB[Piece.W_KNIGHT, to], ci.ksq)!=0)
            (moveList).Add(Move.make(MoveType.PROMOTION, to - Delta, to, PieceType.KNIGHT));

        return moveList;
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// Constructors of the MovePicker class. As arguments we pass information
    /// to help it to return the (presumably) good moves first, to decide which
    /// moves to return (in the quiescence search, for instance, we only want to
    /// search captures, promotions and some checks) and how important good move
    /// ordering is at the current node.
    internal MovePicker(
        Position p,
        MoveT ttm,
        Depth d,
        HistoryStats h,
        CounterMovesHistoryStats cmh,
        MoveT cm,
        StackArrayWrapper s)
        endBadCaptures = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves, _.MAX_MOVES - 1);
        cur = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves);
        endMoves = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves);

        pos = p;
        history = h;
        counterMovesHistory = cmh;
        ss = s;
        countermove = cm;
        depth = d;
        Debug.Assert(d > Depth.DEPTH_ZERO);

        stage = pos.checkers() != 0 ? Stages.EVASION : Stages.MAIN_SEARCH;
        ttMove = ttm != 0 && pos.pseudo_legal(ttm) ? ttm : Move.MOVE_NONE;
        endMoves += ttMove != Move.MOVE_NONE ? 1 : 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
    internal static ExtMoveArrayWrapper generate_castling(
        CastlingRight Cr,
        bool Checks,
        bool Chess960,
        Position pos,
        ExtMoveArrayWrapper moveList,
        ColorT us,
        CheckInfo ci)
        var KingSide = (Cr == CastlingRight.WHITE_OO || Cr == CastlingRight.BLACK_OO);

        if (pos.castling_impeded(Cr) || !pos.can_castle(Cr))
            return moveList;

        // After castling, the rook and king final positions are the same in Chess960
        // as they would be in standard chess.
        var kfrom = pos.square(PieceType.KING, us);
        var rfrom = pos.castling_rook_square(Cr);
        var kto = Square.relative_square(us, KingSide ? Square.SQ_G1 : Square.SQ_C1);
        var enemies = pos.pieces_Ct(Color.opposite(us));

        Debug.Assert(pos.checkers() == 0);

        var K = Chess960 ? kto > kfrom ? Square.DELTA_W : Square.DELTA_E : KingSide ? Square.DELTA_W : Square.DELTA_E;

        for (var s = kto; s != kfrom; s += K)
            if ((pos.attackers_to(s) & enemies) != 0)
                return moveList;

        // Because we generate only legal castling moves we need to verify that
        // when moving the castling rook we do not discover some hidden checker.
        // For instance an enemy queen in SQ_A1 when castling rook is in SQ_B1.
        if (Chess960
            && ((Utils.attacks_bb_PtSBb(PieceType.ROOK, kto, Bitboard.XorWithSquare(pos.pieces(), rfrom))
                & pos.pieces_CtPtPt(Color.opposite(us), PieceType.ROOK, PieceType.QUEEN)))!= 0)
            return moveList;

        var m = Move.make(MoveType.CASTLING, kfrom, rfrom);

        if (Checks && !pos.gives_check(m, ci))
            return moveList;

        return moveList;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void AssignmentTests()
            var v1 = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(new ExtMove[10], 5);
            var v2 = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(v1);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, v1.current);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, v1.table.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, v2.current);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, v2.table.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, v1.current);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, v1.table.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, v2.current);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, v2.table.Length);

            v2.set(new ExtMove[5]);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, v1.current);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, v1.table.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, v2.current);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, v2.table.Length);
Exemplo n.º 5
    internal MovePicker(Position p, MoveT ttm, Depth d, HistoryStats h, CounterMovesHistoryStats cmh, SquareT s)
        endBadCaptures = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves, _.MAX_MOVES - 1);
        cur = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves);
        endMoves = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves);

        pos = p;
        history = h;
        counterMovesHistory = cmh;

        Debug.Assert(d <= Depth.DEPTH_ZERO_C);

        if (pos.checkers() != 0)
            stage = Stages.EVASION;

        else if (d > Depth.DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS)
            stage = Stages.QSEARCH_WITH_CHECKS;

        else if (d > Depth.DEPTH_QS_RECAPTURES)
            stage = Stages.QSEARCH_WITHOUT_CHECKS;

            stage = Stages.RECAPTURE;
            recaptureSquare = s;
            ttm = Move.MOVE_NONE;

        ttMove = ttm != 0 && pos.pseudo_legal(ttm) ? ttm : Move.MOVE_NONE;
        endMoves += (ttMove != Move.MOVE_NONE) ? 1 : 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
 internal ExtMoveArrayWrapper(ExtMoveArrayWrapper wrapper)
     : this(wrapper.table, wrapper.current)
Exemplo n.º 7
    /// generate
    /// EVASIONS
    ///     generates all pseudo-legal check evasions when the side
    ///     to move is in check. Returns a pointer to the end of the move list.
    private static ExtMoveArrayWrapper generate_EVASIONS(Position pos, ExtMoveArrayWrapper moveList)
        Debug.Assert(pos.checkers() != 0);

        var us = pos.side_to_move();
        var ksq = pos.square(PieceType.KING, us);
        var sliderAttacks = Bitboard.Create(0);
        var sliders = pos.checkers() & ~pos.pieces_PtPt(PieceType.KNIGHT, PieceType.PAWN);

        // Find all the squares attacked by slider checkers. We will remove them from
        // the king evasions in order to skip known illegal moves, which avoids any
        // useless legality checks later on.
        while (sliders != 0)
            var checksq1 = Utils.pop_lsb(ref sliders);
            sliderAttacks |= Bitboard.XorWithSquare(Utils.LineBB[checksq1, ksq], checksq1);

        // Generate evasions for king, capture and non capture moves
        var b = pos.attacks_from_PtS(PieceType.KING, ksq) & ~pos.pieces_Ct(us) & ~sliderAttacks;
        while (b != 0)
            (moveList).Add(Move.make_move(ksq, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b)));

        if (Bitboard.more_than_one(pos.checkers()))
            return moveList; // Double check, only a king move can save the day

        // Generate blocking evasions or captures of the checking piece
        var checksq = Utils.lsb(pos.checkers());
        var target = Bitboard.OrWithSquare(Utils.between_bb(checksq, ksq), checksq);

        return us == Color.WHITE
            ? generate_all(Color.WHITE, GenType.EVASIONS, pos, moveList, target)
            : generate_all(Color.BLACK, GenType.EVASIONS, pos, moveList, target);
Exemplo n.º 8
    // pick_best() finds the best move in the range (begin, end) and moves it to
    // the front. It's faster than sorting all the moves in advance when there
    // are few moves e.g. the possible captures.
    private MoveT pick_best(ExtMoveArrayWrapper begin, ExtMoveArrayWrapper end)
        Debug.Assert(begin.table == end.table);
        Debug.Assert(begin.current < end.current);

        ExtMove? maxVal = null; //nullable so this works even if you have all super-low negatives
        var index = -1;
        for (var i = begin.current; i < end.current; i++)
            var thisNum = moves[i];
            if (!maxVal.HasValue || thisNum > maxVal.Value)
                maxVal = thisNum;
                index = i;

        var first = moves[begin.current];
        moves[begin.current] = moves[index];
        moves[index] = first;

        return moves[begin.current];
Exemplo n.º 9
    /// generate_next_stage() generates, scores and sorts the next bunch of moves,
    /// when there are no more moves to try for the current stage.
    private void generate_next_stage()
        Debug.Assert(stage != Stages.STOP);


        switch (++stage)
            case Stages.GOOD_CAPTURES:
            case Stages.QCAPTURES_1:
            case Stages.QCAPTURES_2:
            case Stages.PROBCUT_CAPTURES:
            case Stages.RECAPTURES:
                endMoves = Movegen.generate(GenType.CAPTURES, pos, new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves));

            case Stages.KILLERS:
                killers[0] = new ExtMove(ss[ss.current].killers0, killers[0].Value);
                killers[1] = new ExtMove(ss[ss.current].killers1, killers[1].Value);
                killers[2] = new ExtMove(countermove, killers[2].Value);
                endMoves = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(cur.table, cur.current + 2
                                                              ((countermove != killers[0] && countermove != killers[1])
                                                                  ? 1
                                                                  : 0));

            case Stages.GOOD_QUIETS:
                endQuiets = Movegen.generate(GenType.QUIETS, pos, new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves));
                endMoves = endQuiets;

                endMoves = ExtMoveArrayWrapper.Partition(cur, endMoves);
                ExtMoveArrayWrapper.insertion_sort(cur, endMoves);

            case Stages.BAD_QUIETS:
                cur = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(endMoves);
                endMoves = endQuiets;
                if (depth >= 3*Depth.ONE_PLY_C)
                    ExtMoveArrayWrapper.insertion_sort(cur, endMoves);

            case Stages.BAD_CAPTURES:
                // Just pick them in reverse order to get correct ordering
                cur = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves) + (_.MAX_MOVES - 1);
                endMoves = endBadCaptures;

            case Stages.ALL_EVASIONS:
                endMoves = Movegen.generate(GenType.EVASIONS, pos, new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves));

                if (endMoves.current > 1)

            case Stages.CHECKS:
                endMoves = Movegen.generate(
                    new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves));

            case Stages.EVASION:
            case Stages.QSEARCH_WITH_CHECKS:
            case Stages.QSEARCH_WITHOUT_CHECKS:
            case Stages.PROBCUT:
            case Stages.RECAPTURE:
            case Stages.STOP:
                stage = Stages.STOP;

Exemplo n.º 10
    internal static ExtMoveArrayWrapper generate_pawn_moves(
        ColorT Us,
        GenType Type,
        Position pos,
        ExtMoveArrayWrapper moveList,
        BitboardT target,
        CheckInfo ci)
        // Compute our parametrized parameters at compile time, named according to
        // the point of view of white side.
        var Them = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE);
        var TRank8BB = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Bitboard.Rank8BB : Bitboard.Rank1BB);
        var TRank7BB = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Bitboard.Rank7BB : Bitboard.Rank2BB);
        var TRank3BB = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Bitboard.Rank3BB : Bitboard.Rank6BB);
        var Up = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Square.DELTA_N : Square.DELTA_S);
        var Right = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Square.DELTA_NE : Square.DELTA_SW);
        var Left = (Us == Color.WHITE ? Square.DELTA_NW : Square.DELTA_SE);

        var emptySquares = Bitboard.Create(0);

        var pawnsOn7 = pos.pieces_CtPt(Us, PieceType.PAWN) & TRank7BB;
        var pawnsNotOn7 = pos.pieces_CtPt(Us, PieceType.PAWN) & ~TRank7BB;

        var enemies = (Type == GenType.EVASIONS
            ? pos.pieces_Ct(Them) & target
            : Type == GenType.CAPTURES ? target : pos.pieces_Ct(Them));

        // Single and double pawn pushes, no promotions
        if (Type != GenType.CAPTURES)
            emptySquares = (Type == GenType.QUIETS || Type == GenType.QUIET_CHECKS ? target : ~pos.pieces());

            var b1 = Bitboard.shift_bb(Up, pawnsNotOn7) & emptySquares;
            var b2 = Bitboard.shift_bb(Up, b1 & TRank3BB) & emptySquares;

            if (Type == GenType.EVASIONS) // Consider only blocking squares
                b1 &= target;
                b2 &= target;

            if (Type == GenType.QUIET_CHECKS)
                b1 &= pos.attacks_from_PS(PieceType.PAWN, ci.ksq, Them);
                b2 &= pos.attacks_from_PS(PieceType.PAWN, ci.ksq, Them);

                // Add pawn pushes which give discovered check. This is possible only
                // if the pawn is not on the same file as the enemy king, because we
                // don't generate captures. Note that a possible discovery check
                // promotion has been already generated amongst the captures.
                if ((pawnsNotOn7 & ci.dcCandidates) != 0)
                    var dc1 = Bitboard.shift_bb(Up, pawnsNotOn7 & ci.dcCandidates) & emptySquares
                              & ~Utils.file_bb_St(ci.ksq);
                    var dc2 = Bitboard.shift_bb(Up, dc1 & TRank3BB) & emptySquares;

                    b1 |= dc1;
                    b2 |= dc2;

            while (b1 != 0)
                var to = Utils.pop_lsb(ref b1);
                (moveList).Add(Move.make_move(to - Up, to));

            while (b2 != 0)
                var to = Utils.pop_lsb(ref b2);
                (moveList).Add(Move.make_move(to - Up - Up, to));

        // Promotions and underpromotions
        if (pawnsOn7 != 0 && (Type != GenType.EVASIONS || ((target & TRank8BB) != 0)))
            if (Type == GenType.CAPTURES)
                emptySquares = ~pos.pieces();

            if (Type == GenType.EVASIONS)
                emptySquares &= target;

            var b1 = Bitboard.shift_bb(Right, pawnsOn7) & enemies;
            var b2 = Bitboard.shift_bb(Left, pawnsOn7) & enemies;
            var b3 = Bitboard.shift_bb(Up, pawnsOn7) & emptySquares;

            while (b1 != 0)
                moveList = make_promotions(Type, Right, moveList, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b1), ci);

            while (b2 != 0)
                moveList = make_promotions(Type, Left, moveList, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b2), ci);

            while (b3 != 0)
                moveList = make_promotions(Type, Up, moveList, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b3), ci);

        // Standard and en-passant captures
        if (Type == GenType.CAPTURES || Type == GenType.EVASIONS || Type == GenType.NON_EVASIONS)
            var b1 = Bitboard.shift_bb(Right, pawnsNotOn7) & enemies;
            var b2 = Bitboard.shift_bb(Left, pawnsNotOn7) & enemies;

            while (b1 != 0)
                var to = Utils.pop_lsb(ref b1);
                (moveList).Add(Move.make_move(to - Right, to));

            while (b2 != 0)
                var to = Utils.pop_lsb(ref b2);
                (moveList).Add(Move.make_move(to - Left, to));

            if (pos.ep_square() != Square.SQ_NONE)
                Debug.Assert(Square.rank_of(pos.ep_square()) == Rank.relative_rank_CtRt(Us, Rank.RANK_6));

                // An en passant capture can be an evasion only if the checking piece
                // is the double pushed pawn and so is in the target. Otherwise this
                // is a discovery check and we are forced to do otherwise.
                if (Type == GenType.EVASIONS && Bitboard.AndWithSquare(target, (pos.ep_square() - Up))==0)
                    return moveList;

                b1 = pawnsNotOn7 & pos.attacks_from_PS(PieceType.PAWN, pos.ep_square(), Them);

                Debug.Assert(b1 != 0);

                while (b1 != 0)
                    (moveList).Add(Move.make(MoveType.ENPASSANT, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b1), pos.ep_square()));

        return moveList;
Exemplo n.º 11
    internal MovePicker(Position p, MoveT ttm, HistoryStats h, CounterMovesHistoryStats cmh, ValueT th)
        endBadCaptures = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves, _.MAX_MOVES - 1);
        cur = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves);
        endMoves = new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(moves);

        pos = p;
        history = h;
        counterMovesHistory = cmh;
        threshold = th;

        Debug.Assert(pos.checkers() == 0);

        stage = Stages.PROBCUT;

        // In ProbCut we generate captures with SEE higher than the given threshold
        ttMove = ttm != 0 && pos.pseudo_legal(ttm) && pos.capture(ttm)
                 && pos.see(ttm) > threshold
            ? ttm
            : Move.MOVE_NONE;

        endMoves += (ttMove != Move.MOVE_NONE) ? 1 : 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
    /// generate
    /// LEGAL generates all the legal moves in the given position
    private static ExtMoveArrayWrapper generate_LEGAL(Position pos, ExtMoveArrayWrapper moveList)
        var pinned = pos.pinned_pieces(pos.side_to_move());
        var ksq = pos.square(PieceType.KING, pos.side_to_move());
        var cur = moveList.current;

        moveList = pos.checkers() != 0
            ? generate(GenType.EVASIONS, pos, moveList)
            : generate(GenType.NON_EVASIONS, pos, moveList);

        while (cur != moveList.current)
            if ((pinned != 0 || Move.from_sq(moveList[cur]) == ksq || Move.type_of(moveList[cur]) == MoveType.ENPASSANT)
                && !pos.legal(moveList[cur], pinned))
                for (var idx = cur; idx < moveList.current; idx++)
                    moveList.table[idx] = moveList.table[idx + 1];

        return moveList;
Exemplo n.º 13
    // Our insertion sort, which is guaranteed to be stable, as it should be
    internal static void insertion_sort(ExtMoveArrayWrapper begin, ExtMoveArrayWrapper end)
        Debug.Assert(begin.table == end.table);
        Debug.Assert(begin.current <= end.current);

        for (var p = begin.current + 1; p < end.current; ++p)
            var tmp = begin[p];
            int q;
            for (q = p; q != begin.current && begin[q - 1].Value < tmp.Value; --q)
                begin[q] = begin[q - 1];

            begin[q] = tmp;
Exemplo n.º 14
    internal static ExtMoveArrayWrapper Partition(ExtMoveArrayWrapper begin, ExtMoveArrayWrapper end)
        Debug.Assert(begin.table == end.table);
        Debug.Assert(begin.current < end.current);

        var _First = begin.current;
        var _Last = end.current;

        for (;; ++_First)
            // find any out-of-order pair
            for (; _First != _Last && (begin[_First].Value > Value.VALUE_ZERO); ++_First)
            if (_First == _Last)
                break; // done

            for (; _First != --_Last && !(begin[_Last].Value > Value.VALUE_ZERO);)
            if (_First == _Last)
                break; // done

            var tempValue = begin[_First];
            begin[_First] = begin[_Last];
            begin[_Last] = tempValue;
        return new ExtMoveArrayWrapper(begin.table, _First);
Exemplo n.º 15
    /// generate
    ///     generates all pseudo-legal non-captures and knight
    ///     underpromotions that give check. Returns a pointer to the end of the move list.
    private static ExtMoveArrayWrapper generate_QUIET_CHECKS(Position pos, ExtMoveArrayWrapper moveList)
        Debug.Assert(pos.checkers() == 0);

        var us = pos.side_to_move();
        var ci = new CheckInfo(pos);
        var dc = ci.dcCandidates;

        while (dc != 0)
            var from = Utils.pop_lsb(ref dc);
            var pt = Piece.type_of(pos.piece_on(from));

            if (pt == PieceType.PAWN)
                continue; // Will be generated together with direct checks

            var b = pos.attacks_from_PtS(pt, from) & ~pos.pieces();

            if (pt == PieceType.KING)
                b &= ~Utils.PseudoAttacks[PieceType.QUEEN, ci.ksq];

            while (b != 0)
                (moveList).Add(Move.make_move(from, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b)));

        return us == Color.WHITE
            ? generate_all(Color.WHITE, GenType.QUIET_CHECKS, pos, moveList, ~pos.pieces(), ci)
            : generate_all(Color.BLACK, GenType.QUIET_CHECKS, pos, moveList, ~pos.pieces(), ci);
Exemplo n.º 16
    internal static ExtMoveArrayWrapper generate(GenType Type, Position pos, ExtMoveArrayWrapper moveList)
        switch (Type)
            case GenType.EVASIONS:
                return generate_EVASIONS(pos, moveList);
            case GenType.LEGAL:
                return generate_LEGAL(pos, moveList);
            case GenType.QUIET_CHECKS:
                return generate_QUIET_CHECKS(pos, moveList);

        Debug.Assert(Type == GenType.CAPTURES || Type == GenType.QUIETS || Type == GenType.NON_EVASIONS);
        Debug.Assert(pos.checkers() == 0);

        var us = pos.side_to_move();

        var target = Type == GenType.CAPTURES
            ? pos.pieces_Ct(Color.opposite(us))
            : Type == GenType.QUIETS
                ? ~pos.pieces()
                : Type == GenType.NON_EVASIONS ? ~pos.pieces_Ct(us) : Bitboard.Create(0);

        return us == Color.WHITE
            ? generate_all(Color.WHITE, Type, pos, moveList, target)
            : generate_all(Color.BLACK, Type, pos, moveList, target);
Exemplo n.º 17
    internal static ExtMoveArrayWrapper generate_all(
        ColorT Us,
        GenType Type,
        Position pos,
        ExtMoveArrayWrapper moveList,
        BitboardT target,
        CheckInfo ci = null)
        var Checks = Type == GenType.QUIET_CHECKS;

        moveList = generate_pawn_moves(Us, Type, pos, moveList, target, ci);
        moveList = generate_moves(PieceType.KNIGHT, Checks, pos, moveList, Us, target, ci);
        moveList = generate_moves(PieceType.BISHOP, Checks, pos, moveList, Us, target, ci);
        moveList = generate_moves(PieceType.ROOK, Checks, pos, moveList, Us, target, ci);
        moveList = generate_moves(PieceType.QUEEN, Checks, pos, moveList, Us, target, ci);

        if (Type != GenType.QUIET_CHECKS && Type != GenType.EVASIONS)
            var ksq = pos.square(PieceType.KING, Us);
            var b = pos.attacks_from_PtS(PieceType.KING, ksq) & target;
            while (b != 0)
                (moveList).Add(Move.make_move(ksq, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b)));

        if (Type != GenType.CAPTURES && Type != GenType.EVASIONS && pos.can_castle(Us) != 0)
            if (pos.is_chess960())
                moveList = generate_castling(
                    MakeCastling(Us, CastlingSide.KING_SIDE),
                moveList = generate_castling(
                    MakeCastling(Us, CastlingSide.QUEEN_SIDE),
                moveList = generate_castling(
                    MakeCastling(Us, CastlingSide.KING_SIDE),
                moveList = generate_castling(
                    MakeCastling(Us, CastlingSide.QUEEN_SIDE),

        return moveList;
Exemplo n.º 18
    internal static ExtMoveArrayWrapper generate_moves(
        PieceTypeT pieceType,
        bool Checks,
        Position pos,
        ExtMoveArrayWrapper moveList,
        ColorT us,
        BitboardT target,
        CheckInfo ci)
        var Pt = (int) pieceType;
        Debug.Assert(Pt != PieceType.KING && Pt != PieceType.PAWN);

        for(var idx=0; idx<16;idx++)
            var square = pos.square(pieceType, us, idx);
            if (square == Square.SQ_NONE)

            if (Checks)
                if ((Pt == PieceType.BISHOP || Pt == PieceType.ROOK || Pt == PieceType.QUEEN)
                    && (Utils.PseudoAttacks[Pt, square] & target & ci.checkSquares[Pt]) == 0)

                if (ci.dcCandidates != 0 && Bitboard.AndWithSquare(ci.dcCandidates, square)!=0)

            var b = pos.attacks_from_PtS(pieceType, square) & target;

            if (Checks)
                b &= ci.checkSquares[Pt];

            while (b != 0)
                (moveList).Add(Move.make_move(square, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b)));

        return moveList;