Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ExpressionExtensions_GetNameTest()
            TestClass c = new TestClass();

            Assert.AreEqual("TestProperty", ExpressionMethods.GetName((() => c.TestProperty)),
                            "GetName returned the incorrect name of the property in the selector method");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void RepositoryOwner_Repository_Query()
            var expression = new Query()
                             .Select((Repository x) => new
                Owner = x.Owner.Select(o => new

            Expression <Func <JObject, IEnumerable <object> > > expected = data =>
                x => new
                Id        = x["id"].ToObject <string>(),
                Name      = x["name"].ToObject <string>(),
                Owner     = ExpressionMethods.SelectEntity(x["owner"], o => new { Login = o["login"].ToObject <string>() }),
                IsFork    = x["isFork"].ToObject <string>(),
                IsPrivate = x["isPrivate"].ToObject <string>(),

            var query = new QueryBuilder().Build(expression);

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), query.Expression.ToString());
        public void Union()
            var expression = new RootQuery()
                             .Select(x => x.Simple)
                             .Select(x => new

            Expression <Func <JObject, object> > expected = data =>
                ((Func <JToken, IQueryable <JToken> >)(x => ExpressionMethods.ChildrenOfType(x, "Simple")))((data["data"]["union"])),
                x => new
                Name        = x["name"].ToObject <string>(),
                Description = x["description"].ToObject <string>(),

            // We need to remove the (Func<JToken, IQueryable<JToken>>) cast that is needed by
            // C# but not by expression trees.
            expected = (Expression <Func <JObject, object> >)RemoveConvert.Default.Visit(expected);

            var query = new QueryBuilder().Build(expression);

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), query.Expression.ToString());
        public void AutoMapperTestCaseThatFails()
            var expressionMethods = new ExpressionMethods();

            // Doesn't work with many
            expressionMethods.GetById(1, x => x.Info, x => x.Profile);
        public void AutoMapperTestCaseThatWorks()
            var expressionMethods = new ExpressionMethods();

            // Works with one
            expressionMethods.GetById(1, x => x.Info);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private bool EvaluateChildren(State state)
     if (Time == state.CurrentTime)
         return(ExpressionMethods.CheckExpressionSatisfaction(Expression, state.Fluents) == FluentValue.True);
        public void Data_Select_Single_Member()
            var expression = new RootQuery()
                             .Select(x => x.Id);

            Expression <Func <JObject, IEnumerable <string> > > expected = data =>
                                                                           ExpressionMethods.SelectEntity(data["data"]["data"], x => x["id"].ToObject <string>());

            var query = new QueryBuilder().Build(expression);

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), query.Expression.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Search_User_Name_Via_Edges()
            var expression = new Query()
                             .Search("foo", SearchType.User, 30)
                             .Edges.Select(x => x.Node)
                             .Select(x => x.User.Name);

            Expression <Func <JObject, IEnumerable <object> > > expected = data =>
                ExpressionMethods.ChildrenOfType(data["data"]["search"]["edges"], "User"),
                x => x["name"].ToObject <string>());

            var query = new QueryBuilder().Build(expression);

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), query.Expression.ToString());
        public void SimpleQuery_Select_Multiple_Members()
            var expression = new RootQuery()
                             .Simple("foo", 2)
                             .Select(x => new { x.Name, x.Description });

            Expression <Func <JObject, object> > expected = data =>
                                                            ExpressionMethods.SelectEntity(data["data"]["simple"], x => new
                Name        = x["name"].ToObject <string>(),
                Description = x["description"].ToObject <string>(),

            var query = new QueryBuilder().Build(expression);

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), query.Expression.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Nested_Selects()
            var expression = new RootQuery()
                             .Select(x => new
                Items = x.Items.Select(i => i.Name),

            Expression <Func <JObject, object> > expected = data =>
                x => new
                Id    = x["id"].ToObject <string>(),
                Items = ExpressionMethods.SelectEntity(x["items"], i => i["name"].ToObject <string>())

            var query = new QueryBuilder().Build(expression);

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), query.Expression.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the command associated with the given property and delegates.
 /// <b>For use outside of property setters and getters</b>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="execute">Action to be performed by the command. Recieves the command parameter as an argument</param>
 /// <param name="canExecute">Predicate that is used to determine if the command can be executed</param>
 /// <param name="selector">The expression that selects the appropriate property</param>
 /// <returns>The command composed of the supplied delegates</returns>
 protected ICommand GetCommand <T>(Action <object> execute, Predicate <object> canExecute, Expression <Func <T> > selector)
     return(this.GetCommand(execute, canExecute, ExpressionMethods.GetName(selector)));
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the command associated with the given property and delegates.
 /// <b>For use outside of property setters and getters</b>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="execute">Action to be performed by the command. Recieves the command parameter as an argument</param>
 /// <param name="canExecute">Func that is used to determine if the command can be executed</param>
 /// <param name="selector">The expression that selects the appropriate property</param>
 /// <returns>The command composed of the supplied delegates</returns>
 protected ICommand GetCommand <T>(Action <object> execute, Func <bool> canExecute, Expression <Func <T> > selector)
     return(this.GetCommand(execute, (x => canExecute()), ExpressionMethods.GetName(selector)));
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the command associated with the given property and delegate.
 /// <b>For use outside of property setters and getters</b>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="execute">Action to be performed by the command</param>
 /// <param name="selector">The expression that selects the appropriate property</param>
 /// <returns>The command composed of the supplied delegate</returns>
 protected ICommand GetCommand <T>(Action execute, Expression <Func <T> > selector)
     return(this.GetCommand((x => execute()), (x => true), ExpressionMethods.GetName(selector)));