public Stmt GetImpl(Ctx ctx)
                var obj             = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "obj");
                var toType          = ctx.MethodParameter(1);
                var callCanAssignTo = new ExprCall(ctx, (Func <object, Type, bool>)CanAssignTo, null, obj.Expr, toType).Named("callCanAssignTo");
                var mCtorEx         = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(InvalidCastException).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(string) }));
                var mGetType        = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(object).GetMethod("GetType"));
                var getTypeCall     = new ExprCall(ctx, mGetType, obj.Expr);
                var msgParts        = new Expr[] {
                    new ExprLiteral(ctx, "Unable to cast object of type '", ctx.String),
                    new ExprCall(ctx, typeof(Type).GetProperty("FullName").GetMethod, getTypeCall),
                    new ExprLiteral(ctx, "' to type '", ctx.String),
                    new ExprCall(ctx, typeof(Type).GetProperty("FullName").GetMethod, toType),
                    new ExprLiteral(ctx, "'.", ctx.String)
                var msg    = msgParts.Aggregate((a, b) => new ExprBinary(ctx, BinaryOp.Add, ctx.String, a, b));
                var ctorEx = new ExprNewObj(ctx, mCtorEx, msg).Named("callCtorEx");
                var js     = @"
if (callCanAssignTo) return obj;
throw callCtorEx
                var stmt   = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, callCanAssignTo, obj, ctorEx);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Stmt get_Value(Ctx ctx)
            var excCtor = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(InvalidOperationException).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));
            var invalidOperationException      = new ExprNewObj(ctx, excCtor);
            var throwInvalidOperationException = new StmtThrow(ctx, invalidOperationException);
            var cond    = new ExprJsExplicit(ctx, "(this === null)", ctx.Boolean, ctx.ThisNamed);
            var throwIf = new StmtIf(ctx, cond, throwInvalidOperationException, null);
            var ret     = new StmtReturn(ctx, ctx.This);
            var stmt    = new StmtBlock(ctx, throwIf, ret);

        protected override ICode VisitNewObj(ExprNewObj e)
            var expr = this.HandleCall(e, (obj, args) => new ExprNewObj(e.Ctx, e.CallMethod, args));
            var res  = JsResolver.ResolveCallSite(expr);

            if (res == null)
Exemplo n.º 4
        private Stmt NewObj(Instruction inst)
            var ctorRef  = ((MethodReference)inst.Operand).FullResolve(this.ctx);
            var numArgs  = ctorRef.Parameters.Count;
            var argExprs = new Expr[numArgs];

            for (int i = numArgs - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                argExprs[i] = this.stack.Pop();
            var expr = new ExprNewObj(this.ctx, ctorRef, argExprs);

        protected override ICode VisitNewObj(ExprNewObj e)
            var isDelegate = e.CallMethod.DeclaringType.EnumThisAllBaseTypes().Any(x => x.IsDelegate());

            if (isDelegate)
                var ctx  = e.Ctx;
                var mRef = ((ExprMethodReference)e.Args.ElementAt(1)).Method;
                var obj  = mRef.HasThis ? e.Args.ElementAt(0) : null;
                return(new ExprJsDelegateCtor(ctx, e.Type, obj, mRef));
        public static Stmt CreateComparer(Ctx ctx)
            var type = ((GenericInstanceType)ctx.MRef.DeclaringType).GenericArguments[0];

            if (type.IsByte())
                throw new Exception();
            var iEquatable = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(IEquatable <>)).MakeGeneric(type);

            if (type.DoesImplement(iEquatable))
                var t        = Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1");
                var compType = ctx.Module.Import(t).MakeGeneric(type);
                var ctor     = compType.EnumResolvedMethods().First(x => x.Resolve().IsConstructor);
                var ctorExpr = new ExprNewObj(ctx, ctor);
                return(new StmtReturn(ctx, ctorExpr));
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override ICode VisitNewObj(ExprNewObj e)
            var name = this.resolver.MethodNames[e.CallMethod];

            if (!e.Type.IsValueType)
            foreach (var arg in e.Args)
                this.js.Append(", ");
            public Stmt GetImpl(Ctx ctx)
                // If obj==null throw NullRefEx
                // If obj.Type not assignable to e.Type throw InvalidCastEx
                // otherwise unbox
                var obj           = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "obj");
                var type          = ((GenericInstanceMethod)ctx.MRef).GenericArguments[0];
                var nullRefExCtor = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(NullReferenceException).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(string) }));
                var nullRefEx     = new ExprNewObj(ctx, nullRefExCtor, new ExprLiteral(ctx, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.", ctx.String)).Named("nullRefEx");
                var canAssign     = new ExprCall(ctx, ((Func <object, Type, bool>)CanAssignTo).Method, null, obj.Expr, new ExprJsTypeVarName(ctx, type)).Named("canAssignCall");
                var invCastExCtor = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(InvalidCastException).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(string) }));
                var invCastEx     = new ExprNewObj(ctx, invCastExCtor, new ExprLiteral(ctx, "Specified cast is not valid.", ctx.String)).Named("invCastEx");
                var js            = @"
if (!obj) throw nullRefEx;
if (!canAssignCall) throw invCastEx;
return obj.v;
                var stmt          = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, obj, nullRefEx, canAssign, invCastEx);

            public Stmt GetImpl(Ctx ctx)
                // If obj==null create Nullable with hasValue=false
                // If obj.Type not assignable to e.InnerType throw InvalidCastEx
                var obj   = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "obj");
                var type  = ((GenericInstanceMethod)ctx.MRef).GenericArguments[0];
                var nType = type.MakeNullable();
                //var nameHasValue = new ExprJsFieldVarName(ctx, nType.GetField("hasValue")).Named("hasValue");
                //var nameValue = new ExprJsFieldVarName(ctx, nType.GetField("value")).Named("value");
                //var defaultValue = new ExprDefaultValue(ctx, type).Named("defaultValue");
                var canAssignCall = new ExprCall(ctx, ((Func <object, Type, bool>)CanAssignTo).Method, null, obj.Expr, new ExprJsTypeVarName(ctx, type)).Named("canAssignCall");
                var invCastExCtor = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(InvalidCastException).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(string) }));
                var invCastEx     = new ExprNewObj(ctx, invCastExCtor, new ExprLiteral(ctx, "Specified cast is not valid.", ctx.String)).Named("invCastEx");
                var js            = @"
if (obj == null) return null;
if (!canAssignCall) throw invCastEx;
return obj.v;
                var stmt          = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, obj, canAssignCall, invCastEx);

Exemplo n.º 10
        public static Stmt CreateComparer(Ctx ctx)
            var type      = ((GenericInstanceType)ctx.MRef.DeclaringType).GenericArguments[0];
            var iComparer = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(IComparer <>)).MakeGeneric(type);

            if (type.DoesImplement(iComparer))
                var t        = Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer`1");
                var compType = ctx.Module.Import(t).MakeGeneric(type);
                var ctor     = compType.EnumResolvedMethods().First(x => x.Resolve().IsConstructor);
                var ctorExpr = new ExprNewObj(ctx, ctor);
                return(new StmtReturn(ctx, ctorExpr));
            var iComparable = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(IComparable <>)).MakeGeneric(type);

            if (type.DoesImplement(iComparable))
                var compType = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(ComparableComparer <>)).MakeGeneric(type);
                var ctor     = compType.EnumResolvedMethods().First(x => x.Resolve().IsConstructor);
                var ctorExpr = new ExprNewObj(ctx, ctor);
                return(new StmtReturn(ctx, ctorExpr));
            return(new StmtThrow(ctx, ctx.Literal(null, ctx.Object)));
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected override ICode VisitNewObj(ExprNewObj e)
        protected override ICode VisitNewObj(ExprNewObj e)
            var args = e.Args.Select((x, i) => this.Convert(x, e.CallMethod.Parameters[i].ParameterType.FullResolve(e.CallMethod))).ToArray();

            return(new ExprNewObj(e.Ctx, e.CallMethod, args));
Exemplo n.º 13
 protected virtual ICode VisitNewObj(ExprNewObj e)
     return(this.HandleCall(e, (obj, args) => new ExprNewObj(e.Ctx, e.CallMethod, args)));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static Stmt FormatDouble(Ctx ctx)
            var value     = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "value");
            var format    = ctx.MethodParameter(1, "format");
            var newFmtEx  = new ExprNewObj(ctx, ctx.Module.Import(typeof(FormatException).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes))).Named("newFmtEx");
            var valuePos  = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "valuePos");
            var precision = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32.MakeNullable(), "precision");
            var fmt0      = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "fmt0");
            var s         = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "s");
            var parts     = ctx.Local(ctx.String.MakeArray(), "parts");
            var i         = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "i");
            var js        = @"
if (isNaN(value)) return 'NaN';
if (value === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return 'Infinity';
if (value === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return '-Infinity';
format = format || 'G';
valuePos = Math.abs(value);
precision = format.length > 1 ? +format.substr(1) : null;
fmt0 = format.charAt(0);
switch (fmt0) {
case 'g':
case 'G':
    s = valuePos.toPrecision(precision || 15);
    if (s.indexOf('e') >= 0) {
        parts = s.split('e');
        parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/(\d)\.?0+$/, '$1');
        parts[1] = parts[1].replace(/^\+(\d)$/, '+0$1');
        s = parts.join(fmt0 === 'g' ? 'e' : 'E');
    } else if (s.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
        s = s.replace(/(\d)\.?0+$/g, '$1');
case 'f':
case 'F':
case 'n':
case 'N':
    s = valuePos.toExponential(14);
    parts = s.replace('.', '').split('e');
    i = Number(parts[1]) + 1;
    s = parts[0];
    if (i <= 0) {
        s = '0' + Array(-i + 1).join('0') + s;
        i = 1;
    if (precision === null) precision = 2;
    i += precision;
    if (s.length <= i) {
        s += Array(i - s.length + 1).join('0');
    } else {
        var needInc = (+s.charAt(i)) >= 5;
        s = s.substr(0, i);
        var cs = s.split('');
        if (needInc) {
            for (var j = cs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                if (++cs[j] < 10) {
                    needInc = false;
                cs[j] = 0;
            if (needInc) {
        s = cs.join('');
    i -= precision;
    if (fmt0 === 'n' || fmt0 === 'N') {
        s = s.substr(0, i).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,') + (precision > 0 ? '.' + s.substr(i) : '');
    } else {
        s = s.substr(0, i) + (precision > 0 ? '.' + s.substr(i) : '');
    throw newFmtEx;
return value < 0 ? '-' + s : s;

            return(new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, value, format, newFmtEx, valuePos, precision, fmt0, s, parts, i));
Exemplo n.º 15
            public Stmt GetImpl(Ctx ctx)
                var a           = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "a");
                var b           = ctx.MethodParameter(1, "b");
                var u           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32.MakeArray(), "u");
                var v           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32.MakeArray(), "v");
                var m           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "m");
                var n           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "n");
                var r           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32.MakeArray(), "r");
                var q           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32.MakeArray(), "q");
                var i           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "i");
                var j           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "j");
                var k           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "k");
                var l           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "l");
                var p           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "p");
                var t           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "t");
                var s           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "s");
                var x           = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "x");
                var qhat        = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "qhat");
                var rhat        = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "rhat");
                var mask        = ctx.Literal(0xffff, ctx.Int32, "mask");
                var limit       = ctx.Literal(0x10000, ctx.Int32, "limit");
                var divByZeroEx = new ExprNewObj(ctx, ctx.Module.Import(typeof(DivideByZeroException).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes))).Named("divByZeroEx");
                var js          = @"
v = [b[1] & mask, b[1] >>> 16, b[0] & mask, b[0] >>> 16];
while (v[v.length - 1] === 0) {
    v = v.slice(0, -1);
    if (v.length === 0) throw divByZeroEx;
n = v.length;
u = [a[1] & mask, a[1] >>> 16, a[0] & mask, a[0] >>> 16];
while (u[u.length - 1] === 0 && u.length > n) u = u.slice(0, -1);
m = u.length;
r = [0, 0, 0, 0];
q = [0, 0, 0, 0];
if (n === 1) {
    k = 0;
    for (j = m - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
        l = k * limit + u[j]
        q[j] = (l / v[0]) >>> 0;
        k = l - q[j] * v[0];
    r[0] = k;
} else {
    x = v[n - 1];
    s = 16;
    while (x > 0) {
        x >>>= 1;
    l = 0;
    for (i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) v[i] = ((v[i] << s) | (v[i - 1] >> (16 - s))) & mask;
    v[0] = (v[0] << s) & mask;
    for (i = m; i> 0; i--) u[i] = ((u[i] << s) | (u[i - 1] >> (16 - s))) & mask;
    u[0] = (u[0] << s) & mask;
    for (j = m - n; j >= 0; j--) {
        l = u[j + n] * limit + u[j + n - 1];
        qhat = (l / v[n - 1]) >>> 0;
        rhat = l - qhat * v[n - 1];
        for (;;) {
            if (qhat >= limit || qhat * v[n - 2] > limit * rhat + u[j + n - 2]) {
                rhat += v[n - 1];
                if (rhat < limit) continue;
        k = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            p = qhat * v[i];
            t = u[i + j] - k - (p & mask);
            u[i + j] = t & mask;
            k = (p >> 16) - (t >> 16);
        t = u[j + n] - k;
        u[j + n] = t;
        q[j] = qhat;
        if (t < 0) {
            k = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                t = u[i + j] + n[i] + k;
                u[i + j] = t & mask;
                k = t >> 16;
            u[j + n] += k;
    for (i = 0; i< n; i++) {
        r[i] = ((u[i] >> s) | (u[i + 1] << (16 - s))) & mask;
return [[q[2] + q[3] * limit, q[0] + q[1] * limit], [r[2] + r[3] * limit, r[0] + r[1] * limit]];
                var stmt        = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, a, b, u, v, m, n, r, q, i, j, k, l, p, s, t, qhat, rhat, mask, limit, divByZeroEx);

Exemplo n.º 16
        public static Stmt FormatInt64(Ctx ctx)
            var value         = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "value");
            var format        = ctx.MethodParameter(1, "format");
            var neg           = ctx.Local(ctx.Boolean, "neg");
            var precision     = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32.MakeNullable(), "precision");
            var fmt0          = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "fmt0");
            var i             = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "i");
            var s             = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "s");
            var ss            = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "ss");
            var c             = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "c");
            var inc           = ctx.Local(ctx.Boolean, "inc");
            var divMod10      = ctx.Local(ctx.Int64.MakeArray(), "divMod10");
            var valueDivMod10 = new ExprCall(ctx, (Func <UInt64, UInt64, object>)_Int64UInt64.UInt64DivRem, null, value.Expr, ctx.Literal(10L)).Named("valueDivMod10");
            var valueNeg      = new ExprCall(ctx, (Func <Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.Subtract, null, ctx.Literal(0L), value.Expr).Named("valueNeg");
            var sLen          = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "sLen");
            var newFmtEx      = new ExprNewObj(ctx, ctx.Module.Import(typeof(FormatException).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes))).Named("newFmtEx");
            var js            = @"
format = format || 'G';
precision = format.length > 1 ? +format.substr(1) : null;
fmt0 = format.charAt(0);
if (fmt0 === 'x' || fmt0 === 'X') {
    s = value[1].toString(16);
    if (value[0] !== 0) {
        s = value[0].toString(16) + Array(9 - s.length).join('0') + s;
    if (fmt0 === 'X') {
        s = s.toUpperCase();
    if (precision !== null && precision > s.length) {
        s = Array(precision - s.length + 1).join('0') + s;
    return s;
if (value[0] === 0 && value[1] === 0) {
    s = '0';
} else if (value[0] === 0x80000000 && value[1] === 0) {
    s = '9223372036854775808';
    neg = true;
} else {
    if (value[0] >= 0x80000000) {
        value = valueNeg;
        neg = true;
    s = '';
    while (value[0] !== 0 || value[1] !== 0) {
        divMod10 = valueDivMod10;
        value = divMod10[0];
        s = String.fromCharCode(48 + divMod10[1][1]) + s;
switch (fmt0) {
case 'g':
case 'G':
    if (precision !== null && precision < s.length && precision > 0) {
        sLen = s.length;
        inc = +(s.charAt(precision)) >= 5;
        s = s.substr(0, precision);
        ss = '';
        for (i = precision - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            c = s.charAt(i);
            if (inc) {
                c = (+c) + 1;
                if (c > 9) {
                    c = 0;
                } else {
                    inc = false;
                ss = String.fromCharCode(48 + c) + ss;
            } else {
                ss = c + ss;
        if (inc) {
            ss = '1' + ss.substr(0, ss.length - 1);
        if (ss.length > 1) {
            ss = ss.charAt(0) + '.' + ss.substr(1);
        s = ss.replace(/(\d)\.?0+$/, '$1');
        s += (fmt0 === 'g' ? 'e' : 'E') + '+' + (sLen - 1).toFixed().replace(/^(\d)$/, '0$1');;
case 'd':
case 'D':
    if (precision !== null && precision > s.length) {
        s = Array(precision - s.length + 1).join('0') + s;
case 'n':
case 'N':
    if (precision === null) precision = 2;
    s = s.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,');
    if (precision > 0) {
        s += '.' + Array(precision + 1).join('0');
    throw newFmtEx;
return neg ? '-' + s : s;

            return(new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, value, format, neg, precision, fmt0, i, s, ss, c, inc, divMod10, valueDivMod10, valueNeg, sLen, newFmtEx));
Exemplo n.º 17
 protected override ICode VisitNewObj(ExprNewObj e)
     this.code.AppendFormat("new ");
     this.VisitCall(e, true);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static Stmt FormatInt32(Ctx ctx)
            var value     = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "value");
            var format    = ctx.MethodParameter(1, "format");
            var newFmtEx  = new ExprNewObj(ctx, ctx.Module.Import(typeof(FormatException).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes))).Named("newFmtEx");
            var valuePos  = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "valuePos");
            var precision = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32.MakeNullable(), "precision");
            var fmt0      = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "fmt0");
            var s         = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "s");
            var parts     = ctx.Local(ctx.String.MakeArray(), "parts");
            var js        = @"
format = format || 'G';
valuePos = Math.abs(value);
precision = format.length > 1 ? +format.substr(1) : null;
fmt0 = format.charAt(0);
switch (fmt0) {
case 'd':
case 'D':
    s = valuePos.toString();
    if (precision !== null && precision > s.length) {
        s = Array(precision - s.length + 1).join('0') + s;
case 'g':
case 'G':
    s = valuePos.toString();
    if (precision !== null && precision < s.length && precision > 0) {
        s = valuePos.toPrecision(precision);
        parts = s.split('e');
        parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/(\d)\.?0+$/, '$1');
        parts[1] = parts[1].replace(/^\+(\d)$/, '+0$1');
        s = parts.join(fmt0 === 'g' ? 'e' : 'E');
case 'n':
case 'N':
    if (precision === null) precision = 2;
    s = valuePos.toFixed(precision);
    parts = s.split('.');
    parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,');
    s = parts.join('.');
case 'x':
case 'X':
    if (value < 0) {
        value += 0x100000000;
    s = value.toString(16);
    if (fmt0 === 'X') {
        s = s.toUpperCase();
    if (precision !== null && precision > s.length) {
        s = Array(precision - s.length + 1).join('0') + s;
    throw newFmtEx;
return value < 0 ? '-' + s : s;

            return(new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, value, format, newFmtEx, valuePos, precision, fmt0, s, parts));