Exemplo n.º 1
        private static string CreateCsvRow(ExportFormat datarow)
            var type    = datarow.GetType();
            var props   = type.GetProperties();
            var csvData = new object[props.Length];
            var csvRow  = "";

            foreach (var p in props)
                var x = (CsvOrderAttribute[])p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CsvOrderAttribute), false);
                if (x.Length > 0)
                    var order = x[0].Order;

                    //Log.Info($"CSV Order for Property {p.Name} = {order:000} ");
                    if (order > csvData.Length - 1)
                        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"Order specified by attribute is higher than array length: Attribute value={order}");
                    csvData[order] = ExportFormat.GetPropertyValue(datarow, p.Name, Log);
                    //This is logged as a warning so that the processor is aware that these properties are not going to be on the output
                    //Not necessarily an actual error as it is a way of excluding input properties that we don't want on the output
                    Log.Warning($"CsvOrderAttribute is missing from property: {p.Name}");

            csvRow = csvData.Aggregate(csvRow, (current, propValue) => current + $"{propValue},");

            return(csvRow.Substring(0, csvRow.Length - 1) + Environment.NewLine);