public string UpdateExperience(int experienceId = -1, string propertyId = null, string propertyValue = null , string token = null)
            if (Request.RequestType.Equals("OPTIONS", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                return null;
                int authUserId = -1;
                if (token != null)
                    authUserId = authenticationEngine.authenticate(token);
                    return AddErrorHeader("An authentication token must be passed in", 2);
                if (authUserId < 0)
                    return AddErrorHeader("You are not authenticated, please log in!", 2);
                Experience exp = new Experience();
                if (experienceId > 0)
                    exp = userManager.GetExperience(experienceId);
                    return AddErrorHeader("An experienceId must be passed in", 1);
                if (exp.userId != authUserId)
                    return AddErrorHeader("User is not authorized to exit this experience", 3);
                System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi;
                if(propertyId == null)
                    return AddErrorHeader("A propertyId must be passed in", 1);
                    pi = exp.GetType().GetProperty(propertyId);
                if(propertyValue == null)
                    return AddErrorHeader("A propertyValue must be passed in", 1);
                    if(propertyId == "startDate" || propertyId == "endDate")
                        pi.SetValue(exp, Convert.ChangeType(DateTime.Parse(propertyValue), pi.PropertyType), null);
                        pi.SetValue(exp, Convert.ChangeType(propertyValue, pi.PropertyType), null);
                    Experience exp1 = userManager.UpdateExperience(exp);
                    JsonModels.Experience returnExp = userManager.GetExperienceJson(;
                    string ret = Serialize(returnExp);
                    return AddSuccessHeader(ret);

            catch(Exception ex)
                logAccessor.CreateLog(DateTime.Now, "userController - updateExperience", ex.StackTrace);
                return AddErrorHeader("Something went wrong while updating this experience element", 1);