Exemplo n.º 1
        private string GetFullTeamTitle(int TeamId, List <Match> Map, ExpectedLineUp expectedLinup, int secondaryTeamId)
            var rankList     = new List <Tuple <double, string> >();
            var FTRankList   = Map.GroupBy(p => p.T1FTR).ToList();
            var returnSymbol = "<br>";//"&#010;";
            var Title        = "";

            // Group by FTRating.
            foreach (var n in FTRankList)
                var TotalWins         = n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2);
                var TotalLosses       = n.Count(p => p.ResultT2 > p.ResultT1);
                var WinPercent        = Math.Round(n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2) / (double)n.Count() * 100, 1);
                var AverageWinRounds  = Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.ResultT1) / (double)n.Count(), 1);
                var AverageLossRounds = Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.ResultT2) / (double)n.Count(), 1);
                rankList.Add(new Tuple <double, string>(n.Key, $"{TotalWins} / {TotalLosses} {WinPercent}% av.r: {AverageWinRounds} / {AverageLossRounds}"));

            // Order the list by FTRating
            var orderedList = rankList.OrderByDescending(p => p.Item1).ToList();

            // Create the title "hover" list
            foreach (Tuple <double, string> tup in orderedList)
                Title += string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title) ? "<b>Full Team Rating:</b><br> " : " " + returnSymbol + " ";
                Title += tup.Item1 + " - " + tup.Item2;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <TeamStatisticPeriodModel> GetTeamPeriodStatistics(int TeamId, List <string> PeriodSelection, ExpectedLineUp expectedLinup, int secondaryTeamId, bool NoCache, int MinFullTeamRanking, string teamRank, string logo, int?ignoreTeamId = null)
            var result = new TeamStatisticPeriodModel();

            result.TeamId               = TeamId;
            result.TeamName             = GetTeamName(TeamId);
            result.TeamDifficultyRating = _program.GetRankingValueForTeam(TeamId, DateTime.Now);
            result.TeamRank             = teamRank;
            result.Logo = logo;
            foreach (var period in PeriodSelection)
                await Task.Run(() => result.TeamStatistics.Add(GetTeamPeriodStatistics(TeamId, (PeriodEnum)int.Parse(period), expectedLinup, secondaryTeamId, NoCache, MinFullTeamRanking, ignoreTeamId))).ConfigureAwait(false);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public List <MapStatisticModel> CalculateResults(int TeamId, List <Match> fixedMatches, ExpectedLineUp expectedLinup, int secondaryTeamId, int MinFullTeamRanking)
            if (MinFullTeamRanking > 0)
                if (MinFullTeamRanking == 5)
                    fixedMatches = fixedMatches.Where(p => expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                      expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                      expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                      expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                      expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any()).ToList();
                else if (MinFullTeamRanking == 4)
                    fixedMatches = fixedMatches.Where(p => (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                            expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                            expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                            expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any())
                                                      (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any())
                                                      (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any())
                                                      (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any())
                                                      (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any())).ToList();

            // Group list by maps.
            var groupedbymaps = fixedMatches.GroupBy(k => k.Map, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList();

            var result = groupedbymaps.Select(n => new MapStatisticModel
                Map             = n.Key,
                TitleMapMatches = GetTitleMapMatches(fixedMatches.Where(p => p.Map == n.Key).OrderByDescending(p => p.Date).ToList()),
                TotalMatches    = n.Count(),
                TotalWins       = n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2),
                TotalLosses     = n.Count(p => p.ResultT2 > p.ResultT1),
                WinPercent      = Math.Round(n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2) / (double)n.Count() * 100, 1),
                // *** Get Average Win rounds ***
                AverageWinRounds = Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.ResultT1) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                // *** Get Average Loss rounds ***
                AverageLossRounds = Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.ResultT2) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                // *** Get Average Win rounds when team has won ***
                AverageWinRoundsWhenWin = Math.Round(n.Where(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2)                // Where team won
                                                     .Sum(p => p.ResultT1) /                              // Sum team rounds
                                                     (double)n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2), 1),   // Divided total games we won
                // *** Get Average Loss rounds when team has won ***
                AverageLossRoundsWhenWin = Math.Round(n.Where(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2)               // Where team won
                                                      .Sum(p => p.ResultT2) /                             // Sum opponents rounds
                                                      (double)n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2), 1),  // Divided total games we won
                // *** Get Average Win rounds when team has lost ***
                AverageWinRoundsWhenLoss = Math.Round(n.Where(p => p.ResultT1 < p.ResultT2)               // Where team lost
                                                      .Sum(p => p.ResultT1) /                             // Sum team rounds
                                                      (double)n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 < p.ResultT2), 1),  // Divided total games we lost
                // *** Get Average Loss rounds when team has lost ***
                AverageLossRoundsWhenLoss = Math.Round(n.Where(p => p.ResultT1 < p.ResultT2)              // Where team lost
                                                       .Sum(p => p.ResultT2) /                            // Sum opponents rounds
                                                       (double)n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 < p.ResultT2), 1), // Divided total games we lost
                DifficultyRating        = Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.Team2RankValue) / (double)n.Count(), 2),
                DiffTitleGroupBy        = GetDiffTitleGroupBy(n.ToList()),
                FullTeamRanking         = GetFullTeamPercent(TeamId, n.ToList(), expectedLinup, secondaryTeamId),
                FullTeamGroupBy         = GetFullTeamTitle(TeamId, n.ToList(), expectedLinup, secondaryTeamId),
                FirstRound1HWinPercent  = GetFirstRoundStats(TeamId, n.ToList(), true),
                FirstRound2HWinPercent  = GetFirstRoundStats(TeamId, n.ToList(), false),
                BombExplosions          = n.Sum(p => p.BombExplosions), //Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.BombExplosions) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                BombExplosionsWin35     = n.Count(p => p.BombExplosions > 3.5),
                BombExplosionsWin45     = n.Count(p => p.BombExplosions > 4.5),
                BombExplosionsWin55     = n.Count(p => p.BombExplosions > 5.5),
                BombExplosionsWin65     = n.Count(p => p.BombExplosions > 6.5), //Math.Round((n.Count(p => p.BombExplosions > 4.5) / (double)n.Count()) * 100, 1),
                BombDefuses             = n.Sum(p => p.BombDefuses),            //Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.BombDefuses) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                BombDefusesWin25        = n.Count(p => p.BombDefuses > 2.5),
                BombDefusesWin35        = n.Count(p => p.BombDefuses > 3.5),
                BombDefusesWin45        = n.Count(p => p.BombDefuses > 4.5), //Math.Round((n.Count(p => p.BombDefuses > 3.5) / (double)n.Count()) * 100, 1),,
                BombDefuses1stHalf      = n.Sum(p => p.BombDefuses1stHalf),  //Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.BombDefuses) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                BombDefuses1stHalfWin15 = n.Count(p => p.BombDefuses1stHalf > 1.5),
                BombDefuses1stHalfWin25 = n.Count(p => p.BombDefuses1stHalf > 2.5),
                TimeOut           = n.Sum(p => p.TimeOut),             //Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.TimeOut) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                TimeOutWin05      = n.Count(p => p.TimeOut > 0.5),
                TimeOutWin15      = n.Count(p => p.TimeOut > 1.5),     //Math.Round((n.Count(p => p.TimeOut > 0.5) / (double)n.Count()) * 100, 1),
                GrenadeKill       = n.Sum(p => p.GrenadeKill),         //Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.GrenadeKill) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                GrenadeKillWin    = n.Count(p => p.GrenadeKill > 0.5), //Math.Round((n.Count(p => p.GrenadeKill > 0.5) / (double)n.Count()) * 100, 1),
                MolotovKill       = n.Sum(p => p.MolotovKill),         //Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.MolotovKill) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                MolotovKillWin    = n.Count(p => p.MolotovKill > 0.5), //Math.Round((n.Count(p => p.MolotovKill > 0.5) / (double)n.Count()) * 100, 1),
                ZuesKill          = n.Sum(p => p.ZuesKill),            //Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.ZuesKill) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                ZuesKillWin       = n.Count(p => p.ZuesKill > 0.5),    //Math.Round((n.Count(p => p.ZuesKill > 0.5) / (double)n.Count()) * 100, 1),
                KnifeKill         = n.Sum(p => p.KnifeKill),           //Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.KnifeKill) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                KnifeKillWin      = n.Count(p => p.KnifeKill > 0.5),   //Math.Round((n.Count(p => p.KnifeKill > 0.5) / (double)n.Count()) * 100, 1)
                Round1BombWin     = n.Count(p => p.round1BombExplosion == true),
                Round1DefuseWin   = n.Count(p => p.round1Defuse == true),
                Round1TimeoutWin  = n.Count(p => p.round1Timout == true),
                Round1KillWin     = n.Count(p => p.round1KillWin == true),
                Round16BombWin    = n.Count(p => p.round16BombExplosion == true),
                Round16DefuseWin  = n.Count(p => p.round16Defuse == true),
                Round16TimeoutWin = n.Count(p => p.round16Timout == true),
                Round16KillWin    = n.Count(p => p.round16KillWin == true)
            }).OrderByDescending(n => n.WinPercent).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 4
        private double GetFullTeamPercent(int TeamId, List <Match> Map, ExpectedLineUp expectedLinup, int secondaryTeamId)
            double Accumulator = 0;
            double AvFTR       = 0;

            // Calculate how many of expectedLinup played each match.
            foreach (var match in Map)
                int FTRank = 0;
                if ((match.Team1Id == TeamId || match.Team1Id == secondaryTeamId) && expectedLinup != null)
                    if (secondaryTeamId > 0)
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => (p.TeamID == TeamId || p.TeamID == secondaryTeamId) && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player1Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => (p.TeamID == TeamId || p.TeamID == secondaryTeamId) && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player2Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => (p.TeamID == TeamId || p.TeamID == secondaryTeamId) && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player3Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => (p.TeamID == TeamId || p.TeamID == secondaryTeamId) && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player4Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => (p.TeamID == TeamId || p.TeamID == secondaryTeamId) && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player5Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => p.TeamID == TeamId && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player1Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => p.TeamID == TeamId && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player2Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => p.TeamID == TeamId && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player3Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => p.TeamID == TeamId && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player4Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;
                        if (expectedLinup.Players.Where(p => p.TeamID == TeamId && p.PlayerId == match.T1Player5Id).Any())
                            FTRank += 1;

                    // How many played this map
                    match.T1FTR = FTRank;

                    // Add to Accumulator for total average.
                    Accumulator += FTRank;

            // Av. played
            if (Accumulator > 0)
                AvFTR = Accumulator / Map.Count;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public List <MapStatisticModel> GetMapStatistics(int TeamId, DateTime dFrom, DateTime dTo, ExpectedLineUp expectedLinup, int secondaryTeamId, bool NoCache, int MinFullTeamRanking, int?ignoreTeamId = null)
            var          result       = new List <MapStatisticModel>();
            List <Match> fixedMatches = null;

            // Create Cachekey from parameters
            var CACHEKEY = "cacheKey:TeamId=" + TeamId + "-DateFrom=" + dFrom.Date.ToString() + "-dTo=" + dTo.Date.ToString();

            // If we have object in cache, return it
            if (NoCache && Cache.Exists(CACHEKEY))
                fixedMatches = (List <Match>)Cache.Get(CACHEKEY);
                List <Match> matches = new List <Match>();
                if (ignoreTeamId.HasValue)
                    matches = _db.Match
                              .Where(p => (p.Team1Id == TeamId || p.Team2Id == TeamId) && !(p.Team1Id == ignoreTeamId.Value || p.Team2Id == ignoreTeamId.Value) &&
                                     (p.Date >= dFrom.Date && p.Date <= dTo.Date)).ToList();
                    matches = _db.Match
                              .Where(p => (p.Team1Id == TeamId || p.Team2Id == TeamId) &&
                                     (p.Date >= dFrom.Date && p.Date <= dTo.Date)).ToList();

                // Fix matches so that "our" team is always Team1, to simplify later query
                fixedMatches = FixTeamMatches(matches, TeamId);

                if (secondaryTeamId > 0)
                    // Get matches for secondaryTeamId
                    var secondaryMatches = _db.Match
                                           .Where(p => (p.Team1Id == secondaryTeamId || p.Team2Id == secondaryTeamId) &&
                                                  (p.Date >= dFrom.Date && p.Date <= dTo.Date)).ToList();

                    // Fix matches for secondaryMatches
                    var fixedsecondaryMatches = FixTeamMatches(secondaryMatches, secondaryTeamId);

                    // Add matches from secondaryTeamId to fixedMatches

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CACHEKEY))
                if (!Cache.Exists(CACHEKEY))
                    int storeTime = 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 2; // store 2 days
                    Cache.Store(CACHEKEY, fixedMatches, storeTime);
                    Cache.Update(CACHEKEY, fixedMatches);

            result = CalculateResults(TeamId, fixedMatches, expectedLinup, secondaryTeamId, MinFullTeamRanking);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public TeamStatisticModel GetTeamPeriodStatistics(int TeamId, PeriodEnum period, ExpectedLineUp expectedLinup, int secondaryTeamId, bool NoCache, int MinFullTeamRanking, int?ignoreTeamId = null)
            var result  = new TeamStatisticModel();
            var dTo     = DateTime.Now;
            var dFrom   = new DateTime();
            var mapList = new List <string> {
                "nuke", "overpass", "cobblestone", "train", "inferno", "mirage", "cache", "vertigo", "ancient"

            switch (period)
            case PeriodEnum.ThreeMonths:
                dFrom         = dTo.AddMonths(-3);
                result.Period = "3 Months";

            case PeriodEnum.SixMonths:
                dFrom         = dTo.AddMonths(-6);
                result.Period = "6 Months";

            case PeriodEnum.Year:
                dFrom         = dTo.AddYears(-1);
                result.Period = "Year";

            result.Maps = GetMapStatistics(TeamId, dFrom, dTo, expectedLinup, secondaryTeamId, NoCache, MinFullTeamRanking, ignoreTeamId);

            foreach (var map in mapList)
                if (!result.Maps.Where(p => p.Map.ToLower() == map).Any())
                    result.Maps.Add(new MapStatisticModel
                        Map = map,
                        FirstRound1HWinPercent = new Tuple <double, string>(0, ""),
                        FirstRound2HWinPercent = new Tuple <double, string>(0, "")

Exemplo n.º 7
        public List <MapStatisticModel> CalculateResults(int TeamId, List <Match> fixedMatches, ExpectedLineUp expectedLinup, int secondaryTeamId, int MinFullTeamRanking)
            if (MinFullTeamRanking > 0)
                if (MinFullTeamRanking == 5)
                    fixedMatches = fixedMatches.Where(p => expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                      expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                      expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                      expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                      expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any()).ToList();
                else if (MinFullTeamRanking == 4)
                    fixedMatches = fixedMatches.Where(p => (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                            expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                            expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                            expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any())
                                                      (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any())
                                                      (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any())
                                                      (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player1Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any())
                                                      (expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player2Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player3Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player4Id == x.PlayerId).Any() &&
                                                       expectedLinup.Players.Where(x => p.T1Player5Id == x.PlayerId).Any())).ToList();

            // Group list by maps.
            var groupedbymaps = fixedMatches.GroupBy(k => k.Map, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList();

            var result = groupedbymaps.Select(n => new MapStatisticModel
                Map             = n.Key,
                TitleMapMatches = GetTitleMapMatches(fixedMatches.Where(p => p.Map == n.Key).OrderByDescending(p => p.Date).ToList()),
                TotalWins       = n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2),
                TotalLosses     = n.Count(p => p.ResultT2 > p.ResultT1),
                WinPercent      = Math.Round(n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2) / (double)n.Count() * 100, 1),
                // *** Get Average Win rounds ***
                AverageWinRounds = Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.ResultT1) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                // *** Get Average Loss rounds ***
                AverageLossRounds = Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.ResultT2) / (double)n.Count(), 1),
                // *** Get Average Win rounds when team has won ***
                AverageWinRoundsWhenWin = Math.Round(n.Where(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2)                // Where team won
                                                     .Sum(p => p.ResultT1) /                              // Sum team rounds
                                                     (double)n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2), 1),   // Divided total games we won
                // *** Get Average Loss rounds when team has won ***
                AverageLossRoundsWhenWin = Math.Round(n.Where(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2)               // Where team won
                                                      .Sum(p => p.ResultT2) /                             // Sum opponents rounds
                                                      (double)n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 > p.ResultT2), 1),  // Divided total games we won
                // *** Get Average Win rounds when team has lost ***
                AverageWinRoundsWhenLoss = Math.Round(n.Where(p => p.ResultT1 < p.ResultT2)               // Where team lost
                                                      .Sum(p => p.ResultT1) /                             // Sum team rounds
                                                      (double)n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 < p.ResultT2), 1),  // Divided total games we lost
                // *** Get Average Loss rounds when team has lost ***
                AverageLossRoundsWhenLoss = Math.Round(n.Where(p => p.ResultT1 < p.ResultT2)              // Where team lost
                                                       .Sum(p => p.ResultT2) /                            // Sum opponents rounds
                                                       (double)n.Count(p => p.ResultT1 < p.ResultT2), 1), // Divided total games we lost
                DifficultyRating       = Math.Round(n.Sum(p => p.Team2RankValue) / (double)n.Count(), 2),
                DiffTitleGroupBy       = GetDiffTitleGroupBy(n.ToList()),
                FullTeamRanking        = GetFullTeamPercent(TeamId, n.ToList(), expectedLinup, secondaryTeamId),
                FullTeamGroupBy        = GetFullTeamTitle(TeamId, n.ToList(), expectedLinup, secondaryTeamId),
                FirstRound1HWinPercent = GetFirstRoundStats(TeamId, n.ToList(), true),
                FirstRound2HWinPercent = GetFirstRoundStats(TeamId, n.ToList(), false)
            }).OrderByDescending(n => n.WinPercent).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 8
        public ExpectedLineUp GetTeamLineup(string matchUrls, int team1Id = 0, int team2ID = 0)
                var expectedLineUp = new ExpectedLineUp();
                if (expectedLineUp.Players == null)
                    expectedLineUp.Players = new List <Player>();

                //var teamIDs = GetTeamIdsFromUrl();
                var urlHtml = $"[@class='//match-page-link button']";

                var url       = matchUrls;
                var matchHtml = HWeb.Load(matchUrls);
                var span1Name = new HtmlNodeCollection(HtmlNode.CreateNode(""));
                var span2Name = new HtmlNodeCollection(HtmlNode.CreateNode(""));

                Team1Rank = GetTeamRank(team1Id, Team1Name);

                    // Get Event name
                    string eventspan = $"//*[@class='event text-ellipsis']//@href";
                    var    eventnode = matchHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(eventspan);
                    expectedLineUp.EventName = eventnode.Count > 0 ? eventnode[0].InnerHtml : "";

                    // Get MatchId
                    expectedLineUp.MatchId = GetTeamIdFromUrl(url);

                    // Get Start
                    var startUnix = matchHtml.DocumentNode.Descendants("div") // All <a links
                                    .Where(d => d.Attributes.Contains("class") &&    // contains href attribute
                                           d.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("date") && // with this value
                                           d.Attributes.Contains("data-unix"))                      // contains href attribute
                                    .Select(p => p.Attributes["data-unix"].Value).FirstOrDefault(); // return InnerHtml

                    DateTime dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
                    double   dUnix;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startUnix) && double.TryParse(startUnix, out dUnix))
                        expectedLineUp.Start = dtDateTime.AddMilliseconds(dUnix).ToLocalTime();

                    string span1;
                    //var team1IdHtmlString = $"//*[@class='team1-gradient']";
                    span1     = $"//*[@class='lineup standard-box']";
                    span1Name = matchHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(span1);

                    /*Get players from lineup*/
                    var counter = 0;
                    foreach (var item in span1Name)
                        /*Players line up box on match overview site*/
                        var players = item.SelectNodes("//*[@class='players']/*[@class='table']//*[@class='player']//@href");

                        foreach (var player in players)
                            var names = player.InnerText.Trim();

                            if (names != "")
                                var ids = GetPlayerID(player.Attributes[0].Value);
                                var pl  = new Player();

                                pl.PlayerId   = ids;
                                pl.PlayerName = names;

                                if (counter <= 4)
                                    if (team1Id > 0)
                                        //teamID that comes from runcompare in home controller
                                        pl.TeamID = team1Id;
                                        pl.TeamID = Team1ID;
                                    if (team1Id > 0)
                                        //teamID that comes from runcompare in home controller
                                        pl.TeamID = team2ID;
                                        pl.TeamID = Team2ID;
                                Team2Rank = GetTeamRank(team2ID, Team2Name);

                                var plexists = expectedLineUp.Players.Any(x => x.PlayerId == ids);
                                if (!plexists)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var nothing = ex;
            catch (Exception)
                /*Logga niður villur*/
                // return empty list, to avoid crash
                return(new ExpectedLineUp());
Exemplo n.º 9
        public ExpectedLineUp GetTeamLineupFromDetails(string matchUrls, int team1Id = 0, int team2ID = 0)
                var expectedLineUp = new ExpectedLineUp();
                if (expectedLineUp.Players == null)
                    expectedLineUp.Players = new List <Player>();

                //var teamIDs = GetTeamIdsFromUrl();
                var urlHtml   = $"[@class='//match-page-link button']";
                var url       = matchUrls;
                var MoreInfo  = HWeb.Load(url);
                var span1Name = new HtmlNodeCollection(HtmlNode.CreateNode(""));
                var span2Name = new HtmlNodeCollection(HtmlNode.CreateNode(""));

                    int    leftTeamID   = 0;
                    int    rightTeamID  = 0;
                    string sLeftTeamId  = "";
                    string sRightTeamId = "";

                    string span1;
                    //var team1IdHtmlString = $"//*[@class='team1-gradient']";
                    span1 = $"//*[@class='lineup standard-box']";

                    var spantest = "//*[@class='match-info-box-con']";

                    //span1Name = matchHtml.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(span1);
                    var lineup = MoreInfo.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(spantest);

                    var href = lineup[0].ChildNodes[13].OuterHtml;

                    var externalLink = GetMatchUrlForDetails(href);

                    var externalUrl = "http://www.hltv.org" + externalLink;

                    MoreInfo = HWeb.Load(externalUrl);

                    //*********** GET IDs FROM PAGE ***********
                    var LeftNode = MoreInfo.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='team1-gradient']/a"); // divs of class="team-left"
                    if (LeftNode.Attributes.Contains("href"))
                        sLeftTeamId = LeftNode.Attributes["href"].Value;

                    var RightNode = MoreInfo.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='team2-gradient']/a"); // divs of class="team-left"
                    if (RightNode.Attributes.Contains("href"))
                        sRightTeamId = RightNode.Attributes["href"].Value;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLeftTeamId))
                        leftTeamID = GetTeamIDFromUrl(sLeftTeamId);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sRightTeamId))
                        rightTeamID = GetTeamIDFromUrl(sRightTeamId);

                    span1Name = MoreInfo.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(span1);

                    /*Get players from lineup*/
                    var counter = 0;
                    foreach (var item in span1Name)
                        var players = item.SelectNodes("//*[@class='players']/*[@class='table']//*[@class='player']//@href");

                        foreach (var player in players)
                            var names = player.InnerText.Trim();

                            if (names != "")
                                var ids = GetPlayerID(player.Attributes[0].Value);
                                var pl  = new Player();

                                pl.PlayerId   = ids;
                                pl.PlayerName = names;

                                if (counter <= 4)
                                    if (leftTeamID > 0)
                                        pl.TeamID = leftTeamID;
                                        pl.TeamID = Team1ID;
                                    if (rightTeamID > 0)
                                        pl.TeamID = rightTeamID;
                                        pl.TeamID = Team2ID;

                                var plexists = expectedLineUp.Players.Any(x => x.PlayerId == ids);
                                if (!plexists)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var nothing = ex;

            catch (Exception)
                /*Logga niður villur*/
                // return empty list, to avoid crash
                return(new ExpectedLineUp());