public static List <StatisticModule> GetStatistic() { using (var dbManager = DbManager.FromHttpContext(Dbid)) { var sql = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable + " r1") .Select("sum(LENGTH(r1.textvalue) - LENGTH(REPLACE(r1.textvalue, ' ', '')) + 1)") .Select("rc.value", "rf.projectName") .Select("sum(LENGTH(r2.textvalue) - LENGTH(REPLACE(r2.textvalue, ' ', '')) + 1)") .InnerJoin(ResFilesTable + " as rf", Exp.EqColumns("", "r1.fileid")) .InnerJoin(ResCultureTable + " as rc", Exp.EqColumns("r1.cultureTitle", "rc.title")) .InnerJoin(ResDataTable + " as r2", Exp.And(Exp.EqColumns("r1.fileID", "r2.fileID"), Exp.EqColumns("r1.title", "r2.title"))) .Where(Exp.Lt("r1.flag", 3)) .Where("r1.resourceType", "text") .Where("rf.isLock", 0) .Where("r2.cultureTitle", "Neutral") .Where(!Exp.In("", new List <int> { 259, 260, 261 })) .GroupBy("rc.value", "rf.projectName") .OrderBy("rc.value", true) .OrderBy("rf.projectName", true); var stat = dbManager.ExecuteList(sql); var allStat = new List <StatisticModule>(); foreach (var culture in stat.Select(data => (string)data[1]).Distinct()) { var cultureData = new StatisticModule { Culture = culture }; foreach (var project in stat.Select(data => (string)data[2]).Distinct()) { var data = stat.Where(r => (string)r[1] == culture && (string)r[2] == project).ToList(); cultureData.Counts.Add(project, new Tuple <int, int>(data.Sum(r => Convert.ToInt32(r[0])), data.Sum(r => Convert.ToInt32(r[3])))); } allStat.Add(cultureData); } return(allStat); } }
public void QueryAndOr() { int begin = 10; int end = 45; Statement stmt = new Statement(); stmt.SetNamespace(args.ns); stmt.SetSetName(setName); stmt.SetFilter(Filter.Range(binName, begin, end)); // ((bin2 > 40 && bin2 < 44) || bin2 == 22 || bin2 == 9) && (binName == bin2) QueryPolicy policy = new QueryPolicy(); policy.filterExp = Exp.Build( Exp.And( Exp.Or( Exp.And( Exp.GT(Exp.IntBin("bin2"), Exp.Val(40)), Exp.LT(Exp.IntBin("bin2"), Exp.Val(44))), Exp.EQ(Exp.IntBin("bin2"), Exp.Val(22)), Exp.EQ(Exp.IntBin("bin2"), Exp.Val(9))), Exp.EQ(Exp.IntBin(binName), Exp.IntBin("bin2")))); RecordSet rs = client.Query(policy, stmt); try { int count = 0; while (rs.Next()) { //Console.WriteLine(rs.Record.GetValue(binName)); count++; } // 22, 41, 42, 43 Assert.AreEqual(4, count); } finally { rs.Close(); } }
private void RunQuery1(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args, string binName) { int begin = 10; int end = 40; console.Info("Query Predicate: (bin2 > 126 && bin2 <= 140) || (bin2 = 360)"); Statement stmt = new Statement(); stmt.SetNamespace(args.ns); stmt.SetSetName(args.set); // Filter applied on query itself. Filter can only reference an indexed bin. stmt.SetFilter(Filter.Range(binName, begin, end)); // Predicates are applied on query results on server side. // Predicates can reference any bin. QueryPolicy policy = new QueryPolicy(client.queryPolicyDefault); policy.filterExp = Exp.Build( Exp.Or( Exp.And( Exp.GT(Exp.IntBin("bin2"), Exp.Val(126)), Exp.LE(Exp.IntBin("bin2"), Exp.Val(140))), Exp.EQ(Exp.IntBin("bin2"), Exp.Val(360)))); RecordSet rs = client.Query(policy, stmt); try { while (rs.Next()) { Record record = rs.Record; console.Info("Record: " + record.ToString()); } } finally { rs.Close(); } }
public void QueryNot() { int begin = 10; int end = 45; Statement stmt = new Statement(); stmt.SetNamespace(args.ns); stmt.SetSetName(setName); stmt.SetFilter(Filter.Range(binName, begin, end)); // ! (bin2 >= 15 && bin2 <= 42) QueryPolicy policy = new QueryPolicy(); policy.filterExp = Exp.Build( Exp.Not( Exp.And( Exp.GE(Exp.IntBin("bin2"), Exp.Val(15)), Exp.LE(Exp.IntBin("bin2"), Exp.Val(42))))); RecordSet rs = client.Query(policy, stmt); try { int count = 0; while (rs.Next()) { //Console.WriteLine(rs.Record.GetValue(binName)); count++; } // 10, 11, 12, 13, 43, 44, 45 Assert.AreEqual(8, count); } finally { rs.Close(); } }
public static List <StatisticUser> GetUserStatisticForLang(DateTime from, DateTime till) { using (var dbManager = new DbManager(Dbid)) { var sql = new SqlQuery(ResDataTable + " as r1"); sql.SelectCount().Select(ResCultureTable + ".title", "r1.authorLogin", "sum(length(r2.textvalue))") .InnerJoin(ResDataTable + " as r2", Exp.And(Exp.EqColumns("r1.fileID", "r2.fileID"), Exp.EqColumns("r1.title", "r2.title"))) .InnerJoin(ResCultureTable, Exp.EqColumns("r1.cultureTitle", ResCultureTable + ".title")) .Where(!Exp.Eq("r1.flag", 4)) .Where(!Exp.Eq("r1.flag", 3)) .Where(!Exp.Eq("r1.authorLogin", "Console")) .Where(!Exp.Eq("r1.cultureTitle", "Neutral")) .Where(Exp.Ge("r1.timeChanges", from)) .Where(Exp.Le("r1.timeChanges", till)) .Where("r2.cultureTitle", "Neutral") .GroupBy("title", "authorLogin") .OrderBy("title", true) .OrderBy("authorLogin", true); return(dbManager.ExecuteList(sql).ConvertAll(GetUserStatisticFromDB)); } }
private void RunQuery2(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args, string binName) { int begin = 10; int end = 40; console.Info("Query Predicate: Record updated in 2020"); DateTime beginTime = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1); DateTime endTime = new DateTime(2021, 1, 1); Statement stmt = new Statement(); stmt.SetNamespace(args.ns); stmt.SetSetName(args.set); stmt.SetFilter(Filter.Range(binName, begin, end)); QueryPolicy policy = new QueryPolicy(client.queryPolicyDefault); policy.filterExp = Exp.Build( Exp.And( Exp.GE(Exp.LastUpdate(), Exp.Val(beginTime)), Exp.LT(Exp.LastUpdate(), Exp.Val(endTime)))); RecordSet rs = client.Query(policy, stmt); try { while (rs.Next()) { Record record = rs.Record; console.Info("Record: " + record.ToString()); } } finally { rs.Close(); } }
public void DeleteMessageAttachments(int tenant, string user, int messageId, List <int> attachmentIds) { var ids = attachmentIds.ToArray(); long usedQuota; using (var db = GetDb()) { using (var tx = db.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted)) { usedQuota = MarkAttachmetsNeedRemove(db, tenant, Exp.And(Exp.Eq(AttachmentTable.Columns.MailId, messageId), Exp.In(AttachmentTable.Columns.Id, ids))); ReCountAttachments(db, messageId); UpdateMessageChainAttachmentsFlag(db, tenant, user, messageId); tx.Commit(); } } if (usedQuota > 0) { QuotaUsedDelete(tenant, usedQuota); } }
public IEnumerable <Tenant> GetTenants(List <int> ids) { return(GetTenants(Exp.And(Exp.In("", ids), Exp.Eq("t.status", (int)TenantStatus.Active)))); }
public virtual Exp GetExpression() { var filterExp = Exp.Empty; if (!FactoryIndexer <MailWrapper> .Support) { Func <ConditionKeyType, string> toDbField = c => { switch (c) { case ConditionKeyType.From: return(MailTable.Columns.From.Prefix(MM_ALIAS)); case ConditionKeyType.To: return(MailTable.Columns.To.Prefix(MM_ALIAS)); case ConditionKeyType.Cc: return(MailTable.Columns.Cc.Prefix(MM_ALIAS)); case ConditionKeyType.Subject: return(MailTable.Columns.Subject.Prefix(MM_ALIAS)); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("c", c, null); } }; Func <MailSieveFilterConditionData, Exp> getConditionExp = c => { var e = Exp.Empty; switch (c.Operation) { case ConditionOperationType.Matches: e = c.Key == ConditionKeyType.ToOrCc ? Exp.Or(Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.To.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), c.Value), Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.Cc.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), c.Value)) : Exp.Eq(toDbField(c.Key), c.Value); break; case ConditionOperationType.Contains: e = c.Key == ConditionKeyType.ToOrCc ? Exp.Or(Exp.Like(MailTable.Columns.To.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), c.Value, SqlLike.AnyWhere), Exp.Like(MailTable.Columns.Cc.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), c.Value, SqlLike.AnyWhere)) : Exp.Like(toDbField(c.Key), c.Value, SqlLike.AnyWhere); break; case ConditionOperationType.NotMatches: e = c.Key == ConditionKeyType.ToOrCc ? !Exp.And(Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.To.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), c.Value), Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.Cc.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), c.Value)) : !Exp.Eq(toDbField(c.Key), c.Value); break; case ConditionOperationType.NotContains: e = c.Key == ConditionKeyType.ToOrCc ? Exp.And(!Exp.Like(MailTable.Columns.To.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), c.Value, SqlLike.AnyWhere), !Exp.Like(MailTable.Columns.Cc.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), c.Value, SqlLike.AnyWhere)) : !Exp.Like(toDbField(c.Key), c.Value, SqlLike.AnyWhere); break; } return(e); }; if (Filter.Conditions != null && Filter.Conditions.Any()) { var cExp = Exp.Empty; foreach (var c in Filter.Conditions) { switch (Filter.Options.MatchMultiConditions) { case MatchMultiConditionsType.MatchAll: case MatchMultiConditionsType.None: cExp &= getConditionExp(c); break; case MatchMultiConditionsType.MatchAtLeastOne: cExp |= getConditionExp(c); break; } } filterExp &= cExp; } } if (Ids != null && Ids.Any()) { filterExp &= Exp.In(MailTable.Columns.Id.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), Ids); } if (Filter.Options.ApplyTo.Folders.Any()) { filterExp &= Exp.In(MailTable.Columns.Folder.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), Filter.Options.ApplyTo.Folders); } if (Filter.Options.ApplyTo.Mailboxes.Any()) { filterExp &= Exp.In(MailTable.Columns.MailboxId.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), Filter.Options.ApplyTo.Mailboxes); } switch (Filter.Options.ApplyTo.WithAttachments) { case ApplyToAttachmentsType.WithAttachments: filterExp &= Exp.Gt(MailTable.Columns.AttachCount.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), 0); break; case ApplyToAttachmentsType.WithoutAttachments: filterExp &= Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.AttachCount.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), 0); break; case ApplyToAttachmentsType.WithAndWithoutAttachments: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var exp = Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.Tenant.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), Tenant) & Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.User.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), User) & Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.IsRemoved.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), false); exp &= filterExp; return(exp); }
public void SetConversationsImportanceFlags(int tenant, string user, bool important, List <int> ids) { List <MailInfo> mailInfos; using (var daoFactory = new DaoFactory()) { mailInfos = GetChainedMessagesInfo(daoFactory, ids); var chainsInfo = mailInfos .Select(m => new { m.ChainId, m.MailboxId, m.Folder }) .Distinct().ToList(); if (!chainsInfo.Any()) { throw new Exception("no chain messages belong to current user"); } using (var tx = daoFactory.DbManager.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted)) { var daoMailInfo = daoFactory.CreateMailInfoDao(tenant, user); var exp = Exp.Empty; var сhains = new List <Tuple <int, string> >(); foreach (var chain in chainsInfo) { var key = new Tuple <int, string>(chain.MailboxId, chain.ChainId); if (сhains.Any() && сhains.Contains(key) && (chain.Folder == FolderType.Inbox || chain.Folder == FolderType.Sent)) { continue; } var innerWhere = Exp.And( Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.ChainId.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), chain.ChainId), Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.MailboxId.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), chain.MailboxId)); if (chain.Folder == FolderType.Inbox || chain.Folder == FolderType.Sent) { innerWhere &= Exp.Or( Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.Folder.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), (int)FolderType.Inbox), Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.Folder.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), (int)FolderType.Sent)); сhains.Add(key); } else { innerWhere &= Exp.Eq(MailTable.Columns.Folder.Prefix(MM_ALIAS), (int)chain.Folder); } exp |= innerWhere; } daoMailInfo.SetFieldValue( SimpleMessagesExp.CreateBuilder(tenant, user) .SetExp(exp) .Build(), MailTable.Columns.Importance, important); var daoChain = daoFactory.CreateChainDao(tenant, user); foreach (var chain in chainsInfo) { daoChain.SetFieldValue( SimpleConversationsExp.CreateBuilder(tenant, user) .SetChainId(chain.ChainId) .SetMailboxId(chain.MailboxId) .SetFolder((int)chain.Folder) .Build(), ChainTable.Columns.Importance, important); } tx.Commit(); } } var factory = new EngineFactory(Tenant, User); var data = new MailWrapper { Importance = important }; factory.IndexEngine.Update(data, s => s.In(m => m.Id, mailInfos.Select(o => o.Id).ToArray()), wrapper => wrapper.Importance); }
public int[] GetPremiumTenants() { /* * // v_premium_tenants view: * select * t.tenant, * (now() < max(t.stamp)) AS premium * * from tenants_tariff t * left join tenants_quota q ON (t.tariff = q.tenant) * * where * ( * ( * isnull(t.comment) or * ( * (not((t.comment like '%non-profit%'))) and * (not((t.comment like '%test%'))) and * (not((t.comment like '%translate%'))) and * (not((t.comment like '%trial%'))) * ) * ) and * (not((q.features like '%free%'))) and * (not((q.features like '%non-profit%'))) and * (not((q.features like '%trial%'))) * ) * group by t.tenant */ var result = cache.Get <int[]>(cacheKey); if (result != null) { return(result); } var nullTariffComment = Exp.Eq("t.comment", null); var excludeTariffComments = new List <string> { "non-profit", "test", "translate", "trial" } .Aggregate(Exp.Empty, (current, item) => Exp.And(current, !Exp.Like("t.comment", item, SqlLike.AnyWhere))); var excludeQuotaFeatures = new List <string> { "free", "non-profit", "trial" } .Aggregate(Exp.Empty, (current, item) => Exp.And(current, !Exp.Like("q.features", item, SqlLike.AnyWhere))); var search = new SqlQuery("tenants_tariff t") .LeftOuterJoin("tenants_quota q", Exp.EqColumns("t.tariff", "q.tenant")) .Select("t.tenant", "(NOW() < MAX(t.stamp)) AS premium") .Where( Exp.And( Exp.Or( nullTariffComment, excludeTariffComments ), excludeQuotaFeatures ) ) .GroupBy("t.tenant"); using (var db = new DbManager(config.ConnectionStringName)) { result = db.ExecuteList(search) .Where(row => Convert.ToBoolean(row[1])) .Select(row => Convert.ToInt32(row[0])) .ToArray(); cache.Insert(cacheKey, result, DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1)); return(result); } }