Exemplo n.º 1
        private void initializeScopes(ExecutionView view, ExecutedBlock earliestStart)
            var current = earliestStart;

            //initialize active scope index
            var activeScopes = new Dictionary <Instance, Dictionary <VariableName, ExecutedBlock> >();

            foreach (var instance in _monitoredInstances)
                if (instance.CreationBlock == null)
                    //earliest start cannot be determined - we have to traverse from begining
                    current = view.EntryBlock;

                activeScopes.Add(instance, new Dictionary <VariableName, ExecutedBlock>());

            //search block for scopes

            ExecutedBlock lastBlock = null;

            while (current != null)
                foreach (var instance in _monitoredInstances)
                    var scopeStarts = view.ScopeStarts(current, instance);
                    var scopeEnds   = view.ScopeEnds(current, instance);

                    //activate new scope starts
                    var scopesIndex = activeScopes[instance];
                    foreach (var variable in scopeStarts)
                        scopesIndex[variable] = current;

                    foreach (var variable in scopeEnds)
                        ExecutedBlock scopeStart;
                        if (!scopesIndex.TryGetValue(variable, out scopeStart))
                            //there is no matching start


                        if (scopeStart == current)
                            //empty scope

                        var scope = new InstanceScope(variable, instance, scopeStart, current);
                        _scopes.Add(instance, scope);

                lastBlock = current;
                current   = view.NextBlock(current);

            //handle non-closed scopes
            foreach (var instance in _monitoredInstances)
                //activate new scope starts
                var scopesIndex = activeScopes[instance];

                foreach (var scopePair in scopesIndex)
                    var scope = new InstanceScope(scopePair.Key, instance, scopePair.Value, lastBlock);
                    //empty scope is allowed here, because it is not closed

                    _scopes.Add(instance, scope);