Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task LoadAnnouncementsHousesAsync(CallsInfo[] calls)
            _logger.LogInformation("Загрузка данных по домам объявлений из Presto");

            IPrestoClient client = new PrestodbClient(Config);

            var query = @"
select * from apoturaev.hackaton_dataset2_stage8 where calltrackingid in (ID)

            var batch   = 500;
            var batches = Math.Ceiling((decimal)calls.Length / batch);

            for (int i = 0; i < batches; i++)
                var loadCount = Math.Min(batch, calls.Length - i * batch);

                var ids = calls.Skip(i * batch).Take(loadCount).Select(x => x.CalltrackingId);

                var stringIds = String.Join(',', ids.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray());

                var parsedQuery = query.Replace("ID", stringIds);

                var request = new ExecuteQueryV1Request(parsedQuery);

                var response = await client.ExecuteQueryV1(request);

                foreach (var data in response.Data)
                    var call = calls.First(x => x.CalltrackingId == Int32.Parse(data[1].ToString()));

                    var announcementId = Int32.Parse(data[0].ToString());

                    var announcement = call.Announcements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == announcementId);

                    if (announcement == default)
                        announcement = new AnnouncementInfo
                            Id = announcementId


                    announcement.House = data[3].ToString();

                if (response.LastError != null)
                    _logger.LogError("Error while loading texts");

                _logger.LogInformation($"Batch {i} loaded");

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadHouseInfoAsync()
            IPrestoClient Client = new PrestodbClient(Config);

            var day = new DateTime(2019, 8, 26);

            while (day < DateTime.Now)
                var dateString   = day.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                var query        = @"
        insert into apoturaev.hackaton_dataset2_stage8
                json_extract_scalar(json_parse(geo.part), '$.name') as house_name                 
                apoturaev.hackaton_dataset2_stage1 cr
                lst.announcement_change_v2 ac
                ac.userid = cr.realtyuserid             
                ac.ptn_dadd = date 'DATE'
        cross join
                unnest(ac.geo_address) geo (part)
        cross join
                unnest(ac.phones) ph (phone)
                ac.wasactive = 1
                json_extract_scalar(json_parse(geo.part), '$.type') = 'house'        
                cr.calldate between date 'DATE' and date 'DATE' + interval '1' day
                cr.phone = json_extract_scalar(json_parse(ph.phone), '$.number')     
                var parsed_query = query.Replace("DATE", dateString);

                var request = new ExecuteQueryV1Request(parsed_query);

                var response = await Client.ExecuteQueryV1(request);

                if (response.LastError == null)
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Date {dateString} loaded");

                day = day + TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Submits a statement to Presto for execution. The Presto client
        /// executes queries on behalf of a user against a catalog and a schema.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The query execution request.</param>
        /// <returns>The resulting response object from the query.</returns>
        public async Task <ExecuteQueryV1Response> ExecuteQueryV1(ExecuteQueryV1Request request)
            // Check the required configuration items before running the query
            if (!CheckConfiguration(out Exception Ex))
                throw Ex;

            // Track all of the incremental results as they are returned
            List <QueryResultsV1> Results = new List <QueryResultsV1>();

            // Choose the correct client to use for ssl errors
            HttpClient LocalClient = (this.Configuration.IgnoreSslErrors) ? this.IgnoreSslErrorClient : this.NormalClient;

            // Build the url path
            Uri Path = this.BuildUri("/statement");

            // Create a new request to post with the query
            HttpRequestMessage Request = this.BuildRequest(Path, HttpMethod.Post, new StringContent(request.Query));

            // Add all of the configured headers to the request
            this.BuildQueryHeaders(ref Request, request.Options);

            // Use the stopwatch to measure if we've exceeded the specified timeout
            Stopwatch SW = new Stopwatch();

            if (this.Configuration.ClientRequestTimeout > 0)

            // This is the original submission result, will contain the nextUri
            // property to follow in order to get the results
            HttpResponseMessage ResponseMessage = await this.MakeHttpRequest(LocalClient, Request);

            // This doesn't really do anything but evaluate the headers right now

            string Content = await ResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            // If parsing the submission response fails, return and exit
            if (!QueryResultsV1.TryParse(Content, out QueryResultsV1 Response, out Exception ParseEx))
                throw new PrestoException($"The query submission response could not be parsed.", Content, ParseEx);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task TestExecuteStatement()
            PrestoClientSessionConfig Config = new PrestoClientSessionConfig("hive", Table)
                Host = "localhost",
                Port = 8080
            IPrestoClient Client = new PrestodbClient(Config);

            ExecuteQueryV1Request Req = new ExecuteQueryV1Request("select * from tracklets limit 5;");

            // ACT
            ExecuteQueryV1Response Res = await Client.ExecuteQueryV1(Req);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.True(Res.QueryClosed == true);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task TestExecuteStatementWhere()
            PrestoClientSessionConfig Config = new PrestoClientSessionConfig("hive", Schema)
                Host = "localhost",
                Port = 8080
            IPrestoClient Client = new PrestodbClient(Config);

            ExecuteQueryV1Request Req = new ExecuteQueryV1Request("select id,length,objectclass from tracklets WHERE length > 1000 LIMIT 5;");

            // ACT
            ExecuteQueryV1Response Res = await Client.ExecuteQueryV1(Req);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.True(Res.QueryClosed == true);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task CreateTable()
            // ARRANGE
            PrestoClientSessionConfig Config = new PrestoClientSessionConfig("hive", Schema)
                Host = "localhost",
                Port = 8080

            IPrestoClient Client = new PrestodbClient(Config);

            ExecuteQueryV1Request Req = new ExecuteQueryV1Request($"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tracklets (id bigint, objectclass varchar, length double, trackdata array(varchar), platform varchar,spectrum varchar, timestamp bigint) WITH (format = 'AVRO', external_location = '{S3_Location}');");

            // ACT
            ExecuteQueryV1Response Res = await Client.ExecuteQueryV1(Req);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.True(Res.QueryClosed == true);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task CreateSchema()
            // ARRANGE
            PrestoClientSessionConfig Config = new PrestoClientSessionConfig()
                Host = "localhost",
                Port = 8080

            IPrestoClient Client = new PrestodbClient(Config);

            ExecuteQueryV1Request Req = new ExecuteQueryV1Request($"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS hive.{Schema}");

            // ACT
            ExecuteQueryV1Response Res = await Client.ExecuteQueryV1(Req);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.True(Res.QueryClosed == true);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task TestQueryResultDataToCsv()
            PrestoClientSessionConfig Config = new PrestoClientSessionConfig("hive", Table)
                Host = "localhost",
                Port = 8080
            IPrestoClient Client = new PrestodbClient(Config);

            ExecuteQueryV1Request Req = new ExecuteQueryV1Request("select * from tracklets limit 5;");

            // ACT
            ExecuteQueryV1Response Res = await Client.ExecuteQueryV1(Req);

            string Csv = String.Join("\n", Res.DataToCsv());

            // ASSERT
            Assert.True(Res.QueryClosed == true && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Csv));