protected override void CalcBar()
            barNumber.Value = BarsOfData(BasedOnData).CurrentBar;

            if (barNumber.Value > barNumber[1])
                double rank = Formula(this);
                MyPortfolioData["RankStrategyR"] = rank;

                if (TraceOutput)
                    Output.WriteLine("CurrentBar = {0}. Put MyIndicator value = {1} for symbol {2}.", Bars.CurrentBar, rank, Bars.Info.Name);


            // money management
            double moneyCostForInvestPerCntrct = this.CalcMoneyForEntryPerCntrct(Bars.CloseValue, Portfolio.MarginPerContract) +
                                                 this.CalcMoneyForEntryPerCntrct(Bars.CloseValue, Portfolio.MaxPotentialLossPerContract);

            if (moneyCostForInvestPerCntrct < 0)
                ExecControl.Abort("Error! Price = {0}, PMargin = {1}, PMaxPLoss = {2}", Bars.CloseValue, Portfolio.MarginPerContract, Portfolio.MaxPotentialLossPerContract);

            MyPortfolioData[PortfolioHelpFunctions.MoneyCostForInvestPerCtrct] = this.FromSymbolToPortfolioCurrency(moneyCostForInvestPerCntrct);
        protected override void CalcBar()
            if (Environment.ApplicationCode != EApplicationCode.Portfolio)
                ExecControl.Abort("Signal can be applied in portfolio only.");

            MyPortfolioData["RotationalValue"] = myFormula(myLength, 0);


            // money management
            double entryprice = this.EntryPrice() == 0 ? Bars.CloseValue : this.EntryPrice();
            double moneyCostForInvestPerCntrct =
                this.CalcMoneyForEntryPerCntrct(entryprice, Portfolio.MarginPerContract) +
                this.CalcMoneyForEntryPerCntrct(entryprice, Portfolio.MaxPotentialLossPerContract);

            if (moneyCostForInvestPerCntrct < 0)
                ExecControl.Abort("Error! Price = {0}, PMargin = {1}, PMaxPLoss = {2}", entryprice, Portfolio.MarginPerContract, Portfolio.MaxPotentialLossPerContract);

            MyPortfolioData[PortfolioHelpFunctions.MoneyCostForInvestPerCtrct] = this.FromSymbolToPortfolioCurrency(moneyCostForInvestPerCntrct);

            // exits
            CurSpecOrdersMode = ESpecOrdersMode.PerPosition;
            GenerateStopLoss(StopLossPcntsOfPortfolio * .01 * this.PortfolioEquity());
            GenerateProfitTarget(ProfitTargetPcntsOfPortfolio * .01 * this.PortfolioEquity());
        protected override void StartCalc()
            if (Environment.ApplicationCode != EApplicationCode.Portfolio)
                ExecControl.Abort("Signal can be applied in portfolio only.");

            m_KRatio.NumberOfDataBarsInCalendarYear = 252;
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override void CalcBar()
            Ratio.Value = Bars.CloseValue / BarsOfData(2).CloseValue;
            if (Bars.CurrentBar < Length)
            double contracts = this.PortfolioEquity() * PercentEquity / 100;

            if (Bars.CurrentBar > 1)
                if (PublicFunctions.DoubleLess(m_expAvgRatioVal + m_stdDevRatioVal, Ratio.Value))
                    if (!PublicFunctions.DoubleEquals(m_cur_pos, -1))
                        m_cur_pos = -1;
                if (PublicFunctions.DoubleGreater(m_expAvgRatioVal - m_stdDevRatioVal, Ratio.Value))
                    if (!PublicFunctions.DoubleEquals(m_cur_pos, 1))
                        m_cur_pos = 1;
                    m_cur_pos = 0;

            m_expAvgRatioVal = m_expAvgRatio.Value;
            m_stdDevRatioVal = Ratio.StandardDeviationCustom(Length, 1);

            if (Environment.ApplicationCode == EApplicationCode.Portfolio)
                int slaveIdx = this.GetFirstStrategyIndexBySymbolName(BarsOfData(2).Info.Name);
                if (slaveIdx < 0)
                    ExecControl.Abort(@"specified slave trader on instrument ""{0}"" not found", BarsOfData(2).Info.Name);

                double money = Math.Abs(m_cur_pos * contracts) * Bars.CloseValue * Bars.Info.BigPointValue;

                if (PublicFunctions.DoubleGreater(money, 0))
                    money = this.FromSymbolToPortfolioCurrency(money);

                PortfolioStrategies[slaveIdx].PortfolioData[MasterMoney] = -m_cur_pos * money;
 protected override void StartCalc()
     if (Environment.ApplicationCode != EApplicationCode.Portfolio)
         ExecControl.Abort("Portfolio Rank Money Management Signal can be applied for MCPortfolio application only.");
     if (PortfolioStrategies.Count < BuyBestX + SellWorstY)
         ExecControl.Abort("Portfolio Rank Monem Management Signal, please check inputs, BuyBestX + SellWorstY should be less or equal to tradeable Instruments number");
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void StartCalc()
            triggerTime = TimeSpan.Parse(TriggerTime);

            if (Environment.ApplicationCode != EApplicationCode.Portfolio)
                ExecControl.Abort("Signal can be applied in portfolio only.");

            m_KRatio.NumberOfDataBarsInCalendarYear = 1; //252;
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void StartCalc()
            // In this method it is specified that the signal is calculated in Portfolio Trader.
            if (Environment.ApplicationCode != EApplicationCode.Portfolio)
                ExecControl.Abort("The signal can be used in MultiCharts Portfolio Trader only.");

            // and initialize the function
            m_RSI.price  = Bars.Close;
            m_RSI.length = RSI_Length;
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void StartCalc()
            if (Environment.ApplicationCode != EApplicationCode.Portfolio)                                  // Verification: the signal is only for the Portfolio Trader
                ExecControl.Abort("The signal can be used in MultiCharts Portfolio Trader only.");

            if (PortfolioStrategies.Count < MaxBest + MaxWorst)                                             // Verification: sum of the inputs should be not more than the total number of the traded symbols
                throw new Exception("Portfolio RSIRankEx_MM Signal, please check inputs, MaxBest + MaxWorst should be less or equal to the number of tradeable instruments");

            if (Bars.Request.TimeZone != RequestTimeZone.Local)
                throw new Exception("The signal can be used only with Local time zone set.");               // Verification: only Local time zone
        protected override void StartCalc()
            CommonPortfolioData["RankStrategyApplied"] = "true";

            if (!IsExist(BasedOnData))
                ExecControl.Abort("Portfolio Rank Signal Base needs datastream {0}." + BasedOnData);
            if (Environment.ApplicationCode != EApplicationCode.Portfolio)
                ExecControl.Abort("Portfolio Rank Signal Base can be applied for MCPortfolio application only.");

            if (TraceOutput)
        protected override void CalcBar()
            if (Environment.ApplicationCode != EApplicationCode.Portfolio)
                ExecControl.Abort("Signal can be applied (as money management) in portfolio only.");
            if (PortfolioStrategies.Count < BuyBestX + SellWorstY)
                    "Portfolio has no enough instruments: instruments number = {0}; BuyBestX = {1}; SellWorstY = {2}",
                    PortfolioStrategies.Count, BuyBestX, SellWorstY);



            for (int idx = 0; idx < PortfolioStrategies.Count; idx++)
                double value = PortfolioStrategies[idx].PortfolioData["RotationalValue"].safe_cast2double();
                bestStrategies.Add(idx, value);
                worstStrategies.Add(idx, value);
                if (TraceOutput)
                    Output.WriteLine("{0}. For {1} strategy value = {2}", Bars.CurrentBar, idx, value);

            bestStrategies  = bestStrategies.OrderByDescending(elem => elem.Value).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.Value);
            worstStrategies = worstStrategies.OrderBy(elem => elem.Value).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.Value);

            if (TraceOutput)
                foreach (var bestElem in bestStrategies)
                    Output.WriteLine("{0}. Best = {1}:{2}.", Bars.CurrentBar, bestElem.Key, bestElem.Value);

            var inLongStrategies = new List <int>();

            this.StrategiesInLong(ref inLongStrategies);

            for (int idx = 0; idx < BuyBestX; idx++)
                if (!inLongStrategies.Contains(bestStrategies.Keys.ElementAt(idx)))
                    PortfolioStrategies[bestStrategies.Keys.ElementAt(idx)].AllowEntriesLong = true;

            var inShortStrategies = new List <int>();

            this.StrategiesInShort(ref inShortStrategies);

            for (int idx = 0; idx < SellWorstY; idx++)
                if (!inShortStrategies.Contains(worstStrategies.Keys.ElementAt(idx)))
                    PortfolioStrategies[worstStrategies.Keys.ElementAt(idx)].AllowEntriesShort = true;

            // money management
            if (UsePortfolioMoneyPcnt)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < BuyBestX; idx++)
                    PortfolioStrategies[bestStrategies.Keys.ElementAt(idx)].EntryContracts =
                        this.CalcContractsForEntry(PortfolioMoneyPcntForEntry, bestStrategies.Keys.ElementAt(idx));

                for (int idx = 0; idx < SellWorstY; idx++)
                    PortfolioStrategies[worstStrategies.Keys.ElementAt(idx)].EntryContracts =
                        this.CalcContractsForEntry(PortfolioMoneyPcntForEntry, worstStrategies.Keys.ElementAt(idx));